

A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds. Magic th

Things left behind by magicians are undoubtedly quite precious, but if people are told that these magical items with magical power are extremely dangerous, then again, no one will disbelieve them. For these full of mysterious legacy, most ordinary people prefer to respect the ghosts and gods and far away, after all, these magic items are precious, it is not worth using life as the price to collect.

Therefore, when Edouard asked Baron Ronald if he could give him this magical notebook, the baron quickly agreed without even thinking about it. Of course, there are other reasons for Baron Lonner's generosity.

The baron had already treated Edward as one of his own, and the magic notebook was a generous gift. The original, Baron Lonner will be for their own family no decent to be able to take the gift and worry, now this unexpected harvest for him anyway, no use at all, happy as a favor.

Secondly, it was also able to make up for the loss of Edwards.

When everything had calmed down and the crowd had time to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime moment, for seeing the magical power with their own eyes, Edwarded then realized that the precious and incomparable sapphire ring was still apparently unable to resist the powerful power saved in the magical notebooks of the great magician Dieter Jawal.

The crystal-clear sapphire cracked into three pieces, and the indestructible mazesilver ring was also full of cracks. Although it is not clear how strong the magic contained in the sapphire, but the people know a lot about the legendary metal given by the gods - the lost silver. Although there are very few people who have seen this precious metal with their own eyes, it has been mentioned in a large number of books.

Whether it is the ancient myths and legends, or the most classic academic works, as long as the mention of silver, all praise this metal is extremely hard and flexible. The legendary weapons made of silver, I do not know how many great achievements.

In these legends, invariably mentions that minky silver is the hardest metal in the world, able to destroy the items built with minky silver, almost only the same use of minky silver to build a more powerful weapon. However, the sharp and ear-piercing whistling sound just now was able to destroy the magic ring made of mazesilver to such an extent.

As long as the thought that a few minutes ago, everyone was facing such a terrifying mysterious power, the crowd could not help but some shudder up. The precious magic ring was thus destroyed, and while the crowd deplored it, they rightly thought it was only right that the magic notebook be given to Edward as compensation.

He did not want to further explain the value of this magical notebook, so he excused himself for being too tired after performing magic, and therefore wanted to rest early.

This reason is sure for everyone present. In fact, the tense and exciting scene just now made most people feel somewhat exhausted, and once they calmed down, many of them felt drained and could not stand up straight.

Therefore, as soon as Edouard returned to the bedroom prepared for him under the guidance of the baron's daughter, people went into the lounge and found a chair to sit down.

In the lounge, the nobles' interest in playing cards had long since disappeared, and those ladies and ladies standing at the door who had not seen the whole scene and the young master who was full of curiosity were surrounding the nobles and eagerly asking what had happened in the study just now.

Those lords, although in the study saw the shocking scene, but, bias each narrative of the scene more or less different.

In a heated argument these lords pieced together as best they could what had happened in the study. With admiration, with wonder, with longing and yearning, the ladies of the land had obviously taken the young man, who was a few years younger than most of them, as the prince charming of their dreams.

Edvard did not know all this. Lying in his bedroom bed, Edwards stared at the ceiling with both eyes. This whole day was like a dream for him. He was not only lucky enough to meet a magician, but also to be his disciple.

Now he has found the magic notebook left behind by the great magician Dieter Jawal. Perhaps, by studying the rich knowledge left behind in this notebook, he will one day be able to become as powerful as the great magician Dieter Jawal was back then. As soon as he thought of this, Edward was so excited that he couldn't sleep, even though he was lying in bed.

From outside the door came a burst of noise, those lords were arguing in the lounge. The soundproofing of the villa was originally not good, plus those guys raised their voices because they were overly excited, so it was impossible for Edward to hear even if he didn't want to.

Lying in bed and hearing those nobles exaggerate themselves into a little wizard of great strength, even Edward himself felt a little embarrassed up. Excited, noisy, plus covered with the kind of mysterious ointment given to him by his teacher, Edwards simply did not have some desire to sleep.

As he stared blankly at the ceiling, not knowing what to do, suddenly, the window opened silently. Edward suddenly startled, he subconsciously reached his hand under the pillow, where there is hidden Edward's beloved small crossbow. This is a habit developed since studying with Kellar, always keep alert and keep the weapon in a convenient place to use, these have long become Edward's instinct.

"You are not asleep, are you, my student." The old voice indicated the identity of the visitor.

"Ms. Masek? What brings you here?" Edouard was just about to get up from the bed when he suddenly realized that with nothing on and blue ointment all over his body, it was really not appropriate to be polite in this situation.

