

A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

In this grand and solemn cathedral, a shout broke the sacred and solemn atmosphere. With this cry, everyone's attention was focused on Mr. Hyde and their bodies.

"Oh my God, it's Edwardian." Another low gasp came from the crowd.

Edwards looked at the sound, and saw at once, that Miss Fanny stood in the middle of the crowd, her eyes inside a nervous and concerned look.

"Oh my God, get the holy water, fetch some more over here, it looks like someone here is hurt." The clergyman who was shouting loudly commanded.

Said the clergyman walked quickly toward Mr. Hyde. It was then that Edwards noticed that the man was obviously the Lord Prelate that Mr. Hyde and Draddy had mentioned. In fact this prelate did not match at all with the image in Edward's mind.

In his original thought, the headmaster should in any case be a wise, peaceful and dignified image of the elderly, just like his own teacher Mashik magician. However, the old man in front of him, no matter how to associate with that image together.

This old man should not be as old as Mr. Hyde. Tall, at least half a head longer than Mr. Hyde, although thin but does not look thin. Wide bones make this old man look like a behemoth hairy wide clergy robes on his body some not quite right, as if empty.

Wearing a yarmulke on his head, a symbol of the prelate, Edwards speculated whether a mess of chattering hair would be hidden under the hat.

The Lord Prelate has a complimentary look, high cheekbones make his face angular, long face with a sparse beard, always reminiscent of a goat, but unfortunately his beard is not as neat as a goat.

The wide forehead makes the head appear disproportionate and, at the same time, widens the distance between the eyes.

A large nose became the most conspicuous part of his face. Looking at this big nose, Edwards secretly felt some comic. A big voice also marked a big mouth. Those two ridiculously large incisors made that big mouth also became a rather striking organ. Was this the man who was known as the most respected elder in all of Cherbourg? Edouard felt somewhat puzzled.

"My friend, are you injured?" Walking closer, this elder asked once more.

"Oh, it's so good to see you, I thought, we couldn't come!" Mr. Hyde said with mock emotion, "My faithful servant is wounded, and I thought, you could help with that."

"This is very convenient, Pire, you take this gentleman down to rest, and by the way, treat this gentleman." The elder instructed, after finishing this, he suddenly looked back at Edward with a serious face, for a long moment before asking: "This is young Edward, isn't it? My friend."

"Yes, I had thought that his identity was well concealed, I did not expect ......" Mr. Hyde showed a look of helplessness and grief.

"My friend, I dare to swear before the Father God that I have absolutely not revealed anything." The elder said in a panic.

"My friend, how could I possibly doubt you?" Mr. Hyde said with a shake of his head.

"Yes, but it is impossible for others to leak all this, you risked so much to take in this child, you absolutely can not be the leaker, but that loyal butler, in my opinion, is also a cautious and careful character, he should not be able to leak the secret of the young master, it is strange, could it be that behind the curtain of those thugs hides A magician, that's terrible." The elder began to mutter to himself.

The repartee between the elders and Mr. Hyde shocked the surrounding nobles who heard it all beyond measure.

"Elder Mundi, can you tell us what is going on here?" From inside the crowd stood up a thick and fat old man, and behind him stood up two very dignified old men at the same time.

"Count Fresnan, let me introduce to you, this," said the elder, pointing to Mr. Hyde, "is Lord Keviere Egret Hyde, he is my dear friend, Lord Hyde's great name, you should have heard of him, but he is the most outstanding diplomat and explorer of our Franks kingdom, and He is trusted by His Majesty the King and His Grace the Bishop, and is also one of the most important friends of the Holy See. Two years ago, the temporary guardian of our esteemed lord's last legal heir, that exemplary steward, foreseeing a threat to his life and that of his young master, entrusted him to Lord Hyde in order to preserve his master's bloodline. Before making such an arrangement, he told me about it, and perhaps, in the opinion of this butler gentleman, I was still considered a trustworthy person."

Hearing the words of Elder Mundi, that Count Fesnan looked at Edouard blankly for a long moment before saying, "So, that means that the young man before us is the true heir of Count Medin and the son of the true Lady Lissa, but what about the corpse?"

"Maybe it's a despicable ploy of those thugs, I think it's normal, now it seems that these thugs are not that simple guys, there are powerful forces behind them supporting them, what kind of tactics they can use, we don't need to be surprised." That elder said.

"Perhaps, that really must be the body of our young lord's heir?" A medium-sized, balding old man behind Count Fesnan said.

"Lord Martial, you are doubting my honesty are you?" The elder said coldly.

