A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

If the fire of anger can burn through anything, it must be reason. The roaring rage licked Edward's mind, scorching his heart, his will all into a pile of rubble.

Edwards rubbed Lilith's soft, plump buttocks with great force. He did not move the wand in his hand, little by little into the Lilith buttocks between the seam where. Miss Lilith did not feel Edward's malice towards her, not at all concerned about Edward's actions, the two of them have long been accustomed to this game for fun.

The psychedelic powder solvent entered Miss Lilith's body without a sound. This terrifying and powerful potion immediately wreaked havoc inside Miss Lilith's body.

Edwards did not feel satisfied with this. His shameless hands rubbed and stroked the top of Miss Lilith's voluptuous body, and his nimble tongue licked back and forth on Miss Lilith's bare, jade-like shoulders, sometimes gently devouring the bite.

All this is when Miss Lilith taught him. Edward's left hand originally rested on top of Miss Lilith's plump, upturned breasts, the towering peaks can simply be said to be the world's only masterpiece, and the soft, slippery feeling is perfect. After roaming between the two peaks for a while, that left hand slid downward.

Edwards is well aware that between the chest and abdomen is the most sensitive part of the human body, although that stimulation is not helpful for the lovemaking between men and women, but, if you want to torture a person, there is a rather special but extremely effective way.

Edwards relentlessly tickled and pawed at Miss Lilith's ribs until Miss Lilith asked for mercy and Edwards gave up his attack on her ribs.

Edouard is not because of a soft heart or the anger in his chest has been extinguished, but because he has planned to use another way to torture Lilith, this relentless mockery of him, so he hated the most lustful woman.

Edwards' left hand continued to slide down.

Miss Lilith that smooth and smooth waist, became the battlefield of this shameless hand indulgence, Edwards unmercifully hard kneading, until he was tired of playing here.

He shifted his attention further down, and Edward's left hand stroked skillfully over the small of Lilith's back.

These techniques are also taught to him by Miss Lilith, originally for the stunning beauty itself no effect at all, but in the role of psychedelic powder, Edwards can clearly feel the effect of this technique, he can even feel Miss Lilith abdomen unstoppable trembling and squirming.

Edwards is no longer interested in spending more time in these inconsequential places, his left hand sliding downward, straight to Miss Lilith's vitals. Edward's other hand is not idle, after putting his wand to the side, his right hand never moved away from Lilith's buttocks.

He used all his skills. This was a reward for Miss Lilith's hard teaching. Edouard's hands met one after the other in the place between Miss Lilith's legs. He concentrated on that area and made Miss Lilith pant and moan.

Miss Lilith did have some support, her legs went weak and she collapsed helplessly.

"Am I still a useless man?" Edouard asked softly, originally he wanted to come up to Miss Lilith's ear, however, his figure is really much shorter compared to Miss Lilith.

For him to be able to kiss Miss Lilith's shoulder was already very good. Although Miss Lilith's consciousness was about to be completely destroyed by the psychedelic powder solvent, her consciousness was not yet so comatose that she could not figure out her state.

Miss Lilith is very clear, to Edwards master those means, is not enough to get himself to this wretched situation, this kid must have given himself what drug. However, the ordinary potion is not much effect on yourself at all.

Alerted, Miss Lilith struggled to escape Edward's grasp, but the powerful effects of the psychedelic powder had long since drained the strength from her body.

Miss Lilith felt inexplicably nervous, she had not encountered such a situation where she had no control over the situation at all for a long time, she asked sternly in an apprehensive voice: "What the hell have you done to my body."

Edouard did not reply, he could hear the fear and uneasiness in Miss Lilith's tone, which made him feel smug and excited. He continued to gently touch Lilith's two most sensitive parts with his fingers. To Edward's delight, he could clearly feel Miss Lilith's body twitching. Edwards clamped down hard on Lilith's body that was gradually sliding downward, which was really not an easy job for a teenager of his age.

"Let me go, let me go quickly, please, Edouard, let me go." Lilith begged in a delicate voice.

With her character, this would have been absolutely impossible for the words to come out of her mouth, but Lilith could not stand Edward's wanton torture anymore, her limbs were weak and sore, and a strange feeling consumed her soul, a feeling that had been missing for a long time.

For it, Lilith seems to be extremely familiar, but also seems to be quite unfamiliar, but, somehow there is a feeling of anticipation that suddenly rises, which makes Lilith-san feel extremely scared.

She struggled with the edge of sanity and lust. Suddenly she thought of her own fate with self-loathing. She was nothing but a prostitute in the eyes of men, a s**t who sold her body for money. The men who were passionately pursuing her were merely lusting after the intense excitement she could give them, and although they paid a huge price, they did not get much enjoyment from themselves.

But the pursuit of the hand is obviously the same kind of excitement, and this excitement also makes those men desperately want to pursue a higher level of another kind of excitement. It is for this reason that those men do not spare money. They just want to be able to please themselves, and also just want to be able to please them.

Miss Lilith mused sadly about her past, her present, and perhaps her future. She had never had love or affection, she was just an empty flesh, empty but beautiful flesh. Miss Lilith suddenly realized that she had done everything she could to humiliate Edward in the hope of getting a balance, a poor and pathetic balance, just as she had played with the men.

But how is it that she is not letting those men play? Only this time they played too much.

Miss Lilith finally knew that it was only her luck that she hadn't encountered truly dangerous people before. Those men who willingly let themselves be insulted, subjected to their own ridicule, and took pleasure in it, were all useless fellows. And Edouard, this hateful and frightening brat, was a dangerous fellow trained by the ruthless King of Killers, Kellar himself, and she herself was obviously confused by Edouard's outward image.

There is no denying that Edouard has a handsome face, and it is the kind of soft and timid and somewhat shy and shy girlish handsomeness that was deceived by this face himself, thinking that he was just a liar like Draddy.

A liar who lives in a pretty package, full of useless learning, with a stomach full of tricks, but with weakness and cowardice deep in his spine. This is his own most pathetic blunder.

Miss Lilith has given up the unnecessary struggle, because she knows very well that Kellar will never let go of his prey because of pity, and Edwards is Kellar's disciple, with a killer nature, he must also not let go of himself.

Lilith's struggle has been just a natural reaction of her body, because she does feel extreme pain.

But while struggling, an inexplicable anticipation crept up on her. In a daze, Lilith seems to be looking forward to a storm of destruction to destroy herself in the abyss of desire.

Lilith is really some doubt, before she tried to tease those men, and for fun, really just to seduce them, tease them to satisfy themselves, and to extract from them every share of property?

