A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

Edvard doesn't know how he left the Tornham house, only that he was always confused by the trade-off for love.

Undeniably, Miss Fanny's tenderness did touch his heart, and even made him unknowingly say things he shouldn't.

Those words were intended to comfort Miss Fanny and let her know that he had not intended to deceive her about his feelings in the past. However, Edouard was quite aware that his vague words could be easily misunderstood as a promise of love.

Edwards secretly regretted that he should have asked Draddy for advice on how he should deal with this occasion, Draddy was a master of language, he would have told himself which words to use to get what kind of effect.

Sitting in the carriage, Edwards was always thinking about what he should do with this feeling that Miss Fanny had for him. This was the first time he was thinking properly that it might be a good choice to let Miss Fanny place a place in his life.

Although Miss Landy was the best choice for a wife in his mind, Miss Landy was destined to have her innate duties, as if she was born to continue the lineage of the Medin family to earth.

Apart from Miss Landy, Edward had no object of desire, and after having tasted the greatest pleasure of his life from Lilith, Edward did not think he could stand the temptation of that pleasure.

Lilith is undoubtedly quite a successful teacher of lust, she has managed to train herself to be a true lustful person, and Edvard can hardly imagine the immense pleasure he would bring to him by giving up a life of desolation.

Now there is no longer need to disguise and cover up, Edouard clearly felt that he increasingly enjoys enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, especially after that complete conquest yesterday, his heart originally still deep in the heart of the only trace of shame, completely away from him and away.

Edouard wanted to get home quickly now, Lilith was lying in bed waiting for him to continue his conquest.

Although Edouard did not forget that he had promised Miss Landy in the morning not to torture Lilith again, but it was originally Lilith's duty to serve herself with her flesh for her own pleasure, and it was also her will.

She once said she loved the pleasure men gave her and even regretted that no man could conquer her.

Since Lilith likes the feeling of being conquered, she will completely conquer her and let her enjoy herself.

Edvard did not think he was torturing Lilith, so there was no hint of guilt in his mind.

Back at the cottage, Edouard chatted with Miss Landy for a while in the garden parlor as usual. It could be seen that Miss Landy was indeed a bit tired. At the ball of the Tornham family celebration, Miss Landy was the most popular figure as well as Edward.

Back in the bedroom, Edward took a look at Miss Lilith lying on the bed, frowning, the effects of the psychedelic powder has long passed, it seems that she has endured the pain for a long time. The sheets and stained clothes had already been changed by the maids.

Lilith was wearing a plain nightgown, something she would never have wanted to wear, and now I'm afraid it wasn't of her own volition.

"I'm so uncomfortable!" Miss Lilith, seeing Edouard enter, struggled to her feet and said in pain.

"Do you want me to help you get rid of the pain?" Edvard could well imagine how painful an addiction to psychedelic powders could be when it kicked in.

Even Mr. Hyde like the Avatar and countless times between life and death hovering without fear of the strong, but also the psychedelic powder will be scared, Lilith strong fury is only a weak female, she can boil up to now has been quite good.

"Please, please relieve me of my pain." Lilith threw herself on her knees in front of Edward's eyes, hugging Edward's calf and begging bitterly, Lilith's beautiful, charming face pressed against Edward's ankle and rubbed gently, a look of complete submission.

Seeing this arrogant, uncaring, lecherous woman now become so tame, so submissive, Edouard felt so excited that his chest was filled with an indescribable feeling, as if the whole world was stepping under his feet.

Edvard felt himself filled with power, unstoppable power.

"I can relieve your pain, but I say again, although the pain is relieved this time, the next time it may be even more painful, it is quenching your thirst, are you willing?" Edouard asked, his tone full of laughter, because he knew that Lilith simply could not refuse him.

Sure enough Lilith nodded repeatedly and even kissed the top of Edward's feet, which was a grand salute that even kings could not enjoy, and in Edward's memory it seemed that only devout believers would perform such a grand salute when they saw the pope.

It seems that Lilith has made herself the master of her destiny. This is all the more exciting for Edouard, but the tyranny that grows within him is not satisfied by this.

Edwards refilled Lilith's potion. The potion soon took effect, and Miss Lilith was clearly not in as much pain as she had been. Free from pain and suffering, Miss Lilith returned to her original look, which is one of the things that Edwards hated. Miss Lilith is not a fool, she is also obviously quite aware of her current situation.