"No, no, no, I absolutely did not mean that, I just made a hypothesis, of course, the possibility is minimal, perhaps, that the corpse is another child adopted by Mr. Butler, in order to cover up." That Lord Martial said with a smile.

"You are not only insulting me, but even insulting the dead, that butler's loyalty and kindness is evident to all, moreover, I have always been in contact with him and have been to that mansion, and have never seen any children, I think, whether there is such a teenager inside that mansion, Count Fesnan should be the most clear, has not your lordship always sent people to monitor that house? "

The elder's remarks made Count Fresnan a little embarrassed, in fact, all this was arranged by the old Miss Medine, the details are not quite clear, but to say that they do not know anything about it, it is too humiliating.

Count Fresnan only had to say stiffly: "Yes, it was a huge and stupid hoax, and I'm sure there was definitely not a teenager inside that house originally."

Count Fresnan's words certainly indicate that he is on Mr. Hyde's side, which is not difficult to understand. In fact, his acting lord is rather uninteresting, everything in Cherbourg is not under his control, as acting lord of the scenery of power is not even as good as when the old lord was alive.

In the old lord under the first official assistant, the earl also want the wind to have the wind, want rain, but now, all the power of Thurth Castle by the two standing behind to divide cleanly.

That Matil Finance Administrator, not only, single-handedly holding the financial power of Cherbourg, those officials specializing in internal affairs were also pulled over by this guy, and who knows, this guy has long been to the court, behind him there is the King's secret support.

As for the military governor of Raiwei, this son of a b***h, because he is in charge of the military affairs of Cherbourg, does not take himself into consideration. Fortunately, he also knows that whether His Majesty the King or His Majesty the Prince sends someone to take over the lordship of Cherbourg, he will be swept out of the house, so he is slightly on his side.

The acting lord's brain quickly weighed the pros and cons, in his opinion, let a child sit on top of the lord's position, this is not a bad thing, they can use the name of the young lord to give orders, although the two guys will not be willing to let themselves do so, but, as long as the young lord to sit firmly in this position, the old lady Medin will certainly support the young lord.

In Cherbourg, old Miss Medine has absolute prestige.

Earl Fresnan carefully calculate all this, for Lord Hyde he does not think there is anything remarkable, although, the small lords are afraid to listen to him, but a powerless in Cherbourg without any influence of the common nobleman, in this place is extremely important to the rank and file, is absolutely impossible to do anything.

However, the only problem now is how to get the military governor on his side, which is quite a headache. And this is something that has to be done, this guy Martial is definitely on the opposite side of their own, this is simply a matter of no doubt. In this case, Raiwei's inclination will seem extremely delicate.

Count Fesnan turned his head toward another old man and asked, "Count Laivi, what do you think of this matter."

"There is no doubt that it was a conspiracy, and I saw long ago that it was a botched plot, but I am equally unsure that this young man is the heir to our esteemed lord."

The old man said with a cold face: "Of course, I do not doubt the honesty of the Lord Prelate, there is no doubt about it, and I do not mean the slightest disrespect to the dead, in fact, I would have liked to have such a loyal steward, only, during these two whole years, could there have been any accident with our esteemed heir, looking at the appearance on these people, they should have been attacked. I have to ask, those cruel murderers who were able to kill a small group of well-trained mercenaries cleanly, have they become merciful or weak this time? By the way, Lord Hyde, I would like to ask you a question, where were you attacked, how many people attacked you, how many people were in your party, and what were the casualties?"

Although the military governor's attitude was quite displeasing to Count Fesnan, but his words could not be caught at all, and it seemed reasonable to ask these questions.

"If your Excellency has any doubts about our thrilling journey, you may send a party of cavalry quickly to Piton, where we were attacked at a resting place between Piton and Butte, and if, without being dragged away, your guards will be able to see the bodies of dozens of desperadoes lying deep in the dense forest, and I have here a more convincing proof , a head; the head of the leader of those attackers." Mr. Hyde snorted, and Kellar took off the leather pouch that was pinned to his waist and gently propped it up in front of the military chief.

For the Earl of Ravey, who is in charge of military affairs, corpses, heads and what not, he does not care at all, as a soldier, a good knight, these things he has seen a lot.

The old man did not take the bag, he stretched out the thin and long fingers, carefully untie the top of the bag gently, propped open the bag, he took a look inside, it was a bloody dead man's head.

"What is this?" The military chief said coldly.

"Have you ever heard of the name Ridocco, who is from Sibai?" Mr. Hyde said slowly.

"There's something familiar about the name Lidoco ......." Reilly frowned in thought.

