A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

The autumn breeze sweeping across the water surface stirred up layers of ripples, the waves reflecting the light, the lake surface seems to be puffed with a little gold. The climate in the south is in the end warmer and wetter, so the grass around the lake is still green as if an endless green velvet carpet.

It was a happy, peaceful life in paradise. Standing on the dock, Edwards will gently scatter the bread crumbs in his hands on the lake, the fish are happily scrambling, spitting out strings of water bubbles, stirring up a wave of water, not far behind the beloved thoroughbred horse is free to run around in the grass, Edwards never restrain it.

It has been four days since he arrived here, and everything seems so calm. Apart from yesterday's visit to the Sheriff's residence in the company of Count Fesnan, Edouard has never left the villa.

Old Miss Maiden seemed to have forgotten him, and she had not been seen since that meeting. Except for Miss Landy, who would chat with him for a while at morning tea, he was always alone at other times.

When he was bored, he went to the lake to feed the fish or rode his horse wildly on the grass to become his only entertainment. Of course, the peaceful and calm life is also very suitable for magic practice. Although, the effect of meditating on the meadow by the lake was far less obvious than when he was deep in the forest.

However, since two days ago, he rode alone to the edge of the forest to practice and came back with a severe reprimand from Miss Landy, Edwards no longer dared to wander off, and the other side of the lake became the farthest he could reach.

Apart from that one time, Edouard had never seen Miss Landy get angry before. In his impression, Miss Landy is like an amiable big sister, is in addition to Aunt Betty outside, make him feel the most warm, the most relatable a person. In fact, if it were not for Miss Landy, Edwards would have felt that this place could no longer live.

Most parts of the villa were off-limits to him. His bedroom on the ground floor and the garden living room at the back of the villa were the only places he could venture into. His bedroom was the innermost room in the row of maids on the ground floor where they lived.

And the maids live together, but does not make him feel any dissatisfaction, after all, with his original ideal to a noble family as a decent manservant, is already quite unattainable dream. Compared with the nobles, Edward felt that he and the maids are the same kind of people, although he is now playing the role of high lord heir, but this feeling, he has never changed.

He would never forget his years in Southport. But what Edwards regretted was that the maids never paid any attention to him, as if he was infected with the plague, and avoided him from afar, which puzzled him.

Now he was most concerned about when Mr. Hyde would bring his magic experiment materials and apparatus. This matter, Mr. Hyde promised him, will definitely be done.

Although, the parchment is hidden around Edwards, but, without the material can not do anything, the only thing he can do is, study those divine text recitation, although, from the wind elves know the description and expression of the wind in the divine text, but, this world is not composed of wind alone, for other elemental elves perception and understanding, Edwards is far from the wind so The world is not made up of wind alone, and Edwarded's perception and understanding of other elemental elves is far less profound than that of wind.

Besides, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the magic test materials, Edward was extremely curious about Mr. Hyde telling himself that he would have a new teacher. Although, Edward was able to guess that the teacher must also be a kind of liar and killer like Draddy and Kaille who could not see the sunlight.

But Edwards did not resent all this. In his opinion, Draddy and Kellar are undoubtedly highly intelligent and supreme figures, and Mr. Hyde is even more divine and omnipotent. Their talents are far more brilliant than those of other famous and great people he had met.

Learning from such people is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Of course, learning from them does not mean doing the same as them, and Edouard neither wants to be a liar nor to kill people for a living. I wonder, what can the new teacher teach him? What kind of a person would the new teacher be?

Is it a thief like Pym? Or a scout like Faith? Edwards guessed.

When he was standing on the dock and thinking, a carriage came from afar, the carriage door with a relief of an angel, no need to ask that must be the church carriage, probably Mr. Hyde sent to pick himself up.

The carriage slowly drove up to Edwards, and the driver, dressed in the black ground and white collar of a novice priest, asked, "Are you Mr. Edwards Tatnis?"


"Elder Mundi sent me to fetch you to the cathedral." The trainee priest said.

"Okay, but please wait a little, I need to speak to my aunt first." With that he threw all the bread crumbs into the lake and turned around to walk towards the villa.

Walking into the cottage, Edwards tilted his head and raised his voice and shouted upstairs, "Miss Landy, Mr. Hyde sent for me, may I come?"

"You come upstairs." The voice of old Miss Meding came from the second floor. Edward walked up to the second floor, only to see old Miss Meding and Miss Landy standing at the window looking toward the distant carriage.

"What can I do for you, Auntie Goo?" Edouard asked cautiously.

"Do you recognize the coachman?" The old lady asked.