She knew very well that she had fallen into the hands of Edouard, she could only be at the mercy of this cruel and crazy teenager, and only obedience could make her suffer less.

Miss Lilith was also quite aware of what would be waiting for her next. She didn't really care about such things anyway. Edouard gagged Miss Lilith tightly with a ribbon. It wasn't that he didn't like to hear Lilith make a sound: rather, he was afraid that Miss Randi would hear him. After all, he had promised Miss Randi not to torture Lilith again.

After everything was set up, Edouard began a stormy conquest of Lilith. Although there was no miserable pleading, but Lilith's tears that flowed all over her cheeks also filled Edwards with a strong sense of conquest.

When the night was late, he once again held tightly to Miss Lilith, who was drenched in weakness, and fell into a deep sleep.

Edwards did not know, when he woke up, only that he was pushed awake by someone else.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Miss Randi standing at the foot of his bed.

And the usual gentle and smooth completely different, today's Miss Landy is full of anger, face does not know because of shame or because of the anger rose red, the body trembled slightly, eyes angry, that anger there is a trace of remorse, a trace of sadness.

And the one who just pushed himself awake was obviously the maid of honor beside Miss Landy, the maid did not look angry, her eyes were fixed dead on the part where Edwards and Lilith met.

"Come out quickly, I have something to say to you." Miss Landy's tone was extremely stern, and Edouard looked a little overwhelmed.

"Don't wake Miss Lilith up!" Miss Randi ordered.

Edwards just had to do as he was told, and he gingerly climbed out of bed.

"Get dressed and I'll wait for you inside the living room." Miss Randi don't turn her body, not wanting to see Edward's ugly face.

The maid eyed Edouard's male parts, which were indeed as majestic as rumored.

Edwards glanced at Lilith lying on the bed. Even in her sleep, Lilith was still shedding tears of grief, her hair was disheveled, and the silk scarf gagged in her mouth was clearly the best proof of her devastation, and Edwards pondered how to explain this to Miss Landy.

Unfortunately, Draddy hadn't told himself how to deal with this situation either. Miss Landy headed out on her own, and it was clear that she was indeed quite angry. Edouard began to dress, but what struck him as odd was that the lady-in-waiting had no intention of leaving.

"I will clean up the place." The maid said in a low voice.

After dressing, Edouard walked toward the garden parlor, the few short steps making him stumble. All sorts of ideas came to his mind, and they were nothing more than how to put off Miss Landy.

Coming inside the living room, Miss Randi's face was turned away from the window. In her face can not see the anger, only endless sorrow.

"Miss Randi, are you angry that I didn't do what you told me to do?" Edouard asked tentatively.

Miss Landy didn't say a word, and only after a moment turned her face to stare at Edouard. "You seem to have forgotten your promise."

Edouard didn't know how best to answer.

"Your behavior is abhorrent to me, and the person I hate more is myself." Miss Randi said sadly.

Edwards is a little confused.

"I rather regret that I didn't tell you some of the things I've learned." Randi said. "I once met Miss Lilith once, back when you were little, and I'm not even sure that I've met you before, after that terrible plague in Southport, and when the danger had passed, I used to go with your 'second uncle' to Southport to visit your 'family', the plague broke all ties, we simply did not know whether the aunt and your 'father and son' were safe. After the plague, Nangang was full of sores, burnt houses and fires lit to disperse the plague, and smoke hung over a city that had just suffered a tragedy. The scene that saddened me the most and touched my heart was that on the hillside outside of Southport, countless orphans who had lost their loved ones were gathered there, living in simple tents made of unburned wood and house tiles, with lime sprinkled on top. I think you should be quite familiar with that scene."

Listen to Miss Landy so a, Edwards recalled the painful experience of a lifetime, when he and every child around the struggle on the edge of death, to live is already their highest wish, every day there are children die, the body was dragged to the bottom of the hill to burn, and living companions without a trace of grief, because every one has been numb.

Miss Landy saw that Edwards was deep in thought and knew she had poked the teenager in the gut.

Miss Landy continued, "Back then, as I recall, those children looked bone-thin from hunger, swollen limbs from lime, and filthy from lack of water."

Miss Landy said somewhat remorsefully, "At that time, I was not too mature, so I was under the impression that I had a surprisingly dirty view of those poor children, and now I think that such thoughts are really unforgivable."

Miss Landy bowed her head and looked incredibly remorseful.

