A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

Time rushes by, and for Edwards, a day, a week or even a month passes in the blink of an eye.

Inside this month, he saw a lot of people, saw a lot of things, and also met many new friends.

During this time, he has long been the most popular guest of countless noble families in Cherbourg.

For Edouard, the day is extremely tight.

Although he had already visited all the prestigious families in Cherbourg. But deep feelings can never be firmly established through a single visit. Banquets and balls have become Edward's main job this month.

In fact, he often had two or three invitations in his hands at the same time, so Edwards was busy as a bee all day, rushing from this ball to that ball, from one party to another.

These social engagements took up most of his time, but it was all absolutely necessary, because bringing in those nobles was the most important guarantee of his secure seat on the lord's throne. Everything was going extremely well.

Edward desperately tried to squeeze in some time to learn magic, which was one of the things he was most interested in. Magic practice is a matter of perseverance, but also very time consuming, one point gain, although Edward is very talented, but he is busy with social life is not too much time for magic research, which makes him feel quite helpless.

Edwards wished he could not need to sleep, then he could have twice as much time as normal people.

He even made an attempt, although, in the end, that proved impossible, but he did find a way to accommodate. Since the time he felt the presence of the wind elves in Bart's forest and communicated with them psychically, Edward was eager to find that wonderful feeling once again. But since he was grounded by old Miss Medine, Edward was never able to go near that forest again. Although there were also large trees planted next to the villa, but for some reason, it was not where the wind elves gathered, perhaps because of the existence of the villa, these unnatural rocks, shade blocked the free and easy wind, and therefore was considered by the wind elves as something unfriendly.

However, by chance, Edward found that in the middle of the turquoise lake can sense the fluctuation of magic elements. Therefore, from that day onwards, Edwards rowed his boat to the center of the lake late at night to meditate. Although not always successful, but in most cases, he was also able to sense the magic elves on the lake, but they are not free wind, these magic elves are more dynamic than the wind, but they do not want to run far, always around their own around and around.

Edwards could clearly feel that these elves were extremely lively like the wind elves. However, compared with the spirited wind elves, they are more shy, whenever they are very close to them, these magic elves will fly away, these magic elves are so that Edward can not understand.

Although still can not communicate with these magical elves, but Edwards found that these elves like to stay with him, they seem to have already taken him as the best friend, whenever he arrived late at night, the elves will fly from all directions to come over, around him, until the sun rises in the morning, these elves will gradually disperse.

For Edouard, this feeling is great. Because of this, every night he is people sitting in a small boat, in the center of the lake to spend the whole night, as for, the cottage inside that bedroom, he simply let to Miss Lilith.

The time with Miss Lilith for come Edward is the most happy and at the same time the most annoying. Although, Miss Lilith has not yet let him really taste the great pleasure that women bring to men, and even, has never given Edward to see, where the difference between women and men in the end, which makes Edward's curiosity extremely swollen.

But Miss Lilith's slender fingers and smaller soft lips to be able to that dynamic and active tongue, enough to make Edward feel as if to the feeling of heaven. Unlike at the beginning, Edward has been able to endure this feeling, he already knows how to control his feelings.

In fact it is not difficult, Caille had taught himself this knowledge and skills, only Caille taught himself how to endure pain, while Miss Lilith taught herself how to endure pleasure. Coveted Kelleher taught himself a very different method than Miss Lilith.

The most hairy way to endure pain is to distract yourself from where the pain is. But using this approach to deal with the feeling of pleasure is too bad, Miss Lilith taught Edward how to enjoy the pleasure, because that is the meaning of pleasure, while the feeling of pleasure will be directed away from it, so that it does not burst out.

However, when pleasure comes too hard and too fast, the method of diverting attention to the country is still quite useful, that is why one's tailbone is always subjected to Lilith-san's needle prick.

Of course, Lilith's techniques did not always make Edward feel happy. In addition to the pain of the needles, every morning when he woke up, the abdominal swelling to can dantian there hot burning feeling is always a long time can not be quelled. However, this is not what makes Edward full of antipathy to Lilith, in fact, whenever Edward saw that gradually become masculine his male features, Edward heart to produce a sense of inexplicable pride.

What really got to Edouard was Miss Lilith's snide remarks. Mockery seemed to be the lady's only hobby. Although Edward is quite aware that Miss Lilith may be the most knowledgeable woman he has ever met, whether it is poetry, drama, history, geography or the piano and calligraphy, she has amazing attainment.