"Haven't seen it." Edwards replied.

Old Miss Medine obviously knew exactly what was on Edward's mind, and she said coldly, "After so many deaths in the family, one always becomes a little wiser and more cautious."

Edward said after a long time: "I will be fully prepared, although not sure what will happen, but I think I should be able to deal with the danger, and there is a bodyguard to protect me at all times."

"You're very adventurous and like the thrill of it, aren't you? Foolish." The old lady said coldly, "If, you must take that risk, then you go and get ready." .

Hearing this command, Edouard immediately excused himself and ran downstairs to his room. Inside the room hidden a special gown, the snow-white shirt of the cuffs and collar rolled with long silk lace, but the rest is not so nice, from the elbows to the waist traces are made of wire mixed with coarse linen woven cloth.

That undershirt was wrapped outside in a beautiful silk of bright yellow embroidered with dark floral patterns, inside it was actually two thin steel plates in the front and back, which was definitely uncomfortable to wear, but it looked quite flat and straight. The gown was made of the finest wool spun into fabric through careful tailoring, both beautiful and very elegant, and the gown's lining was made of tough magic wolf skin.

In order to protect the head, the lining of that big hat is made of rhinoceros skin, and then surrounded by that thick wool and steel wire woven from a mixture of scarf. It can be said that this pair of clothes on the body, even in the battlefield, want to retreat in one piece is not a rather difficult thing.

Compared with the real armor, this gown is lighter, but, usually wearing it on the body is simply suffering. Only on occasions like today, this gown will come in handy. As for the crossbow and wand, Edwards always carry, not a moment away from the body.

Packed up, Edwards walked out the door and headed for the carriage. The carriage, Edwards carefully searched around, Kellar once taught himself how to prevent assassination traps knowledge now really came in handy. Edwards even Mashik teacher gave himself the ring are used, also did not find any suspicious place, it seems that the carriage should not be any problem.

After entering the city, Edwards had to pay close attention to the movement on both sides. That car driver is indeed a bit suspicious, although the direction is no mistake, is indeed towards the cathedral. However, there is a straight and spacious avenue, he did not go, but to the side of a crowded path.

Kellar once taught him the knowledge of those set up assassination, in Edwards brain inside little by little emerged. A glance, many originally would not cause people's ideas of small places, in the eyes of Edward became a hidden killing place. Edward's heart silently calculate the moment those killers to do.

With each intersection he crossed, his vigilance increased by one level, for he knew that the best place to strike was undoubtedly where the neighboring cathedral was located. Almost to the destination, for most people, is the moment of weakest vigilance. The cathedral's large circular zenith gradually appeared in front of his own eyes, there are two blocks to reach the square in front of the church.

Just as, Edwards predicted, just behind has been in a left and a right to follow their own two carriages, slowly approaching here. The carriage driver gradually slowed down the speed of the carriage. The two carriages will be sandwiched in the middle, should be the moment they make a move, Edwards very clear this point.

From the pocket inside the wand, Edwards whispered a mysterious incantation, until the magic is ready to complete, Edwards took the wand with a finger, a drop of liquid will be silent to float down on the right carriage of the driver's face.

The effect of the psychedelic powder is indeed called immediate, only to see the car driver crooked two crooked, from the car planted down.

Long ready Edwards, waiting for this opportunity, he gently opened the car door, jumped down to the ground, for the once received Kellar high escape training Edwards, this is nothing at all.

Steady on the ground, Edwards walked towards the carriage behind him, the carriage driver since the carriage fell to the ground, the carriage people can not escape, not to mention that even if they escape, there is the fainted carriage driver, he must not even crawl up it.

As Edwards predicted, the other two carriage driver saw the action failed, immediately drove the carriage desperately frantic, turned a corner and disappeared at the other end of the street. For, the two carriages, Edwards simply not interested, fled, anyway, there is another one it.

Edward walked toward the carriage, the carriage has been surrounded by a circle of people, there are two people to the carriage inside poking around looking at. Edwards went close to see, he was stunned. What a bloody and horrible scene in front of him!

A little in front of the wagon wheel lay a body, and the fatal wound did not come from the one on his forehead when he fell from the wagon seat. What really took his life was the crossbow arrow that was lodged deep in the back of his head.

Completely different from the hand crossbow he was good at using, it was a thumb-thin, one foot long, crossbow arrow fired with a bulky military crossbow. In front of such a terrifyingly powerful weapon, the steel armor worn by the knight was as fragile as thin cardboard.

