A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

For Count Martial, he is now really riding a tiger. Weighing the pros and cons, the count finally gritted his teeth and put all his treasure on the top of the all-out attack. Now there is no hope of retreat, once retreat, the Martial family in Cherbourg for hundreds of years of painstakingly managed everything, will be reduced to nothing.

Although the Martial family and those who live in the capital have inextricable ties, but, after all, the Martial family is not one of those gentry nobility.

The Martials have always belonged to Cherbourg, to the south of the Franks. Cherbourg is the soil in which the Martiers live, and it is in this fertile soil that the Martiers are rooted so deeply that they can grow so vigorously. Without this soil, the family will become a waving and floating leaves. Without the roots, no trunk, those leaves can not exist for long.

Now there is no way back. If the one standing in front of him is the heir to the lord with the same disposition as the old count of Medin, if the young man standing in front of him is the kind of benevolent and forgiving person. Maybe there is room for compromise, maybe there is the possibility of retreat. However, now it seems that everything is clearly not so. This teenager is absolutely impossible to accept his compromise, this teenager once firmly established will certainly be the Matil family up to the roots, with the fire burned this dwarf in Thurth Castle deep roots of the tree.

Earl Martial seemed to have seen the descendants of his family, one after the other, submerged in blood. He seems to have seen his family's ancestral home, which has hundreds of years of history and has been towering there even before the construction of Cherbourg, blazing in the fire.

He seems to have seen in the corner of the slum, the children of the Matil family are fighting over a piece of dry bread, and around them are tired graves, which do not even have tombstones.

The Count knew quite well that all this was possible. This is what happens when you fail.

Count Martial originally never thought it might fail, because that is just too ridiculous, behind him there is a huge power, the big man who really manipulates everything is far from a small lord like Count Medin can be compared, the reason why that big man does not directly intervene in this matter, but only for a good reputation.

What's more, the children and grandchildren of the Medin family are definitely not called brave fighters, and they would rather hold a quill than a sword. Against such an enemy, there seems to be no possibility of defeat at all.

But now everything has suddenly flipped around. Out of nowhere, a lord heir appeared. If this teenager was just a poor impostor, it would be fine. He is a great actor, deceiving most people's eyes clear and gaining the support of the crowd.

Even so, Count Martial is still not worried. Anyway, the main power of Thurth Castle in his own hands, and behind him there is a huge power as a backer, let this impostor sit in the seat of the lord, it is not impossible, at most empty him, let him become a puppet.

But even if the teenager is a famous lord, it is not something that Count Martial can accept, he thinks he is not that forgiving, let the impostor show his true face in front of everyone, and at the same time take the opportunity to hit the families that have supported the impostor, this is what he would like to see.

Because of this, everything that the Count was doing in secret was prepared around how to expose the deception.

He never imagined that things would turn out so badly against him. He never imagined that the enemy he was facing was not actually a bumbling con man or a group of lowly liars. It was a sinister alliance of conspirators and assassins.

Count Martial was getting scared. He was quite afraid. He had been afraid since so many of his men had been killed one after another. The opponents were obviously more reckless than he was, more vicious and brutal than he was. These people could not even be described as cruel anymore, watching them tear people alive into pieces, you could tell that these people were bloodthirsty, extremely bloodthirsty. And now that he must face these bloodthirsty enemies, he doesn't know what fate awaits him. This is the most frightening of all.

Count Martial desperately wanted to get rid of the fear-filled feeling in his heart, and he had a hard time getting himself to settle down. After all, he still had the killer in his hands. He was still able to prove that this young master Edouard was an impostor. However, this killer, although effective, but, in the eyes of most people is really hurtful. Using this tactic himself, he feared that he would be attacked by the crowd later. Therefore, it is possible not to use this method if possible.

Originally, one had enough certainty to gather other evidence. The surveillance of that Mr. Hyde and all the characters related to him did bring a lot of information for themselves. But there is not much of value in this information, because the spotters they sent out were also being watched by the other side. What's more, the time was too short, and before that he did not know that this Lord Hyde existed. And after that, these people bloodshed all the power in their own hands.

Two weeks is too short a time. But it was not without success. The man called Draddy had traveled between Southport and Cherbourg several times and his movements were extremely suspicious. While in Southport, he moved surreptitiously, entering and leaving the Bairdite house several times, and transported many paintings.

In the beginning, how did one neglect this matter? There must be a secret hidden in these canvases. In addition to that, he secretly brought two people to Cherbourg.

One of them is the most famous and also the most expensive prostitute in Southport, which is quite understandable, I heard that the young master Edwards at least one place and the real Edwards, Tatnis is very similar, that is, they are both equally uncompromising playboy, send a prostitute to the playboy as a plaything is quite a suitable choice.