Perhaps compared to Delardi, Miss Lilith is still a little bit inferior, but her knowledge is certainly above that of the former young proprietor, Mr. Matilde, and Baron Enrona. However, Miss Lilith apparently only use this knowledge as a capital to attract men, the lady is not really interested in everything, Edouard is completely sure of this.

Although this lady is learned, it is clear that she does not have many hobbies. Even old maids like Miss Medine love theater, for Lilith is just a waste of time.

Even all women are keen on dressing up, Lilith lady seems to think it is only a way to make a living, not even a little fun.

However, some Edwards is able to fully understand. After all, when he saw Miss Lilith with hot hot towels and cold cold towels alternately wipe the body, see that because of the pain and slightly distorted face, although everything passed, from the bathroom inside the body of Miss Lilith came out of the skin like a newborn baby as snow white and pink and slightly transparent layer of soft pink, but Edward did not feel that it was all worth it, this may be The only place where Edward has sympathy for Miss Lilith.

Miss Lilith's only hobby is to mock men, and she dares to mock all men, even Eckhart included. The only people who are not in this category are Mr. Hyde and Kellar.

According to Miss Lilith's own words, Kellar is not a real man at all, he is nothing more than a killing machine, except for killing this guy has no task function, she can not be interested in taunting a machine.

As for Mr. Hyde, it was because she owed a great deal to Hyde de Duchess. But apart from these two, in Miss Lilith's eyes, the task men are the object of her ridicule, and now Edwards is the only man around her, so it is only right that he becomes the object of her anger. Miss Lilith's mockery is embarrassing and unrestrained, she seems to be completely ignorant of the fact that other people have self-esteem, and she never seems to think that parental affection has much importance to a person, especially for a child like Edward who lost his parents at a young age.

Whenever she wished, Miss Lilith taunted Edward with words that stung his heart the most and irritated him. Because of this, Edward always avoided spending time with Miss Lilith as much as possible.

Except for every night, Lilith to his own lessons, Edouard would rather stay in the garden parlor, is rowing the boat to the lake.

A month has passed in a hurry, and within this time, there have been one or two sensational events that have occurred throughout the city.

Two weeks ago, in a warehouse outside of Cherbourg, seven bodies were accidentally found, and the one who found them went crazy from the shock, because the look was so bad. seven bodies were even hard to put together, they were torn into pieces, and from the painful expressions of the bodies, it seems that the tearing process was carried out while they were alive and fully conscious.

According to the knights of the Thurth Castle Guard who cleaned up the scene, those who died were not from Thurth Castle, and it is likely that these people were originally knights, because on one of the bodies they found a religious baptismal mark, which is an honor that only senior knights can enjoy.

And soon after that, bodies were found all over Cherbourg, they were tailors, some were small businessmen, some were clergy, the only thing these disparate people had in common was that they were all single and had moved to Cherbourg only in the last two years.

For this series of murders, Cherbourg people panic, the Earl of Ravey also sent additional staff.

In addition to the commoners, most of the nobles were also quite alarmed, since the tragedy in Southport, the nobles have always feared that the southern part of the Franks would become unsettled, and a series of murders seemed to be foreshadowing all this, but there were some who did not think, for what had happened or was happening in Cherbourg, they were unaware of it.

If there was any change, it was that the number of nobles on Edward's side had increased greatly, and those who had been wavering and did not know which side to choose were gradually coming to Edward's side.

Another change is that the Matil family with their different reasons, the family's higher status of the wife and children moved to the capital, although the reason or the wife's mother's family miss them, or to the capital children can receive a better education, anyway, the Matil family women and children one after another to leave Cherbourg. Anyone with a good eye knows what this means.

A month passed quickly, and the succession ceremony was just around the corner. I don't know why, Edouard felt extra nervous, if not because Miss Landy accompanied him all day long, he didn't even know what to do.

In the middle of the garden parlor, dressed in the gorgeous dress of the lord's heir, Edouard sat on a reclining bench, his eyes closed as he did his meditation practice. Because in addition to this method, Edwards simply can not let his mind calm down. Beside him on his left and right sat Miss Fanny and Viscount Telbo's daughter, Miss Listyn.

For Edwards, today is an extremely important day, the two ladies came here early in the morning. In front of the long table in the distance, Miss Landy is buried in a large pile of documents, although today is just a formality, need to prepare in this month, has been prepared, for those noblemen will vote, they have already known a eight or nine in their hearts.