"'Remnant Wind' Lidoco, the number one expert in the use of bows and arrows among the Western Bay mercenaries." A young knight standing beside this military officer interjected.

Mr. Hyde and Count Levy gazed at the young knight at the same time.

"I remembered picking up, there was a Sai Bye mercenary who was good at archery, just called Lidoke, your Excellency means that it was this famous mercenary and dozens of his men who attacked you, haha, I now find it even more difficult to imagine how your Excellency broke out of the heavy siege with this teenager." A mocking smile appeared on Count Laivi's face.

"We did not break out of the siege, nor could we have done so. Our horses were definitely faster than the speed of a bow and arrow, and what's more, we had no intention of running away at all. Although there were only six of us, we were absolutely confident of annihilating these desperadoes, and Edward took the most credit for this victory." Mr. Hyde said with a smile.

"Oh my goodness, is your Excellency saying that our 'little lord' took care of all the attackers by himself, and that there was even a famous mercenary among those attackers, is that what you mean?" The mocking smile on the military governor's lips intensified.

"Father-in-law, I guess that's not surprising." From the crowd stood a magnificently dressed nobleman in his thirties.

For this man, Edouard was no stranger, he was none other than Baron Ornel who had appeared at Baron Lonner's banquet. The baron walked up to the military governor and quietly whispered something in his ear. Only to see that the pupils of that Earl of Ravey suddenly shrank, and his face was instantly filled with an expression of incomparable surprise.

"Are you sure this is true?" The Count asked as he turned his head to stare at his son-in-law.

"I have seen it with my own eyes, and your daughter can testify whether what I say is true." Baron O'Neill, who was obviously afraid of his father-in-law, took a step back and said.

Count Fesnan and Count Martial were extremely curious about what the military governor actually heard from his son-in-law, but they also knew very well that since, this Baron d'Ornelle was so secretive and biting his father-in-law's ear, the military governor would definitely not share everything he knew with them both.

Earl Reilly pondered for a long time, he was really quite worried now. He knew exactly what the acting lord had in mind, and he also knew what kind of action Martial would take, and the best option for him was to keep his present appearance.

This is the most beneficial for yourself. If the legal heirship of the young lord is recognized, his own power will be greatly shaken, Fesnan the old fox will never let go of this opportunity.

However, the presence of this unidentified lord's heir is also quite necessary so as to be able to hold back His Majesty's further actions.

However, looking at the current situation, Martial is a little weak, Earl Fresnan and Elder Mundy certainly can make a tacit agreement, Fresnan the old man is not difficult to deal with, the elder is very difficult to deal with, the elder has a huge network of people in Cherbourg, his words no one will not believe, which is quite unfavorable for Martial, plus the Lord Hyde, this person is obviously not a simple character, just look at He is not surprised, he may also be a difficult role. And of all the things that caused him the most headache is undoubtedly that the young lord is actually a magic apprentice.

You should know that any magician is not able to easily offend, their hands even if they have a thousand armies, for the magician pick said, it is only a false power.

The mysterious power of the magician is simply not something that they, the ordinary people, can fight against. Only a magician can deal with a wizard. Unfortunately, these people with special abilities are too few, not to mention the fact that he did not have a magician escort around him, even the lord lord likewise has not been protected by a magician, otherwise, he would not have died so inexplicably.

But now there was an apprentice magician standing in front of him. An apprentice magician means that there is a magician hidden behind him.

Not to mention that the magic apprentice itself also has considerable strength, although he is a knight of high strength, however, and a magic apprentice battle is also how he is not willing to do things, who knows, these people have what kind of mysterious and unpredictable strength?

Besides, this magical apprentice was able to defeat the "wind" Lido can and his men, this matter is enough to prove that this young lord is a person who can not be provoked. In short, this young man in front of you, is definitely not a puppet that can be controlled by others. Fesnan this old fox is afraid to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

Thinking of this, the military governor hurriedly put away that mocking face and said: "Elder Mundi, I have quite understood the authenticity of Mr. Edward's identity, I think I have no problem here, you are enough to be trusted, however, we outsiders do not have much say in the determination of the identity of the lord's heir, Miss Lin Mei Tice Meding is the the real figure who can make the confirmation, and nothing we say counts at all."

The attitude of the Minister of Military Affairs suddenly took a 180-degree turn, which could not help but the other two old men were not surprised.

They couldn't imagine how to imagine what kind of information made this stubborn guy completely change his position; the military chief was not a man who gave up anything easily.