The crossbow arrow was nailed through the back of the corpse's head, the arrow between the eye and the bridge of the nose, penetrated out, in order to increase the killing power, the arrow was covered with sharp barbs, the muscles of the face completely tore open, the blood-red wound rolled over to reveal the white bones, the huge penetration force even pulled out the eye, held by a bloodied tendon hanging outside the eye socket.

From the terrible wound outwardly, in addition to the bright red blood and milky white brains, this is a horrible scene. There was a body inside the carriage.

A merchant-like bearded man in his thirties sat there, an identical crossbow arrow shot from his chin, the arrow penetrated the skull and was firmly nailed to the wooden board at the back of the wagon carriage. Blood flowed down that one bearded man's entire chest. At the feet of the body on the floor lying a heavy military crossbow, it is this powerful murder weapon, in just a few minutes ended two lives inside.

Seeing this heavy military crossbow, Edwards drew a cold breath, as long as the thought that this was originally used against his own murderous weapons, Edwards will feel the guts of the body.

Edwards definitely did not expect that, in order to keep the secret, this assassin on the carriage actually shot himself after shooting the coachman. Who planned all this, and what kind of a cruel guy was directing all this?

Who is the person who can make his men so desperate to die? Edouard no longer dare to continue to imagine. He felt that he was too risky this time. As always, he is full of longing and desire for adventure, in his head inside the life of those adventurers is incredibly colorful and full of excitement.

Those adventures are as romantic and moving as described in the novel. In fact, Edwards is bent on being able to be like Mr. Hyde and become a good explorer.

Mr. Hyde's experience for Edwards, is undoubtedly a fascinating story to aspire to, although, Mr. Hyde told him that in that adventure experience, most of the companions lost their precious lives, to survive only Mr. Hyde himself and that Mr. Dauphin. But, how would Edwards pay attention to how many people died in the adventure journey?

Only the victor can draw people's attention, the dead are completely ignored. Because of this, all adventure stories are exciting and fascinating. Edward now finally know that the real adventure is not so romantic, adventure is often accompanied by death, adventure is the challenge of the game of death.

It was only at this time that Edwards realized that although he was already in this game, he was not yet ready to meet the embrace of death. A feeling of extreme exhaustion came over him, and Edwards dragged a heavy pace toward the cathedral in the distance. Beside the carriage behind him, more and more people gathered around, and the sharp and shrill bell of the police carriage could be heard from afar coming towards the place.

For all this, Edward was oblivious, and he walked alone toward the cathedral. Two blocks away, as he stepped onto the front steps of the church, a hand came silently from behind him.

"Just now, you did a good job." That was Kellar's voice.

Edouard did not answer; for some reason, he could not speak.

Through the crowded halls of the cathedral, Edwards followed Kellar to the back of the church where the monks lived. A long corridor of nearly 100 meters on both sides, every five or six meters open a door.

According to the door-to-door interval, the room is very narrow, but think about it, earthly pleasures are not the original concern of these monks. The bedroom for them is just a place to rest. From one side of the gallery, there is a patio with a statue of the God of Light in the center. The sunlight cast from the high glass roof of the church was reflected on the statue, and everything looked so solemn.

A small door opened on the side of the patio, Kailer went up and pulled the rope attached to the doorbell hanging from the door. After a series of pleasant bell, the observation hole in the door panel was opened, and the person inside saw that it was Kailer, and hurriedly removed the latch.

Edvard followed Kellar into the small door, behind which was a long flight of steps sloping downward. The steps are about 20 or 30 steps, and there is another small door at the end. This is an extremely secluded place, do anything inside, and no one outside will know.

Coming down the stairs and walking through the small door, Edwards saw Mr. Hyde and Draddy sitting there. Seeing Kellar and Edwards enter, Mr. Hyde waved and pointed to the couch beside him. For Edwards, it would be nice to be able to sit down, and for some reason, his feet were always slightly weak.

"Mr. Hyde, did you call Edwards over?" Kellar asked.

Mr. Hyde frowned, and he replied as if he thought of something: "Yes, I sent Hess to fetch you here."

"Hess may be in trouble." Kellar said with an expressionless face.

Hearing this news, Mr. Hyde didn't seem surprised as he glanced at Edwards and nodded his head asking, "Edwards met an assassin, didn't he?"

"The row is still big, even military crossbows are used." Kellar said.

"It seems someone is getting impatient to wait." Mr. Hyde muttered to himself.

After a long time, he then turned to Draddy and said, "Is there anyone inside Hess's house?"

"A wife and a four-year-old son." Draddy replied.