Did he really tease Edouard, tease this extremely dangerous little killer that Kellar had taught him, just for a momentary outlet? Just to satisfy his own psychological balance?

It's not like you don't know that this innocent and cute looking teenager has actually become the number two powerful figure when it comes to dealing with sudden attacks inside the forest. Most of the sneak attackers died because of him, died under his deadly magic.

Neither Mr. Hyde, nor Draddy, nor Ted, there is no one who does not acknowledge this matter.

What's more, in the church, in that identity confirmation ceremony, he was cleanly killed a high strength magician, that precise killing method even let all the people present are beyond shock.

One could clearly feel that those nobles of Cherbourg who had seen Edouard's cold and ruthless killing methods were full of respect for this young lord heir of theirs after that incident.

And this respect is obviously only a small part because of love or any other positive emotions, more because of fear and fear of Edward, because of the shock of Edward's ruthless methods and his high strength, even the arrogant and domineering known in Thurth Castle and the whole of the southern Fransese Earl of Ravey feel fear.

Knowing all of this, he still provoked him without a care in the world. Was it really just to make myself feel happy by teasing him? Or was it because you were expecting someone to destroy you in a hell of passion and pleasure?

Perhaps this is the best place for her, someone like her who cannot be understood by her beloved ones, a prostitute like her whose flesh has long since become completely numb from all kinds of desires and pleasures. The most painful thing for her is not other things, but her still remaining sanity, which makes her feel endless shame and sorrow.

Edwards did not know the inner thoughts of Miss Lilith, he only knew that Miss Lilith's physical struggle was like a bucket of oil poured on top of his heart's fury, all the humiliation of the past into a relentless determination to retaliate.

Edouard did not carry Miss Lilith to the big, spacious, beautiful bed, because what he needed now was not physical enjoyment, nor was it passion waiting to be vented. Rather, he wanted revenge, revenge for Lilith's relentless mockery, revenge for her arrogance, revenge for her insolence, revenge for her injury to himself.

Edwards chose Miss Lilith's favorite dresser as the "execution" place, where he would torture Lilith. Put Lilith on the dresser, so that her back against the mirror, Edwards hand to Lilith's dress completely lifted between the chest and belly.

The slender waist was exposed, looking at the charming belly button, Edouard felt an urge to even put Miss Lilith down, because she was too beautiful and moving plant, such a beauty should be carefully cared for, not roughly tortured.

But, immediately the bearish anger will be this last trace of mercy, completely burned. Edouard twisted the skirt haphazardly tightly together after a rough hand pulled the corset between the chest and belly, revealing the sharp and upright, plump and soft breasts.

Miss Lilith was almost naked in front of Edward's eyes. Although this is not the first time Edward has seen this beauty, but unlike usual, looking at Miss Lilith's naked and pink torso, Edward is excited for the upcoming conquest.

The moment of punishment had arrived. Edwards relentlessly used everything Miss Lilith had taught him on his beautiful and charming teacher. He never let go of any part of Miss Lilith's body that could bring her strong stimulation, for those sensitive organs that can completely destroy a woman's will, Edwards is extremely thoughtful to serve carefully.

In this narrow torture platform above the torture, Lilith Miss will has been completely broken. But she knew very well that the real storm of torture has not yet begun. As expected, Edwards was not satisfied with eating Lilith inch by inch, only complete conquest, merciless ravaging, to be able to quench the fury in his chest.

And in addition to the anger, more intense is the endless lust. Edvard even felt himself filled with a tyrannical will, a will that surprised Edvard himself was looking for a way to vent.

But what reassured Edward slightly was that he didn't feel the least bit guilty about inflicting this tyranny on the s****y w***e in front of him, and that perhaps this was the best way to avoid hurting others himself. At least Edward himself thinks so.

Although, Edouard's heart was filled with anger and lust that needed to be vented, however, those things Lilith taught him he did not forget. He performed a pure and delicate technique, destroying Lilith's body and will like a true expert.

He used his hands, which seemed to be full of magic, to control Lilith's emotions, making her moan in a mushy voice from the endless indescribable pleasure, howl loudly from the uncontrollable excitement, and cry softly from the unbearable pleasure as well.

Edouard began to conquer, but his conquest was not as stormy, because this kind of rapid conquest is not perfect, nor artistic, not to mention that the object of conquest is Miss Lilith, which will be a protracted war. In fact, Edouard had already decided that even if Lilith surrendered to himself, the conquest would still have to continue completely.

What pleased Edward was that not only did he have a brilliant strategy and tactics, but his army was also formidable and brave. This army of steel was originally trained by Lilith, and then honed by her, naturally brave can not be filed, and now in turn to her to conquer and ravage, which is indeed quite interesting.

Edward finally waited for Lilith's submission and surrender, which filled his heart with joy and pride, but Lilith's bitter plea did not move his heart. Edwards still felt the end, he let Miss Lilith temporarily get a short rest, which is for the next more violent and powerful attack.

He fumbled around inside the drawer under the dresser, removing the tools that had been placed there to aid in his pleasure. Edwards lifted Miss Lilith's limp legs high into the air as his legion reentered their original positions, but this time Edwards maneuvered the wooden weapons and invaded that other accessible traffic lane behind Lilith.

There, because of the deadly psychedelic powder solvent, Edouard did not dare to let his own legions enter. This kind of attack, which can be called the most ferocious, was originally equally ineffective for Lilith, but, because of the psychedelic powder, Edward's relentless attack finally destroyed Miss Lilith's will.

Lilith had originally surrendered, but her stubborn character allowed her to accept only the ability to submit with dignity. Of course, now this beautiful and charming young lady finally could not bear the torture, bitterly pleading with Edward to spare her. That mournful cry, that full of pain has lost dignity of pleading, that sympathetic crying, even able to move a stone man's heart.

However, Edouard did not care about this plea, which was accompanied by a guttural cry, and the plea added to his pride in gaining "male dignity".

Edward continued his conquest. Lilith's voice went from high-pitched and impassioned, gradually became low, and at the end even began to be somewhat terse, and the struggles and tremors of her body went from strong to overwhelming for Edward, and gradually became weak and feeble.

Edvard did not let Lilith go because of this. He was like an experienced executioner, checking all the time to see if Lilith had reached the limit of the pain her body could bear. In Southport, he once saw with his own eyes how these executioners administered punishment to a captured one-legged bandit, and that punishment lasted a whole afternoon.