Even Elder Mundy was surprised to be able to sit in the position of Patriarch for such a long time, the Elder was not as brave and tactless as he appeared to be, under the protection of that impulsive and stubborn appearance, he was able to get close to anyone easily, and also under his deliberate creation, all the people in the whole of Cherbourg saw him as a respectable and trustworthy elder, their most faithful advisor and guide. Because of this, he was able to hear many secrets from the believers who trusted him, and these secrets were carefully sorted out and passed on to the cathedral in the capital, Frans, through the church ambassador's carriage, and from there to the Holy See.

No one knows more about Mr. Hyde's true identity than he does. Mr. Hyde and the Pope are extremely close, in fact, he often acts as the special envoy of the Holy See, making some things that the Holy See is not convenient to carry out. It can even be said that he organized a huge thieves' union in the south of Frans, which is also very much in line with the interests of the Holy See.

This time, almost all the details of the plan themselves are quite clear, every month, they will and Hyde secretly get in touch with each other, mutual hand can blackmail the military governor's trump card. The original plan was to bypass the military governor and have the old Miss Medine step in to suppress all the unstable forces in Cherbourg.

Could it be that Hyde was hiding something from himself? However, this is not possible, there is no need for this. Could it be that all the changes happened within this month and Hyde was too late to tell himself? But, apart from planning the trial, Hyde had not planned anything originally. The elder felt puzzled.

The only people who could really guess all of this were the nobles who had attended Baron Lonner's banquet, but of course, they wouldn't spread it around, it wouldn't be good for them. To be honest, that Miss Fanny's heart is really quite lost.

She definitely did not expect that Edouard was hiding such an amazing identity, he was actually the heir of the Lord of Thurth Castle. Why had he concealed all this before? What was the purpose of his attendance at that ball? What was the purpose of accepting the invitation to come to his villa for the banquet afterwards?

This can't be just a coincidence, right? Could it be that, as his father had said, in his opinion Edouard could definitely be called an excellent politician and diplomat? Those politicians are good at using everything they can to achieve their goals. Was he really just being used? The baron's daughter thought of all this with immense sadness.

How can a parent be ignorant of his daughter's feelings? As a matter of fact, Baron Loner is quite angry in his heart, he does not care about climbing up the ladder of power, and he feels helpless at best about being used, but to play with his daughter's sincere feelings in this way is absolutely unforgivable.

In addition to Baron Lonner's anger, the Viscount of Terrebonne, who was sitting next to him, also felt righteous indignation.

Although for that year's love rival, Lord Viscount does not have any good feelings, but Edouard's approach is undoubtedly too mean and ruthless, he hurt the most beautiful thing in this world should be protected, that is, the young girl's simple first love heart.

A young girl's first love can be romantic and full of sweet feelings, and may also be bitter and grief-stricken, but the use of this simple heart to achieve their own purposes, compared to the wandering philandering gentry with flowery words to cheat the young girl's pure love and holy body, to 10,000 times more abominable, because the behavior of the philanderer can also give the young girl who was hurt a sweet but painful romantic memories of the bones. . But the ruthless exploitation brings only humiliation and pain.

This little politician is even more odious than his playboy old man. Viscount Turbot was secretly gnashing his teeth there. What he hated even more was that there was one thing he had to admit, Edouard was indeed a charming Prince Charming in the eyes of those girls.

The maturity and sophistication that does not match his age, his extensive knowledge, his elegant speech, his insight, his strong self-confidence, and his identity as an apprentice in magic, all of them deeply attract those girls who are not deeply involved in the world. What's more, with the incomparably rich experience of Telbo, he certainly knows extremely well that all this is absolutely fatal for the girls full of fantasy.

Even if you know how cold and heartless this kid is, only in the use of their feelings, these little girls will still be like moths to a flame, deeply in love with this wanderer son who has no true feelings at all. Moreover, the colder this kid seems, the more girls who are deeply in love with him, the deeper the feelings are.

What caused the Viscount Terreault the most headache was that his daughter, the stubborn and capricious girl, was one of the many moths. What Baron Ronald and Viscount Terreault had in mind, Edouard himself did not know.

All he knew was that he was now at the mercy of the gentry of Cherbourg, and that the days until he could prove his status as the rightful heir would be extremely difficult for him. In fact, one of the most difficult things was that he would soon have to face the old Miss Medine, who was rumored to be known for her severity.

This old lady is the sister of the old earl, lifelong unmarried she has the exact same bad temper of all spinsters.

However, in addition to bad temper, the old lady's fair and strict is also a well-known thing throughout Cherbourg, when she was young, she used to be the chief prosecutor of Cherbourg, strict law enforcement makes Cherbourg up and down no one does not fear her, but the people quite love the old lady.