"You lie down." The old mage is obviously aware of the student's embarrassment: "I just noticed that the gathering situation of the thunder element ground suddenly returned to normal, and was guessing if you had lifted the magic? So I rushed over to take a look. Sure enough, the power that enveloped this place and made the magician unable to gather magic power had been completely lifted long ago, and I was able to enter your room."

"Sensei, the notebook of Grand Magus Ditjawar is inside the pocket of my blouse, besides a big gold nugget. But the ring that you gave me has been damaged." Edouard said.

"Hey, Dieter Jawar's magic is still not something we people can deal with, after so many centuries, the magic of guardianship is still so powerful that it can even destroy the magic ring we made to specifically deal with it, Dieter Jawar deserves the title of the strongest magician in history." Masek turned out the broken ring, shaking his head and sighing.

"However, this ring can still be used, the ring is of no value to me, it is sealed with the powerful spiritual magic of Dieter Jawar, I can not even melt away the silver to recast, any damage to the seal will cause the magic inside the seal to re-emerge, in addition to you have resonated with this magic will not be harmed, others around I am afraid that no one else will survive. This ring may be very helpful to you. This ring is now a powerful weapon that only you can use. I'm afraid that no one in the world can suppress Dieter Jawal's spiritual magic today.

"So how do I use this power?" Edouard asked, anxious to master his magical powers soon.

"This is very simple, now this ring is quite unstable, you just need to use your finger against the sapphire ring face to use the powerful power contained in it, you once withstood this magic attack with this ring, therefore, you become part of the magic ring, in another way, you and this ring together constitute a special piece of magic equipment, a piece of magic equipment with A magic equipment with self-awareness. But as for how to use this power, you can only try to find out how to do it yourself, I can do nothing about it. However, it is best to be careful when trying, no one knows what kind of danger, for you, will not produce any harm, but, for the surrounding people may be fatal." The Mashik magician explained.

"As for this gold nugget, in fact, wrapped outside, it is the very charm that I gave you, the original form of that charm is these extremely thin and dense metal wire, wrapped inside, I think it must be the magic puppet created by Dieter Jawal, which will have to let me study. Perhaps, I can restore this magic doll, Dieter Jawal is an alchemist, his magic doll making skills, not other magicians can reach, perhaps, I have to study for a long time, to be able to gain." The old magician chanted.

After all this, Masek flipped through the magic notes, and the more he looked at them, the more fascinated he became, and only after a long time did he come back to his senses and exclaimed: "Dieter Jawor's skills are truly incredible, and here are some of the interesting little experiments he did. According to his own words, simply out of interest, and not for a specific purpose of ground experiments, but this notebook is high and profound, many ideas, centuries, no one has ever considered, I have to study a lot."

After saying this, the old wizard turned to leave through the window, suddenly, as if he remembered something else, towards Edward said: "My student, the research room inside the forest will be taken care of by you in the future, want to make a thorough and detailed study of the valuable legacy left by Dieter Jawal, there is completely insufficient, I have to get another larger research room There is an old friend of mine who will be very helpful to the research. I will place a magic mirror in the center of the lab when I'm not here, so you can contact me through it. You can use it as a textbook to learn. I know that learning magic on your own is quite strenuous, but I don't have much time to teach you, and research will probably take up most of my energy, so if you have any questions, you can ask me through the magic mirror. By the way, because I am leaving this lab, I will close the road leading to the lab, and that area will become an inaccessible lost forest, but, you just remember to say your name silently in your mind when you walk to the fork in the road, and the road will appear in front of you."

Having said that, the old wizard tumbled out of the window with difficulty, and then magically disappeared into the night. Edward looked around to see no one, quietly rose from the bed, went to the window to look outside. There was nothing in the night sky but a starry sky.

Late autumn night, the cold wind from the open window, bringing a gust of cold, Edwards hurriedly closed the window, darted into the nest, curled his body into a ball. It was too cold outside!

While lying on the bed, Edouard thought about what his teacher, the magician Mashik, had just said to him. It seemed inevitable that he would have to come to Pitonshire often in the future, but if he met Baron Lonner halfway, how awkward it would be. However, it was obvious that moving the entire laboratory was not possible at all, and he didn't even know if moving the magic mirror would cause any harm.

In case the magic mirror can not get in touch with the teacher, want to regain, it may not be possible to do. In addition, Edwards also has a deep sense of regret for Baron Loner. In his heart, he always hid such a feeling, as if always deceiving this honorable gentleman.