Edouard carefully tortured Lilith by various means on top of this exquisite torture table.

The top of the dresser was a mess. Edwards refused to let go of Lilith until he felt Lilith's voice grow weak, her body began to convulse, her lid holes became pale, not even a little blood, her body became cold because of sweat, and Edwards felt as if she was a corpse embraced in her arms.

The fire in Edward's chest was finally extinguished, and he picked Lilith up from the water-soaked dresser. Lilith's body had long been limp, her waist was unable to support her upper body, and her hips and thighs were covered with cold and slippery slime.

Fortunately, the bed was right next to him, and Edvard struggled to carry Lilith to the bed, where he slept on his side with Lilith. Although the conquest had stopped, his body did not withdraw from Lilith's body. Everything was no different than usual, except that normally it was Lilith-sama, as the victor, who made the humiliating order to Edouard? It was as if the loser had to serve the victor.

Now it was the first time that Edward had the power to garrison a conquered land as a victor. Lying in bed, Edwards felt for the first time that this was simply wonderful.


In the morning, the first thing Edwards did was to give Lilith a full body massage, while using the flirting and teasing skills taught to him by Lilith, stimulating every inch of Lilith's body and every unusually sensitive part.

Edwards did not forget that when he tested the magic powder on himself, when the effects of the drug passed, the terrible after-effects of the pain brought to him.

After using psychedelic powder, the body's senses will become abnormally sensitive, and any stimulus will be amplified dozens of times, so even a slight discomfort will be amplified into an unbearable pain that torments the will of the person.

Edouard looked at the two red and swollen parts of Miss Lilith's body, one in front and one in back, and thought that there was definitely not a slight discomfort there.

Even Edwards felt his heart was full of tyranny, but this tyranny was applied to Lilith, a w***e whose veins were full of lust and filth, and Edwards did not feel the slightest uneasiness.

Edward's massage and teasing apparently quite effective, when he saw Miss Guangrila that pain but powerless struggle, see her heartbroken suffering to endure the torment of the expression, see that flowing on the cheeks of the roll of tears, Edward some soft heart, but immediately, Lilith once on his humiliation reoccupied his mind.

"You must be unusually sore and want me to give you a massage, don't you?" Edouard gently ran his nails over Miss Lilith's body, knowing full well that this kind of stimulation would make Lilith feel comfortable.

But seeing Lilith's body gently tremble and twitch uncontrollably because of this burst of scratching, it is clear that the stimulation after being amplified has been more than just comfortable.

"Or if you intend to make your body feel better, I can provide a magical potion that will enable you to get rid of the pain, however, the consequence may be that by the time the night comes, you will find even more terrible pain waiting for you, are you willing to accept this hemlock treatment? If you are willing to do so, then blink your eyes." Edouard came up to Lilith's ear and asked in a whisper.

Having said that, he deftly licked Lilith's earlobe, just as Lilith usually liked to do to him.

This small revenge gave Edouard a great sense of satisfaction. Edvard was happy to enjoy the bursts of Lilith-sama's seductive cries, and the big, beautiful eyes that blinked continuously looked charming.

Lilith's response was originally expected by him. This young lady, even if she was stubborn, could not possess the strong will power of Mr. Hyde. Satisfied, Edwards pushed Lilith's legs to his chest.

After wiping his beloved wand from the pile of "toys" on the dresser, Edward re-infused the psychedelic powder solvent into Miss Lilith's body. Satisfied, Edwards let Lilith lie like this, he went to the living room to eat breakfast.

Perhaps because of his good mood, Edward felt that today was a particularly bright spring day. The glorious early morning sunlight slanted in through the living room window, tinting everything with a vibrant layer of color. The fence of flowers in front of the window of the garden living room, enthusiastically blooming bright flowers, the eaves and doorway of the two pots of hanging orchids also look particularly green and lush.

Although it was not the season for orchids to bloom, it was already a rare picture of beauty. As usual, Miss Landy was already waiting there.

In her body wearing a set of blue dress, that is a very light and light blue, and her quiet and elegant temperament, is too match, this plain and elegant dress is not much decoration, only in the edge of a row of lace embroidered. In Edward's opinion, this elegant lace is just right to embellish so a touch of youthfulness, if there is no this flower boast, it is too deep.

Obviously Miss Landy needs to go out today. Edwards looked at Miss Landy, although Lilith and Miss Landy have similar beauty, but, Miss Landy dignified and elegant like a holy angel, a peaceful and slightly shy look at their look, as if a tender and considerate wife is looking at her beloved husband.

At least that's what Edouard thought, and it wasn't something that Lilith, that lecherous, shameless w***e, could compare to. The early morning sunshine, and all these unbelievably beautiful things, so that Edouard restored the original mood. He felt all the anger and lust and the tyranny that could tear and destroy everything away from him, dissipated without a trace.

For him, that evil Edwardian was only targeting Miss Lilith, a shameless, manly b***h, while for Miss Landy, he had nothing but respect and respect. What's more, Miss Landy was destined to be his wife.

Whether it was because of the need to continue the Medin family, or because of the need for a proper name to transfer the power of Cherbourg to the Medin family, Edouard was truly grateful for the arrangement of old Miss Medin.

As usual, Edouard sat down next to Miss Landy and a maid brought up breakfast.

For breakfast, four oysters are served with a thick dip made with honey and lemon.

Although, these things, it does not take a few bites to eat, but, Edwards try to delay the breakfast. It is always so nice to spend time with Miss Landy.

For some reason, Miss Landy always looks like she wants to say something at the dinner table, but that look full of shyness is obviously difficult to say things that can not be said, so Edward can fully guess what Miss Landy wants to say?

It was not difficult to understand. The door to Edward's bedroom was never closed, and Miss Lilith's panting and pleading sounds must have reached Miss Landy's ears. What's more, as an adult, Miss Landy could not be unaware that she and Lilith had done the deed. But as a lady who was raised strictly, of course, these things can not be said.

"Miss Randi, are we going out today?" Edouard asked, finally breaking the unbearably awkward atmosphere.

"Yes, today is the family celebration of the Tornham family, and they invited us to attend." Miss Randi replied.

"A family celebration?" Edouard was puzzled, this was definitely knowledge that Draddy had not taught himself.

Miss Landy was obviously able to guess why Edward was so surprised, it was originally a somewhat unusual thing.

"Centuries ago, on this day, the Tornhams merged by marriage to become what they are now, a deeply influential family in the south of the Franks. Legend has it that on that day, more than a dozen members of the Tornham family donned their wedding gowns and they used the marriage to forge an unbreakable alliance." Miss Randi explained in detail.