But these supporting documents still need to be organized and complete, although the eyebrows will go through them, however, this is the rules of the succession ceremony. And this matter naturally fell on Miss Randi. Each of the supporting documents was put together in the required order and grouped into complete categories.

Check that every seal is authentic and reliable, check that all signatures are complete, and more importantly, check that the document has no signs of having been altered. Any omission may be caught by the other party.

In front of Ms. Landy was a thick booklet with various stamps. Miss Landy's most important task was to check the stamps on the documents with the stamps on the booklet, which was a very laborious task. After putting the last document into the beautifully decorated gold lacquered box, Miss Landy gently closed the booklet and stretched his limbs.

"Miss Randi, is everything ready?" Fanny asked.

"Finally, we're ready, let's wait to go." Miss Randi said with a smile.

"Miss Randi, didn't you already check it once a few days ago? Why do you need to check it again today?" Listine asked curiously.

"To avoid accidents, this kind of thing has happened before, the original has been checked in the document suddenly appeared in a document that is obviously broken, this kind of small means can often work, therefore, before leaving to check the document again becomes a necessary task, well, Fanny, Christine which of you want to hold this important box? This is an important job, no one can touch the box until it is handed over to the Lord Prelate." Miss Randi said with a smile.

"Me, let me do it." Both girls said at the same time.

"Well, Fanny, it's better for you to hold it." Miss Randi said.

"Why?" Lestine asked with a beak, clearly not happy with this decision.

"If your father finds out how you got so worked up, I'm afraid you're going to get a good reprimand when you get home again." Miss Randi said.

Lestine heard so, immediately silent, she knew then the inevitable thing, in fact, this time out, she is hidden from her father, grandfather and grandmother is an accomplice, mother is not opposed to, only the Lord father there, absolutely can not let him know.

Lestine actually knows very well that Edouard's heart may only treat her as a friend, even with Fanny, can not talk about what love feelings in it, perhaps more still friendship.

Suffice it to say that the hope of getting Edwards to fall in love with himself is extremely slim.

However, Christine was never willing to give up, her stubbornness was a character inherited from her father. Fanny, on the other hand, is a bit wary of losing Edward and fearing that the gentry are not compatible with each other. Lestine didn't care about that!

However, she does not want to be scolded by her father all day, if her father knows that she is so close to Edward, a scolding is no matter how to avoid it. In fact, Christine herself knows very well why her father is so dissatisfied with Edward, in addition to his stubborn personality, as well as the one-sided love for Edward's mother, Miss Lisa, Edward does have a lot to make him feel dissatisfied, or rather, the Byrdett family has many places to make his father quite dissatisfied.

In fact, most of the nobles of Cherbourg now knew that Edward was in some respects a true philanderer. Everyone had heard that the Byrdites were extremely promiscuous and debauched in their lives, and Edwards understood this lascivious life as a philosophy of life, and his eloquence left others with no room to refute it.

Edwards was rightly considered a playboy and a little nasty. In addition, it was rumored that on Edward's eighth birthday, his father gave him a beautiful woman as a birthday present, who was always with him to take care of him and serve him. For this rumor, she and Miss Fanny two people do believe a little, because they have seen with their own eyes Edward's bedroom hidden inside a beautiful woman much older than him. And that woman is indeed a stunning beauty, at least Christine herself had to admit it.

Nine times out of ten, that's what Edwards got as a birthday present on his 8th birthday. With this living example, she and Miss Fanny were certainly able to imagine that it was likely that Edwards was really a little s**t.

What's more, there was a time when Edward and the nobles went to the countryside inside the forest to run horses, a day of fun, all of them were covered in sweat, at the suggestion of a nobleman, they went to the river like a knight general with cold water shower. The end result, in addition to leaving most of them in bed for a whole week with a fever and cold, was the discovery that some parts of Edward's development were better than most adults.

The crowd speculated that it is possible that this is a characteristic of the descendants of the Byrdit family, and why this family is obsessed with a life of desolation, because a guy that big is really not easy to get satisfaction, not to mention that it would be a shame for the puter to not take advantage of such an advantage.

