

A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds. Magic th

People always feel extremely far away from places they have never been to, and always estimate how far the road is and when they will be able to reach it, but for places they have been to, they do not feel this way at all. Edouard walked alone on the wooded path leading to Baron Lonner's villa.

Unlike the first time, this time he came on horseback like those upper class nobles. This was likewise in compliance with Mr. Hyde's instructions. Because for a thief, following the map to find the place, that is the most basic ability. What's more, although Edwards has learned to ride a horse, but never tried to run a long distance.

Riding a horse to walk for an hour or two and run for 30 or 40 kilometers can not be considered a horseback trip at all. When running long distances, how should you save your horse's energy? At the same time adjust their own fatigue level? This is not something that can be mastered by walking a horse every early morning.

Edwards slowed down the horse's pace and touched the horse's neck with his right hand, slightly damp, but not yet sweaty, seems to have controlled himself well. It would take half a day to travel from Lehigh to Piton by carriage, but it is much faster on horseback, especially when the rider is a small, underdeveloped teenager, and the horse is a purebred stallion with a good pedigree and quality, a hundred miles from Lehigh to Piton is nothing.

Riding this horse instead of the pony that he was used to riding, again, was Mr. Hyde's intention. This Edwards is aware of. Those upper-class nobles unless they need to travel long distances, only by carriage, usually shorter distances are riding a horse to go. And carriage decoration luxury is different, riding a horse than the horse's pedigree is pure and good.

A good horse with a pure bloodline can even be sold for five thousand gold Francs. The pure bloodline of many horses is strictly controlled in the hands of one or several families, these horses are sometimes more than their family crest can be used as proof of identity. Those families will never sell such thoroughbred horses.

In fact, there are many connoisseurs who are familiar with horses who can tell at a glance from a thoroughbred's physical characteristics which country, which place, and which family owns the thoroughbred, because these thoroughbreds are really quite rare and their genealogy is far simpler than that of the deep-rooted noble families.

The horse that Edwards rode was a never-for-sale thoroughbred owned by a prestigious family from Ile. The four-year-old gelding was the second generation of a thoroughbred of that bloodline. The theft of four young thoroughbreds, one male and one female, was one of Mr. Hyde's greatest masterpieces in his youth.

Even better, even the family itself did not realize that the purebred horses owned by their own family had been passed on to the people. With these few horses and some other simple arrangements, the most stubborn guys in the House of Elders recognized Mr. Hyde's noble lineage, and is a side branch of a prominent noble family in Ile.

In fact, if Mr. Hyde would give a pair of these horses to a duke, the man who calls the shots in the House of Elders would even be willing to ask His Majesty the King to give Mr. Hyde a baronetcy. But Mr. Hyde himself obviously does not care whether it is a lord or a baron, as long as a noble title, for him has been very helpful.

And today, Mr. Hyde, for some unknown purpose, let Edwards ride this thoroughbred stallion to the banquet.

Walking on the forest road, although this is the county road from Pittston to Cherbourg, but the dense forest will be able to pass two wagons in parallel the road is covered tightly, so it is not too much to say that it is a small road.

Five or six miles ahead there is a fork in the road, turn around and then go about ten miles is the baron's villa. At this time, suddenly the sound of thunder rang out in the ears. Lightning streaked across the sky one after another, lighting up everything in the woods.

Before Edward could react, bean-sized raindrops crackled down and hit the dense top canopy of the woods. Although a moment has not been drenched in rain, but Edwards clear, the rain will sooner or later fall on their own, here from the villa there are still ten miles, faster, perhaps in all wet before being able to get there.

The thought of this, Edwards a push mount, the crotch of the thoroughbred horse flew forward wildly, obviously heard the sound of thunder, the stallion also know what is going to happen, like it such a noble bloodline stallion also do not want to be covered with dust and leaves. Suddenly there was another flash of lightning, and Edward felt in his gut that the lightning was quite close to the ground.

Subconsciously, he slowed down. Rain dripped through the gaps in the leaves on Edward's body and face. The leaves were originally covered with dust along with the rain, from the cheeks have been flowing to the inside of the collar of the clothes, down the spine.

The rain fell more heavily and sharply than Edwards had expected. At this time, Edwards suddenly found a fallen tree across the front, the half completely burnt, has become black charcoal traces show that this is the lightning just left the work of the masterpiece.