"Is it worth sacrificing your happiness for your family?" Edvard asked.

This was originally one thing that he could not understand.

After he had mingled in high society social circles for a long time, he found that the only people who really pursued love and were united because of love were Baron and Mrs. Lonner and his nominal mother, Miss Lissa.

Most marriages have more or less a utilitarian purpose, and in many cases the union is motivated by family interests.

Of course, there were as many marriages of each to the other as there were for the soaring Baron d'Ornell, and it was hard to imagine that there was any element of love between the talented Baron d'Ornell and the ugly, petulant, arrogant Baroness d'Ornell. Miss Randi hesitated, apparently having to think hard before answering the question.

However, in the end, she did not find the exact answer.

Miss Landy said in a low tone: "Perhaps this is the fate that one must carry as a nobleman, to gain a rich life while also having to sacrifice something to maintain one's family. However, the marriage established in order to maintain the family is not just a sacrifice as you think, in most cases, is still quite warm and full of feelings."

After saying this Miss Landy shyly lowered her face and silently enjoyed her breakfast.

Edwards looked at Miss Landy, he speculated whether Miss Landy's words just now were describing herself, in her mind, this marriage contract with herself because of the need to maintain the family, whether it was considered warm and full of feelings?

After breakfast, Edwards and Miss Landy boarded a carriage to the Tornaham family's modest-looking mansion.

Sitting on top of the carriage, Miss Landy tried for half a day before she gathered enough courage to ask in a quiet voice: "Edwards, I ...... I heard yesterday that the ...... inside your room seems not quite the same as usual ...... I heard Miss Lilith's bitter pleading voice, even I, an outsider, have been softened ...... but ...... but you seem to... . like you don't care about that at all ...... Pardon me for begging ...... Edwards, you seem a little cruel."

When she said the last sentence, a look of gravity flashed across Miss Landy's face.

Edwards put his hand gently on Miss Landy's knee and stroked it tenderly, a technique Miss Lilith had taught him.

Although Edouard did not intend to exert his tactics on the beloved Miss Landy, it was clear that there was no more effective way than this now. Sure enough, Miss Landy's stony gaze softened.

"Miss Lilith has been humiliating me. You do not know that she takes pleasure in humiliating men, that she takes pleasure in trampling on the dignity of others, and that she is quite intoxicated by this game, for she can find no other way of giving her sufficient excitement in her degraded and carnal life. I admit that yesterday I did take revenge on Miss Lilith, I think, I have the right to revenge, because I was the object of Miss Lilith vicious humiliation, the most ironic thing is that the means I used to revenge on Miss Lilith, all her hands taught me, she is completely self-inflicted, you do not need to sympathize with her." Edwards said unconcerned.

"In your opinion, Miss Lilith is such a woman? Those descriptions you have for her make me feel uneasy, perhaps you have not noticed that Miss Lilith has a lot of shining merits, perhaps if you really get to know Miss Lilith, you will find that it is not appropriate to describe her with 'depraved' ...... "Miss Randi said softly.

"Okay! Don't mention Miss Lilith anymore!" For the first time, Edouard reprimanded Miss Landy in such a stern voice, but immediately he regretted it.

Edwards felt that tyranny had unconsciously taken root in his heart, and he panicked and apologized to Miss Landy, asking for her forgiveness.

"Will you stop talking about Miss Lilith?" Edvard pleaded.

"Edwards, I really do not want you to become a cruel little tyrant, and you do have a tyrannical element in your temperament, you make people feel afraid, in fact you do not know that there are many people here are quite afraid of you, even Earl of Ravey is careful in front of you. Edwards, you can have majesty, this is good, but do not let tyranny occupy your mind, do not treat Miss Lilith so cruel, there are many things you do not know, one day you will regret it. Promise me that you will treat Miss Lilith well." Miss Landy said softly, the gruff tone was almost a plea.

"As long as it is your request, Miss Randi, I will definitely do it." Edouard promised, "But let's stop discussing Miss Lilith's affairs, shall we? This topic has bored me a little."

Miss Landy heard Edwards say so, knowing that her words had not moved the teenager after all, and she let out a helpless sigh.

"What is the Tornham family celebration like? Is there anything I need to be aware of?" Edouard changed the subject.

"There is nothing special about it, except that there may be one thing that will confuse you. In the Tornham family, the celebration is also a good opportunity for lovers to show their love to each other. You once felt difficult to understand the marriage formed between nobles in order to maintain the family, but the Tornham family can have free love within the family, because the marriage within the family is originally conducive to enhance the cohesion, the Tornham family is quite in favor of free love within the family. " Miss Randi explained.

Hearing Miss Landy say this, Edouard felt another headache, because this was likewise a topic he was rather reluctant to mention. If how he treated Miss Lilith affected his dignity, then the entanglement with Miss Fanny made him feel ashamed.

For Miss Fanny, for this gentle and quiet baron's daughter, he is really full of regret, this regret with the continuation of time, as that lady more and more as her beloved beloved, and become more difficult to release, more heavily pressed on his heart.

What's more, it was really difficult for Edouard to find any way to explain everything to Miss Fanny without hurting her. One always wants to cut off this feeling by that lady's own initiative, which is obviously an extremely selfish idea.

But to say directly to Miss Fanny that he had never liked her, such a thing was something that Edouard could not do in any case.

The sun is still so bright outside and the streets of Cherbourg are still so busy and bustling.

The stallion pulling the carriage still stepped briskly on the flat avenue of Cherbourg, and the buildings around it were still magnificent, but Edouard was no longer in the good mood of the morning.

Emotional worries confused his mind, and guilt and anxiety were torturing his heart like a double dose of bitter medicine.

Edouard sat quietly on top of the carriage, saying nothing until he reached the Tornham family residence.

The Tornham family house is still the original simple and dilapidated appearance, but in the middle of that forest hung with a variety of trinkets. Those ornaments are apparently quite light, Edward suspected that is made of light wood, but, because the outside of the ornaments wrapped in bright satin, so Edward for his guess is not extremely sure.

The ornaments are hanging on those slender branches, swaying and floating with the wind. In addition to the ornaments, there are also silk ribbons and tiny bells hanging on the branches of the trees. Therefore, the woods rang out one after another a clear and pleasant bell.

Under each large tree neatly stacked with beautiful brocade carefully wrapped gift boxes, large and small like a pyramid stacked there. To Edward's surprise, the members of the Tornham family were busy in the woods, while the servants looked rather idle.