All of this made Edwards undoubtedly have a reputation as a playboy. However, no girl cares about these things, on the contrary, so deeply attracted to the girls around Edwards to be a lot of people.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, the status of the lord's heir, mature diplomat's demeanor, rich and elegant talk, sharp vision, bold and decisive character, all of these are deeply attracted to the girls, not to mention Edward's identity as a wizard and give all this a layer of mysterious color. Edward became the symbol of the most perfect white horse of Thurth Castle. The girls didn't care much about the Byrdite family's despicable lineage, they were willing to try it if possible, in fact, privately she and Fanny were discussing this, no matter which one of them Edward eventually chose, they were going to share the pleasure, one was a wife and the other became a lover, was what they had privately discussed. When the two ladies were silently looking at the Prince Charming in front of them with their eyes closed in meditation, the maid came in through the door.

"Is that the carriage coming?" Miss Randi asked.

"Yes, Lord Fresnan is waiting for you right outside the door, and Count Laivi is also here with you." The maid answered.

Edwards slowly opened his eyes, recovering from his meditative state, and he saw Miss Landy solemnly hand the box that was sitting on the table to Miss Fanny.

Edouard stood up and walked towards the door, the short meditation was indeed quite useful, that dao does not mean that his magic power has increased, but, the mind is no longer so nervous. Behind him the three ladies followed closely.

When they walked through the small door at the entrance of the stairs, they saw a beautiful and charming lady standing inside the corner, waving towards the place. Miss Randi nodded gently as a polite reply.

Fanny and Christine nodded along, they did not want to offend this stunning beauty who has been with Edward since she was eight years old, although, this young lady is just a birthday present, but when Edward gets married, there will be a place for this woman in his wedding bed. I don't know if it's because it's too tense or because it doesn't care, but Edward didn't care about the lady, he walked towards the door on his own.

Open the door, so that Edward felt some surprise is that the door outside the row is extremely spectacular. Two teams of cavalrymen wearing silver glittering ceremonial armor, shiny breastplate like a mirror can clearly illuminate the person's appearance to, scarlet cloak floating behind them, with the wind blowing undulating and swirling.

Those knights equipped with horses are a color, then as white as the snowflakes through the sky. Long mane flying in the wind looks strange spirit. In front of the door also parked a carriage, golden and magnificent. White as jade carriage with gold lines outlining a variety of lace, against the door of the place inlaid with a coat of arms, that is the Medin family crest carriage edges decorated with exquisite gold lacquer flower decorations, four wheels with red paint, lacquer can be seen.

The four stallions were covered with gold-leafed harnesses, and for these horses, Edwards was no stranger to those very same thoroughbreds owned by Mr. Hyde. And that carriage driver is Ted and his companion who fought side by side.

"Lord Edouard, are you ready?" Count Fesnan said solicitously.

"Thank you for picking me up." Edouard returned the standard diplomat's smile.

"This is what my subordinates should do, please get in." Count Fesnan said.

After walking up to the carriage and Edwards and the three ladies were seated, the carriage slowly moved on.

There is no doubt about the exquisite beauty of this carriage, but it is far less comfortable than Mr. Hyde's former carriage. The four walls of the carriage are inlaid with fine porcelain tiles, these works of art from the Far East are worth a lot of money.

The expensive inlay was used as a pattern decoration, and the whole carriage looked beautiful, but the porcelain tiles and inlay were all cold and hard. The same is true of the cushions inside the carriage, the chairs made from the skin of young elephants dyed bright red are indeed flat and soft, but any decent piece of cashmere will be able to give themselves a much more comfortable feeling. The floor of the carriage is rosewood, thick with a layer of wax.

"It's uncomfortable, isn't it?" Miss Randi asked with a smile.

"Yes, my family's carriage is much more comfortable than this one, too." Lestine said.

"This is the lord's carriage, this carriage is like that lord's position, the appearance of beautiful scenery, but not comfortable to sit." Randi said with emotion.

"Edwardian, do you like riding in this carriage?" Miss Fanny asked with intent.

"I love those four horses, they are Mr. Hyde's most beloved treasures." Edwards replied.

From the suburbs of the Medin family's residence to the cathedral in the center of Cherbourg. This is not the first time Edward has walked this road, but the last time that experience can be described as a return from death, this time there will be what danger awaits them, this Edward is not clear.

This carriage alone in the streets of Cherbourg is already quite conspicuous, not to mention the front and rear are a team of knights escort, which adds a noble and imposing.

The streets of Cherbourg have apparently been controlled, all the way to the carriage did not see a few, even if the few carriages, apparently also to the cathedral to the noblemen ride, far away, the nobleman sitting on the study carriage will open the window towards the respectful salute greeting.