For himself, Baron Lonner's ball and this sumptuous banquet were nothing but a trial to prove his strength. Moreover, in this trial, one encountered unprecedented good luck, which cannot be said to have been bestowed upon him by Baron Lonner.

What's more, that beautiful and beautiful baron's daughter had blindly placed her feelings on himself, and for him, it was indeed a rather heavy burden and a debt that was difficult to compensate. Just the thought of this, it makes Edouard feel extremely uneasy. Perhaps, there is some way to compensate for all this, perhaps the teacher's laboratory can find some for him is only useful test material, but, for ordinary people is incredibly precious jewelry.

The teacher once told himself that magicians are a group of people richer than kings! With this idea in mind, Edward's heart settled down a little.

A night's rest is definitely most beneficial for an overworked teenager. When he woke up the next day, Edwards felt refreshed. Fully dressed, Edwards walked into the living room.

Although, it was still early in the day, there were already several people there inside the living room. The owner of the villa, Baron Lonner, and his brother-in-law were standing under the porch at the entrance. Leaning against the window, the two sons-in-law sat there, drinking tea and looking out of the window. Outside the villa came a cheerful yell that sounded like it was coming from Midget and Baron Brown.

"Good morning, Master Edwards, what would you like for breakfast? An apple pie baked by Miss and Mrs. Edwards themselves or a freshly baked smoked meat? You can also have two more eggs, the cheese is made by ourselves and is guaranteed to taste quite good." The butler asked attentively as he walked up to Edouard.

"I don't have much to eat, just two slices of cheese with a slice of bread is enough, thank you Mr. Butler, you can take your time preparing it, I'm not too hungry yet." Edouard replied.

"Oh, Edouard, you're up, did you sleep well last night? I'm sure you're not as used to living out here as you are at home." Baron Ronald said as he approached.

"Thank you, Baron, for someone like me who travels around with my grandfather and uncle and often lives inside a carriage all day, I would not feel uncomfortable anywhere." Edouard said.

These words are the favorite words of those travelers who often travel between countries in Southport, and it has almost become a style or a sign - the sign of a traveler. Sure enough, hearing such a reply, many people looked back at Edward, but there was obviously no expression of surprise in their eyes, as if this was normal.

"Edwards, that thoroughbred of yours is just brilliant, running you can barely feel a bump, it's like riding the wind, that horse doesn't even have to go through a canter to suddenly accelerate to so fast you can't catch your breath. I'll bet he's the fastest steed in all of southern Fransokyo, and it'd be a shame if you didn't ride him to the first Sunday of the month's racing meeting at Cherbourg, where I guarantee he'll be able to outpace second place by a full twenty yards." Fatty said as he came up behind his brother-in-law.

"No, you'd better not believe what he says, there are some shady deals behind those horse races, in order to make you lose, someone will stuff nails inside your horse's hooves, or quietly cut your stirrups, or failing that, use other horses to squeeze you to the rail. There are worse things yet, there have been cases of jockeys concealing daggers and stabbing horses and other jockeys, it's too dark and mean to let a good horse like that go into that kind of dirty race." The elderly Baron Henreid, who was sitting at the window, said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I definitely didn't mean to do that. It seems that I had a bad idea, I never knew that such dark things were actually hidden under the order of the civilization of Thurth Castle." The fatty said in a hurry.

"Cherbourg itself is a racetrack, except that you and I are neither jockeys nor racehorses." Viscount Turbot said in a mocking tone.

Just as the atmosphere inside the hall became awkward, Baron Brown and Midnight came in through the door.

"What were you guys talking about?" Midnight asked with a big smile. Both Midnight and Baron Brown had drops of sweat caked on their foreheads, and water vapor was rising out of their collars, their cheeks, and their hair clumps.

"Did you have a good time?" Baron Ronald asked, clearly not wanting to start another discussion on that earlier question.

"That was great, but unfortunately your field here is just too small to run on." Baron Brown yelled.

"Oh, Edouard, that's a fine horse. Next time you come to Cherbourg, make sure you come on a horse, and everyone will recognize you if you ride around the streets on this horse." Midnight said excitedly.

"Edouard, who doesn't need to rely on a horse to make everyone aware, is extremely good in person." Baron Ronald said with a smile.

While joking, the butler brought in breakfast, one ordered by Edouard, and the other two apparently for the two lords with hot sweaty heads. Apparently these two men couldn't wait for breakfast and were in a hurry to walk their horses.