The other person seems to be the housekeeper of the Tatnis family. At first, when this guy's body was not found in that massacre, it occurred to myself that this person might have escaped from death. If you can find this housekeeper, it will definitely be a strong evidence. Unfortunately, these guys were faster and more vicious than they were. Dozens of corpses and bloody killing methods not only wiped out all the forces in his hands, but also, those who were originally willing to serve him as long as they negotiated a good price were now so far away that they avoided him. There is no other evidence, it seems that the only way to use that killer.

Count Martial hesitated for half a day, and finally with a ruthless heart, he went out on a limb. The Count took a big step forward, which was purely to embolden himself, and he said: "Distinguished gentlemen, ladies and ladies, today is an important and solemn day, the young heir of the Medin family is standing before us, and if, if the purity of his blood can be proved, then he will become our new lord."

"Count Martial, there is no longer any doubt about it, we have checked all the documents, all of them are complete, and the authenticity of these documents has been verified by the identification experts." Count Fesnan said.

"This I can fully imagine, the documents are undoubtedly authentic and reliable, but what can these documents prove? If these documents were held in my hands, would you all believe that I am the son of Miss Lissa? This is rather ridiculous, don't you think?" Mr. Martial said.

"You are questioning Mr. Edouard's identity, aren't you?" Count Fresnan asked.

"Yes, I don't just doubt it, I even have proof that Mr. Edwardian is not Miss Lissa's son, and that the real Mr. Edwardian Tatnis died in the plague seven years ago." Martial said in a loud voice.

"Count Martial, you had better think about what you are questioning. Your words insult the honor of several gentlemen of high moral character, of which the honorable steward of the House of Byrdit is the greatest victim, and you question his loyalty and his devotion, and to insult the deceased is a very serious crime, as well as a very despicable act, because the deceased cannot defend himself. For the deceased could not defend himself. Secondly, you have insulted Lord Hyde, you have insulted his intelligence, you have insulted his honesty and reliability, which is the most valuable asset for a distinguished diplomat. Finally, you have insulted all of us here, you have described all of us here as deaf and blind. Lord Count Martial, if you are not able to produce sufficient evidence to show your reasons, I will call for a vote of impeachment from all the nobles of Cherbourg." Count Fesnan became more and more agitated as he spoke.

"Insult, I have never insulted anyone, the steward, who has seen his body? As far as I know, he is still alive in this world, not to mention that he is not a loyal and reliable gentleman, and a close examination of the financial books that he keeps and operates on his behalf will reveal that there are many flaws in them, and as for Lord Hyde, I think he is a liar, an uncompromising liar, a masterful liar, and an even more masterful liar is this young Lord Edwards, the most successful liar I have ever seen. Want to see proof? Well, I will show you the proof." Count Martial took out a small box embellished with gold wire from his bosom. When he opened the box, he saw an irregularly shaped column of grayish white resting on a scarlet velvet liner.

Count Martial held the box in his hand and raised it up high and said: "The proof is here, this is a finger bone taken from the corpse of Miss Lissa. The clergyman like you should be able to perform such a ceremony. As long as some blood is taken from this young master Edwards, it will be able to prove whether there is any connection between the blood flowing in his body and the Medin family."

Hearing everything Count Martial said, most of the nobles present hadn't fully reacted.

I heard the elder of the Monterey angrily drink: "Mr. Martial, you do this is too much, this is simply the devil's deed, you not only insult the reputation of the dead, but also desecrate the dignity of the dead, you damage the dead body, this is not forgivable crime. What right do you have to leave the dead in peace even after death? Even a wild dog on the roadside knows that it is a natural law for flesh and blood to return to the earth, while bones are not to be damaged, and you are not even a wild dog with a female mouth."

The elder's words made everyone in the church righteously indignant, Miss Lisa in their hearts was originally an angelic existence, for Miss Lisa's death, they are full of sorrow, and now someone actually hurt Miss Lisa's bones for despicable purposes, that is absolutely intolerable behavior.

Many nobles, including Viscount Terreault, walked angrily toward Count Martial, in their opinion, perhaps stabbing the scum through the heart with a sword was a merciful act, and the stake was the most appropriate choice for him.

Count Martial had anticipated that this might happen, and he hastily retreated to the young man's side.

"All right, that's enough." That young man emanated a compelling aura and shouted angrily.

The sound of angry shouting lingered in the mid-air of the church and dissipated for a long time. The young man swept his cold and sharp gaze at the nobles who gradually gathered around him. The deafening sound of the drink and the pressure of the glare made the enraged nobles pause out of fear. Where the eyes swept, the nobles retreated.