Miss Landy explained softly in Edward's ear: "This is the tradition of the Tornham family, in the family celebration of this special day, in order to let every member of the family to remember themselves as the Tornham family's descendants, therefore, in the period before the start of the celebration, most of the work is the male members of the nobleman himself, and how to divide the work is completely by The division of labor was decided by lot. Interestingly, on one occasion, Viscount Tornham, the head of the family, was unfortunate enough to be drawn for a job in the kitchen. As the most authoritative person in the Tornham family, the Viscount had to spend the afternoon peeling potatoes and cutting onions under the direction of the cook, and since then, the Viscount has had a particular hatred for potatoes and onions, which is a well-known anecdote in Cherbourg."

Getting off the carriage, Edwards was immediately greeted with enthusiasm, but he was greeted by a teenager not much older than him, who apparently drew an extremely lucky lot.

Edwards and the young man casually climbing two, he is very much hoping to find a and his age companion, after all, always and those counts, viscounts, barons and other old men to deal with, in the end some boring, and those ladies and their own age, but and they stay together is, Edwards feel like they are those girls watching the general, that feeling is terrible.

Facing such a big man, that teenager is obviously too formal. Because compared with Edwards, that teenager although he thought he was a few years older, but whether from talent or from learning, that teenager is full of inferiority.

In his opinion, he and the young lord lord could not be compared at all.

What's more, the young lord's reputation as a perfectionist also made the teenager fearful that his momentary lapse would give the young lord a bad impression, which would be a great crime.

The boy had heard his father mention several times, he met with the young lord, although he has been careful, trembling and has been well-prepared, but still by the young lord found some imperfections, although the young lord to correct his mistakes, for his sake is a member of the Tornham family, and did not reprimand him, but still made him A cold sweat broke out.

His own father is still like this, how can that teenager cope with it?

For that teenager's restraint, Edwards was certainly able to guess the reason for it.

Edouard thought he'd be better off paying a visit to Viscount Tornham, or even peeling potatoes or onions with him in the kitchen, than facing an overly cautious teenager here.

"Where is the Lord Patriarch? I would like to pay my respects to his elder first." Edouard said pretending to be sincere.

He definitely did not forget those things that Draddy had taught him ...... and the content of the words spoken than, sometimes the tone of speech is in turn more important than the content.

"This ...... this ......" the teenager looked as if he wanted to say something, apparently he had something he was too embarrassed to say, but looking at his expression of forced laughter it seems that this time Viscount Tornham's luck is obviously not good again.

After holding it for a while the teenager finally said, "The patriarch he? Is cleaning the toilet, may, may not be very convenient to see you."

After saying this, the teenager obviously couldn't hold back some more, he wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh out, which is quite a tough thing to do.

Edwards quickly don't turn his body, pretending to look around, as if he was admiring the arrangements inside the hall, and Miss Landy also with the feather folding fan in his hand to gently cover his face, apparently behind the fan is also a look not quite appropriate to show after hearing the news.

"Well ...... well ...... when might Viscount Tornham be available, and will he be working long?" Edouard asked in a serious manner. But even he himself did not know whether he really wanted to know the answer to the question, or to find out how long that Viscount's suffering would last, or whether it was simply a flirtation, a harmless prank.

"This ...... Lord, you should know that we are a large family, a huge family with a large population ......" the teenager explained anxiously.

Hearing him say so, of course, Edwards also understood, I am afraid that this workload, not much easier than peeling horse Inscription potatoes and peeling onions.

I wonder if this time, the Lord Viscount will have an aversion to flush toilets and latrines, that would be a pretty bad thing, unlike horse and potatoes and onions, the toilet is something that is not optional.

Or perhaps the Viscount will use his authority as patriarch to cross the item of toilet washing off the list forever in the lottery. This would be a great contribution to the descendants of the Tornham family, at least.

"So is Baron Henreid here?" Edouard asked.

"The baronet is probably peeling horse-inserted potatoes and cutting onions." The teenager said. Baron Henreid was obviously far less prestigious in the teenager's mind than the lord patriarch, so he had an obvious smile on his face.

Edwards likewise couldn't resist the urge to laugh out loud, but compared to the patriarch's lord, Baron Henreid's job was obviously much more elegant.

"So are there people who are more available? Like working as a gardener or cleaning the stables?" Edvard asked with a smile.

The teenager had obviously understood what Edwards meant.

"The lady and the ladies are inside the lounge upstairs, so you can go upstairs for a chat if you want. By the way, Baron Lonar is also there." The teenager added, "There is also Viscount Relta, they are all invited guests, and later on Lord Fesnan's family will also come."

"Lord Fresnan?" Edouard asked, puzzled.

Suddenly he remembered the man he had met at the banquet at Baron Lonner's forest house, the man called Midnight, who was a man of no aristocratic stature and quite easygoing.

"Lord Fresnan is the nephew of Lord Count Fresnan, but he is simply a completely different person from the Count, and Lord Fresnan is very popular in the Tornham family." That teenager explained.

Edwards heard from the teenager's words that the Tornham family clearly did not have a good feeling about the acting lord lord.

After sending the teenager off on his "family mission", Edwards and Miss Landy walked up to the second floor.

For that lounge that is considered luxurious? They both had been quite familiar with it long ago. But due to the celebration, the inside of the lounge had apparently undergone some redecoration, reducing a sense of elegance and adding some liveliness.

The lamps inside the lounge were covered with bright red glass, which had apparently just been bought, and Edwards guessed that it might be the work of the glass workshop he had built. Numerous ribbons were hanging from the ceiling, and various ornaments were also hanging under the ribbons. The dark blue ribbons against the golden ornaments, simply like the clear summer night sky.

The walls are pasted with beautiful and colorful peacock plumes brought from exotic places, thus appearing rich, noble and elegant.

The table where the cards were played was filled with peeled fruit and snacks, as well as a stack of plates made of cardboard, the fruit being submerged in bowls filled with sugar water to keep them fresh and tasty.

Apparently the Tornham family is quite good at enjoying life and has put a lot of thought into these places.

The floor was covered with a thick brocade carpet, which was obviously a valuable item of some years, and I'm afraid it would only be taken out for use on such a day. This piece of brocade is the best proof of the skillful craftsmanship of the Tor, which is simply a work of art, and only the Tor, a people with special knowledge of artistry and practicality, can produce such a masterpiece.