After breakfast, Edouard calculated that it should be time to leave, he did not want to wait until the Baroness Onel got up, and likewise, he did not want to wait until the baroness finished her morning work, which would make him extremely embarrassed.

When Edouard got up to take his leave, he clearly saw the sorry look on Baron Lonner's face, but when he heard Edouard say that the reason for leaving was to get to that magician teacher of his as soon as possible and give the sealed magic book to him to see, the baron had no reason to stay.

However, he still made Edwards promise to visit the cottage again in a few days, and to tell him about the discovery of the magic book, and only then reluctantly let Edwards leave. When he left, the beautiful and charming lady sent Edward to the deep woods.

Edward rode his stallion at a gallop, and when he came to the fork at the end of the road, Edward looked around to make sure there was no one there before he took control of the horse and let it stand in front of a wall of short trees, which was originally a passage leading to the laboratory.

Edouard followed what his teacher had told him and said the name "Edouard Tatnis" silently in his mind.

The wall of short trees suddenly parted automatically to either side, leaving a pathway empty in the middle. Edwards drove his horse, quickly galloped down the path, and in a short time, came to the laboratory. Dismounted, this time Edward did not need to knock on the door, opened the door and walked straight in. Inside the house was empty, the most conspicuous transparent passage leading to the top of the tower now disappeared.

In the original location of the passage, a mirror was placed. It was an ordinary mirror, not much different from the one in Edward's own room, more than one person high, four feet wide, the only difference is that this mirror is carved with strange symbols around the edge, the symbols are not complicated, and the ring and the magic notebook above the seal engraved far worse.

On the table nearest to the door, where the teacher had taken care of it, there were several rolls of parchment. Edouard went to the heel and gently picked up these parchments.

On the first piece of parchment it says: "My dear student, in order for you to gradually master the knowledge of magic, I have enchanted the textbook I have left for you, what you can see is only what you can master now, only when you have fully mastered the existing knowledge, the more profound content will emerge, this is in order for you to be able to gradually master solid knowledge, only then had to This is necessary in order to enable you to grasp solid knowledge step by step. This magic also has the advantage that only you can read the contents, when you want to learn from the parchment, you just meditate on your name and the words will appear, good luck with your studies, my student."

When Edwards will be this parchment all read, the parchment suddenly into a blaze, in Edwards has not fully reacted to the time, it suddenly burned out, and even a little ash did not leave.

Edwards stared at it all with wide eyes, it was all so sudden, no smoke, no hint of burning, the parchment was just burned away, not even a trace left. After a while, Edwards settled down, he picked up the second parchment, according to the teacher told the way, his heart silently recited his name.

Suddenly, a surprising scene occurred, as his eyes swept, the original white, flawless, empty parchment, slowly emerged clear and legible text. When Edwards finished reading the emerged page of text, the text gradually dissipated, followed by the second page of text emerged again.

The first stage of the course consisted of six pages in total, mostly knowledge and instruction, but also some exercises. The last one was three magic experiments, and the parchment detailed each step, the materials needed, and the things to pay attention to, but it didn't tell him what would happen as a result. The bottom few lines were blank, and it looked like they would have to wait until after the trials were over before they would be shown.

Edwards picked up the third parchment, which detailed how to use that magic mirror. The original magic mirror has two uses.

The simple kind, which can be written on the magic mirror to let people in distant places understand their own message, is not difficult for Edouard, the only thing he needs to do is to mix a special ink. On the parchment detailed list of materials and method steps for making ink, it does not seem too difficult.

As for the second method, that is not something that Edwards can master now.

Through the magic mirror, you can talk freely with people from afar, the magic mirror can print out the image of a person, another greater use is to be able to transmit special charms or magic formations, that for the current Edwardian, is a far-fetched thing.

On the last piece of parchment, the old wizard wrote: "My student, I must say that you have done an excellent job, for which you should be rewarded, I have completely restored the magic doll of Ditjawar, a gaseous life form, one of the masterpieces created by Ditjawar. That magic doll now belongs to you, but before re-entering the magic contract, that magic doll is safer in the laboratory, as for the contracting method, when you will I left you the parchment codex written on top of all the things to learn, you will naturally know how to do. In addition, in order to express my apologies for being an incompetent teacher, I also left another gift, for a magician, the strength of his own magical power is as important as the knowledge of magic, and most magical experiments require a certain amount of magical support, if I am by your side, I can provide you with magical assistance, but I need time to study the magic notes of Dieter Jawal. Therefore, I give you a 'Warlock's Stone', that is the legacy of the ancient Antares, the crystallization of ancient magical wisdom, now, the method of manufacture has long been lost, I found this stone plate in one of the ancient Antares ruins, this stone plate can store magic elements, although the amount is not much, but the stored magic power is You can rely on your own strength to fill the stone with magic elements, or you can ask other magicians to help. If your study goes well, you should be able to find your own way to use this stone plate, that is not difficult, this stone plate also enables you to quickly cast three pre-prepared magic spells, which may be quite convenient for you. However, my student, you remember, this stone plate for any magician is able to use, although, the majority of magicians of noble character, but, there are still many evil guys, if you want to ask for help, better look at the object, this stone plate is not able to make a contract, if it is lost, it no longer belongs to you. Unless, you have the ability to seize the stone plate back."