"Let me say a few words, I am not interested in caring about such things as destroying the remains or damaging the dignity of the deceased, I only want to prove whether Mr. Edwards has the qualification of heir, in my opinion, Mr. Martyr's method is the most reliable, if you think Mr. Martyr has desecrated the deceased and you want to punish him, wait until after the blood test is done and prove Mr. Edwards has inherited the Medin family lineage. Stop wasting my time, this Prelate, you should be able to perform such rituals, as far as I know that is not difficult." The young man said.

"Mr. Martial's behavior is unforgivable, and he will be judged severely and fairly." Count Fresnan said angrily.

"That's enough." The young man once again drank: "What is my identity, you do not need to know, moreover, you can not guess my identity at all, I have already said, I came here this time is not for the matter between you, Mr. Martial because of fear, there is no notary in Thurth Castle, so I asked me to assume the duties of an impartial person, Thurth Castle I will be fair to anyone who has a good reason, and I will honestly report everything that happens here to His Majesty. Moreover, as I have already said, you can try Mr. Martial or punish him, I will not stop this, but first, after the blood relatives are determined, I need a clear result."

"The method of verification provided by Mr. Martial is a wanton violation of the dignity of the deceased, and I am concerned that the method of verification provided by such a despicable person as Mr. Martial is reliable? His methods are really disgraceful to us, and we do not know what more disgraceful conspiracy is included, perhaps, the finger bone is not taken from Miss Lissa's body at all, such shameless acts, I believe Mr. Martial absolutely can do." Count Fresnan said.

"Don't worry, you can split the finger bone into two parts, anyway, there are only two people in this world who have the blood of the Medin family, one is our Young Master Edwards, but I doubt it, the other is the honorable Miss Medin, there is no doubt about it. The finger bones will be divided into two sections, if the blood relatives determine to prove that young master Edward and Miss Lissa are not blood relations, then use Miss Medine's blood to try, of course, I will not be so stupid that people can exploit the situation, in case, Miss Medine sacrifice themselves quietly to steal on their own blood, then I will not become a ten evil liars, these two gentlemen will pay close attention to Medine These two gentlemen will keep a close eye on Miss Medine, and Mr. Wizard is perfectly capable of making everything escape his detection." Count Martial said smugly.

The wizard suddenly stretched his hands into the air and kept waving and spinning, chanting words under his breath, and as he spun his arms faster and faster, a buzzing sound rang out in mid-air, and countless bees danced above the wizard's head.

The buzzing sounds eventually joined together, and the tiny furry creatures loomed over the heads of the crowd like a dark cloud, and swept through the place like a whirlwind.

Although it is not very clear, the appearance of these bees, but their color and ordinary bees are completely different, bright red color is like blood is the most significant difference between them and ordinary bees.

Those noblewomen and ladies are naturally afraid of such furry things that fly around. All of a sudden, ear-splitting shrieks were heard.

"This is my blood wasp, a creature that loves blood, without my order, they will not attack anyone, don't worry." The magician said comfortingly, "The blood wasps have a very sensitive sense of smell, and their penchant for blood makes it easy for them to find out where the wounds are, of course, you can rest assured that they still won't attack anyone without my orders, the bloodthirsty nature is definitely not more effective than my orders."

"Please control these bees first, you see so many ladies and ladies here, they don't want to see those things." Count Fesnan said.

The wizard nodded as he listened to the guttural cries of fear that still came intermittently from the church. He rolled up his sleeves and left his arms bare to the air. The bees quickly gathered toward his arm, and soon his arm was crawling with bees. These insects, which made an ear-splitting buzzing sound and kept moving around at all times, gave most of the people present the creeps.

The magician, who was quite aware of the common man's distaste for such beings, lowered his sleeves to cover his bee-stained arms. Apparently this was also a kind of magic. The buzzing sound that was filling the air suddenly subsided completely, as if all the bees had disappeared at once.

"Is that all right, please start." The young man said.

Count Fresnan was about to say a few more words. In fact, he was a little unsure by this fuss of Count Martial, and he also began to doubt the authenticity of the Edwardian bloodline.

Just then, Edouard suddenly interjected: "Count Martial, I will always remember the harm you have done to my mother's remains, and if, in the end, the purity of my bloodline is proven, you will have to pay for it, and I will not let my mother's remains be damaged along with the harm to my reputation, and any investigation will give my dead mother no peace in heaven, and I prefer a more direct solution, I will demand a duel with you, and no one will be able to replace you."

"Good, I promise, it seems you are willing to perform the blood relative identification ceremony." Count Martial said with unusual pleasure.