Since the death of the old Earl of Medin, the old lady has become one of the highest ranking nobles in Cherbourg, and everything can only be done with her approval.

Both the chief of military affairs and the director of finance were respectful in front of this old lady. Edwards did not know what kind of test would await him when he faced this old lady.

In the western suburbs of Cherbourg five kilometers outside the city there is a beach covering hundreds of hectares of lake, although it can only be regarded as a small lake swings, but the lake is beautiful. The blue surface of the lake is reflected in the distant two not too high and not too low hillocks, which are covered with flowers and trees.

In the gaps of the dense tree canopy can faintly see a beautiful and exquisite five-story villa. An avenue paved with green slabs stretched from the entrance of the villa to the lake, where a pier was built. Completely different from the pier in Southport, an elegant and chic pavilion was built next to the pier.

The outer circle of the pavilion is made up of dozens of floor-to-ceiling windows and doors, and the doors are made of countless strips of red pine wood crossed and spliced with index fingers, giving a sense of permeability. The top of the pavilion is made of thin marble slabs inlaid with each other as if they were fish scales, radiating dazzling colors under the sunlight.

A small boat was moored on the pier. The boat is made of oak, the outside is painted with a layer of white, only the part of the side of the boat is dark red and waxed, light can be seen. The front of the boat has three oars on each side, the back half of the hull with zingy wood built a canopy, hiding inside a rest is good.

In between the lake and the hillock is a flat piece of grass. This large piece of grass stretches for more than ten kilometers around the entire lake, and is definitely a good venue for running horses. Looking south from the hillock, the Butte Forest is not far away, and the lake divides into a stream that stretches straight into the depths of the forest.

Edwards, led by Count Fresnan, came to this paradise, here is the Medin family built in the suburbs of the villa, this was the old Earl of Medin's favorite place to stay, the old Earl lived here every year, far more time than in the Sheriff's Palace.

Since the death of the old Earl of Medin, only the old lady and her adopted orphan girl remained here. Strangely enough, however, the old lady did not let the orphan girl officially become her adopted daughter. In addition to the two of them, there are several maids living with them, that are the old lady kindly take in the bitter people, so for this family, these maids are absolutely called loyalty.

The old lady was so stubborn that she was determined not to let the guards and male servants live in the place. Her behavior was rightly explained by the eccentricities of an old maid. Since the death of the old Earl of Medin, this place has become unwelcoming to men, so even the Earl of Fresnan, a big man who is the acting lord, has to wait obediently for the old lady to receive him when he arrives here.

Standing under the porch, the autumn breeze blew through, making the Earl feel a slight chill, he was now regretting that he should have worn an extra cloak before coming out, or, like Lord Hyde, stayed in the carriage and did not get down.

Now stand in front of the door like this and endure the cold wind blowing, that is not asking for suffering?

I don't know when the old lady will receive herself. According to the usual experience, when the old lady is in a better mood, she is willing to receive their group, but this is something that is completely unsure. Once she is in a bad mood, standing outside the door for two or three hours is a very common thing.

Count Fresnan prayed in his heart that the old lady would be in a better mood. I don't know if it was because the Earl's prayer was effective, or the old lady was already in a good mood, after a quarter of an hour or so, the orphan girl pulled open the door and came out, she took a good look at Edouard and turned to the Earl and said: "Acting Lord, my aunt said that I should bring this young man in for her to see, please go back to the Please go back to the carriage and wait, it's cold here." The lady gently pulled Edward into the house, and then closed the door with her hand.

A long sigh came from outside the door. Edwards cautiously stole a glance at the orphaned lady.

The information says that this young lady is twenty-two years old and still waiting to be married off, it seems that the old lady does not mean to marry her off, and this young lady seems to be planning to live with the person who adopted her, never heard of her having a love affair.

A pair of eyes are thin and long, full of tenderness, two curved eyebrows with a delicate nose, is so harmonious, like a quiet landscape painting, people feel incomparably warm. A touch of red lips, the corners of the mouth slightly curved, revealing a sweet smile and a row of neat and white teeth. A head of hair is softly curled and falls on the shoulders.

The lady was wearing a vivid red silk dress with a high collar that only revealed her white and pink neck, and a silver necklace was the only ornament on her body, with an angel statue hanging from the bottom of the necklace. When it comes to beauty, this lady is one of the most beautiful women Edwards has ever seen.

Compared with Miss Fanny, this lady looks more mature and more full of the unique charm of women. The gentleness is also not possessed by Miss Fanny.