After reading this parchment, Edwards turned his attention to the two things sitting on the table above. A light gray smooth stone plate, only palm-sized, with a shallow groove chiseled on it, in the back of the stone plate there are three silver coin-sized pits, I think this is the stone plate. Ancient Antares is an ancient people, has long since faded in the long history of the river, not even leaving a detailed historical record, there are only some ruins, proof of the existence of this ancient civilization.

Next to the stone plate was a silver coin, which was no different from an ordinary silver coin except that it was more polished and brighter, except that the silver coin was not minted with the head of His Majesty the King, but with a mysterious and complex magic formation, exactly like the one drawn on the back of the magic notebook left by Dieter Jawal.

Edouard was curious about the gifts left to him by Mr. Mashik, but he also knew that it was safer to leave them in the laboratory when he was not yet capable of using these magic items, which was also what Draddy had taught himself. Therefore, Edward resisted the strong desire to take them with him and focused on the parchment.

For Edouard, running to the laboratory all day and night is obviously difficult to do, Leigh and more than a hundred kilometers away from Piton, that is a short journey, not to mention, to come here will inevitably meet the Baron Lonna family, that is another rather embarrassing thing.

Edouard didn't want to get into this kind of trouble. He estimated in his mind that one visit a week should be almost enough. Therefore, in any case, those test materials and instruments, have to move back to Mr. Hyde's estate.

Edwards carefully studied the parchment on the content of the experiment, the equipment needed to use is quite simple, only a small crucible No. 9, a No. 7 stone mortar, as for the parchment mentioned the set of hand-made tools, on the table. But where to find those materials? Although some things you recognize, but most have never even heard of.

Edwards scanned the walls around the uncountable drawers, if you have to go through so many cabinets one by one to find what you need, it is an extremely difficult project.

"Hey, how could I possibly know which drawer the aquamarine and turquoise actually go inside?" Edouard let out a long sigh. Just as he was hanging his head in despair, suddenly there was a slight buzzing sound in his ears.

Edwards turned his head to see the small metal butterfly was flapping its wings and flying around inside the room. Edward felt very strange, he watched carefully for a while, which found that the butterfly flight line is fixed, from the southeast wall of a drawer to fly to the north wall of another drawer, so back and forth.

Curious, Edvard ran to one of the drawers and saw that the label read "Aquamarine".

"Great, that'll be no problem, long live magic!" Edouard cheered excitedly.


"Purple copper."

"Lead blocks."

"Shining crystal stone."

"Spider silk."

"Bat pee."

"Lizard tails."

"Salamander blood."


Edouard counted the names of the materials listed on the parchment while following the metal butterfly and running around the test room.

"Small crucible number nine." As soon as the words left his mouth, the little butterfly stopped on top of a small, fist-sized, black and lusterless crucible on the table.

"There, now we have all the materials." Edouard said happily to himself.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something else, Edwards commanded, "Misty Silver."

The metal butterfly fluttered and flew towards the east wall and stopped at the top drawer. Edwards gingerly ran up the stairs and slowly pulled open the drawer. Inside the drawer scattered a few pieces of shiny silver metal, small only the size of a button, large and thumb about, scattered there.

This is the legendary metal, although the drawer is not too much inside the silver, unlike other drawers, most of them are stuffed, but this is already far more than what the mortal monarchs can collect. Edwards trembled as he took out a small piece of silver from the drawer, the smallest piece.

This small piece of metal, I'm afraid, would be enough to buy the mansion left by Baron Lonner's ancestors! Perhaps giving this incredibly valuable piece of metal to the Baron will at least make up for the damage he has done to him and his family. Thinking of this, Edwards gently put the small piece of lost silver into his own close shirt pocket.