The whole road was tightly blocked, even the roadside was able to go around the place, but also by the broken branches densely stuffed. Want to clean up the broken branches and leaves is obviously not a moment to do things.

The rain was falling heavier and heavier, and Edwards had been soaked through and through, and he wondered if he should go back to the city of Piton first, but he had no money on hand, so what could he do back in the city? Or back to the fork in the road, remembering that there should be another path leading deep into the woods, perhaps from there to Baron Lonner's villa.

Even if this is not the case, if you can find a family, it would be good, also living inside the woods, they should know something about the baron's house, should not be able to turn themselves away. Thinking of this, Edwards turned around and drove off at speed.

Driving a horse wildly in the rain is definitely not a pleasant thing. Hair has long been wet, sticky huffing and puffing on the forehead, rainwater into the eyes, so that vision into a blur, as for the clothes have been soaked through the rain, tangled adsorption on the skin, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

The cold liquid also brought cold, bone chilling cold. Edwards urged his steed to travel fast on the path deep in the woods. From time to time, a leaf came whirling around, hitting the face is raw.

Are the roads well traveled? Is the horse tired? Long ago it was not something that Edwards needed to be concerned about.

The only thing Edwards had to be concerned about was whether there was a place to hide from the rain. Just when Edward felt the pain of the sudden rainstorm, the figure of a villa gradually appeared in front of him. Edward could not think of so much, he urged his horse to rush to the villa.

When we got close, Edward looked up and saw that the villa was quite peculiar. In the center of the villa was built a tower towering through the tree canopy beyond, is the most conspicuous place of the villa. Look carefully, the three-story villa seems to be connected with the surrounding trees as one, the trees surrounded by a round arch will be the whole building tightly enveloped. There is not a drop of rainwater penetrating here. Edwards tethered his horse to a nearby tree and went up to the door and knocked carefully on it.

"Who is it? What's the matter?" An extremely old voice came from inside the door.

"My name is Edwards, Edwards Hyde, I am a passerby, because it is raining too much, so I want to find a place to hide from the rain, if you do not feel appropriate to let me into the room, then please let me wait in the only clean place in this piece until the rain stops, okay?" When he said that last sentence, Edward's voice trembled a little, he wrapped his arms around his body and curled it into a ball, shivering in the cold wind.

"It must be cold outside, come in." The old voice rang out again.

The door opened on its own without a sound. Edouard's eyes widened in amazement as he surveyed everything inside the door. It was a completely different world. Although from the outside, the villa had three floors, but when you look inside, there was simply only one room.

It was a huge room with a hollow glass column in the middle that went right up to the top of the tower, and Edward had trouble even identifying that it must be glass, because he had never seen glass that could faintly radiate a soft blue light.

In addition, the most conspicuous is the four large tables filled with a variety of test equipment. Those large tables are longer and larger than the dining room tables placed inside Hyde Manor, but the materials and techniques used to make them are obviously not the same.

The four tables are made of five-inch-thick oak patchwork, the structure is extremely solid and thick, and the things on the table is something Edwards has never seen before. Long, round, spiral, spherical, anyway, a variety of strange shapes of glass flasks piled up on two tables.

Those flasks, beakers inside cooking red, green do not know what. In the other two tables on top of a variety of small and chic objects, with feathers to build a skeleton of flying dragons, leather, silk, small wooden sticks made of ridiculous-looking dolls, but also with leaves and flowers spelled Elf ......

Every single thing placed here, Edwards can not say its use and origin. The walls around the villa are obviously huge cabinets for various materials, countless drawers make this strange room like a giant beehive, in each drawer are labeled with the name of the material.

Huge cabinets were built all the way to the ceiling, and in order to facilitate access to these materials, there was also a staircase built along the walls with a small slope, so the staircase appeared long and long. Inside this room, the only thing that is more normal is a rocking chair, that is a rocking chair that is too ordinary to be ordinary.

Edwards looked left and right is not to find the owner of the room, the old man who just spoke in the end where to hide it?

As if in answer to Edouard's question, the old voice pierced through from the top of the tower: "I haven't had a visitor here for a long time, little friend, so you can come up here if you're interested."

"Generous old gentleman, it is a great honor to meet your honor, so how can I get up there?" Edouard asked, glancing at the staircase that led only to the roof of the room.

"Ah, look at me, I'm old and easily confused. Son, just stand inside the middle pillar." The owner of the house said with a smile.