Looking at her, Edouard seemed to feel a sense of being carefully taken care of by his sister. It was a feeling that had never been overwhelmingly warm. This feeling is very comfortable.

Following this sister, Edouard came to the second floor. The entire second floor was completely opened up, with a circle of sofas in the middle, black leather sofas covered with a thick camel's wool.

Against the south window there is a row of knee-high low cupboard, low cupboard is made of good sandalwood carefully carved and put together, exquisite carving and thick, dense, bright purple lacquer layer, people feel that the low cupboard itself is a rare art treasures.

Against the east, west and north of the three sides of a row of the same texture and workmanship of the floor high cupboard, but compared to the row of low cupboard, they are much sparser carvings, and the color of the paint also proves that the high cupboard and low cupboard is not the same era of work.

These high cabinets are obviously later imitation furniture. The imitation craftsman had good skills, but obviously no talent. Whether it is a high cupboard or a low cupboard, the things held inside are not precious works of art.

It seems that, like Mr. Hyde, the owner of this place is also a collector, only this collector does not have the artistic talent of Mr. Hyde to arrange this place like that treasure house, Mr. Thumb's treasure house itself is a remarkable masterpiece.

In the middle of the sofa sat a thin but not too old-looking lady, and most spinsters, the old lady always has a cold face, I do not know because of the pure heart and desire therefore do not see the old, or because of a calm life coupled with proper maintenance, the passage of years did not leave too many marks on this face.

After all, with the Lissa, Miss Medine has a blood connection, so the old lady's face and the portrait hanging in Edward's room his "mother" is really some resemblance. Like most spinsters, the venerable Miss Medine was dressed in clothes reminiscent of a clergyman's monastic garb, at least the colors and patterns were similar.

The old lady scanned Edwards up and down with cold eyes and turned her head toward the foster lady and said, "Randi, why did you finally bring him in, can't you see he's a fake?"

Heard, the old lady said so, Edwards soul, how he could not imagine, where in the end he showed the horse. Fortunately, Kellar's initial training at this time, played an effect, although the heart is filled with incomparable shock, but, his face is still very calm.

Perhaps, it was just a test. Thinking about it, Edouard was about to defend himself a bit.

That Miss Landy obviously guessed what was in Edward's mind, she smiled gently and walked up to that old lady and said, "Aunt, although I have long since seen that he is a fake, however, that Lord Hyde has taken such pains to arrange it, it seems that the real Young Master Edward has ...... "

"It deserves to die, that kind of thing is better to live than to die clean." Old Miss Medin said indignantly.

It was then that Edward knew that the momentum was over, and it seemed that both Miss Landy and this old Miss Medine had met the real Edward Tatnis at one time or another. And this meeting must have been arranged in an extremely secret way, because, there was no mention of it in the information provided by that housekeeper, this meeting of great significance.

"Child, come here." The old lady said coldly, and she beckoned.

Edwards had to meekly go to the old lady. The old lady held Edward's head and turned it sideways, and repeatedly looked at it carefully, and after a long time, she let go of Edward and nodded and said, "They have taken enough trouble."

"That Lord Hyde should be the mastermind behind it, right? Is there also a joint involvement of the Chamber of Commerce in Southport?" Old Miss asked.

Edouard did not know how to answer for a while to be good, Mr. Hyde never told himself to encounter such a thing, what should be done?

Edwards stood frozen in place. At that moment, he suddenly saw the gentle and sincere gaze of Miss Landy. That gaze seemed to be encouraging himself to tell the truth.

Somehow, Edouard seemed to feel that this amiable sister would never deceive him, and he mustered up the courage to say, "This plan was planned by Mr. Hyde and Mr. Maier together."

"There he is indeed, I knew it was so, but Maier is considered an old friend, Blake was able to trust him back then, I think I can trust him too, Randi, you go and call that Lord Hyde in, I have something to discuss with him." Old Miss Medine instructed.

Randi agreed and walked downstairs.

"Kid, you go sit over there." The old lady pointed to the couch across the room.

Edvard sat down with trepidation.

"How did you agree to do this thing? Was it under coercion? Or was it because they promised you numerous benefits?" Old Miss asked.

"This? I can't say for myself that Mr. Hyde ever gave me a choice." Edwards said.

"After this matter is over, do you have any plans to play this role of the lord forever?" There was not a trace of temperature in the old lady's tone.

"No, I have more to do, and I have to go back to study with my teacher, who is a Mashik wizard." Edouard replied.

"You're a wizard?" The old lady asked in amazement, apparently Edward's answer was beyond her expectation.