Walking down the stairs and back to the table, Edwards organized the materials sitting on top of the table and wrapped them in oiled paper in different categories. Among them, the spider silk is the most difficult to deal with, Edwards had to use two thick cardboard will be very easy to ball up into a ball. Can no longer be separated from the things tightly clamped. Will all the things in order to stop, take the two parchment, Edwards out of the laboratory.

The warlock stone version and the magic puppet remained inside the laboratory for the time being. All the things stuffed into the saddle in front of the pocket inside, Edwards flew on the horse towards the road he came from and galloped away. In front of him dwarf woods have to retreat to the sides, waiting for him to pass and then return to the original appearance.

When approaching the avenue, Edwards stopped and listened carefully to the surroundings, a skill taught to him by Kellar, and now very useful for him. After Edwards confirmed that the avenue was free of pedestrians and carriages, he drove his horse out of the path.

The row of short trees behind him was like a gate, closing up silently, no one could see that there was once a path here. Running in the avenue, Edwards calculate how to go back and Drady and Mr. Hyde account, because, his experience is really mysterious and mysterious, it is difficult to believe. How to make these two proficient in the art of deception believe their words, this is indeed a rather headache.

While thinking about the problem, while driving the steed galloped on the road, no matter how is a dangerous thing, Edouard did not want to play with their lives, he slowed down the speed of travel.

If, when Edwards came, the mood of the steed galloping down the path was overwhelming excitement and apprehension, now Edwards heart has settled down, because now his identity is a little different, he is a magic apprentice, not a highly trained liar and thief, not a small shopkeeper who is bent on climbing up the position of the bookkeeper. However, this change of identity in turn made Edouard feel confused and hesitant, he did not know, how should he face Mr. Hyde and Draddy.

Undoubtedly these two people are not decent people, decent people can not be the head of thieves and liars, but they and their imaginary image of those vicious thieves, simply can not be linked to each other.

If we put aside their identities, Mr. Hyde is undoubtedly the most remarkable navigator and explorer he has ever seen, and such a person was originally the most revered and envied by himself. As for Draddy, it is not too much to say that he is a learned scholar and shrewd businessman. Mr. Hyde's fortune was all taken care of by Draddy, and as far as Edvard knew, Mr. Hyde's legitimate annual income was at least 100,000 gold francs.

Both Draddy and Mr. Hyde can be said to be characters that they admire. However, for the scam they are planning, Edward de always nagged at him, he did not want to be an accomplice to a scam, what is more, the object of Mr. Hyde's attempt to swindle is likely to be a prominent nobleman.

For a rich man like Mr. Hyde, swindling the rich people everywhere in Southport is obviously not his interest, because he is already much richer than these rich people, and he can also rely on business dealings, slowly squeeze their wealth. With Edward's understanding of Mr. Hyde's genius business strategy, Edward was absolutely sure that Mr. Hyde could do it all.

Therefore, the target of the fraud could only be those noblemen. In Frans a large amount of wealth was gathered in the hands of those magnificent noblemen, who had countless estates in their names, which gave them a fixed and huge fortune to maintain their luxurious life.

These magnificent nobles also collected a large number of precious artworks and jewelry artefacts, and the most fertile land in Frans is undoubtedly theirs, plus some of the nobles had rich mineral deposits in their territories.

Copper and lead mines can make a powerful nobleman reach millions of dollars. If a silver mine is found, then there is no doubt that tens of millions of dollars will be made. Although once gold is found, the ownership of the gold mine will be taken away by His Majesty the King, but the right to mine it will be given to the owner of the territory. Five percent of the revenue from the gold mines, so that the noble family, even if not in the accounts, will be able to obtain tens of millions of Francs income.

What's more, the discovery of gold mines hidden and not reported, private mining, or in the accounts, gold mining smelting and smelting process of some tampering, are enough to make these magnates and nobles become rich beyond the country's big money. Therefore, the noblemen of Frans are undoubtedly the richest group of people.

If Mr. Hyde wanted to fight, he must have targeted the gentry aristocrats. And, apparently that's exactly how Draddy trained himself, he wanted to train himself as an aristocrat. However, why not the arrogant and wealthy son of a powerful family, instead of training himself as a mature rags-to-riches aristocratic end of the family and trying to uplift the family's aristocratic son.

Although the same aristocracy, but these two kinds of aristocrats do not belong to a class, Mr. Hyde gourd in the end to sell what is the medicine? Edwards felt a little puzzled.

The sun rose high and gradually slanted to the west, a little distracted Edwards, riding back to the manor, it was already late afternoon. Leading his horse to the entrance of the manor, before Edward could pull the bell hanging on the porch, the gate opened itself and Mr. Butler came out with a smile.

