A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

After Edward put the last material into the crucible, he began to pack up the things on the table. The precision scales used to weigh the materials were definitely not well maintained, and the small pieces of paper spread out on the table had to be gathered and destroyed, those pieces of paper were covered with scraps of materials, and these magical materials were extremely dangerous for those who were not familiar with them. The beakers and flasks also need to be cleaned, they will be used tomorrow.

After tidying up the things on the table, Edward took a look at the fuel in the furnace, is not enough to burn until tomorrow morning, the answer was to his satisfaction, Edward took the asbestos cover placed on the side, the furnace together with the crucible covered up, to avoid fire.

After all this, Edwards walked to the other side of the laboratory, where there are eight or nine glass pieced into the box. Boxes around the tightly closed, inside a variety of strange creatures, there are insects, but also reptiles. In the pile of glass boxes next to a cabinet full of drawers, that is Edwards had someone custom-made in accordance with his design.

Edwards carefully observed these strange little creatures, these are the trophies he found from the unlucky wizard he killed. As long as the thought of that day, Edwards still can not help but tremble with fear.

It was really too dangerous that day, and the magician he killed didn't know how many times more skillful he was. This magician had actually cultivated such a large number of magical creatures, and several of them were quite dangerous. To have such an achievement, this unlucky fellow must have been a fairly advanced summoner.

These magical creatures were originally forced into hibernation by the magician with mysterious magic, and those blood wasps, because of the short duration of action of the psychedelic powder, so Edwards had to dispose of them all.

In fact, Edwards originally did not know that this is the wisest choice, those blood bees are extremely dangerous creatures, and, the magician in order to deal with a powerful opponent, he brought a large number of blood bees, which even has a female bee, as long as he would be able to breed this bloodthirsty and very aggressive magical bees in large numbers in Thurth Castle.

For such a rich fortune, Edwards did not know what to do with it, and the only one he could ask was his teacher, the Mashik wizard. For this reason, he specifically went on a trip to the laboratory left behind by his teacher located near Pitonshire.

It wasn't a close journey, but there was nothing to be done about it. Quite fortunately, the teacher immediately noticed the message he passed on.

After all, at his age and having studied magic for only a short period of time, he was able to sense the presence of magical spirits in the natural world, which is quite a remarkable thing, and most magicians may not be able to do this after a lifetime of study.

Because of this, the old magician decided to teach Edward a kind of, for him like just started to learn magic apprentice, still a little too early magic manufacturing a magic mirror. Of course, with Edward's magic power simply can not harness the real magic mirror, want to transmit the message to distant places, the magic power needed to spend although not talk about huge, but definitely not Edward now has.

However, if the message is only delivered to the laboratory deep in the Butte Forest, Edward's bit of magic power is already enough. In this way, if anything happens, Edward will not need to rush to the laboratory one at a time. He didn't even think about what Mr. Mashik said, that this kind of magic was too difficult for him now, and his chance of success was less than ten percent.

Edwards will not care about this, ten percent and what does it matter, optimistic to think, he did a hundred times at least ten times, that has been quite good, in fact, he only need to succeed once is enough. From the laboratory to get the materials, Edwards had to let Ted the next day, and then drive the carriage to run a trip, because the materials forget, those beakers, flasks and so on, the volume and large, and very fragile and easy to break, he rode a horse really can not bring.

However, it is not good to let others know where the laboratory is, so Edwards put the equipment and materials in Baron Ronald's forest house. Baron Ronald has long since ceased to live in that villa. Since the end of the ceremony, all the members of the first few members of the Martial family have left the place where they originally belonged.

Cherbourg suddenly vacated a large number of positions, those positions were originally held by the Matil family. Since there are seats vacant, of course, someone has to fill them. Several powerful families left behind in Cherbourg unannounced to divide these vacancies. Baron Ronald is not a member of these powerful families, but, to be in power in Cherbourg, which one will be a fool? How could they not see the relationship between Baron Ronald and Edward and the Hyde family?

The best position must of course be reserved for Mr. Baron. However, Baron Lonner, who was accustomed to a life of leisure, was no longer interested in high office, so he dismissed those positions of high authority but had to be busy with official duties all day, and accepted the title of financial advisor. Since he was an official, he had to live in Cherbourg, and the cottage in the forest of Barth, which was full of happy and poor memories, was vacated.