That is definitely not understood by those vulgar artisans who love to play fancy in Frans. At the far end of the room, where the ladies sat around chatting, all covered with thick camel's wool, cashmere cushions are obviously not suitable for such occasions.

Edouard saw Baron Lonar and Viscount Relta standing on the other side chatting animatedly, accompanied by a member of House Tornham whose name he could not remember, probably a certain baron.

The man's real task was apparently to temporarily replace the babysitter to watch the small children play, a relatively easy job, the children were playing with themselves, not at all in trouble.

Mademoiselle Landry gestured to Edouard to go ahead and say hello to Baron Lonner and Viscount Relta, while she herself walked over to the ladies who were chatting away.

"Baron Lonar, Viscount Relta, how do you do?" Edouard stepped forward and politely paid his respects, just as he had done when he first met Baron Lonner.

The three men who were climbing up and down the street, apparently originally did not notice his arrival, and when they looked back, Baron Lonner and Viscount Relta looked very happy, while the member of the Tornham family looked somewhat indifferent.

But looking at the man's age, I think this gentleman is also a former unrequited love of his "mommy" lost.

Edwards was quite able to understand his indifference to his own attitude.

"Edouard, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing these days?" Baron Ronald asked with concern.

Although, Edouard's identity has long changed, but Baron Lonner's attitude towards him has remained the same. Because in the eyes of Baron Lonner, Edouard is still the same generous and learned young man who took the uncut tea as a gift. The identity of Edouard as the heir of the lord, for the Baron of Lonner, who has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, does not have too much influence.

"I've been so busy with my magic research lately that I just couldn't take the time to visit you and my aunt." Edouard said sincerely.

This time it was his real emotion rather than a disguise, but even if he was really free, he might not visit Baron and Mrs. Lonner, because of the presence of that Miss Fanny.

Edwards' words clearly piqued everyone's interest.

But this time it is not Edwards deliberately trying to draw attention to what he is good at, this little trick of showing off his talent without moving, by now at this time is unnecessary.

Edwards, on the contrary, preferred not to be the center of attention. Edwards climbed into conversation with the two gentlemen about the progress of magical research in order to satisfy the curiosity of these two ordinary people about the incredible and mysterious thing that is magic.

The two knowledgeable adults were completely enthralled by the novelty and mystery of what the teenager said, and even the not-so-friendly member of the Tornham family was immersed in the strange world that they, the ordinary people, had no business being involved in.

"I really want to get things over with quickly and then go back to Ms. Mashik and study magic with one eye on it." Edouard said.

Baron Ronald and Viscount Ralta were stunned at the same time. They could fully understand Edward's words, for the mysterious world of magic was undoubtedly full of endless charm. However, out of selfishness, they did not want to see Edouard give up everything and devote himself to learning magic.

Although he was confident about his daughter's beauty, he was not sure how much more attractive his daughter's beauty was to Edouard than the charm of the magical world of magic.

And, he did hear that the vast majority of those wizards are not married at all! In fact the magicians who know how to enjoy the desires and pleasures of the world are simply a rare breed. He did not want his daughter to live in misfortune, and as a husband, there is nothing more unsuitable than a distinguished magician.

As for Viscount Relta, he was in a different mood. This old man, who is loyal to the Medin family, really wants this young master Edwards to put all his heart and soul into the office of lord.

In fact, exactly as most Thurth Castle officials believe, the old man also has no doubt that he sees the young man in front of him as the best lord ever.

Compared with the Medin family generations of lords, this young master Edwards is undoubtedly the most difficult to serve, because his knowledge is too broad, but also really too smart. What is more tiring is that the young lord heir always wants to do things perfectly, as his subordinates are undoubtedly quite tiring.

As far as Viscount Relta knows, those officials often complain to each other behind their backs, complaining about how hard they work since the young lord is in charge, and how careful and fearful they are every time they report their work to the young lord, lest they overlook something.

However, apart from this only flaw, which I don't know whether it can be called a flaw or not, one cannot find anything else undesirable in the young lord. Even Viscount Relta had to admire that Lord Hyde, how he had taught the young lord so well.

Extensive knowledge and careful and meticulous mind is second to none, what is more powerful is that this young lord seems to have a natural sense of obedience and awe.

In fact, the young lord was as courteous to anyone, and he did not reprimand or punish anyone, but, compared to any of the previous lords of the Medin family, the young lord was undoubtedly much more authoritative.

He did not need to reprimand anyone at all, just a serious look, will be able to make the officers who are reporting feel inexplicably nervous. And his sharp eyes, which often radiated a scintillating cold light, made the crowd feel scared.

No one will forget that when he stood next to the dead magician, that cold and calm, as if he had long been accustomed to taking the lives of others, as well as the cold and icy gaze of the slim looking at the corpse, even a knight of such high rank as himself, felt a hint of fear that could not be suppressed.

Because of this, although His Majesty's confirmation edict has not yet been issued, the young lord has already begun to exercise the authority of the lord, and, moreover, his authority is stronger than that of any of the previous lords.

As a loyal subordinate of the Medin family, Viscount Raelta did hope that this situation would last longer.

"You are the last heir of the Medin family, please consider this matter carefully, although the world of magic is full of charm, however, you have a great responsibility on you." Viscount Relta hurriedly persuaded. Contrary to Baron Lonar, Viscount Relta, who had been loyal to the Medin family for generations, would not treat Edouard as a junior.

"You need not worry." Edouard said persuasively, "I have promised my aunt to do at least a few things before I can be free to learn magic as I wish."

"Oh, can you tell me what the engagements are?" Viscount Relta asked eagerly, rather worried that Edouard would not tell him.

"First I would consolidate the Medin family's position in Cherbourg." Edwards said.

"It's a breeze for you." Viscount Relta said.

The Baron of Lonar and that member of the Tornham family standing beside him also nodded together, and it was clear that this was an indisputable fact.

"Secondly, I have to leave an inherited bloodline for the Medin family." Edwards said.

"This couldn't be better." Viscount Relta and Baron Lonar said at the same time, but the two of them obviously had completely different things in mind.

"Your Excellency must have absolutely no problem in this regard." That member of the Tornham family said coldly.

"The Medin family is thinly sired, and Miss Medin would surely like to have as many heirs as possible, is that not so? Young Master Edwardian?" Viscount Relta asked happily.

"Auntie did have that in mind." Edouard said with some embarrassment.

"Can you let us take the young lord lord?" The voice of a woman speaking came from behind.

Edouard turned to see that in front of him stood four ladies, all figures with whom he was quite familiar.