"As long as Elder Mundi is able to perform such a ceremony, I have no reason to refuse, because, indeed, I am my mother's child." Edouard said with conviction.

This affirmative answer, in turn, made Count Martial a little hesitant.

"I can perform this medium ritual, but such rituals take a long time." Elder Mundy said, although he did not know, why Edouard was so resolute and so sure. Of course he was fully convinced that Edouard's confidence was not blind.

"Lord Elder, what should I do?" Edouard asked.

"You just need to provide a few drops of blood, oh, I'm not sure about that, maybe a milligram is about right, well, a milliliter should be enough if possible." Elder Mundi began to play dumb, and once the identification failed, he was able to take the blame on himself.

"As long as you can apply the amount of blood that fills the entire palm of your hand, then you have to pray by the clergy, pray to the God of Life to trigger the miracle of life, if you have a blood connection with the provider of the finger bones, the God of Life will make the dry finger bones become full of life cartilage, some of them are even covered with blood vessels, the whole process takes three or four hours. " That magician explained.

"Yes, yes, yes, someone, go get a golden bowl filled with water and a scalpel, the small kind." Elder Mundi ordered.

"It's best to use a crystal bowl so that you can clearly see the changes taking place inside, and also not worry about someone climbing to the roof to steal the finger bones inside." The magician reminded once again.

"Good, fetch a crystal bowl." The elder commanded as usual.

Shortly after, a priest came back to the auditorium carrying a crystal bowl of crystal clear. The crystal bowl was filled with holy water, which seemed to be dissolved in countless sunlight, and the water rippled with golden light flowing everywhere. In the other hand of this priest, holding a scalpel with a sharp and incomparable flash of cold light.

Edward slowly walked to the priest, he held a scalpel with his right hand, in the left hand palm above the gently cut a mouth, blood immediately gushed out from the wound. Edwards will be the left hand palm together into a bowl shape, five fingers tightly closed together, the palm of the blood gathered more and more.

Seeing that the blood had almost soaked the entire palm of his hand, Edwards slowly reached his hand into the crystal bowl. The priests together chanted a hymn of praise to the gods, and they looked up slightly at the zenith, where the sunlight came through.

Edwards watched the blood disperse all at once, and the holy water, which was originally golden, now shone with a golden-red light. He felt a slight throbbing pain in the wound on his palm, and then an itchy feeling, dipped in the holy water inside the wound although not completely healed, but no longer bleeding.

Edwards seems to be a child's playful palm inside the crystal bowl to press around, no one noticed, as the bowl of holy water ebbs and flows, another stream of blood from Edwards hidden in the sleeve of a slender wand into the crystal bowl inside.

Let that magic wand will it sucked full of liquid beforehand, all pour out is very easy, simply do not need to recite the incantation, so in the gods do not know, from Miss Landy body to take the blood all injected into the crystal bowl inside.

After Edouard pulled his hand out of the crystal bowl, Elder Mundi took it and he walked to the center of the church under the straight pillar of light. A ring-shaped bracket descended from the zenith. The elder placed the crystal bowl on the bracket.

"Mr. Martial, would you please bring Miss Lissa's bones?" The elder said.

"Now everything is clear." Earl Martial took out the finger bone from the box and folded it with force, the finger bone broke into two with a click: "As agreed, the finger bone is divided into two, if Mr. Edwards' blood is not able to fuse with this finger bone, then try Miss Maidin's blood to see if I have done any conspiracy or trickery."

Martial's rampant behavior aroused the displeasure of most of the nobles, who once again tried to gather around.

"Mr. Martial, you'd better think about how to deal with Mr. Edwards' request for a duel. I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the insult to the dead with your life." Elder Mundy said seriously. He took the piece of finger bone and let it slowly sink to the bottom of the bowl.

Elder Mundy used his index finger to cross the air twice, the bracket slowly rose, holding the blood and the finger bone of the crystal bowl slowly floated towards the zenith.

All the nobles in the church all raised their heads to stare at the crystal bowl. The sunlight coming in from the zenith was refracted by the crystal bowl and projected onto the floor of the cathedral, and the people stood in a blood-red light and shadow.

The priests gathered under the zenith, and they knelt down and prayed reverently. The hymn of the God of Life resounded through the clouds.

Elder Mundi's eyes were slightly closed as he presided over the ceremony. Waves of light flowed, the water swirled, and people were captivated by the mysterious scenery.

Only the young man stared at the sharp eyes, constantly watching the few people who must be watched. He certainly knows that he can't be careless at all now.

According to what Martial said, he was absolutely sure that that Edouard was an impostor. Martial's words were credible because everything he said made sense and was in line with his nature. This kind of despicable and shameless villain, if he wants to calculate an unsuspecting person, he should not be able to miss the mark.