Baron Ronald did not intend to be the villa deserted, in addition to emotional reasons, he never forgot that the three great people's signatures and the house deed, although it looks unobtrusive, but absolutely shocking, not to mention that the statue inlaid inside the incremental wall, leaving an indelible impression on many people.

Such a villa is full of mystery and long history, how can it be abandoned? Therefore, the villa was given to the old housekeeper's son to take care of, and everything was maintained in its original appearance. The old butler's son was of course very familiar with Edward, and he did everything he was told to do.

After returning from the lab, Edouard was excited for three whole days, but the rest of the day was quite a headache. As Masek teacher once said, manufacturing magic mirror for him is indeed too difficult a little. Not to mention other things, the production of glass alone is not so simple.

The purity of the glass needed to make the magic mirror is extremely high, and it must be evenly dissolved in the powder of several rare metals. Although, Mr. Mashik told himself in detail, the production of each step and the key, but, according to the method described in the book to do, is not an extremely easy thing, the book can not be every thing in detail to record in it, and Edwards once did the magic experiment is only refining psychedelic powder, this little experience is completely insufficient.

This is why Edwards racked his brain, fortunately, he is now the heir to the lordship, as long as the king's royal decree of recognition, he will become the rightful lord of Thurth Castle. Who would want to offend a magician. The most important thing is that, in the opinion of all the nobles, Edouard is the most learned and talented of all the lords, but his temperament is definitely not as kind as the lords of the past.

On the day of the ceremony, Edouard did not hesitate to fight back, and instantly killed the scene of the wizard, deeply engraved in the hearts of every nobleman, not to mention, when everything is over, the Lord of the young lord that no reaction to the indifferent look at the dead, can prove that this is not the first time the Lord of the young lord killed.

In Thurth Castle, a place that has always been calm and quiet, even like Earl Reeves such a knight, there is not much opportunity to kill, except for the recent days, before Thurth Castle has never been so much bloodshed, therefore, the hands of blood-stained knights, in Thurth Castle is not a lot.

And their young lord is obviously a character who climbed out of the asura of life and death struggle, his combat skills may not be placed in the eyes of a senior knight like Count Levy, but Count Levy is absolutely sure that if he and the young lord are placed on the bloody battlefield, who is more likely to survive.

Because of this, the people of Cherbourg absolutely did not dare to disobey the orders of Little Lord Edward. The first order that Edward issued in Fort Thurth was to collect those glassmakers in Southport and let them help themselves to make glass. But outsiders will never know that the little lord is only for his own magic experiments.

It seemed to everyone that the lord wanted to make Cherbourg the center of glass manufacturing in the Kingdom of Franshi, and even to free the lucrative glass products trade from the control of Yirei. If this could be done, Cherbourg would immediately become the center of the economy of the Kingdom of Franz. Because everyone was thinking in this way, they did their work quite vigorously.

The matter is not difficult to gather glassmakers from Southport. Glass trading was originally the largest transaction in Southport, and most of the merchants in Southport are engaged in this business. And glass is an extremely easy to break items, even when the wind is calm, the glassware shipped from Yirei will always have one or two pieces of damage.

Those broken more serious, only to be able to completely dissolve away after re-made into glassware. As for the slightly damaged ones, they can still be sold after repair. This is a way for the merchants to reduce the loss to a minimum. Because of this, glassmakers and glass workshops abound in Southport. However, the level of glass making in Nangang is not high, not to mention far from Yirei, even those glass makers in the capital are better than them. Therefore, to improve the level of glass making in Nangang was originally one of the most enthusiastic things of the joint Chamber of Commerce of Nangang.

Edward's proposal was extremely attractive not only to the nobles of Cherbourg, but also to the merchants of Southport, who were excited. Therefore, personnel and funds are not a problem at all. For Edwards, he may not care about these things, the only thing he has to do is to teach those workers to make the glass he needs according to the method that Mr. Mashik told himself. Of course, in those workers can make decent to his satisfaction before the glass, he will never out those precious rare metals to let these glassmakers waste. So rare metals, he replaced with lead, copper and other cheap metals.

The glass manufacturing methods left behind by the Mosaic magicians are certainly not comparable to those of the usual glass making methods. Although the craftsmen were also raw hands, the quality of the glass produced was definitely not inferior to that of the glass products of Yirei, not to mention the glass products produced in Franz. For this reason, the whole of Cherbourg and Southport jointly held a very solemn ceremony to celebrate.