"Send five thousand gold coins over to his wife, and say hello to Maier's place, he'll take care of them both, mother and son." Mr. Hyde instructed.

"Draddy, how are things looking?" Mr. Hyde asked again.

"That butler did leave out a lot of things, a lot of important things, that Baron Tatnis is indeed a surly and decadent fellow, and that family is definitely a dysfunctional family." Drady sighed and said, "I will call that butler in, you will understand if you ask him yourself." Said Draddy stood up from the top of the sofa, opened the other small door on the right and walked out.

After a while, he returned to the hall with an old man of medium height with white hair. Edward took a look at the old man. No wonder so many people believed that the real Edward Tatnis was always under the close protection of this old man.

This old man looks very honest and reliable indeed. A square face angular, soft and kind eyes, thick lips look dignified and reliable, really is a good old fashioned look. The butler looked quite obedient, he was slightly bent over and stood there with his legs tightly together.

"Tell Mr. Hyde again what you left out." Draddy said as he returned to sit down there earlier.

"I deserve to die, I'm stupid, I'm an idiot." While saying, that old man while cracking to give himself a few slaps, and then this respectfully, carefully said: "Mr. Hyde, please forgive me this muddlehead, I really forgot all about that incident, oh, no, I am used to it, all did not feel any big deal, so I forgot to say. "

"Cut the crap." Mr. Hyde was clearly a little impatient.

"Yes, yes, I forgot to tell you, the real young master Edwards is a nasty embryo, Tattness family are nasty embryo, and our master is all nasty embryo, the top nasty top nasty one. You do not know, our lady just by the master's hand when, or an innocent and pure angelic girl, and the master's marriage, the lady seems to be eighteen years old, yes, certainly wrong, is eighteen years old, at that time, the lady really like an angel. But, since marrying our master, the lady was tossed out of shape by the master, you don't know, for a long time, the master did not allow the lady to wear clothes, nor did he allow her to get out of bed, although, what the master and the lady did in bed, we could not see, but the lady's voice begging for mercy, but into our ears. When the master is interested, often stay in the bedroom of the lady all day and night, then, it is the lady suffer days, from morning to night, there is no time to stop, and according to the maids, the master tormenting women's tricks are many, many methods we can not even imagine ...... "

The steward rambled on, although he said how the master was shameless, but, looking at his face, watching him talk about it all with great interest, as if it was not the same thing. It seems that he is quite happy with this topic. The butler was talking about himself with great interest, and Edward was listening next to him with little interest.

"Well, you may stop a little, I want to ask you, what about that young master Edwardian?" Mr. Hyde interrupted the butler's rise.

"Ah, Master Edward, yes, I was just about to mention Master Edward. Our master is such a nasty person, young master Edwards grew up hearing and seeing, still can not follow the bad? You don't know, the master is very strict with us servants, when he torments the lady in the bedroom, the servants are not allowed to enter the bedroom, even the entire third floor where the bedroom is located are not allowed to approach, this rule is not only effective for the male servants, for the female servants are also the same, but, the young master is the only exception. You can never imagine that young master Edwards has not yet fully understood, often watch the master and the lady do that thing, over time, the young master has also become a dirty embryo, and ...... and ...... also heard that the master even let the young master touched the lady, of course, this Just our speculation, however, these speculations are not completely without reason, you do not know, our master likes to draw, he draws very well, the master draws all women, all kinds of women, madam is the master draws the most one, these paintings although not involved in that thing between men and women, but I always feel that these paintings are more dirty than that kind of thing, much nasty, among them, there are several is Madame and the young master painted when they were together."

Hearing everything the butler said, Edouard felt some discomfort rise up inside his stomach.

"Mr. Hyde, I brought all those paintings too, it was a close call, fortunately the mob didn't check out the paintings, there was the real Edwardian, the Tatnis ones were crushed at the bottom of the compartment." Draddy said.

"Are you sure that no one has turned it over?" Mr. Hyde asked, he likewise did not think there was such a great danger always hidden there undiscovered, which can only say that their luck is really good.

"I'm sure that the frame thickly accumulated a layer of ash, the ash can prove that the paintings have not been moved, very lucky, only the top dozen paintings have been turned over, those killers obviously also want to find something valuable from the painting, but, like us, the killers see all that kind of thing, they also gave up further search. " Drady said.

"Bring the painting for me to admire." Mr. Hyde said.

Edouard glanced at Mr. Hyde and saw the way he always frowned, so he knew that the head was not really interested in those dirty paintings, and that Mr. Hyde might have other intentions. Draddy agreed and once again left his seat and walked out of the room.