In a short while, the carriage arrived in front of the cathedral. Today's cathedral can be described as crowded, countless nobles dressed in festive attire, standing in the cathedral square. Around the square, there was a guard at three steps and a sentry at five steps. Soldiers also wore ceremonial uniforms with silver glittering breastplates on the outside, and the lances they held in their hands were decorated with gorgeous silk.

The two tall towers of the cathedral are also tied with colorful silk ribbons, the wind is blowing the ribbons happy to flutter and sway, the scene is simply beautiful. However, born in Southport Edward also very clear, in order to this beauty and grandeur, the need to spend the gold, must also be surprised.

The escorting knights formed two lines in the shape of a curved moon, and Edward's carriage was exactly surrounded by them in the middle. Getting down from the carriage, a cheer immediately rang out in the square. In return, Edwards waved to the nobles standing around.

All of this is just the usual rituals, no matter who becomes the lord, no matter the lord is loved by the people, will always be able to attract a cheer, for this matter, of course, Edouard knows all too well.

Under the protection of six escorting knights, Edward and his party walked up the steps in front of the cathedral. Halfway up the stairs, Edwards noticed an angry glance from the crowd, that was Viscount Terboy's displeasure at the abduction of his daughter, and he was obviously extremely reluctant to see his only daughter and himself, a little lowlife, walking together in full view of everyone.

Edwards now can not be in the mood to think about these things, he walked straight as that do magnificent cathedral.

Inside the cathedral is always the same, in front of the supreme authority of the gods, mortal people are just a small and fleeting little spark.

The powerful nobles of Cherbourg were already waiting there, and standing in a row at the front of the cathedral were the senior clergy. These gods' servants, who are devoutly dedicated to the gods, wore white clergy robes with golden ribbons hanging from the collar to the waist. The left and right corners of the robes were embroidered with golden spirals, the symbol of the supreme Father God.

In their hands each holding different vessels, some are bottles, some are boxes, some are basins, in the hands of the Lord Prelate holding a golden cup, the cup inside the sparkling seems to hold some kind of liquid.

Behind Edouard, the nobles followed into the cathedral. They stood on each side of the church. Baron and wife Ronald and those nobles who were good friends with Edouard stood in the front row, while Viscount Telbo pulled his wife far away and leaned in a corner.

"Edouard, you're finally here." The prelate said.

Edwards knew very well that he was the star of the day. Edwards straightened his clothes and took a big step forward.

"Elder, is everyone here?" Count Fesnan asked as he walked over, followed by Count Laivi at his side.

"Count Martial has not yet arrived." Elder Montel said after taking a look.

"Let's hope he doesn't come too late, we'll wait for another half an hour, and if after half an hour, Lord Martial still doesn't come, then let's start the ceremony." Count Fesnan said.

"There is no need to waste this time, let's verify those documents first, half an hour is just enough time." Old Miss Metin said while she was caring.

"Good." The elder nodded in agreement, and with a call of his hand, several clergy immediately carried a light and dexterous folding table of exquisite workmanship. The table was placed in the center of the church, and the sunlight from the zenith shone directly on the table.

"Miss Fanny, please place the paper in your hand on the table." The elder commanded.

Fanny complied with the prelate's wishes and put down the box.

"Have the appraisal expert come here." The elder commanded at once.

Five men dressed in black robes who appeared to be prosecutors walked in.

"Follow the teachings of the gods to be honest and just people, and may God the Father give you sharp eyes and austere wisdom." Elder Montel said his prayer solemnly.

After a short prayer, the five appraisers rolled up their sleeves and went to the table, in full view of the public, opened the box and took out the documents one by one, carefully and meticulously identified up. After each identification of a document, the document was put aside, waiting for another appraiser to look at. All the documents must be authenticated by each of the five of them before they can take effect. Time passed little by little, and finally all the documents were confirmed to be error-free, and the five appraisers solemnly signed their names on the notarized certificate.

"It's almost time, half an hour has long passed, and since Lord Martial is not coming, let's take it as his automatic abstention." Count Laivi said.

"Do the people have any comments?" Count Fesnan asked in a loud voice.

"In my opinion, it is better to wait until Count Martial arrives before starting." A young noble standing next to him said.

The crowd turned their heads to see that most people did not recognize him and should be an insignificant guy.

However, at such an important moment, at this moment of deciding the heir of the Lord of Cherbourg, no one's voice could be easily erased, and Count Fesnan regretted a little, why did he do it more than once?

"This gentleman, you mean for us people to stand here and wait for the arrival of Lord Martial, but, please, until when is it an end? Or do you mean to keep waiting like this." Another nobleman said. That man Edouard did know, remembered that he was the descendants of the Raelta family.