Almost everyone was extremely satisfied with the glassware. The reason why I say almost every one, that is because at least one person is not satisfied at all, and that is little Lord Edwards. In Edward's opinion, the glass was still substandard. He had to order the craftsmen again and again to refine new glass, and for the production process of each step have extremely strict requirements, do not allow those craftsmen to have the slightest error.

People who did not know Edward's true intentions secretly crowned him as a perfectionist who was meticulous in his work and made sure that everything was done perfectly. And since then, every official who came to report to Edward's work was fearful of making the slightest mistake to make the young lord feel dissatisfied.

In fact, except for the glass making, for other official business, Edward did not have much interest, anyway, according to the agreement between Mr. Hyde and Miss Medine, he sat in the seat of the lord is just a passing, the power of the lord will eventually be handed over to others. Therefore, most of the official business, he left to Miss Randi to handle.

Under Edward's high pressure (at least the onlookers and the glassmakers thought so). Finally, the quality of the glass reached the level of Edward's satisfaction. After mastering all the tricks, Edward made his own magic glass in the laboratory, and the next job was much simpler, making the sterling silver into a flat and even thickness sheet, and polishing the side that needed to fit together with the glass into a mirror surface, for Edward, it just took more work.

The only thing that was very difficult was to carve those mysterious spells on the corners of the mirror and the back of the mirror. After failing dozens of times, Edwards finally completed this difficult work. However, the original more than one person high a meter and a half wide large mirror, now only than the girl to comb the hair of the kind can be held in the hands of the dressing mirror is not big, after all, the back of the mirror carved bad, as long as the sterling silver slightly coated repair can be, but the glass will have to cut off the entire edge, failed so many times, of course, have to, the mirror has become so small piece.

But for this reason Edwards was still excited for a whole day. With the magic mirror, it was much easier for Edward to contact Mr. Masek. The first week after the success of the magic mirror, with the help of Ms. Masek, Edwards will fall asleep in the magical creatures awakened one by one.

The teacher of Massek let him do so, but not want to make Edouard become a summoner, he himself is an alchemist, for summoning does not know a lot, and want to control those magical creatures is not so simple a thing. But alchemists can be called the most erudite group of magicians, and Mashik magician is the best of the alchemists, for those magical creatures, he has a very deep understanding.

So he encouraged Edward to raise these magical creatures and observe their characteristics and habits, which is also a kind of practice for an alchemist. For any magical practice, Edouard was full of interest, and he followed his teacher's instructions, waking up the creatures and raising them in a box made of glass.

Feeding the magical creatures regularly and recording their daily habits became an important part of Edward's work. Another benefit of making a magic mirror was that Edward's progress in learning magic was greatly enhanced. After understanding the more advanced magical knowledge, it was much easier to learn the less advanced knowledge in turn.

What's more, with the magic mirror by his side, Eduard could immediately ask his distant teacher, Mr. Masek, if he didn't understand something. Because of this, Edward spent most of the day in the laboratory.

Whenever he came out of the lab it was always late. Another important reason why Edward was like this, besides his thirst for magical knowledge, was that he didn't want to go back to his bedroom too early.

Recently, the Lilith lady more and more let Edward feel annoyed. Although, this lady can be called the beauty of the earth, Edward was able to get indescribable pleasure from her every time, that is simply the pleasure of heaven can not enjoy. However, Miss Lilith's tongue has made Edward simply can not stand.

Now Edwards is long gone from the old days of the small shopkeeper in the city of Southport, although, the deference and respect of the nobles did not make him feel complacent and feel that he was already a man above the people, nor did he see himself as the possessor of the south of Franks. For Edouard, Mr. Hyde was still the elder he respected and admired most, Kellar was always the one he feared most, and Draddy was always the teacher who gave him guidance in addition to magic.

In addition to these people whom he was originally quite familiar with. That old Miss Medine was also a figure he respected. And Miss Landy, for Miss Landy, Edward's heart was filled with a different kind of feelings. Miss Landy was destined to be his wife, although this was originally part of the agreement set by the old Miss Meding and Mr. Hyde, but Edward himself was very fond of Miss Landy.

Miss Landy is noble and elegant, but without the kind of pettiness of ordinary noble ladies, she has a noble lineage did not bring much happiness to her childhood, but gave her a gentle and considerate, tolerant and kind character. Old Miss Meddin's training gave her a high level of learning and elegance, and like Mr. Hyde, the old lady was also a successful educator. All this made Miss Landy seem so perfect.