The one in the lead is the Baroness Lonna, and standing beside her is her closest little sister, the Viscountess Telbo. Behind these two ladies were the two daughters-in-law of the Viscount of Tornham, the owner of this place. For the ladies' request, Baron Lonner and Viscount Relta certainly could not refuse, which is the most basic noble etiquette.

Edouard was dragged by Baroness Lonna to the circle of ladies and women who were chatting.

"Ah, the sun is shining today, it's a rare and beautiful day, now is the best time to enjoy the flowers inside the garden, let's take the children for a walk inside the yard, shall we?" Baroness Henreid suggested.

Those old ladies of course had nothing to say, and the ladies, although they were eager to hear what their mothers had to say to their beloved Prince Charming, the young lord lord, they knew very well that their mothers must have asked something that was not convenient for them to hear.

The girls sarcastically walked out of the lounge led by the elderly ladies.

"Three gentlemen, are you able to go downstairs for a while to rest for a while?" Baroness Ronald asked.

"But, my duty is to watch over the children." The Tornham family member said.

"We'll watch these kids for you. In my opinion, these children are quite quiet and nothing should happen to them." A lady said.

The three men had to comply with the wives' wishes and went to the next small living room to continue their conversation.

"Edouard, I want to ask you something, you can not say if you do not want to answer, but please do not lie to us, has your aunt, Miss Medine, already made some arrangements for you?" Baroness Ronald asked.

Edouard thought for a while, and finally he decided to tell the truth, perhaps this is the best way to make Miss Fanny voluntarily give up.

"Yes, my aunt did arrange everything for me." Edwards said.

"Is it Miss Lundy?" Baroness Ronald asked softly.

Edvard was extremely surprised, he just couldn't imagine how these ladies could possibly know this secret.

Baroness Ronald obviously guessed the doubts in Edward's mind, she said gently: "Perhaps you think it strange how we know this matter, so to speak, it is a kind of intuition, a woman's intuition. You may not have noticed that there are times when you and Miss Landy seem too intimate with each other. We know Miss Landy quite well, Miss Landy is somewhat difficult to get close to because of the influence of Miss Medine since she was a child, and for her to allow you to be so intimate with her, it is entirely conceivable that this is what Miss Medine has instructed her to do. What's more, we know Miss Medine quite well, if Miss Medine decided to do a thing, it will become extremely serious, but also seems extremely stubborn? Sometimes even some unscrupulous, and the only person Miss Medine trusts completely is her childhood support Miss Landy."

"If, for example, Miss Medine simply needed an heir to the Medine bloodline, there is no reason why she would not make use of Miss Randi, the most trustworthy person around, but leave you to obtain an heir through a long and unsure relationship and marriage with a girl she does not know, is there not?" Madame Telbo interjected.

Edouard felt dumbfounded when he heard these words. He had never thought that the so-called secrets could be so easily demolished, no wonder Draddy had cautioned himself that habits developed over the years were the easiest things to use to testify against a person's identity.

"Don't worry, we will definitely not spread it around." Mrs. Ronald reassured.

"Edouard, can you tell us how you and Miss Medine agreed? We guess that Miss Medine will never let Miss Landy leave her side, and, after you leave Thurth Castle, the person who really acts for all the things in Thurth Castle and is responsible for teaching the next generation of lords is Miss Landy, right?" Lady Ronald asked.

"This ...... is as you guessed, I no longer need to add anything more." Edouard said, secretly amazed at how good these noblewomen were, in front of whom there were simply no secrets to be kept.

"Our main concern is how you will choose a life partner with whom you will spend your life together? Please forgive us for our selfishness, we must think of our daughter." Mrs. Telbo said.

"I haven't really thought about these things, and for me, there's no time to think about the relationship side of things right now." Edwards replied.

"Edwards, we would also like to ask you a question that might embarrass you, well ...... would you prefer to have physical pleasure as opposed to emotional access?" Mrs. Turber asked.

As the lady said, Edouard was indeed quite embarrassed, and he squirmed uneasily.

"Our family does not lack the kind of pleasure you speak of, but a body without a soul is only an empty shell, and no one knows this matter better than our family, but perhaps your ladies will see me as a lecherous defiler like the ancestors of my family through the ages, and I will ask the woman I love to accept all the pleasures I have to give her, both emotionally and physically She will not be an angel of purity and loveliness on high, but a degenerate who indulges in lust and pleasure with me." Edouard said, he ultimately intended to scare away the ladies who had illusions about him.

"The Tatneys have a different kind of family tradition." Mrs. Telbo said with a smile.

Many of those other ladies also used the feather fan in their hands to gently cover their faces, apparently they were also secretly laughing. However, apparently this is not the contemptuous sneer that flowed from those men when they heard all this, apparently the ladies do not regard these things as unpardonable evil.

"I heard that you have a stunning beauty with you, is she the one you get pleasure from?" A lady asked.

This was another extremely awkward question, but Edwards did not find it so difficult to answer, he said: "Our family has a strong need for pleasure, and I am a little different, grandfather knows me quite well, so he gave me Miss Lilith."

"Won't this have an effect on your magic practice? As far as we know, most magicians are thankful for women." Mrs. Telbo asked tentatively.

"My teacher didn't say that. Lust is harmful to magical practice, and if that were the case, Mashik-sensei would surely have warned me." Edouard said.

"Edouard, thank you for satisfying the curiosity of us women, will you be able to call back the old lady and the ladies for us? I think they have had enough activity, and it is very cool now, and staying in the midst of the garden for a long time may make them ill." Lady Ronald sent Edouard out of the lounge, and it was clear that the ladies needed peace and quiet to discuss some matters.

Edouard obediently walked out of the room, he took a member of the Tornham family by faith and relayed the ladies' orders to him. The gentleman dutifully ran down the stairs toward the distant garden.

Edwards was wandering alone in the Tornaham residence, not wanting to chat with Baron Lonner and the ladies, who obviously had a lot to discuss, but going back to the lounge was not only embarrassing, but, in all likelihood, he would not be welcomed. Bored, Edouard asked one of the attendants to take him into the study.

Tornham family study in the middle of the second floor, the interior decoration is not bad, smooth to a thick layer of wax on the hardwood floor, covered with gray cashmere carpet, six or seven long rows of bookcases on both sides are filled with a variety of books.

This study is apparently often organized, so those books are placed quite neatly, and divided into categories almost nothing wrong, surrounded by a circle of sofas, seat cushions like a large pillow stuffed with cotton. Probably because of the large population, the study is extremely spacious, and the variety of books is extremely rich, but unfortunately here can not see any more advanced books.