Edwards couldn't resist stepping forward to persuade, "Miss Landy, you can't be blamed for this, anyone would have thought so, at first even we in Southport thought we were a bunch of liability, a pathogen that was useless but could bring the plague again at any time."

"But there is at least one person who does not see it that way, and as far as I know, there is a respectable girl who brings rice flour packets and fresh water to those children every day, and it is this pitifully small amount of food that allows those children to survive, or else those children would have to die of hunger." Miss Randi said.

Edwards recalled the scene when the lady came to them whenever it was about to dusk.

The basket beside her was always filled with rice flour buns, although they were some crude barley mixed with some bran baked out of the cheapest rice flour buns, and some rice flour bun crumbs, but, for them at that time, it was simply the most delicious thing they had ever eaten.

Edouard can even now recall the fragrance and sweetness of the rice flour buns. That's why the dusk hour was always the time they looked forward to the most. Seeing the gentle and quiet sister dip the rice flour packet in water to completely melt, the porridge-like rice flour paste evenly distributed to each child, see the young lady thoughtfully care for her frail brother, while also incidentally for those injured and sick children, cleaning wounds and feeding medicine.

At that time, Edouard wished he had an illness, so he would have the opportunity to be taken care of by this lady.

"Miss Tether is a saintly woman in the hearts of us children." Edouard said sincerely looking at Miss Lundy.

"Is that so?" Miss Landy looked Edwarded in the eyes and said, "But you are cruel enough to treat the saint of your heart with malice? Reward your benefactor with tyrannical ravishment."

"That's impossible?" Edouard felt the sky spinning up, he could not believe what Miss Landy said: "Lilith is that saintly Miss Tether?"

Edouard really can't compare a lecherous and unbelievable prostitute with a pure and good saint.

"But that is true, when I first saw Miss Lilith, I felt déjà vu, Miss Lilith gave me too deep impression, not to mention that Miss Medine will never let an unknown person live in this villa, Mr. Hyde has told Miss Lilith everything to Miss Medine, under the two directions should be confirmed! Miss Lilith is undoubtedly that in your heart like a saint in the existence of the Department of Miss Esther. The terrible plague that took away your parents, it has not taken away Miss Lilith's parents? What's more, she had a frail and sickly brother, who was lucky enough not to be killed by the plague; the disease destroyed his health, but he still survived. Having lost both parents and having a frail brother to support, while the wealthy people of Southport and even the church are taking care of themselves, in such a situation, as a girl what other way is there but to sell her flesh? Miss Lilith originally only needed to take care of her brother alone, she did not need to care about the other children, but her good nature made it impossible for her to abandon the other children who needed help, she used the money from the sale of her flesh to buy food to feed all the children, her kindness moved the merciful Father God, you should know very well, under the shine of this virtue, all the children passed through that terrible plague. Moved by this lady's kindness, besides the high gods, there were also your 'second uncle' and I. After returning to Thurth Castle we asked the old earl to distribute the surplus food from Thurth Castle to Southport, and also sent church priests to Southport to help those who needed to be helped there."

In one breath, Miss Landy told her what she had kept deep in her heart for a long time that she had not mentioned to Edwards.

Hearing everything Miss Landy said, Edward's heart was filled with endless remorse. He felt the sound of thunder ringing in his ears, like the voice of the Father God full of anger and majesty before the heavenly judgment, there was no doubt that he had committed the unpardonable sin.

"What shall I do to atone for my sins?" Edouard asked in a very low voice with his head hanging, he did not even have the courage to face Miss Randi.

"This I do not know, I do not even know how much damage you have caused to Miss Lilith, physical damage is what I have seen with my own eyes, but the psychological trauma is difficult to confirm. I know one thing, Miss Lilith has suffered a huge blow, her most caring and loving brother, ashamed of her identity, left her, which made Miss Lilith very painful, can you imagine how it feels when the closest people leave and abandon you?" Miss Landy said sadly, she lamented in her heart, the fate for Lilith's injustice.

"Please, Miss Landy, show me a clear path, tell me how I can make it up to Miss Lilith, I'm so sorry for her." Edwards begged bitterly, tears flowing down his cheeks, and mixed with the tears was remorse, endless remorse.

Miss Landy looked into Edward's eyes full of sincerity, and it was clear that tyranny had not taken over the teenager's soul. This storm may be able to play an unexpected result, I'm afraid Edwards will never forget, tyranny and cruelty for all the harm.