In addition to that, another thing that made him feel suspicious was that the teenager was just too good. And the intelligence of the young Edwards, Tatnis did not show any talent at all, in addition to being quite horny, this kid has nothing. Seven years is fully capable of creating a person, but to do so, that person must also have a strong desire to learn plus talent and several times or even dozens of times the effort to do so. And there is absolutely no such quality in the real Edouard Tatnis.

Although this is only a guess, but the possibility of such a guess is high. If it is an impostor, then the blood relatives identification can certainly make him reveal his original form. But this kid is not worried at all, I'm afraid there is something else, there must be something that makes him so at ease.

The young man had been completely sure that Edwards and the others would do something in the personal recognition ceremony. But how to do the tampering, do what kind of tampering, this is what he could hardly imagine. However, it is certain that there is absolutely no possibility that they have an activated piece of cartilage beforehand, they cannot know the means taken by Martial, and they do not have time to get a piece out temporarily.

The only method that can be used is to infiltrate the blood of a person's real direct family into the bowl. But the bloodline of the Medin family has almost been cut off, according to Martial, the last member of the family is the old woman.

So the only one who can provide blood is that old woman. However, just now he kept an eye on her every move, that old woman definitely did not have the opportunity to secretly take out the blood, and likewise did not have the opportunity to pass the blood to the teenager.

Since the beginning of the ceremony until he extracted the blood sample, the teenager was surrounded by three women, no one has been close. This is strange, could it be that he used illusions?

Impossible, in order to prevent him from secretly using illusion, Jett prepared the illusion butterfly, as long as someone uses illusion, the illusion butterfly will be able to sense the fluctuation of magic energy. But now there is no reaction, this is too strange.

A sense of foreboding gradually rose in that young man's heart. This sense of foreboding has caused him to break free from the dilemma of death countless times, this is an inborn indescribable ability, is from the original want to use a lifetime of chastity, to serve the power of the gods of the nun mother. This premonition has never been the slightest bit wrong. Moreover, one has never felt such a strong premonition of danger. Could it be that there was a threat hidden in this solemn church that one had never seen or encountered before?

The young man began to feel nervous and confused. However, his eyes were always closely scanning the targets. Every move of these people fell clearly inside his eyes.

Time passed little by little, and standing for a long time was an extremely hard thing for the ladies and the misses. Therefore, the ladies and women were led by the priest on duty in the church to the lounge at the back of the auditorium, and the old men and women also gradually left. But old Miss Medine obviously knew that she had a special status, so she always stood there straight.

Miss Landy took this opportunity to also say hello to the back of the rest to go, and, she also want to deal with clean hand wounds, just now, Earl Martial and Count Fesnan is arguing vigorously when, himself in the secret with Edward carried crossbow arrow pierced arm, blood was Edward used his wand to absorb into. To be honest, when that magician released the blood wasps just now, he was really afraid that this was completely exposed. Fortunately, those blood wasps did not fall down. But for safety's sake, it's better to leave this place as soon as possible, and the wound should be treated quickly.

Luckily, this is a church, and the priests are definitely experts in treating wounds. In order to cover Miss Landy's departure, Fanny and Christine also went with her to the back inside the lounge. Everything dissolved without knowing it.

Time passes by unnoticed for those who are chatting and joking. However, for those who are waiting nervously, it is so slow. But despite the slowness, there will eventually be an end. In fact, there is no need to wait until the end, most people have already seen the changes that have occurred in the crystal bowl.

The original bright red color gradually faded away. The holy water, which was somewhat turbid mixed with blood, now gradually became clear. At the bottom of the bowl, people with keen eyesight have even seen a pink ball of something lying there quietly.

Elder Mundy gently waved his hand, and the singing of praise to the God of life stopped at once, and the priests rose from the ground and returned to their original seats. Elder Mundy once again used his index finger to cross the air twice, and the crystal bowl slowly descended from the zenith.

When the crystal bowl descended to the elder's chest, Elder Mundy gently had to hold up the crystal bowl. In the bowl a thumb-sized pink oval translucent flat ball, with the bowl shaking, rolling around.

"Mr. Martial, as you can see, what is before you proves the identity of Mr. Edwards." Speaking here, the elder turned his head toward those nobles on the auditorium and said in a loud voice: "I declare that Mr. Edwards Tatnis is the son of Miss Lissa Medin, the grandson of the late Blake Wiffenske, Mr. Medin, the legitimate blood heir of the Medin family, and absolutely enjoys the right to inherit the position of Lord of Thurth Castle."

"No, this is impossible, this is completely impossible." Count Martial said in a panic: "The blood has been switched, it must have been switched, someone has done something."