"This is the public study, which holds those extremely common books, and the important members of the family have their own study." That attendant explained.

Edward felt that this method is quite good, if there is also a public study in Southport, for the original himself is undoubtedly a heavenly existence. Although the proprietor, Mr. Matilde, was generous, he never lent books to others, and it was impossible to lend them to himself. Edouard sent the waiter out, and he instructed him not to disturb him unless their family celebration began.

In the study, Edwards flipped through this book and looked at that book, but it was quite suitable to pass the time, until someone finally came into the study in the evening and invited him to go inside the hall.

In the middle of the hall, the members of the Tornham family were gathered together. Edwards now finally understood why the Tornham family was called the largest family in the south of Frans.

This family is indeed said to be flourishing, the main members with titles alone are dozens of people, plus their wives and children, already a large group, not to mention those members without titles.

Edwards guessed that those who needed to draw lots were probably those with titles of the Tornham family, or else? I'm afraid the jobs in this huge mansion are simply not enough to allocate. According to such a large population of the Tornham family, each toilet may be able to assign at least two or three gentlemen to scrub together.

To be honest, Edouard stood next to Viscount Tornham and smelled the strong perfume coming from him. Apparently, the patriarch used all the perfumes he could find, and I'm afraid that, in the coming month, those ladies of the Tornham family will be complaining because they have no perfume to use.

The Tornham family's celebration was undoubtedly quite lively, as everyone was familiar with each other and therefore did not seem at all formal. Another thing that made Edwards feel interesting was that the Tornham family celebration, the ball and the banquet were held together, there were no waiters walking around with drinks and food in their hands, and there were no chairs placed in front of the table.

If you want something to eat, you can go to the long table on one side of the hall and choose your own food. The table is full of all kinds of delicious food, and it is clear that the Tornham family is willing to spend money on these pleasures.

In addition to the food, there are also plates and knives and forks on the table, and there are always clean bowls and spoons next to the soup. Like the food, the tableware is also ready to use? Dirty plates are put into a large wooden basin on the side, and someone will naturally take away the used plates from the basin, and someone will always put the clean dishes back on the table.

However, this is only for others, the Tornham family has prepared a special feast for Edward. This is not because of Edward's status as a lord, but because of the distinctive eating habits inherited from the old Earl of Medin.

Almost all noble families in Cherbourg know that the old Earl of Medin and his beautiful and charming daughter, will be a variety of "shells" as their staple food, more squid as the most beloved delicacy.

The shells were better, while the squid was a food that most people would never dare to appreciate, and dinner with the old lord and his daughter was not a pleasant thing to remember. Watching these two chew the ugly tentacles of the squid with relish, for some people with weak nerves, it is quite a test of will.

One of the things that no one in Cherbourg knows is that this peculiar habit of the old count and the count's daughter has apparently been passed on unchanged to the present revered young lord.

In one corner of the hall hung a curtain, behind which there was an elaborate table and chairs for the exclusive use of the distinguished young lord. Miss Fanny and Miss Lizzy had intended to accompany Edwarded, and no doubt the ladies had ordered something to them inside the lounge.

But their spirits were obviously not strong enough, and when they saw the blackened dishes cooked in squid juice, and the one curled, stretched and twisted squid tentacles, the two little girls fled from inside the corner with grim faces. And this immediately became the most attractive topic of conversation at the ball.

Compared to the young lord's extensive knowledge, the majesty that makes many people tremble, and his identity as a magician, his despicable lineage as a member of the Tatnis family, and the amazing charm he inherited from the beautiful and charming mother of the earl, as well as the recipes that are not to be complimented, are more likely to be the subject of gossip.

The members of the Tornham family were there in groups, laughing lightly about the young lord's eccentricities, and Fanny and Christine were undoubtedly the object of good-natured laughter, although not everyone took it all as amusing.

In this family, Viscount Turbot obviously has many allies who share his views, and they have absolutely no affection for the Byernte bloodline that runs through Edouard, but they have no objection to the "fetish" inherited from Lady Lissa.

Viscount Turbo stood in one corner of the hall, and a little in front of them, Viscount Tornham and Viscount Leerta were like two stern guards, keeping the "dangerous elements" who might ruin the atmosphere of the celebration in that corner away from the young lord. The other members of the Tornham family who were loyal to the young lord were chatting with Viscount Holbo and the others, obviously trying to distract these "dangerous people".

But that was almost impossible, as Viscount Toerbo's eyes blazed as he watched his daughter dance with the little s**t, any intimate gesture capable of eliciting a low roar of anger from the Viscount.

He really didn't understand why Baron Lonner allowed his daughter to get so close to that little lecher, and he couldn't possibly not know how shameless the descendants of the Byrnts were.

What he couldn't figure out was why so many people were secretly encouraging and helping these two brainless little girls to pursue this prince charming whose crotch lance was unbelievably sharp, and these people actually included his own wife and the two gentle but stubborn father-in-laws and mother-in-laws, who were not people who were greedy for riches.

Viscount Turbot felt both anger and anger, and he was only able to vent his discontent with his like-minded allies by sneering at them. And by the people's love Edward, but would rather appear one or two as Viscount Terbo such a character, or even drive him out of the Tornham family house, but also than now so increasingly entangled much better.

Edouard clearly felt that what the ladies inside the lounge said to his daughter was not an exhortation or a warning, but apparently an encouragement or even an encouragement. What made him feel even more helpless was that he found no way to reject the young girl's affection without hurting the beautiful, gentle and expectant girl.

And in Miss Fanny's body, Edwards seems to see a glimpse of Miss Landy's figure, although compared with Miss Landy, Fanny still seems very immature, more lacking in the kind of spring like rain nourishing and influencing the charm of others. However, Miss Landy is destined to be his wife, Miss Landy is also destined not to stay by his side forever, because Miss Landy's shoulders on one side of the prosperity of Thurth Castle and even the whole of the southern Franks, and on the other shoulder the future fate of the Medin family.

This double pressure makes her have no freedom at all, no power to dictate her own destiny. Perhaps, Miss Fanny as a companion to spend all day with herself is also a good choice.

But Edwards immediately deeply regretted that he actually had such a thought, treating Miss Fanny as a substitute for Miss Landy, which is obviously too disrespectful to Miss Fanny, leaving aside the fact that the baron's daughter and Miss Landy know each other in character, Miss Fanny herself also has its own unique charm.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on June 25, 2023
Last Updated on June 25, 2023
Tags: Magic



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