Perhaps this teenager is still a cold killer, a majestic and unforgiving lord, but, at least he will not be a tyrant who takes pleasure in cruelty and tyranny.

Miss Landy does want Edwarded to be a good lord, and in fact, even Miss Medding is now no longer opposed to making Edwarded the true Lord of Cherbourg, rather than a transitory interim lord.

The aunt had to admit that Edward was the most outstanding lord since the construction of Cherbourg, and Edward sat on the lord's throne for one more day, the prestige of the Medin family would be even more grand. And Miss Landy herself has a selfishness, although she is destined to dedicate everything for the Medin family, but she is after all a woman, she also wants to have a loving husband by her side. And as a woman, the desire for power is not so strong, she is more willing to stay behind her husband, to deal with the details.

This marriage that Miss Medine appointed for herself in the first place? It was purely for the consideration of continuing the bloodline of the Medin family. And she herself only held the idea of sacrifice and accepted the husband in front of her, who was much younger than herself.

For this young husband, who was originally treated merely as a successful con man, she did not have the slightest affection for herself, and could even say that she had no good feelings. But as time went on, she felt more and more that the fabulous Mr. Hyde was clearly not training the teenager in front of her to the standards of a con man.

It was obvious that he had long had the purpose of making Edouard the true master of Cherbourg. Miss Landy felt herself gradually attracted by the endless charm shown by this teenager. However, the tyrannical side that Edward showed made Miss Landy extremely worried.

No one would want to have a tyrant sitting in the lord's seat. Likewise, no wife would want a tyrant to be her husband.

Edward's methods of dealing with Miss Lilith made Miss Randi's heart jump. Although Edwards is still definitely not in a position to exercise these methods on her, but Miss Landy fears that as the tyranny of this little husband's heart grows and spreads further, one day he will become reckless. It is best to eradicate those tyrannies before they become entrenched in Edward's mind.

"Edwards, I can not guarantee that you can get Miss Lilith's forgiveness, but the only person who can make your crime get relief is only Miss Lilith herself, you can only confess to Miss Lilith, only with your sincere apologies to let Miss Lilith forgive you, other than that, I can not make any suggestions." Miss Randi said with a serious heart.

"However, I have brought such great harm to Miss Lilith, and this harm is definitely not something that can be healed overnight. I don't know how I can make Miss Lilith forgive me, and I am more afraid that as soon as Miss Lilith sees my figure, her heart will be filled with hatred for me. Perhaps you, Miss Landy, can explain to Miss Lilith for me and tell her how painful and remorseful my heart is now." Edouard said incomparably nervous.

"I can't do this for you." Miss Landy refused: "You must face Miss Lilith bravely by yourself, and your remorse can only be proved to Miss Lilith by yourself. I can't help you in this matter." With that Miss Randi stood up, she took Edward's hand and walked towards Edward's bedroom.

Walking to the bedroom door, Miss Landy pushed Edward into the room, and then greeted the maid who was cleaning the room and came out. Miss Landy closed the door of the room with her hand.

Edwards went to the bed and looked at Miss Lilith, who was lying on the bed. Miss Lilith has apparently come to her senses, although her eyes are still tightly closed, but her eyelashes twitching slightly. The morning woke up Miss Lilith apparently because the effects of the drug has not yet passed, and feel extremely uncomfortable, but the real time of addiction has not yet come, so she can still tolerate.

A basin of hot water was placed in front of the bed, the stains on Miss Lilith's body had been wiped clean, the sheets had been changed, and Edwards knew that Miss Lilith could not stand the strong stimulation now.

Lying on the bed, Miss Lilith looked helpless. Her face was pale and had long lost its original rosy luster, her hair was draped over the bed, looking so messy and entranced, and her snow-white and delicate torso, which also appeared to lack life, looked as if it were a beautiful statue, not a living woman.

Edwards quietly walked to the head of the bed, knowing that Miss Lilith could sense his movements.

Edouard knelt before the bed, wishing, if possible, to be able to kneel at the feet of Miss Lilith, as she had done to herself yesterday, and to ask her forgiveness with the most solemn courtesy.

And back then, Miss Lilith was originally a saintly general existence in the hearts of their children, and Miss Lilith definitely deserved such a grand ceremony.

"Miss Lilith, you are the Miss Tether back then, isn't that so? Miss Randi has told me everything." Edouard said softly, with a crying voice in his words.

It was the first time he had spoken softly but without a hint of lust with Miss Lilith.