"If, it was done, then it could only be Miss Medine." That magician said, "Just release the blood wasp to be able to prove all this, Miss Medin, don't mind."

Before Miss Medine could answer, the magician had already released the blood wasps hidden in his sleeves. Those blood bees mixed with the ear-splitting buzzing sound, swooping head and head towards Miss Medine. The old Miss Medine although indeed some panic, but that is only out of the instinctive fear of women for insects, but otherwise she is very comfortable, because she absolutely can not have a wound on her body.

As expected, the undiscovered blood bees did not fall on the old lady at all, and the blood bees buzzed around the old lady. For the magician's unreasonable action, the nobles were furious, if not because of fear of the mysterious power possessed by the magician, I'm afraid they would have attacked.

The magician had a good idea, in his opinion that Miss Medine must be the provider of blood. The blood wasp was definitely able to find the blood. It didn't occur to him that things weren't what he had expected. There was no wound on Miss Medine's body at all, and there wasn't the slightest smell of blood, plus those nobles around were unusually agitated. He really couldn't understand how things had turned out to be like this?

Suddenly, a possibility emerged from the depths of his mind that perhaps the provider of the blood is someone else, this noble and illustrious noble family has one or two illegitimate children exist, is not a big deal, as long as the blood link within three generations, the same can make the dead bones active.

Only this is possible, the magician thought in his mind, this is not difficult for him, the blood bees can easily find the presence of the wound, and, these blood bees have already established a psychic connection with himself, once found the target, he can immediately sense.

Thinking of this, that magician suddenly shouted loudly, "I know, there are other descendants of the Medin family left behind, they are the ones who provided the blood that made the finger bones activated, my blood bees will find that person out." With that, he waved his arms, and the blood bees that had been buzzing around the old lady Medin flew away in all directions at once.

It all happened so suddenly. So sudden that most people could not react for a moment. Even the young man was completely frozen in that moment, and suddenly a strong indescribable sense of crisis hit him violently.

It was as if he suddenly understood everything. However, it was all too late.

The blood wasps flying all over the air did find a man with a strong smell of blood on his body and also a wound indeed. And that person was none other than Edouard. Countless bees turned their heads at once and rushed towards him, coming at him from all sides, overwhelmingly.

Unlike old Miss Medine, Edwards learned a lot from Kellar about how to deal with crises. And there is absolutely nothing in what Kellar taught him about passive defense and waiting for death. For an assassin, killing the other side before they do is the only proper way to defend.

In order for Edward to remember this, Kellar did not let Edward suffer a lot. The painful experience allowed Edward to have this knowledge engraved in his mind, and became a habit, an instinct.

Feeling the danger sweeping towards him, Edouard's right arm shot up and three crossbows shot towards the wizard. The young man lunged forward almost at the same time as the crossbows were shot, and he intended to intercept them halfway. For a master like him, this was nothing. Unfortunately, the young man forgot that Edwards was not the only one.

The moment he lunged forward, he suddenly felt a strong murderous aura surge over. The young man simply could not react, a sharp dagger will be noiselessly aimed at his chest and abdomen part of the rapid cut over. This knife is not only precise and accurate and grasp the timing is extremely accurate, it is just to start, the body turned the inconvenience of that moment.

For such a terrifying slash, the young man knew in his heart that if he wanted to completely avoid it, it was simply impossible. This sudden attacker is not only a supreme expert, but also, he is definitely a guy who is extremely proficient in how to kill.

The young man in this moment finally understand, in the forest in the end what happened some things. Those who really need to deal with their own trip, when they encountered an attack in the forest, not without thinking about the little lord heir and his companions also just hand to eliminate, for their own safety, killing to exterminate is absolutely necessary.

But, the reason why their plan did not succeed, the existence of that little magician is undoubtedly one of the reasons, and another reason is that they found that their opponents are hiding an expert with superb strength, but specializing in shady deeds. This person's skills are definitely not below their own, and, his killing skills, grasp the opportunity to take advantage of the skills than any of the experts they have ever seen are powerful, more terrifying is that this person and the little magician apparently has an outstanding tacit understanding, once the two of them join forces, simply do not give the opponent to fight back.

I'm sure in the forest, those guys have suffered the same thing. The young man used all his strength on the defense, and he retreated one after another. At this point in time, he couldn't care less about protecting the magician.

Kailer missed a hit, usually do not stalk with the opponent, this is not a killer combat method. In the Butte Forest, because they were attacked, and simply could not figure out the strength of the opponent, so Kailer had to pester one of the most powerful of those guys, which was the only choice in the absence of a solution. But now the situation is completely different, looking at the corpse lying on the ground, Kailer, although still maintaining the appearance of attack, but not eager to strike.