To Miss Randi, in addition to seeing her as a gentle wife, Edward was also a gracious sister (at least for now), as well as secretary and chief advisor. All of these people were respected and loved by Edward. With Miss Lilith, it was the exact opposite. In fact, Miss Lilith rather really is his woman, at least Edward and Miss Lilith in the flesh has reached a considerable degree of understanding.

Edvard had to admit that Miss Lilith had taught him many things, many things that interested him very much. Edvard also had to admit that Miss Lilith's flawless body allowed him to enjoy pleasures that ordinary people could not even imagine. However, Edouard could not stand Miss Lilith's taunts more and more. Although Edouard did not care about the flattery and awe of those nobles and officials, however, hearing more and more would inevitably have a certain impact on the aspect of his personality.

What's more, Edwards was rarely mocked by others, Aunt Betty, Uncle Kaul always cared and took care of himself, as for Draddy and Kellar, if they thought they had done something wrong, they would use more direct and effective ways to make themselves understand everything, Edwards on the contrary, he liked this kind of dry approach, in his mind, doing the wrong thing should be punished, this is the right thing to do Things, as for Mr. Hyde, his approach is even more brilliant, he is always able to unknowingly make himself know, what is right.

In Edwards' impression of having taunted himself, in addition to Miss Lilith, there was only the hunchback inside the store in Southport. And that hunchback was originally one of Edward's most hated people. Now there is another Miss Lilith on Edward's hate list.

After the lab was cleaned up, Edwards walked out of the lab, it was already dark outside, the night sky shone with a little starlight, the moon had climbed up to the branches were trying to fly higher. For Edwards the pair of night eyes, the moon and stars shining night, and the day is no different, when Kellar trained himself, his definition of night will never include the moon night, even the twinkling starlight for him, it has been too bright, bright enough to make him disgusted. So when he trained Edwards, he would never give Edwards a little light.

The laboratory is some distance away from the villa, because old Miss Medine does not want to live with a bunch of bugs inside a house. Since those blood wasps gave her a bad feeling, old Miss hates insects even more, she hates all insects.

The laboratory is the second product of Edward's implementation of the lord's prerogative, but as far as he knows, the real out-of-pocket seems to be the Southport Chamber of Commerce United, the laboratory is a little token of their filial piety to themselves. Edwards does not know, this matter inside there is no Mr. Maier Dauphin's part, but, understanding the inside he must not come to pat himself on the back.

Back inside the villa, Edouard headed straight for his bedroom. The bedroom was still the same, and old Miss Medine did not give herself any preferential treatment. Inside the villa, the only places he could go were his bedroom and the garden living room at the back. However, Edward's bedroom has become unlike the original one.

Since Miss Lilith moved in and Edward moved out on his own, Miss Lilith redecorated the bedroom. Edward still goes back to the bedroom every day, not to sleep, but to take lessons, to learn how to be a playboy from Miss Lilith, or to have some fun, to enjoy Miss Lilith's superb skills and flawless flesh.

The bedroom now, long ago, is not the original humble appearance, now here even to entertain a king, are perfectly fine. The ceiling of the bedroom was painted with a huge zenith painting, which came from the hand of the most brilliant painter in Southport. A huge crystal ceiling was placed under the ceiling, and in order to transport this much wider than the door into the bedroom, the ceiling had to be removed and put back together again after it was taken into the bedroom.

Hundreds of crystal pendants glittered dazzlingly in the light. The walls of the bedroom were wrapped with the best teak wood, and the center was inlaid with gorgeous and colorful sculptural wall hangings in gold powder paint. The bedroom was originally not large because the wall with the window had been completely knocked down long ago, where six large floor-to-ceiling windows were installed, so it seemed much more open.

The furniture inside the bedroom did not increase much, still only a closet, a bed, that low cabinet is now replaced with a dressing table, but all this furniture is not at all comparable to those rough and simple things before. The closet occupies almost a whole wall, carved mahogany, also inlaid with colorful jade.

Miss Lilith's dresser and high and large, the upper part of the dresser in a semi-circle with three more than a person high mirror, the table surface is one and a half meters wide, one meter deep, Edouard estimated that he lay on it also no problem, the lower part of the dresser is three drawers, the first layer is placed in the cosmetics, Edouard had a look, a single lipstick of various colors there are thousands, rouge and powder countless, in addition to Lilith Miss daily use of skin care potions and cosmetics, that is even more extraordinary.