Miss Lilith obviously felt extremely surprised, this is definitely not something she originally imagined, she opened her eyes and stared at Edward.

What Miss Lilith saw was a look of remorse and full of self-recrimination, Edwards that still had a hint of childish lids, hanging teardrops, the original sharp and sharp gaze looked extremely confused, teeth clenched lips, no trace of blood on his face.

Lilith understood everything, in fact, she had originally guessed Edward's true identity, except that Edward's identity as a wizard made Miss Lilith somewhat hesitant.

As far as she knew, Mr. Hyde was not so divine as to be able to have even a wizard at his disposal. So Edward's identity is a bit confusing.

Now it seems that Edwards is a poor child from Southport, and it is one of the poor orphans who had been favored by himself back then. What a blessing! Miss Lilith was in a stirring mood.

Because of this, she suddenly felt an unstoppable addiction coming on to her.

If she did not know Edward's identity, Miss Lilith would have fallen to her knees and asked Edward to relieve her pain. Although know that this is hemlock, but when this can eat away the soul of the pain to her, anything else can not care so much.

Now already know that Edwards is one of those small children who have received their own favors, seeing him and his brother who left in anger because he hated himself, about the same age, Miss Lilith really can not be like last night, kneeling in front of the teenager to pray for him to relieve their pain.

Although Miss Lilith's heart did not want to, but the pain caused by the addiction to the flesh, but she can hardly keep her noble and self-respect identity. When Edouard saw Miss Lilith's painful expression, he knew very well that Miss Lilith's drug addiction had returned.

"Miss Lilith, I have no other way to relieve your pain, I for the first time that irreparable malice, and extraordinary remorse, I only that kind of hemlock to quench your thirst, for you to temporarily relieve your pain, do you need me to ......" Edwards swollen red face asked.

Lilith-san, who was originally indifferent to such things, was equally ashamed to face this teenager who had been cared for and supported by her along with her own brother. This feeling had been completely forgotten by her long ago, but now it suddenly appeared in her heart again.

Miss Lilith nodded shyly, then she would lie down, and she buried her face deep inside the pillow.

Edwards looked at Miss Lilith's appearance, and smoothly straightened Miss Lilith's messy and cascading hair.

That smooth, delicate and lubricated back, as well as the round and upright buttocks, incomparably make Edouard produce a kind of impulse.

Edouard cursed himself for having such dirty thoughts about Miss Lilith.

He took out his wand and carefully injected the potion for Miss Lilith, a task that apparently gave Miss Lilith an unusually strong stimulus.

Edwards drew back his wand, only to see a shiver run through Miss Lilith's body, her brow furrowed.

Edouard took the quilt and gently laid it on Miss Lilith's back.

He knelt before the bed and confessed to Miss Lilith everything he had done, the pain he had caused Miss Lilith, his rage and cruelty. Edouard bitterly asked Miss Lilith to be able to forgive him.

Miss Lilith can completely hear the sincerity in the words of this teenager who was kneeling at the head of the bed whimpering, repenting and asking for her forgiveness. Although Edwards had made her suffer and made her suffer, Lilith's bitter hatred for Edwards had long since gone with the wind with that cry of repentance.

What really makes Miss Lilith sad is that she doesn't know how she should spare this teenager.

It is not to forgive him for the harm he has done to himself, but to forgive him for tearing a bigger and deeper wound in the same place once again when he was gradually letting the wound in his heart heal up.

Lilith originally thought that these years of debauchery, lascivious and disorderly life, has let her forget the pain of her brother spurned her and left her.

Originally she thought that indulging herself in lustful carnal desires had completely anesthetized her spirit, and would never again suffer any harm because of the world's opinion of her, and would never again feel deep remorse for that helpless choice she made back then.

But Lilith now realized that that remorse, that inferiority complex that had almost destroyed her, had never left her body far away. She had never forgotten the curse that fate had placed on her.

The hidden demons that had been buried deep inside were unleashed by the teenager who knelt at the head of the bed and asked for his forgiveness.

What Lilith hated about him was not the pain he inflicted on himself. Compared with the pain of the mind, physical pain is only a moment, and not his cruel and tyrannical methods, those methods were originally taught to him.

Rather, why did this teenager suddenly change his attitude, why did he use tenderness and repentance to dig into the bottomless abyss he had sealed up with lust and surliness.

For Lilith, what she hates most and what she cannot bear is the treatment of sincerity, whether it is love or repentance. Sincerity is like a sunshine, and the "material" used to close the wound deep inside her is the opposite of the nature, like fire and ice.