Edwards pulled out the magic ring from his pocket, because it was the best proof. Born and raised in generations of noble families, this old lady certainly can't be ignorant of the goods. The broken sapphire ring may not be able to prove anything, but the scarred silver ring shows that everything Edwards said is true.

"You seem to have gone through a terrible adventure." While stroking the scarred and bruised maze-silver finger ring, the old lady said.

"Yes, it's only scary to think about it afterwards!" Edwards said.

The old lady squinted her eyes and looked Edwards up and down twice more and said coldly: "You like adventure?"

"I hope to have an experience like Mr. Hyde's that I will remember for the rest of my life." Edwards said with a bit of excitement.

"The stupid logic of men." The old lady's tone remained the same icy cold.

At this very moment, from downstairs came a sound of footsteps. Mr. Hyde's figure appeared in front of Edward's eyes.

"Please sit down, Lord Hyde." The old lady was not polite and straightforward: "The impostor you sent here has been identified to me, and the boy has confessed that you and Lord Dauphin planned all this."

Hearing all this, Mr. Hyde didn't seem surprised at all, he smiled and said, "You must have something to discuss with me when you asked me up here, don't you?"

"Good, I want to make a deal with you." Old Miss said.

"What a deal." Mr. Hyde was clearly interested.

"The Medin family after the occurrence of these tragedies, I think you will not think it is an accident, and, you and I are extremely clear which people deserve to be suspected, but I need evidence, you have to find out the killer behind the curtain." The old lady expressionlessly said.

"Do you want to take revenge?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"To avenge or not to avenge is another matter, and I may perhaps trouble you all, but I just need to know who the murderer is now as well as conclusive evidence." The old lady said.

"If that's all you ask, I can grant it." Mr. Hyde said.

"In addition to this, there is a little matter, I will help this child to sit in the position of lord, but when his position is established, I will hand you a list of the lord's power must be handed over to them little by little." The old lady said.

"Again, there's nothing wrong with that, we're not after power." Mr. Hyde said.

"It's a pleasant thing to do business with you." There was clearly no hint of pleasantness in the old lady's tone.

"Do you have no further requests?" Mr. Hyde asked with a smile.

"I have one last request, however, it is to Edwarded." The old lady obviously already thought that the deal was set, so her address to Edouard immediately changed: "Edouard, since you play the role of the Medin family heir, you should at least make a contribution to sustain the family, the Medin family needs an heir, a real heir, although, you are an impostor, but your son will be the The Medin family needs an heir, a real heir, although you are an impostor, your son will be the rightful heir of the Medin family, as long as that child is raised by me and educated by me. I need your son, at least one, and if there is a backup, that would be ideal."

Hearing these words of the old lady, Edward's face instantly turned red, and he definitely did not expect such a condition.

Seeing Edward's embarrassed expression, Mr. Hyde hurriedly stepped forward to relieve the situation and said, "Miss Medine, don't you think that it seems slightly early to talk about such conditions for a youngster of Edward's age? Perhaps in two years it would be more appropriate."

"Early? Not early at all in my opinion, not to mention that if you want to really play my poor niece's son to a tee, that kid is going to have to work on that at least a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Hyde asked, puzzled.

"Do you know why we could see at once that the child was an impostor? Because, eight years ago, my brother picked up the family in secret to meet them because he really missed his daughter too much, and because of that, I've met the real Edouard. Tatnis. Although, I do not guarantee that, after eight years, the child will grow up to look like, but, at that time, this eight-year-old child left me a rather deep impression. Like his father, the boy was an unabashed nasty piece of work." Old Miss Medine's face became even more ugly.

"Nasty? An eight-year-old child?" Mr. Hyde asked, obviously he was a little incredulous, in fact, such a spinster as old Miss Medine in the view of that thing between men and women, will certainly be some different overreaction, perhaps, a little hand-holding in her view is absolutely nasty and shameless behavior.

The old lady stared coldly at Mr. Hyde, she knew very well what kind of person Mr. Hyde took her to be, and after a while she explained, "It may indeed be hard to imagine, but you wouldn't be unaware of how great the influence of family blood and education is on a person? The Byrdit family has been known for generations to produce playboys and nasty people, and their family life is quite famous for its lasciviousness."

Mr. Hyde nodded his head, for this matter, he is in full agreement, many historical families in West Bay do not have a good reputation, and the Tatnis family is the best of them.

However, that Mr. Tatnis in Southport, but seems to have restrained a lot, people rumored that it is because of this Mr. Tatnis, married a magnificent girl's relationship.