Edwards once inadvertently asked Miss Lilith, these makeup crystals probably cost her how much money, the answer he got surprised, it was enough to buy a fleet of ships. The second drawer is Miss Lilith's underwear, socks and tights and other things, the bottom drawer contains the things that Edwards now more and more like "toys".

He is now an absolute expert in the use of these "toys", and Edward is not only well versed in the use of each of them, but also understands their characteristics and flaws, and how to use them by constantly swapping them or combining several different "toys".

The combination was used in order to give the girls a variety of different or unusually strong stimulation. Edwards has a dark secret, he would love to be able to use these "toys" on any girl other than Miss Lilith.

Edward was not sure if these "toys" were as useful as Miss Lilith had told him they were, although he had practiced these "toys" on Miss Lilith countless times, but Miss Lilith only ever used the same voice Give some comments such as "good", "bad", "okay", "not feeling" and so on, if encounter "Are you a man?" when she's in a bad mood. "barely a man", "idiot", "moron", and so on, became instructions for Edvard to understand whether he was using those "toys " is an indication of the correct use of those "toys.

Edward is quite clear that Miss Lilith has long been used to all kinds of stimulation, as long as the thought of these, let Edward feel tasteless, sometimes, he really feel Miss Lilith body is very dirty, and with it, feel very dirty themselves up. It is probably because of this reason that Edward could not stand lying in the same bed with Miss Lilith.

Edwards entered the bedroom, and as usual, Miss Lilith sat in front of the dressing table dressing herself, ignoring him. Today's Miss Lilith wearing a long snow-white dress, a light veil tied in the waistline. Miss Lilith's hair was piled high and covered with black silk, fluffy and loose as if a dark cloud. Green eyebrows lightly swept, cheeks lightly smeared with a layer of rouge.

If people who do not know Miss Lilith, seeing her like this, will definitely think that Miss Lilith is a dignified and elegant, graceful and noble noble daughter. Indeed, the dressed up Miss Lilith looks very elegant, even more like a count's daughter than Miss Landy.

However, Edouard definitely does not think that Lilith's blood has the slightest element of nobility in it, he knows that Miss Lilith is the best actress, she can easily turn into any kind of lovable woman image, crazy, s****y, rough, gentle, dignified, soft, naive, manly, small family type ... ... ...according to Lilith's own words, she can cater to the preferences of various customers and change into a variety of completely different nature of beauty.

Edwards felt that the flawless white wedding-like gown worn by Miss Lilith was simply out of proportion on her. Only Miss Randi could match such a dress. Edwards said coldly: "Miss Lilith, why do you have to dress up like this every time? And every time you have to waste a dress, since it will be taken off again soon, you wear a simpler one, can't you? Or wouldn't it be better to simply not wear any clothes, you wouldn't care if people saw you naked."

Miss Lilith indifferent still dressing in front of the mirror, she did not even look back and said: "We do this line of work, absolutely must do a good job, can not leave the slightest bad impression on the guests, and moreover, beauty for women is more important than life, and the clothes are the most important part of beauty, I will not decide to trouble. "

Miss Lilith took some more time to fix her beauty, finally she felt some satisfaction, she gathered up all the cosmetics and then said, "Edouard, well, we can start."

"Today, what are you teaching me?" Edouard asked.

"Have you heard of the Osprey party?" Miss Lilith asked.

"I've heard of it, Osprey was the god of harvest worshiped in the early religion of the ancient Loretta Empire, and whenever the fall harvest was over, the people of the ancient Loretta Empire would hold a great celebration in order to celebrate the harvest, and this celebration turned into a carnival at a later stage, and the prototype of the current carnival is that celebration." Edouard explained.

"Drady has taught you quite well, and I have to admit you know quite a bit." It was rare that Miss Lilith would praise Edouard, "But do you know why the ancient Loretta Empire later abolished the celebration of Osprey?" Miss Lilith asked again.

"Osprey is not only the god of the harvest, but also the god of wine, in the ancient Loretta Empire in the most glorious period of early religious heyday, Osprey worship became synonymous with alcoholism and promiscuity, people at the beginning of the carnival, drinking, singing and dancing, until the party came to the climax. People began to get wild and lascivious. After the emergence of the Theocracy, the followers of the Theocracy spurned this behavior, and when the Theocracy was believed by more and more people and became the state religion of the ancient Loretta Empire, the god Osprey was the first ancient deity to be abolished." Edouard told everything he knew.