This sincere flame will dissolve the cold ice and release what is buried underneath it. Lilith did not know how to forgive this teenager. Edwards saw that Miss Lilith did not respond, and gently came to Miss Lilith's ear trying to softly plead.

Surprisingly, when he approached Miss Lilith's side, he heard extremely small and intermittent crying. Edwards although reluctant to use tactics on Miss Lilith, but kneeling on the ground Edwards gradually some thought to understand over. As long as his purpose is sincere, with some means is not uncommon.

Mr. Hyde and the others are no different.

They have used all sorts of tactics to keep this piece of paradise on earth, the paradise of the world, in Nangang.

Thinking about these, Edwards began to think about what ways to let Miss Lilith get rid of the heavy internal pressure.

Although all the means of dealing with women were taught to him by Miss Lilith, however, from the situation in the past two days, it seems that with the help of psychedelic powder, Miss Lilith did not have the means to resist these means.

Edwards gently wrenched Miss Lilith around.

Lilith turned her lids sideways, unwilling to meet Edward's eyes head-on.

Turning Lilith's face around, Edwards saw that Miss Lilith was covered in tears, and he used his tongue to lick them all away.

"Miss Lilith, I really can't find anything else that can compensate you for the harm I've caused you, you are the saint in my heart, once was and now is the same, if you are willing to accept it, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life, my saint!" Edouard said softly, his expression full of unwavering and infinite sincerity.

Lilith's eyes widened at the teenager, though she clearly wasn't surprised that Edwards would say something like that.

"Miss Lilith, there is no effective antidote to the potion that I used on you to cause you great pain. Mr. Hyde once told me that after becoming addicted, the only way to get rid of this terrible potion is to let the body adapt to it fully, little by little, to get rid of the control of the addiction, and that's how he managed to escape the control of the psychedelic powder." Edwards said softly, with the words helpless and shame written on his face.

Miss Lilith obviously some understanding. Edwards lay down next to Lilith, hugged her tightly and said, "I will reduce the amount of potion little by little, and when you feel pain, I will be there to watch over you and take care of you, just like you took care of us back then, let me make up for my faults a little bit. Promise me that you will be my wife."

After saying this, Edouard gently kissed Miss Lilith. A warm stream flowed through Lilith's heart that had been closed by ice. A ray of sunlight shone into the dark and deep bottomless abyss of her heart.

Miss Lilith unexpectedly discovered that it was this promise that she had been expecting, that it was sincere love that she had been dreaming of. Although she clearly felt that there was more of an apology, a kind of compensation, a kind of repayment for the kindness she had received back then, in Edward's love. But it had been the closest thing to true affection she had ever felt.

Lilith also does not think that she can get real love. Perhaps it would be a good thing to have such a little husband. Although that day, Lilith told Eduard that she intended to train Eduard to be her personal owned little manservant, this was partly to taunt and stimulate Eduard in order to satisfy her twisted desires, and on the other hand, she hadn't really thought of it that way.

Now it's a little different from what was originally envisioned, but replacing a privately owned little manservant with an affectionate little husband seems to be more in line with your heart's desire.

Miss Lilith is not a woman who likes to be sentimental. She stared into Edward's eyes trying to see from there how much sincerity was hidden in them.

"Are you really willing to take a w***e as your wife? I have served countless men, and not a single part of my body is clean, all have been used repeatedly, you do not mind at all?" Lilith asked.

"Would you mind having a small-time crook as your husband?" Edouard asked, "What's more, didn't you say that a w***e and a little man-boy make the best marriage combination?"

"What the hell is that stuff you put in my head, and did Hyde ever try this stuff?" Lilith asked.

"This is originally the teacher who taught me magic, taught me to make the psychedelic powder, an extremely dangerous but quite useful magic potion, inside the forest, I was using this thing to save the lives of all." Edwards said: "Mr. Hyde knows a lot about the dangers of this potion, he once got this potion from Mr. Mashik, but the result was devastating, Mr. Hyde's companions all died under this potion, even Mr. Hyde almost lost his life. By the way, Draddy's father was one of Mr. Hyde's companions who died at that time."

"If you know that this potion is so dangerous, why do you still use it on me?" Miss Lilith wrung Edouard fiercely.

Although Edwards almost screamed in pain, but in order to let Miss Lilith to calm down, he had to bare his teeth and grin to endure.