This time after waiting for a long time, Drady returned to the hall, he dragged a tall stacked with large and small frames of the small flatbed cart, will be unloaded from the small flatbed cart, Drady once again dragged the empty cart out of the room. After a total of four times back and forth, the hall has long been full of paintings.

The people got up from the sofa and walked to the pile of paintings. Mr. Hyde had to look through one after another, the butler stood behind Mr. Hyde and had to explain a few things from time to time.

The butler's memory is very good, these paintings inside the earliest few, or the nasty Mr. embryo painted when he was young, the butler actually still able to say the painting of the model in the end is which a noble lady. Draddy had obviously seen it all over again, so he didn't have any reaction at all.

Kellar was never interested in such things. Only Edwards looked at the side of the red face, blood swells. Have to admit, that Mr. Tatnis really has an extraordinary talent for painting, painting these beauties not only lifelike, but also described as vivid and evocative. Each beauty is like a flesh-and-blood real person like leaping on the canvas, and even each person's temperament can be vividly expressed.

Each of these paintings unobtrusively expresses that Tatnis' talent for painting to the fullest, and likewise reveals the desultory and decadent side of the playboy to the fullest.

These paintings are full of explicit sensationalism and provocation, with gorgeous silk, white and delicate wool blankets, fluffy and soft camel's wool, bright and beautiful bouquets of flowers, which the painter has cleverly and successfully used
The technique of concealing the real and the imaginary provokes the desire to see more clearly.

Although he did not know what kind of effect this kind of teasing would have on Mr. Delardi and Mr. Hyde, Edward clearly felt that this kind of temptation was hard for him to resist. In fact, there are several times, Edwards impulse to pick up a painting, it will be held up to the eyes to take a good look at that seems to reveal non-reveal, is always hazy between the square inch.

In addition to these, there was something else that tickled Edouard even more. Most of those beautiful women were wearing strange accessories that he had never seen before.

A string of extremely sparse pearl necklace or delicate and delicate chain along the slender jade legs hanging down. A long golden needle as sharp as a wasp's sting emerges from between the buttocks. This often appears in those paintings, almost become a universal ornament. Looking at these ornaments, Edwards inexplicably feel hot body. His face was red and his cheeks were burning.

"Are these the ones?" Mr. Hyde asked, pointing to the nine canvases stacked in a pile.

"Yes, yes." That butler nodded his head and promised repeatedly.

Edwards peeked, he was only able to see the first painting, the following are covered by the painting can not be seen. And all the other beautiful nude painting is different, this painting in addition to that Miss Lisa Medine, next to a child of eight or nine years old.

In the painting, the naked body of Miss Lisa leaning against a hill, she used her right elbow to support the upper body, the waist lifted off the ground, the whole body formed a perfect curve, the tight back makes the pair of full breasts look extra sharp, the slender waist raised high to highlight the beautiful curve of the buttocks, the left leg completely straight on top of the grass looks extra long and thin, the right leg lifted high on the slender feet The right leg is raised high and the slender jade foot is pointing straight up to the sky.

Miss Liza a slightly curly wave of blonde hair cascading behind her, reflecting the turquoise grass, like the fine sunlight on the surface of a blue lake. The pointed chin is slightly raised to reveal the snow-white slender neck, a pair of large crystalline soulful eyes with a straight and delicate nose, really the perfect masterpiece of the gods.

Beside Miss Lisa half-kneeling a child of eight or nine years old, with the same flowing and slightly curved hair, only the color is different. From the child's eyebrows and eyes and nose match, he and Miss Lissa look very much alike indeed. This should be the real Edward de Tatnis, the heir to the lord who died in the plague seven years ago.

The child in the painting has one hand tightly around the long leg of Miss Lisa that is raised high, the other hand carrying a long string of sparsely strung pearl necklace, the other end of the necklace disappears in the place where Miss Lisa's legs meet.

Seeing this painting, Edward felt his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot, his chest was stuffy and panicked as if to immediately explode, and his throat was burning inside, as if he had accidentally swallowed a piece of red-hot charcoal, and what made Edward feel uncomfortable was that his belly was bloated and painful.

Suddenly Edward found himself in front of his pants obviously protruding a piece, his face became more red, Edward quickly turned his head away from looking, perhaps, this is too exciting for himself a little.

"This is a birthday gift from Master Edwards on his eighth birthday." The butler explained next to him.

"Such a gift is unheard of. The real gift, I'm afraid, is not this painting." Mr. Hyde said.

"Mr. Hyde, look, can I get rid of these extremely dangerous paintings once and for all?" Draddy asked.