The poor magician was shot dead almost instantly. Edwards never forgot that Kellar had told himself when he taught himself crossbow skills, this crossbow since it is used just in case, therefore, after striking absolutely not to let the opponent still have the ability to fight, if the opponent is still able to fight, in such a short distance, the dead is likely to be themselves.

It is because of this, when practicing the three arrows, the crossbow arrows target each of the three absolutely fatal parts of the eyebrow, throat and heart. Edward's mastery of crossbow arrows originally made Kellar feel satisfied, close range to want a hundred shots is no problem at all.

Edwards and the wizard were standing very close to each other, and the wizard was not an agile person. The three crossbow arrows hit the wizard's eyebrows, throat and heart, and the powerful projectile force shot the arrows deep into the target's body. The blood that spurted out immediately attracted the attention of the blood wasps, and the magician's body was immediately crawling with blood wasps.

This time is completely different from just now, the blood wasps are not restrained to crawl around the body of the wizard, although there is no order not to sting the wound, but the blood flowing out is their favorite food.

That magician was almost instantly fatal, although they have magical powers, but, at close range they are weaker than most ordinary people, standing inside the crossbow range of the magician has undoubtedly dedicated his life to the god of the underworld who is in charge of death.

Edwards took out his wand from his pocket, which he always carried with him as a defense weapon. Quietly reach the wand to the waist trace tied to the two bottles dipped inside, after sucking full of potion, Edwards waved his wand? The incantation was recited under his breath.

With his wand pointed forward, although there was no amazing sound or dazzling sparks jumping, but, that crawling all over the ground licking the blood of the blood wasps one after another fell to the ground, no longer move, all this in the ordinary people seem to have been magical enough.

The crisis went by and for most people, it was always a relief, but: some people were not so excited.

In fact, Count Martial had already trembled, as long as the thought of that benchmark incomparable, instantly took the life of a powerful magician's crossbow, he felt his heart jump. He did not forget the promise of the duel, just a perfunctory, he was not willing to play with his life.

Although Count Martial also practiced swordplay for a few years when he was young, but that was just practicing to look good and pursue a fashionable style. What's more, just look at that kid's body, definitely not one can handle.

Count Martial was absolutely certain that Edouard was a killer, a killer who was well versed in all kinds of fighting techniques. He was not stupid enough to put his life into the palm of a killer's hand. However, it is not that easy to escape smoothly, the two people who are on their own guard, one is a paladin and the other is a magician.

Originally, in his opinion, these two people teamed up to sweep the Franks South, there should be no problem. But it was completely unexpected that the magician was so easily killed, and the paladin seemed far less powerful than imagined, letting one of Hyde's bodyguards fight without a fight back, and I'm afraid it wasn't even easy for him to defend himself. Count Martial had to start thinking about his own afterlife.

And in that young man's heart, he was equally apprehensive. He definitely did not expect the situation to deteriorate to this point. Jeter died, actually died so meaninglessly, died so worthlessly. In fact, this whole thing originally had nothing to do with himself. He was carrying a heavy responsibility, a heavy responsibility that absolutely does not allow failure.

For this task, the Duke not only gave him the most elite knight squad in his hands to command, but also sent Jett, a magician, to help himself. But now, the mission has not yet been carried out, it has already failed. Without Jeter, himself plus those knights under him simply have no hope of victory. Because one's target is guarded by a magician by his side.

The only way to deal with a wizard is to use a wizard. Now that Jett is dead, he himself has failed the Duke's important trust. And all this just for a thing that originally had nothing to do with himself.

A silent and painful cry came from the young man's chest. Endless remorse was burning in his heart, licking at his mind and devouring his soul.

He failed, utterly failed. His mission was over. Perhaps it also means that his status in the eyes of the Duke has fallen forever. Perhaps it meant that everything he had gained by abandoning his honor and friendship had come to naught. The young man's heart was filled with remorse. He should not have interfered in this matter.

The church was silent, no one spoke, what just happened in that moment, is absolutely their life inside, it is difficult to see again.

A magician was killed in an instant, the person who killed the magician was also a magician, only that the means he used was not the kind commonly used by magicians. The next time in the blink of an eye, two top experts in front of the crowd to fight, although this time the fight is so short, but the lightning-like attack and defense, so that many people breathed a sigh of relief.

These people are not amateurs like Earl Martial. Earl Reilly is one of them, and by now, he is more shocked for Mr. Hyde besides being in awe. Because this Mr. Hyde although only a commoner noble, only a hereditary lord. However, in his side there is a hidden and paladin as powerful as the top expert, this is what kind of a lord ah. Only a king can train a paladin, and only a king can have a paladin escort around him. Earl Reilly was glad that he did not stand against Mr. Hyde, which was a right choice.