"It seems that you are very interested in these things, the orthodox history books will never mention these ah." Miss Lilith mocked: "However, although the Osprey celebration was completely banned in the people, but in the noble circle is still quite popular, in two months is the Osprey celebration, but now only in the name of the end of the autumn harvest to hold a ball, not many people remember its original origin, but the boys and girls in this day to confess their love and admiration The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing.

Edwards, on the contrary, had never heard Draddy mention them.

"But even now, the Osprey celebration is still popular in many places privately and has never been broken for a thousand years, in fact, the nobles inside the capital are very fond of it, they call it 'Osprey's party', and your father, that Viscount Tatnis, at this time of the year And your father, Viscount Tatnis, would rush to the capital at this time of year with his wife, and he had many friends there." Miss Lilith said.

"Have I been there as a child?" Edwards asked, being very careful about every word he said since he learned that there was a magical creature in the world called an eye worm capable of snooping in the shadows.

"You are a good baby, how can you leave your mother's side?" Miss Lilith said meaningfully.

"Miss Lilith, have you ever been to one of these parties?" Edouard asked.

"Yes, I used to go to that party every year." Miss Lilith said with a smile.

"You must have been the most popular woman at the party." Edouard said, knowing full well how attractive Miss Lilith was.

"No, in order to be safe, most of the people attending the party do not want to be recognized by others, all of them are wearing masks to the party, and only a few candles are lit in the party venue, the lighting is very dim, it is impossible to recognize face to face, therefore, even if I have the charm, no one will know." Miss Lilith explained.

"So what does this mean?" Edouard asked, puzzled.

"Of course interesting, you should know that there are absolutely no simple characters in the venue, those men, below the marquis, really wind hair rare, the current king's majesty when he was young, used to be a fan of the party, but now he is too worried about assassins, therefore, had to give up this hobby, as for the women, the selection requirements are even higher, not only to be The women, the selection requirements are even higher, not only to be a famous girl, but also looks and figure have to pass. You think about it, to be able to make out with the usually dignified and elegant unattainable celebrity, in the dark completely abandon their usual everything, completely indulge themselves, what else, than this can be more attractive to those who are fighting all day long and at the same time the desire to fill the noble family? Lilith said.

"No, according to what you said, neither my father, Viscount Byrdit, nor you could have attended that party." Edouard said.

"Mr. Tatnis must have been able to attend because of Miss Lissa. It is the rule that if you invite your wife to the party, you have to invite your husband as well. As for me, there is a gentleman in the capital who is fond of me, and his position gives him many privileges." Miss Lilith said.

Hearing this, Edwards felt a little sick to his stomach for a moment, he thought to himself, no wonder the Osprey celebration was outlawed by the Church, it seems that if the entire ancient Loretta Empire was like this, the kingdom was afraid that it would not survive the long middle and late, the first three hundred years was enough to make it fall.

"You just want to teach me how to attend the Osprey party today, don't you?" Edouard asked.

"There is no that meaning, I just want you to have some fun for a change, so that you can enjoy the interesting and fresh contraptions invented by those magnificent nobles, I have taught you all the skills, those nobles may be far less than you know, far less skillful than you, however, they come up with a thousand strange contraptions, you certainly can not even think of. " Miss Lilith mysteriously smiled: "Besides, I have taught you all the skills, so to speak, you have graduated, but, according to the agreement between Mr. Hyde and I, I have to follow you around and give you pointers in this area at any time, just as Drady now acts as your personal advisor and helps you take care of everything. However, you know what I originally did, Mr. Hyde promised to compensate me for my monetary losses, but he could not compensate me for the pain of not having a man by my side, Edwards, do you know that I have been in this business since I was fifteen years old and have gotten used to the feeling of having a man by my side, since I have to stay by your side and it is not convenient for me to look around for a man to solve my needs, of course I can only let you I can only let you satisfy me."

"Is being a prostitute that enjoyable a thing?" Edvard asked coldly.