Mr. Hyde pondered for a long time, then turned to the butler next to him and asked, "Did your master ever let anyone see these paintings?"

"Seen, seen, Viscount Belfry and Viscount Aniem are both good friends of the master." The butler replied, "However, it is not for me to know whether these pictures have ever shown themselves."

"What kind of background do both of these viscounts have?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"I don't know much about it, except that the two of them are quite popular in the capital, Frans." The butler said.

"Have they seen the real Edouard Tartanis?" Mr. Hyde asked further.

"No, although her ladyship is quite obedient to her master, she has always been reluctant to meet outsiders, and she is even reluctant to let anyone know her true identity; in fact, originally, those of us who are subordinates had no idea that her ladyship was actually the daughter of the lord. The lord has always been very considerate of the lady in these respects, and the young master has always followed the lady, as far as I can remember, he has never left the lady's side, and when the lord has guests to visit, the young master hides with the lady inside the room and does not come out." The butler said.

"Draddy, you send Ted back to Southport again and have him bring Cobby here." Mr. Hyde instructed.

"Cobby? Are you planning to make use of the paintings?" Draddy, of course, knew quite well what Mr. Hyde meant when he asked him to bring Cobby in.

Cobby is a group of art crooks who specialize in making forgeries of stolen paintings and precious antiques to sell them secretly for large sums of money. Many of the forgeries made by Kopi escaped the eyes of the most astute art connoisseurs and were held in the private collections of the aristocracy or kings and bishops.

Mr. Hyde will call Cobby, is sure to ask him to imitate these paintings, of course, the main character in the painting must be replaced with this Edwards in front of him.

"Understood, I'll get right on it." Draddy promised.

Mr. Hyde will be a stack of paintings to look at, Edwards although also want to sneak a peek at two, but he was a little afraid, in the end afraid of what, he himself is not quite sure.

"Were these all painted at once?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"No, about every few months, the master will only paint one for the young master." The butler said.

"Why is the background mostly wilderness?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"This, I don't have too idea, it's really like that." The butler scratched his head and said, "The master has a hut outside of Nangang City, a very humble hut, I think these paintings were painted near there."

"Do you know where that cabin is?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"I know, I've been there a few times."

"Draddy, I still have to trouble you to run once. In case there is something hidden there, it can be a problem." Mr. Hyde instructed.

"Oh, I remembered something, but I don't know if it's useful." The butler suddenly slapped his head and said.

"What is it about?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"Usually the master and madam do that kind of thing always closed the door and windows tightly, and absolutely do not allow anyone to come near the bedroom, but, every month there are always one or two days, madam's bedroom will be completely different from the usual, not only the curtains are all drawn, even the whole door is open, but, we as subordinates have long developed a habit, without the master's command, we will never go near the bedroom. We will never go near the lady's bedroom without the master's order." The butler said.

"I see," Mr. Hyde nodded at: "Butler, you also rushed back to Southport with Draddy, what other place did your master ever stay for a while, besides that mountain cabin?"

"There was a boat, a small boat. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any, since I met Madam, Master settled in Southport, as far as I remember Master never went anywhere else after that, that small boat was used by Master for fishing, Madam was never interested in fishing." The butler said.

"Just in case, it's better to check it out, you go down." Mr. Hyde said.

After the butler promised, he respectfully walked out of the room backwards.

"Draddy, you get Lilith here." Mr. Hyde commanded.

"Only a little difficult, Lilith said she was dirty and tired on the way, she wants to take a relaxing bath first, only now is still soaking in the bathtub. Her temper again you know." Draddy replied helplessly.

"Then first get Pym over here, I have something to order him." Mr. Hyde said.

Draddy nodded and walked out the door, and after a moment, he led Pym back inside the hall.

"Lilith has come out from inside the bath, she is putting on her makeup, it may take another half an hour." Draddy said to Mr. Hyde.

"Head, I have brought the men and scouts you need according to your wishes, a total of one hundred and fourteen gold fingers and two hundred and thirty-eight scouts, which I have temporarily arranged outside the city. I have instructed them not to do business for the time being." Pym reported.

"Who's their leader?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"Each group of people has its own head, and Alan is in charge of the general movement." Pym replied.

"Very well, you have the local boys, each one bring one or two field companions, in the next few days to get familiar with the geography of Cherbourg, by the way, let them inquire about one thing, just now, I sent Hess to pick up Edwards, but, to Edwards was not Hess himself, on the way back, Edwards was almost ambushed, fortunately, he was smart He escaped with his life. I want you to find out who set this up, and whether Hess is dead or alive." Mr. Hyde commanded.