"Liza was originally an innocent and lovely little angel, but, by that nasty embryo conditioning into a shameless s**t, more shocking is that this shameless family apparently will be despicable and rotten life, as a family tradition, with words and teachings to the next generation, that child although only eight years old, but in my opinion has been Although the child is only eight years old, but in my opinion can no longer be considered a child, he has skilled flirting skills, say more, I myself feel sinful, anyway, you have the power, a good investigation should be able to understand everything." The old Miss Medine said here and stopped talking. And that Miss Landy has long been red face lowered to look at the floor, eight years ago, she was exactly sixteen years old already know things very well.

"I'll have to make sure, goodbye." Mr. Hyde said, now he had to go back immediately to set up, fortunately that damn butler is still alive, how did he omit not to say such an important thing? Himself, actually because that child was only nine years old when he died, and therefore did not think at all about this possible accident.

The trouble is, I don't know if it's too late to remedy this, if I had known that, that trial would not have been so arranged, Edward has left a deep impression on too many people, an impression that is hard to erase, and the best remedy now may be to convince people that there is another side to their young lord that is not known.

It seemed that a good teacher had to be found for Edward in this area, a good teacher who could teach him everything. Mr. Hyde quickly had to plan what to do next.

"Miss Medine, we take our leave." Mr. Hyde said.

"You may leave now, but I think it would be more appropriate for Edouard to stay here, wouldn't it?" The old lady ordered, "Randi, you arrange a clearer room for the young master."

Mr. Hyde saw the old lady so arranged, thought and thought, also think this is the most suitable choice, only, this villa is slightly remote, it is difficult to ensure that no one will attack this place. Thinking about it, he also had a plan in mind.

Saying goodbye to go out, Mr. Hyde went straight to the carriage, that Earl Fesnan had long been waiting there a bit impatiently, he saw Mr. Hyde return alone, immediately smiled and asked: "Lord Hyde, Miss Meding has confirmed the identity of the young lord?"

"Yes, Edouard was left with her, but I am worried that the tragedy of Southport will be repeated again." Mr. Hyde said with a pretense.

"Don't worry about that, I'll go back and start setting up immediately, Count Laivi can definitely be trusted in such matters." Count Fesnan said. He said that he ordered the carriage to rush back to the Sheriff's residence as soon as possible.

Back in town, Mr. Hyde and the Count went their separate ways, and the place Mr. Hyde was going to was the cathedral. Inside the secret room at the back of the church, that elder had already prepared a safe and comfortable room for Mr. Hyde and his family. Not a single idle person could come near here.

As soon as Hyde returned to the church, he instructed the clergy to invite Draddy and the others to come. All of them were gathered in the secret room. In addition to Draddy, Kailer and Ted, Elder Mundy also attended this meeting.

"Draddy, we're in big trouble." Mr. Hyde said.

"What's going on?" Draddy asked.

"The information we had beforehand was not sufficient, that butler missed a very important thing, that the real Edouard Tatnis is a little lecherous despite his young age. Drady you immediately rush back to Southport and bring that butler here secretly, Ted, your injury is not a problem, right?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"It's fine, just a little blood and a little fatigue." Ted replied.

"You have to work hard once again, you have to send Draddy back overnight and also bring him and the butler back as soon as possible, this time, we absolutely can't afford to make any mistakes." Mr. Hyde said with a frown.

"I'll go and prepare the wagons for you. It just so happens that someone gave me four gasso horses, they are notorious long-distance runners, and they will be useful to you as they travel hundreds of kilometers from Cherbourg to Southport." The elder said from the side.

"Ted, do you have any suggestions?" Mr. Hyde inquired.

"With four gasso horses, what more could I ask for, if I could find another sturdy wagon, it would be perfect." Ted said.

"You come with me, the church has several wagons, if it doesn't work yet, I can help you to borrow them, just ask." The elder said.

Ted and Elder Mundy went off on their own to prepare the horses and vehicles.

"Drady, this time to Southport, you bring Lilith by the way, in these areas, no one is more qualified to call an expert than Lilith, she will be the best teacher for Edouard, but also for Edouard to practice."

"Isn't it too risky to bring that butler? What if it gets discovered?" Draddy asked.

"Only you have to be more careful yourself. I can't guarantee now that that butler has forgotten something else." Mr. Hyde instructed after deep thought, "Kellar, I live inside the church is quite safe, this recent period, you keep watch over Edwards at all times, the real danger may appear in his side."

"Yes, sir." Kellar agreed.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 15, 2023
Last Updated on April 15, 2023
Tags: magic



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