"You think that prostitutes must have extreme pain in their hearts and must be ashamed of their profession? Is that so? Hahaha!" Miss Lilith laughed: "At the beginning, I did suffer for a while, but then what? Then I got used to it. And, slowly as my fame grew, more and more people liked me and worshipped me, what else did I have to suffer? I know, you look down on me, and I don't need you to look up to me, and what are you? The heir to the Lordship of Thurth Castle? Besides, when you get into bed and take off your clothes, what's the difference between a man and a man with a bare a*s? At best, they are divided into useful men and useless men, aren't they? You know why I can't live without men, why I need men so much, money, I have plenty, I did work hard to make money with this body, but now it is not used, those lowly men will rush to send money to me, just a look, just a smile, they will rush to send money, I sell my body is not cost-effective, of course, I am more Not for their own safety, Southport is a paradise, live there without worrying about what trouble will happen this is why I agreed to help Hyde, otherwise I would not help. Those are not the real reasons, I can not leave men because now it is not men playing me, but I am playing men, you know, a look from me, a smile for those cheap men is a rare gift, if I am in a good mood maybe I will also reward them with a slap, you men can be fun, it is really interesting, sometimes they are more clever than puppies, sometimes they are more stupid than pigs More stupid."

Here Miss Lilith suddenly paused, she looked up and down Edward then said: "I think you have also had the same experience it. You also once felt the pain of being a liar, right, and now? Are you still miserable? Or, are you too happy with this life?"

Edwards did not care about what Miss Lilith said, he did not think he belonged to those cheap men anyway. However, when he heard Lilith will be his experience is also said to be and her own career as a prostitute, exactly the same, Edwards felt uncontrollable anger up, he almost could not resist the impulse to slap this self-righteous beautiful woman a slap. But deeper in his heart, where the anger was completely hidden, another voice sighed helplessly: "Everything she said was not wrong, she did not describe it wrong."

This knowledge of their own, so Edwards more ashamed, he did not know how to face this shame, he only hope that with the burning anger can be this shame burned to ashes.

Miss Lilith, of course, knew that she had provoked the young man's endless anger, because she turned the teenager hidden under the dignity of the layer of things to turn out, and like peeling an orange peel this layer of unseemly things to dissect, so that the teenager himself saw a clear.

She wondered how the teenager would face all this. Whenever this time, is the most happy and excited moment for her, because, this is much more interesting than anything else. She did not care that Edward would rise up and hurt her, if another year or two would have been possible, but now she was not afraid at all, because this teenager is still just a small tiger cub that has not grown sharp claws and sharp teeth.

This kind of teasing will indeed make the little tiger cub crazy, but this little guy will at most strip himself naked and crazy to vent some as revenge, this is a good way to make him work a little harder.

Lilith is not at all concerned that she will be hurt, because any man who wants to use this approach against her will always be self-destructive, because she is definitely the top expert in this area. Just like no one can deal with Kellar in the dark, when it comes to bed it's her world. Edouard how crazy, but also just give her some added pleasure.

Lilith would like the storm to come a little more violently, she wrapped her arms around Edward's shoulders that were slightly trembling with anger, she put her lips to Edward's earlobe and licked it gently, and said in a small voice: "Edward, do you know why I gave you that drug? If Hyde knew, he would be furious, Edwards, you know? I've always wanted a little valet of my own, like the kind the noblewomen like, but the ones I originally trained were either special orders from me by my guests, or came to me as male prostitutes to make a living. Just as I play with men at will, their views on customers may be the same as mine, so playing with them would not give me the slightest pleasure, but you are different, young lord of Thurth Castle, future young wizard, your tomorrow is full of glory. Edouard, for your information, you are the only wizard I have ever played with, and I am going to make you my little valet, my little valet all to myself, and, as you should know very well, Edouard, no one has ever really satisfied me, and you will at least be able to give me some more pleasure, and I have taught you so much, and that is one of the reasons, you know?"

Hearing this Edward could not hold back any longer, and sure enough, as Lilith had expected, Edward immediately wanted to rush up and tear the long dress Lilith was wearing. Miss Lilith quickly jumped back a step, smiling and said: "Easy, you forget, I still have to give you lessons? I still have to teach you what 'Osprey's Night' is."

Edouard held back his anger as he clenched his teeth and said, word by word, "Please teach me quickly."

Lilith saw Edward's appearance heart secretly amused, she came up to continue to tease Edward, she will slowly approach Edward's body, waist gently and softly to twist up, because, her body is far taller than Edward, so many inciting means difficult to use out.