"Yes, I'll get right on it." Pym agreed.

"Chief, what are you going to do about this?" Drady asked.

"A game, there must be rules of the game, since someone has set the rules of this game for us, let us also play together according to the rules of this game." Mr. Hyde said with a gloomy face.

"Since others are able to kill our people, we can also cut their wings clean, isn't that right head?" Draddy asked.

"You're right. What's more, I'm afraid that if we continue to indulge like this, those guys will think they have everything under control, and I'm afraid they'll get even bolder and have a bigger appetite." Mr. Hyde said.

"Head, what is my job?" Kellar, who stood off to the side and never opened his mouth, asked.

"You remain in the shadows to protect Edwards for the time being, when you are needed, I will naturally instruct you, by the way, Faith has got the madman out, you go and meet him." Mr. Hyde said.

Speaking of which, Mr. Hyde suddenly thought of something, he asked Kailer: "What about the other killers now? Have you made contact with them?"

"They haven't responded yet, but we should have news in another week, chief, in fact you don't even need to call those people, with the help of the madman, I can take care of any target." Kellar said.

"No, some things are not suitable for you to do, you strike too clean, what I need now is blood, bloodier than those people, so as to be able to deter those people." Mr. Hyde explained.

When Mr. Hyde was thinking about who to give this matter to be more appropriate, there was a knock at the door.

"Is that Lilith? Come in." Mr. Hyde called out.

The door was gently pushed open, from the door into a stunning beauty to. Seeing this woman walk in, Edwards inexplicably felt a wild jump in his heart.

Edwards is not without beauty, that deeply fond of his Miss Fanny is a beauty, the old Miss Medine side of the amiable Miss Landy is also a beauty, plus only seen the portrait, never seen the real Miss Lisa Medine, his own "mother", the same stunning.

On the beauty, the four of them are difficult to distinguish, each with their own beautiful and moving places. However, Miss Lilith gave herself the feeling of being so different. Edwards always felt that her every move, eyes expression, and even the voice of speech with a temptation, strong temptation.

This temptation is obviously useless for old men like Mr. Hyde and Pym, and as for Kellar, he is even less responsive, and even Draddy seems indifferent. However, for Edwards is not like this at all, this temptation is extremely deadly, Edwards hurriedly turned his face away, he did not dare to stare at this Miss Lilith. And his face has long been red like a ripe apple.

Edouard's reaction, in that Miss Lilith seems to be extremely normal, she has long been surprised, in order to make every action are perfect, in order to make a smile are able to seduce the soul, how much hard work they have done.

In order to have a perfect body alone, she did not know how much pain and suffering she endured, delicious food became a pleasure she could never enjoy, the winter months also had to use ice water bath just to make the skin more delicate and smooth.

The snow-white and pink skin and who knows is exchanged for the hot towel and the bone-chilling cold towel in the great pain brought to them. And what you end up getting is a sideways glance from the crowd.

In fact, one of the things Lilith is most proud of is that she doesn't have to rely on nudity and teasing with words to get men to do her bidding.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and the people in front of her are definitely not among those who will be tempted, and Lilith originally did not intend to waste this effort, but, years of habit so that even if she did not deliberately tempt others, her every move still has a great lethality to ordinary people, not to mention that she is standing in front of a really good in the period of youthful energy, the first teenager, and that Before that, the paintings also deeply stimulated his mind, emotions and every nerve. The teenager was already full of lust and had nowhere to give vent to it, how could he resist her fatal temptation?

This teenager, indeed, amused her and was simply adorable.

With Lilith's rich experience, of course, she could see at a glance that Edouard was still just an unenlightened child, although, according to the head of the command, after their own conditioning, this teenager will certainly also become the kind of torment women for the pleasure of the little lecher, but, for now at least he is still a teenager who does not know anything.

Lilith walked over to Edward's side, and she gently stroked Edward's cheek with those luscious, slender hands. Her long, delicate fingers tickled the slightly curled temples of Edward's hair and the skin on the side of his ear.

The itchy feeling plus the teasing of the very skillful fingers, as well as the lady because just after the bath, the body emits a light intoxicating scent, all of which makes today's repeated stimulation of Edwards really some can not stand.

"Chief, this is the student you asked me to teach? He's still just a doll." Lilith giggled, her sharp and slender nails gently had to scrape Edward's chin, because the previous life is quite poor, lack of adequate food, let alone nutrition, Edward's development is not good, and most poor children, his body is short and slender, and his chin has not yet grown a mustache.