"I don't mean that, but, Mr. Martial has a significant influence in Cherbourg, and even the entire southern part of Frans, if, Lord Martial doesn't come to participate, I'm afraid it's not good." The moment this person's words were spoken, everyone already understood his position.

Count Fresnan felt worried. Martial this guy to play this trick is indeed a bit boring, let a insignificant person to stand out to make trouble, if, their side of the full force to suppress, a bit of a fuss, inevitably give Martial to argue the mouth, as if their own side of the people bullying, do not give opponents the right to speak.

However, let this guy stir up, I'm afraid the more messy, anyway, this person is not much fame, he can play in public, what low-level means can be used arbitrarily out, and their own aspects of the reverse is not good to put down face.

Count Fresnan could not help but worry, his eyes looked at Earl Laivi. Earl of Ravey, of course, clear Count Fresnan's meaning, but he also have no way to deal with, therefore, Earl of Ravey don't turn his face as not see.

Just when everyone was at their wits' end, they heard old Miss Medine say coldly at the side: "Today's ceremony to confirm the heir of the Lord of Cherbourg was notified to the Martial family half a month ago, Count Martial could not have been unaware of it, since he knew the time and he was late, there is only one explanation, he gave up the right to vote, I think you all are equally Of course, there is another explanation, that is, Mr. Martial simply does not put all the nobles present in his eyes, but I think Mr. Martial is definitely not such a person. Elder Mundi, with your vast knowledge, you should know how to deal with this situation according to the custom."

"Miss Medine, as you said, according to the legal procedures, the nobles who are not present in the middle of half an hour after the ceremony starts, treated as abstention. The elder said with a continuous nod.

"Slow, in my opinion, the confirmation of the lord's heir this matter is very important, without Lord Martial to participate, I'm afraid it's not good, moreover, Mr. Martial may happen to have something, may be a little later to come over to participate, we should wait a little, not already waited for half an hour, another half an hour is not too much." The nobleman said again.

"Just now than said enough to understand, according to the legal procedures, half an hour late as an abstention, what else can not be, is it, Elder Mundy said wrong? Or has the legal procedure lost its majesty? Your Excellency has repeatedly obstructed the normal legal procedure for such an absurd and ridiculous reason, Mr. Martial's accident? Is that a reason? Do you, nobles present, think that this is a reason, do you, noble nobles, think that this gentleman is being unreasonable?" Old Miss Maidin said in a stern voice. As soon as her words fell, a cry was heard from the meeting hall.

"That's not a reason. This man is indeed being unreasonable. Get this person out of here ......" The chants were overwhelming.

It took great effort for Miss Medine to subdue the outcry, and in her signature icy voice she commanded, "Guards, escort this gentleman out of this solemn and sacred venue; such unreasonable people are not welcome here among all the nobles." The guards immediately obeyed the order and escorted the nobleman out of the venue.

Count Fresnan glanced at the old Miss Medine, his heart secretly praised, really smart, this kind of thing can only be solved by this kind of quick and dirty way. However, on second thought, only Miss Medine is the most appropriate, she is the sister of the old lord, and the lord's heir has blood ties, and she is a woman, men can not deal with the vile opponents, women are their nemesis. If you make such a decision, that Matil guy will definitely bite himself and claim his lord heir.

The court is behind Martial, even if they have a reason, they can not say. But Miss Medine is not like this at all, her identity as a woman makes the lawsuit in the Presidium will certainly win, because with solid evidence, and is a woman and a man to fight, the Presidium is always on the side of women this. Fresnan was secretly happy, but did not expect the voice of Count Martial outside the church: "Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

As the words rang out, the lean figure of Count Martial appeared in front of the people, followed by two men behind him.

One on the left is a young man, twenty-seven years of age, clean and shiny chin, no beard, a curly hair with a small wave draped behind the head. Look at the face, this young man can indeed be described as handsome, but his handsome and Edwardian handsome different, with a sense of manliness with a heroic.

Both eyebrows thick, broad forehead, with those gleaming eyes, indeed, foreign colors fly. Look at this young man's body is not tall, although the proportion of not show that he is athletic. Look at his dressing is not particularly surprising, businessman's clothing, businessman's attire, it seems to be an ordinary businessman.