"Count Martial, you should now prior your promise to accept the challenge of a duel for your despicable deeds." Count Fesnan broke the silence.

"My lord, you know, my lord, there is something fishy here, they have done it in secret, they must have done it, my lord, you have to make a decision for me." Martial pleaded with the young man.

"Martial, you should take the blame for what you have done, and since you have done such an outrage, you have to pay for it." Some of those nobles shouted loudly.

The young man always said nothing next to him, his heart is quite reluctant to intervene in this matter, this fool called Martial, is dead or alive and he has nothing to do with it. However, if you go back and report that you met a killer whose strength is no less than that of a paladin, the Duke may not believe, leaving this fool a life or a proof.

The young man's mind is calculating, moreover, save this fool's life, there are other people in the capital will thank him, it is also good to leave a way back. Besides, if you let this fool be killed, then people will really think that you did not save your companion, who will be willing to cooperate with you in the future, and who will be willing to take on the role of your own men.

Thinking of this, the young man said coldly: "Just now everything, everyone saw, my assistant Mr. Jeter died, he died quite undeservedly, this lord heir gentleman originally did not need to fire a crossbow arrow, assassinate Mr. Jeter, since the beginning Mr. Jeter did not have any malicious intent, but, now the person has died, this is always the fact, Mr. Jeter is a magician You have killed a magician, I must report this matter to His Majesty the King, and the whole matter was caused by Mr. Martial, Mr. Martial is the person involved, therefore Mr. Martial must explain everything to His Majesty the King himself."

"Yes, I want to see His Majesty the King, and I want to report to His Majesty the King." Count Martial apparently became somewhat delirious, and he babbled nonsense.

"Your Excellency is too much of a bully." Another nobleman said in a loud voice.

Hearing the young man say so, both Count Fesnan and Count Ravey, can't help but worry, they don't want to really have to offend this young man and the power behind him. As for the Matil guy, kill or not to kill does not matter, anyway, since the Matil family has done such a harm to God, and is a desecration of the Lord's family, in the Thurth Castle certainly no longer have any status for them. As soon as Count Martial leaves, they can immediately incite the nobles of Thurth Castle to drive away all the power of the Martial family from Thurth Castle completely and utterly.

"Gentlemen, let us forget about these things that make us all feel so indignant, we still have the most important things to accomplish, and leave the task of punishing the evil for the future." Mr. Hyde said.

Hearing these words, Count Martial fled the cathedral without saying a word, he went straight to his carriage, now for him, as soon as possible to leave the city is the most important thing. The young man coldly said "goodbye" and left the cathedral without looking back, he naturally also has his place to go.

"Now that everything is cleared up, let's really formalize the vote, time has been delayed for three whole hours because of a despicable person, but in my opinion it was extremely worth the three hours, we saw a scene we have never seen in our lives, by the way Mr. Hyde, what about this corpse?" Elder Mundy asked.

"Just leave it to the wizard to take care of the wizard's stuff." Mr. Hyde said.

"Very well, Mr. Edwards will trouble your Excellency to take care of these things while we are voting, I am going to call the Lady and the ladies over, they are not quite fit to see such a bloody scene I am afraid." The elder turned his head and ordered, "Boody, Pace, you two stay with Mr. Edwards and offer him all the help you can, and Dolarhyde, go tell the lady and the ladies to come over in five minutes."

In accordance with the elders' instructions, the people went to do their own work. Edwards of course clear why Mr. Hyde called himself to deal with the body, on the one hand, he is indeed the most reliable candidate, on the other hand, it is only a good way to empty the pockets of the dead wizard, as a thief, this is the job within the job.

Edouard asked two assistants to come to a secret room, and began his work with great interest, all the things he found can not be recognized, he was carefully sorted into a small pocket.

As for the corpse, the whole body was plucked and thrown into a sack, and like all dead people, he could never use any more items anyway.

Decent fitting is simply a waste for a thief. Edwards did adhere to this principle. When Edwards finished dealing with all this back on top of the auditorium, the results of the vote had come out.

Perhaps because of the tremendous deterrent effect of the heart-shaking showdown just now, or perhaps because Count Martial's behavior displeased the crowd, Edouard received an absolute number of support, in fact, not only the opposing votes were pitifully few, abstentions were also few.

After the vote was passed, there was the official ceremony. Edwards never expected that the formal ceremony would be so tedious, and he only wished it could be over sooner.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 21, 2023
Last Updated on April 21, 2023
Tags: Magic



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