"I'm glad that our little wizard is back, did you have a good trip?" The words of greeting shocked Edwarded, how could Mr. Butler know all this?

Could it be that Mr. Marschik had visited Mr. Hyde? I think so, Mr. Massek knew Mr. Hyde and Mr. Dauphin well, they should have worked side by side for some time and knew each other extremely well. Moreover, Mr. Massek was extremely concerned about himself, and he made it a point to visit Mr. Hyde and mention the matter of accepting himself as his disciple to Mr. Hyde face to face, so this must be the case.

Edouard guessed. Remove the tightly wrapped object from inside the front saddle insert pocket. Edwards was led by the butler down to the upstairs lounge. Open the door, Edwards whole person stiffened, only to see leaning against the heating cage sitting a middle-aged man, thin body wearing a pair of gold-rimmed eyes, it is the Baron Brown. How can Baron Brown appear in this place, Edward felt puzzled.

"Edwards, come in, sit down and give us a good account of the wonderful experiences you have encountered on this trip, about which I am very interested." Mr. Hyde said in greeting with a smile.

In the luxurious and chicly decorated lounge, Mr. Hyde, Baron Brown and Draddy sat in a circle. Seeing Edwards enter, Delardi and Baron Brown each moved to the left and right, leaving the middle seat empty.

"Edwards, let me introduce to you, this is Faith, the full name you already know, Joseph Brown - Baron Brown, but, here we call him Faith." Mr. Hyde introduced.

"Faith has told us a lot of interesting things about you, you must have had something remarkable on this trip." Draddy asked.

"Oh yes, Mr. Hyde, I was just about to ask you if you know a wizard named Mashik?" Edwardian asked.

"Masek? So he was the one who took you as a disciple, you are a lucky fellow." Mr. Hyde said, "Did he take you as a disciple without telling you, who he is?"

"Isn't Ms. Masek a magician?" Edouard asked.

"Not just a wizard, which you will know later, Masek is a strange fellow, he has to be considered an alien among wizards, I once worked with him, at that time, I was still young ...... at least not as old as now, at that time, Masek was already an extremely old wizard I didn't see him again for so long, I didn't think he was still alive, a wizard is a long life, it's good to be a wizard!" Mr. Hyde sighed with emotion.

"It seems like Mr. Dauphin and Ms. Masek are always in contact." Edwards said.

"Yes, Maier and Mashik are good friends, they are very close, and if it weren't for the fact that Maier doesn't have the slightest talent for learning magic, Mashik would have taken Maier as his disciple long ago. Edouard, you are really quite lucky." Mr. Hyde said, "Edouard, if I'm not wrong, Masek should already know what I'm planning, and he didn't tell you at all?"

"No, all I know is that Mr. Maier Dauphin is also involved in this matter, and Mr. Massek is quite sure about that." Edouard replied.

His words were obviously beyond the expectations of Draddy and Faith, but Mr. Hyde was not moved by them. He nodded and said: "Yes, I also have long seen that it is Maier behind the curtain to instigate everything, Edwards, now is the time to tell you everything, you are the disciple of Mashik, we have no way to force you must participate in this matter, but, since Mashik did not oppose our action, apparently, he does not think there is anything wrong with doing so. "

"Edwardian, after such a long time together, if I told you that this time we have planned so carefully for so long, risked so much, and did not just want to make a great fortune, or even, a large part of the reason, we are not for ourselves, can you believe it?" Mr. Hyde asked.

Edwards thought for a long time before nodding his head. Although he could not imagine how a thief could not take great risks for the sake of profit, thieves do not seem to be the kind of noble people have a profession, but for what Mr. Hyde said, Edwards does not doubt, the reason for which even Edwards himself could not say.