"'Osprey's party', everything is in the state of standing and dancing, you have not forgotten the skills I taught you, you have tried should know, standing and dancing to do that kind of thing is very tired and easy to fatigue, once you can not support the sit down even if Failure, 'Osprey's party' absolutely no rest room exists, lying on the ground or sitting on the ground will be stepped on, so the venue is always surrounded by a circle of waiters, their job is to help the people who fell on the ground to the side, if it is a man, it means the end of the party, he can only go home, if it is If it is a lady, if the man who has won is willing, he can go to the small room next to the lady for further conquest, or the lady can be kept in a temporary prison camp until the man captures other captives, then together with the disposal, generally speaking the men will choose the second method. And you should know, in this kind of thing, women's endurance is far better than men, so soon the ball will be left only women, occasionally one or two men can still support, then they are living in paradise. Countless noble women around them, let them do whatever they want, the women are waiting for those men's favor. The man who can support until the moment when the capital church bell rings at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night will be hailed as the god Osprey. You can imagine how dignified it was for a man, he would have more dignity than a king, he would be hailed as a stronger man than a paladin, and there was another fortunate thing waiting for him, the ladies would be driven to a room, his sacrifice, and each lady who had received the favor must also receive her mask, and the attendant would tell the lady's identity to the Osprey Pus god. Do you know what this means? It means that that man holds the privacy of many ladies, as long as, that man is not an extremely stupid guy, he should know how to use these privacy, in the capital city is full of desolation and depravity, but, the surface dignity and decency, but these nobles value more than anything. With the mastery of these privacy, coupled with brilliant means, a far-reaching future is laid out before his eyes, not to mention that countless famous girls will become his secret lovers. Frans will be a better and closer place for him than heaven."

What Miss Lilith said was not only a detailed introduction, but also a strong tease. She wrapped her arms around Edward's dance, while her abdomen tightly pressed against Edward's abdomen, swinging her waist and shaking her hips, letting the long skirt slide upward little by little.

Delicate and refined ankles, luscious and trim knees, delicate and pink thighs ...... long skirt front raised high up to the waist trace. Miss Lilith stretched out her right hand for her and Edward to lift that last restraint, she twisted her waist to let Edward into her body. The two were connected tightly, and the bedroom was a beautiful sight.

Edwards raw to follow Lilith's light footsteps, his dance more or less stiff, although now his heart is still burning with anger, Lilith's relentless taunts so sting his heart, the real reason is because these taunts are not empty words, nothing, that is the truth, these truths make Edwards feel ashamed of himself.

If these words came from the mouth of Mr. Hyde or Draddy, Edward had to acquiesce to everything. But the irony of being a w***e, a s****y w***e, is one thing that Edward can't really stand.

What made him even angrier was that Miss Lilith simply ignored his reaction, as if she thought he had no room for resistance.

And the fact that he was indeed frustrated, he found more and more clearly, Lilith cleverly controlled everything, she used the slender waist full of swaying, stilted plump hips gently swing, let her inside tighten and relax, a burst of intense pleasure impacted Edward.

The waves of pleasure were followed by waves, washing away their will, their anger, and their original tightly guarded dignity. The tightness and looseness of the squirming and sucking and rubbing feeling, the abdomen tight towel slowly sliding the delicate and tender feeling, the ten fingers gently plucking their own body is not a place that does not feel incomparably comfortable feeling.

The intense pleasure converged into an endless, rushing torrent, which was uncontrollable. Edward's body a trembling, he felt his mind became a blank inside, along with the unspeakable life's highest pleasure, Edward felt weak, legs slowly soft hanging down.

Lilith tightened her grip on Edward's waist, not letting him slip to the floor, not even letting him slip out of her body, and she still continued to sway and sway, still continued to contract and squirm slowly as she loosened and tightened.

Her mouth once again came to Edouard's ear and licked it gently while saying in a mushy voice: "Edouard, you disappoint me, hehehe, you do not even have a little patience, you are not a man, I do not know, why those noble ladies will like you, like you, a guy who is not a man, yes, that Miss Landy is even more pathetic, you have the ability to make her pregnant you? Hahaha."

Edwards could no longer stand Miss Lilith's sarcasm, and she really shouldn't have involved Miss Randi. He absolutely will not allow the noble, kind Miss Landy to be blasphemed by anyone. The anger washed over Edward's mind, and his right hand slowly reached into his shirt pocket, his mouth showing a cold smile, allowing Miss Lilith's mockery.

Edwards quietly had to draw the magic wand from his pocket and reach for the two vials hanging behind his waist.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 21, 2023
Last Updated on April 21, 2023
Tags: Magic



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