After screwing for a while, Miss Lilith seemed to have lost some of her anger, and only then did Edward said, "You don't think about how hateful you were when you taunted me so mercilessly, not to mention that I didn't know at that time that you were the Miss Tether."

"So, you really want my life!" Miss Lilith said angrily, and with that she turned her head and bit down hard on Edward's shoulder.

This can be different from the finger wringing pinch, Edwards now can not resist shouting and begging for mercy.

"You seem to be very obedient, right? You actually let me bite, but you don't dare to fight back, what is this for? Is it to take it out on me so that I can compensate for the torture I've suffered in the past two days? Or do you want me to forgive you?" Miss Lilith asked with a glare.

"No? Nothing, you are the holy maiden of my heart, I can never forget, back when you were draped in the evening sun of dusk, distributing rice flour packets for us orphans, not to mention you bit me, even if you want to kill me, I will never disobey you." Edouard said sincerely.

Edouard's answer was obviously beyond Lilith's expectations, and she let out a long sigh and turned her face to the side: "The Holy Virgin back then is now a filthy w***e. Moreover, at that time, I distributed rice flour packets to you guys so that you wouldn't bully my brother."

"No." Edouard once again turned Lilith's face around and said, "You just said that none of you are clean, but your heart is pure, and I only need to possess this pure heart."

"Just my heart? Then my body, you don't want it?" Lilith asked with a smile. Edouard was really happy to see Lilith's bright smile, Miss Lilith's heart obviously did not have that shadow just now.

"Are you still willing to let me touch your body?" Edouard asked softly, coming up to Miss Lilith's ear.

Lilith scanned Edwards and said with a smile, "That depends on whether you can take the credit for the injuries you once gave me, you have to take responsibility for those red and swollen parts of my body, you have to reduce the swelling and pain for me."

Edouard agreed and climbed out of bed. He brought over the basin of hot water.

"Don't, can't use hot water, you go and fetch two pots of water, one cold and one hot, you should have seen how I take care of my body." Miss Lilith stopped.

"What is this trouble?" Edvard was puzzled.

"My body is my own and the only thing that truly belongs to me, and I absolutely must cherish it, and I don't want any blemishes left on my wonderful body." Miss Lilith said.

"I had thought that you were suffering this pain all day long just to make a living!" Edouard said.

"Go on, you can't fully understand a woman, don't waste your time." Lilith said with a smile.

Edwards did feel that he had difficulty understanding Miss Lilith, and wondered if Miss Landy was equally so difficult to understand, while Miss Fanny was perhaps not so complicated.

Edouard pushed open the door of the room. To his surprise, there were many people standing outside the door of the room. Not only was Miss Landy standing there, but even the ladies-in-waiting were also standing at the door.

"Just now, the sound of your call came from inside the room, and we wanted to come and see what some of the surprises were." Miss Randi explained with a red face.

"Yes, yes." Those maids also answered in unison.

"Does Miss Landy have hot water, and ice water, the kind Miss Lilith usually always uses." Edwards asked.

"Yes, but?" Miss Landy originally wanted to ask Edouard, now at a time like this, he was still thinking about these things.

But she immediately guessed that it was Miss Lilith's request, and any woman is always most concerned about her own beauty.

Miss Landy said: "However, it may take a while, the ice is in the cellar, and the hot water will have to wait until it boils."

Saying that, Miss Landy ordered the maids to prepare water, while she herself dragged Edwards to the back of the garden parlor.

"You've gotten Miss Lilith to forgive you?" Randi asked softly when she saw no one around.

Edwards nodded.

"How do you plan to settle Miss Lilith? Take her as your wife? Spend your life loving and caring for her?" Miss Landy asked, lowering her voice once more.

"You heard it all at the door?" Edouard said awkwardly.

"I've heard some, but mostly I'm guessing, because there's no more relevant way to do it. Isn't there?" Miss Randi said with a smile.

"Miss Randi, would you ......" Edwards didn't know how to say it properly.

"Miss Lilith deserves to be happy, and, you are also the most qualified and at the same time the most deserving person to give her happiness, don't worry, Miss Lilith and I can be a good pair of sisters completely." Miss Randi said.

Hearing Miss Landy's hint, Edouard was really happy, originally he was most worried that Miss Landy would not be able to accept Miss Lilith, now everything is solved.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on June 25, 2023
Last Updated on June 25, 2023
Tags: Magic



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