"Edwards, you should know very well the history of the struggle of Southport and Leh, originally Frans did not even have these two counties, and other cities, Southport and Leh were established by order of the king, and it is the people living here rely on the diligent efforts of generations to build two originally nothing, a barren land, into such a prosperous and developed now. Do you remember the story I told you? When I was your age, Nangang was just a small fishing village, and then Lai was just a slightly larger town, after countless people's efforts and half a century, it became the most prosperous place in the entire Franshian. Because we want to live a better life, you are not also for these efforts? But who doesn't want to live a good and happy life, are the people in other places so stupid and don't know how to work so hard? Prefer to live in hardship and poverty? It's not that they don't work hard, but because they are useless no matter how hard they work. Southport and Leh have a unique environment, not that Southport is by the sea, of course. There are many cities along the coast of Frans, not only a place in Southport, but the scale of trade in other places is very small, and always unable to do big, you know why? Because there were no nobles, no lords, and the king's authority was extremely weak. People can open a store without restraint, or operate a land-based trade on the sea, as long as the tax is paid, there is no problem, there is no privilege here, the trade parties are fair trade. The reason why this can be done, Maier spent a lot of effort, he persuaded the management of the land of the Lord of Thurth Castle, and through this Count Lord bought the entire Thurth Castle every important department. Every year, most of the taxes collected in Southport are used to subsidize the expenses of many departments in Cherbourg, and at the same time, to lure the noblemen of Cherbourg to invest in Southport, making it a source of real wealth for them. It can be said that Cherbourg has long become an ironclad, firmly controlled by the gold of Southport. However, the richness of Southport was already known to the Franks, and it was a fat piece of meat for both the king and the other local nobles. The treasury was empty and needed a lot of gold to fill, although the total amount of taxes paid to the treasury every year was extremely large, but the king was not satisfied. The expenses of the treasury are too large, and these taxes are not enough to cover the increasing budgetary expenses, in the king's opinion, Southport should make a greater contribution to the treasury. However, unilateral increase of taxes was of no use at all. As soon as the merchants transferred their properties to other countries, the increase of taxes became a meaningless move, therefore, the only way was to take complete control of Southport and keep every family in Southport under tight control, just like dealing with the rest of Franks. Both the king and the other nobles were playing with the same idea. The only problem that prevented their plan from coming to fruition was that the administration of Southport belonged to Cherbourg, which was a hereditary domain and sacrosanct. From Lae to Southport, a land that was considered barren back then, only the Medin family can make the final decision on the property on this land, and anyone who wants to control Southport will first have to deprive the Medin family of control over Southport. However, as the foundation of the kingdom of the hereditary territory of the sacrosanct system, no one dares to ignore or modify, and the Medin family has a strong economic strength, it is impossible to transfer or sell this territory, therefore, control of Southport is almost impossible. Unfortunately, the Medin family has a fatal weakness, which is the lack of people, although, in the south of Frans, the Medin family can be called the first magnate, but compared with other magnates, the Medin family has the number of heirs simply can not be compared. As a result, a plot was hatched to assassinate the Medin family members. The old Count Medin and his two sons died one after another, and the only family left in Cherbourg was his sister, an unmarried spinster, who had adopted an orphan girl as her adopted daughter. A woman could not hold the position of lord in Frans, so it became unquestionable that the Medin family would be deprived of hereditary succession. However, the planners missed a person, or rather, an accident made the planners abandoned their work, Count Medin had a daughter, for the marriage problem and the old count fell out, and finally left home, the count's daughter married a rich noble merchant from Southport, but, in the plague a few years ago, the couple both died, leaving only a son. In fact, that child also died under the plague soon after, but the housekeeper, greedy for the rich merchant's huge property, concealed all this, still operating the rich merchant's wealth in the name of the young master. Therefore the news that the owner of the property had died could never be revealed. For this reason he recruited his brother who cares about Ray business, hired a group of distant relatives posing as mercenaries, and concealed the news of the death of the young master for several years, but, due to the death of the Count, that young master became the only hope to keep Southport, and even a rule-following person like Maier would choose extraordinary means, anyway, I don't know what techniques he used to make that housekeeper confess to everything. The housekeeper was very afraid, because, once the matter was exposed, he did not know what kind of miserable end he would get, but Maier obviously thought that there was a turnaround, so he asked the housekeeper to come to me, because, I am an expert in this area. Although, I am not a noble person, but I also do not want to create all the hard work so lost, I have also paid for the prosperity of this heart and soul, the more prosperous the South Port, I can get more benefits from it, and because of this, my men in the South Port committed anything, I never shelter, no one would like a port full of thieves and liars, but, in other ports These two professions always flourish the most, and do you know why? Because with me here, I won't tolerate another thieves' union. It's not just nobles and kings who covet the wealth of Southport, but thieves as well. But the set that Maier has been pushing in Southport has left those who are alone without a foothold, but there are some he can't deal with, and I'll help him get rid of them, and we've been working together like this for decades. Just like this time, Maier needs my help."

Mr. Hyde source everything out to Edward, his tone was so calm, so gentle, so peaceful, as if an old man in his old age was remembering his past.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 13, 2023
Last Updated on April 13, 2023
Tags: Magic



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