Miss Lilith's words were likewise a great shock to Edwards. Edwards had never thought that Mr. Hyde had said that he would find himself a new teacher, and that the teacher would be such a beautiful woman.

Edouard was not stupid, he certainly guessed that Miss Lilith could teach him something. That real Edward de Tatnis was a little nasty, and this impostor of his own was certainly not able to behave like a noble monk in a proper manner.

I'm afraid Miss Lilith is the teacher who came to teach herself those nasty things. If it was in the old days, Edouard certainly could not accept all this. When he was in Southport with Aunt Betty, life was poor, but, his heart thought he was pure.

Like most poor people in Southport, Edwards was convinced that by his own hard work and noble character, coupled with his devout faith, life would get better and better for him. In fact when his old boss looked at him, Edwards attributed it all to the fact that good things come to good people, and it was his flawless character that got him all this in return.

However, since staying with Mr. Hyde and them, Edwards vaguely feel that want to succeed too noble can not.

Plus, after learning to deceive from Draddy, Edwards haughtily discovered that appearing noble is sometimes more useful than actually being noble, and that the means used to do a noble thing are, in many cases, equally unobjectionable.

Like this time, Mr. Hyde gambled almost everything he had, he is carrying out this plan, the purpose is undoubtedly extremely noble, but, the means used in addition to deception, is assassination. And the full assistance of his Drady, Kellar, and even himself is considered noble?

To this, Edwards simply could not find the right answer. Add to that everything that I just heard from the conversation between the butler and Mr. Hyde. There is actually such a way of life in this world.

This way of life is definitely not noble, and is even completely incomprehensible to Edwards. Perhaps when you live and enjoy this kind of obscene and decadent life, you will endure the painful suffering in the lowest level of hell after death.

However, this way of life does not seem to be harmful to others, in fact, in the information known to Edwards, the Tatnis couple in the eyes of ordinary people are noble and benevolent and compassionate good people, in Southport, the Tatnis family has always been extremely generous for charity, such people are considered noble or evil.

What's more, that Mr. Tatnis appears to outsiders to be a good husband who is absolutely faithful to his wife.

Although he has a reputation as a playboy, but, since he married Miss Lisa Medine, he has never set foot in those lanes, if it were not for those things mentioned by old Miss Medine, Mr. Hyde would not have known those inside stories. Is this playboy indulging in lustful lust? Or is he really a loving and loyal lover?

The answer may never be known. Because of this, Edvard became confused about everything he was convinced of. He did not know what was really right and what was wrong. What is nobility? Is there a true nobility?

On top of that, Edwards is, after all, a sixteen-year-old. His age is just the most wonderful time of life, full of exuberant energy. Edwards was originally a teenager full of intense curiosity about everything, but originally he was bound by what he thought was noble, and now, without the bondage only confusion, how could Edwards resist the deadly temptation?

In fact, just now, when he looked at those paintings of Kinky Mia, deep down, he deeply envied the real Eduard Tatnis. It was really a beautiful and exciting life. Maybe it wasn't a very aphid thing to try this kind of lascivious and decadent life. Perhaps it would be quite a good thing to really become the young master Edwardian who was known as a little nasty.

"Lilith, you'd better talk to that butler first and find out, the real Edouard Tatnis' preferences, if, I'm not wrong in guessing, his preferences are quite special, and you are an expert in this area. That butler is leaving soon to go back to Southport, and you don't have much time. By the way, that butler has something to give you that was Mr. Tattness' favorite treasure before." Mr. Hyde said.

"Those things, Drady has handed me on the way, you can rest assured, I have plenty of such things in my hands, and definitely more colorful than those, Mr. Tatnis is just an amateur after all." Lilith said.

"I just need you to teach Edwards everything you know as soon as possible." Mr. Hyde said.

"What an uninteresting job, isn't this like asking me to torture myself desperately?" Miss Lilith was obviously somewhat reluctant.

"Then it will be hard for you." Mr. Hyde said without moving, he knew clearly Lilith was just talking, if she was not willing to take the job, she would not have come to Cherbourg at all.

Sure enough, Miss Lilith gently had to wrap her arms around Edwards, and those charming lips slowly came up to Edwards' ear and said, "My lovely student, remember that everything I have taught you can bring both great pleasure and extreme pain to a woman, and I want you to be able to bring me pleasure." After saying this, those soft and delicate lips kissed on Edouard's cheek, leaving a perfect bright red lip mark.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 19, 2023
Last Updated on April 19, 2023
Tags: Magic



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