But no one will think that this young man is an ordinary businessman, because he exudes the aura, by no means a businessman can have, Count Fesnan even feel in front of this aura, they are a little unstable want to retreat a few steps away from the feeling. Only then did Fresnan notice that unknowingly he had taken a few steps back. And not only him, most of the people around the back away, these people even include those standing in a row of clergy and Earl of Ravey. Earl of Ravey obviously also found himself a little too frightened and confused.

He righted himself and said, "Count Martial, you're really late, making so many of us wait for you alone."

"Haha, sorry, I apologize to all of you here, what a coincidence, I just want to go out just in time to come to the honored guests, it is these two, I am really sorry to make you wait for a long time." Count Martial said with a snort.

"Who are these two gentlemen? Can you introduce them for us?" Count Fesnan asked.

"For guys who can't even stand in front of us, are not qualified to know my name, moreover, I only came to this event at the right time because, of Martial's invitation, I'm not interested in your affairs, I just came to act as an impartial person." That young man said, although his every word was extremely arrogant, but, his tone did not give people the feeling of arrogance at all, as if it was all normal.

Count Fesnan was about to say something, but did not expect the young man to completely ignore him. The young man's gaze was fixed behind him and asked, "Martial, you once told me that 'Remnant Wind' died at the hands of your young lord's heir and his companion, that young man must be your If I'm not wrong, this old man and the two men standing beside him are the warriors who killed 'Remnant Wind', right?"

"Isn't it, yes Your Excellency is really sharp-eyed, how did you see it?" Count Martial was patting his back from the side.

"It is simple, just now most of the people present could not help but take a few steps backward because of my aura, only a few people did not react in this way, those people are your young lord heir, the Lord Prelate, that old gentleman, and the one on the left behind him, the one on the right could not help but take a small step backward too, but he was the first of all people to wake up, and I could see that he and the old gentleman were together." That young man explained.

"With this?" Count Laivi said sarcastically.

"Hmph, what do you know? Those who are able to engage my aura, their spiritual power and willpower a keep very strong, with such strong spiritual power and willpower, no matter what, are outstanding, rare and brilliant people, this teenager is said to be a magician, because in the capital, there are not many magicians I know, who are able to ignore the aura I deliberately released. But that teenager did it, and the one who was as unresponsive as he was was the gentleman behind the old man, what does your Excellency do, and can you satisfy my curiosity?" That young man asked.

Kellar was never interested in answering people's questions, and he always stood there indifferent.

The young man had to shake his head and sighed and said, "It seems that I can only wait until later, I seek the answer to this question myself, by the way, what is that old gentleman, Mr. Imam can withstand my aura, which I can completely understand, but who is this gentleman?"

"Look at his palm, this is Lord Hyde, the famous explorer and diplomat who was once honored by His Majesty the King with the title of Lord for mediating the war between Frans and Deli to." Count Martial was introduced at the side.

"Oh, I've heard, Mr. Hyde, in the rumors, your technology is extremely advanced, archery precision and can ride on a horse to shoot arrows, moreover, you can use the left hand and right hand alternately, for you there is no shooting dead space, how is this done?" The young man asked.

"The Oriental skill, which is not a great skill in the Eastern countries, I have seen many women who are also able to do this easily." Mr. Hyde replied.

"The East? You are indeed a distinguished explorer." The young man nodded and continued, "Mr. Hyde, you were attacked on your way here, the site of the attack I have surveyed, it was an exceptionally fierce battle, I can fully imagine the danger that your Excellency encountered at that time. However, I understand that there was another group of people who were also attacked, and there was a wagon at the scene not far from your resting place, did you find anything unusual?"

"Abnormal? There were indeed some anomalies, those same people were very powerful, at least half of the attackers were killed by them, and after killing the bandits, they attacked us again." Mr. Hyde said.

"This I can completely guess, in the present sound I found traces of the fight, but it seems that only one person in the other camp was attacking, the present sound did not appear the marks left by the second attack. That person was extremely skilled, how did you cope with his attack?" The young man asked.

"Magic, Edwards is a wizard, there are many ways in magic to deal with this kind of guy with superb force, we just need to make him spin a powerful sword spell towards the trees away from us." Mr. Hyde explained.

"Illusion?" The young man asked Mr. Hyde, see Mr. Hyde no response, then again the body beside the cloak always silent standing there without saying a word middle-aged man.

"The easiest way is indeed to use illusions." That middle-aged man said, "However, there are Guido other ways, the world of magic is really too vast and without borders."

By this time, all present no doubt knew that the second uninvited guest was a magician.

What the hell is going on? Two magicians appeared at once in Thoth Castle, which was a remote place.

If you take into account Edouard's teacher, then there are at least three wizards in the south of Frans. This is something that has never been done before, because, there are so few magicians, and outside the capital city there are even fewer magicians. What is the wind that brings so many wizards to the south? People are all guessing.

"Who is your teacher." The wizard inquired.

Edward looked at Mr. Hyde because he didn't know whether to tell the man the truth or not. What he got from Mr. Hyde was affirmative. Edwarded said with a straight face, "Mashiek wizard, my teacher is a Mashiek wizard."

"Mashik?" The magician repeated, his face became a little unnatural. The young man seemed to be equally uncomfortable, obviously this answer was beyond his original expectation.

"Is that Mr. Mashik a powerful magician?" Count Martial asked cautiously.

"You don't need to know these things." The young man did not have to drink: "Well, our time is extremely valuable, as it must be for everyone here, so let's not let those silly questions get in the way of the important things, Mr. Martial, didn't you tell me that you had great doubts about the identity of this Mr. Ripley, and didn't you say that you were perfectly capable of proving that he was not the real Edward de Bastide, the sole heir of the Lords of Thurthburgh? The reason we were invited here is simply to act as impartial people, so please show us your evidence. We will decide impartially, and I am sure that the same is true of the bailiffs present."

Reminded by this young man, the crowd then remembered that the real protagonist should be Edouard. The heir confirmation ceremony was one of the most important things. Now Earl Martial is a little difficult, before he did not know, this Edwards in the end what is the bottom. Originally, in his opinion, Edwards is just a small puppet, an impostor who was held up to the stage.

That Mr. Hyde had found such a child from somewhere and tried to pass himself off as the heir to the lordship of Thurth Castle. In fact, he was absolutely certain that the real Edward de Tatnis had died long ago, either from the plague or poisoned by the cook he had paid. All the plans had been made ten years ago, and the poisoner had already been found at that time. Edouard Bastide's taste for food was so special that it was easy to poison him.

Originally, according to the plan, kill Edward is in the killing of his grandfather and two uncles after the plague occurred in Southport seven years ago, this is a good opportunity to do it. At the time of the plague, the death of a child would not have been investigated. It was for this reason that he ordered the poisoning of Edward de Bastide.

That cook once told himself that the real Edward de was poisoned by her, and in some before that child has been infected with the plague, even if not poisoned will not live long. The cook's words should be able to be believed, it's a pity that the cook came to the mouth at the beginning, otherwise maybe I could find the clues to get off work me me. Anyway, now standing in front of everyone Edwards is definitely not a real loan.

Originally, they thought this kid was just a trained little liar, and then heard that this kid was still a magician. He still didn't care, maybe this teenager just worshiped a third-rate magician as a master, at best, he would play some trick. However, the facts are increasingly showing that it is not such a thing at all.

The two big shots who came from the capital originally did not come for their own matter, they additionally carried an important task, they came to find themselves completely by accident, and this accident was unexpectedly related to the heir of the lord.

These two people seem to be very interested in the fight that happened in Bart's forest that made them feel inexplicable. The fight was definitely not initiated by himself, he originally thought it was a bitter plan directed by that Mr. Hyde. But now it seems that there is another amazing inside story, this kind of thing they should not provoke for the better. These two people after the scene, they found the clues to their own heart.

According to them, among the attackers who were enemies of this Edouard young axe and his party in that sound fight, there was at least one character with the strength of a paladin present. Moreover, those attackers who were killed were hit by magic in an instant, and the strength of the magician who could perform such magic was quite strong.

This has caused himself to think about it, perhaps that young master Edwards is not so simple. And now it seems that this Mr. Edwards has a magician teacher of extremely high status, that Mashik magician can even make these two big shots are scandalized, that is definitely not a person who can offend himself.

This is the end, now he is already riding a tiger. If you are not able to set things right, your own head moving is a small matter. I'm afraid the Martial family can not be saved, but also may not be clear. For this young master Edward's means, he understands no more, that can really be counted as ruthless.

The team of men he had painstakingly managed and the reinforcements he had secretly borrowed from the imperial court were killed by this gentle-looking young man in an instant, and the ruthlessness of his methods and the swiftness of his actions were simply beyond his reach. With such a ruthless killer as an enemy, Count Martial was deeply worried about his own life and the safety of his family members.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 21, 2023
Last Updated on April 21, 2023
Tags: Magic



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