Edwards obeyed and walked into the clear pillar in the center of the house, and now he was sure that it was definitely not glass. Glass is hard and cold, a knock on the broken. The pillar is more like a jelly composition, soft to the touch, and a faint trace of heat. On the side of the pillar facing the door there is a gap of more than one person high and two feet wide.

Edouard walked into the gap and stood in the center of the pillar. Just as he was wondering what was going to happen, he suddenly felt his body being held up by an unknown force. Edwards felt himself gradually leaving the ground, the table, the rocking chair, and the cabinets, all gradually moving away from himself.

Seeing this situation, Edward's heart is both nervous and uneasy, he has never experienced this feeling, a feeling as if flying in the air. Edwards widened his eyes trying to figure out what in the end was carrying himself to the air. But nothing could be seen, no shelves, hooks ...... nothing.

Edwards rose higher and higher, just when he was immersed in the unease and joy of flying, suddenly a light came on before his eyes. The surrounding scenery has all changed at once. Presented in front of the eyes is a vast forest, dark green canopy like waves of the sea, can not see the end. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, occasionally radiating an angry lightning, lightning fell immediately where the blazing flames.

But the rain fell so heavily that the fire just scampered to the canopy, not waiting for the densely-branched canopy to ignite into a torch, the pouring rain has been able to burn up this whole forest to wipe out everything.

"Not a bad view, huh! Little friend." The old voice came from behind him.

Edwards jerked awake, he took a step back and looked back. Behind him stood an old man with a long beard. The old man wore a high and sharp brimmed hat on his head, his body draped in a long red-brown robe. The snow-white snow-white long beard and the old man's face covered with deep wrinkles, all indicate that this old man is the oldest person Edward has ever seen.

The wrinkles of the old man and Mr. Hyde's are not at all the same. Mr. Hyde because of the long years of baptism by the wind and frost, so that the wrinkles are so strong, but the old man in front of him, wrinkles like a spider's web covered all the bare skin in the air, that each one is the carved marks of the years. Although for this mysterious old man, Edwards did not know much, but he has secretly guessed the identity of the old man.

A wizard, this old man is definitely a wizard! Although Edouard had never seen a wizard before then. In fact, he hadn't heard any of the people around him say that ever saw a wizard either.

Wizards are really too rare. However, the description of the wizard has long been deeply engraved in everyone's heart. The peculiar looking pointed hat, loose mage robe, a wand held in the hand, a cauldron, this is the image of the legendary wizard. And the old man in front of you, except for the absence of a wand in his hand, everything is in line with the image of the legendary wizard.

"Are you a magician?" Edouard said with a trembling voice, not because he was afraid, but too excited and thrilled.

Indeed, to meet a wizard in person is too rare for an ordinary person. These people with magical powers are so rare in number, and most of them do not like to show their faces. Legend has it that these magicians focus on their magical research all day long and never talk to outsiders.

"Yes, I'm a magician, or more accurately, I'm an alchemist." The old man said with a smile, "I see you are soaked through, very uncomfortable, right?" Said the old man grabbed a handful of silver-white powder from inside the sleeve of his robe, and with one hand, sprinkled the powder on Edward's body.

Edwards heart incomparably nervous, the body even some shaking, he did not know this wizard to do something, such a move will not produce harm to their own. Edward's worry is absolutely justified, those legends, the wizard are some strange guys, they often like to story inside the unlucky egg into a frog or squirrel or something.

Edwards secretly prayed that the one he met would not be one of those weird and dangerous guys. When his heart fear and anxiety, from his body emerged countless bubbles, more and more of these bubbles, and finally will all Edward enveloped in a bubble. Edwards can clearly feel these bubbles into their own clothes inside, sucked away the rain on the clothes, sucked up enough water bubble at once into a few, and go to suck away more water.

Soon Edward felt all over the body has dried. The foam slowly floated down to the floor and piled up into a ring, with Edwards standing in the center of the ring.

"That's great, you are a great wizard." Edouard exclaimed.

"Drying up this rainwater and calling it great? Hahaha, I can't accept your appreciation." The old man said with a laugh.

Edwards stepped out of those foam piles and asked, "Great Wizard, for you, this is no big deal at all, but for us commoners, this is an absolutely incomparable creation."

"I too was once an ordinary person, all magicians were once ordinary people, you too can become a magician, would you like to learn this magical knowledge?" The old man asked.

"Really? That's just wonderful, I never thought I would one day have the honor of being a disciple of a magician." Edouard said with immense excitement. It was true that he had never envisioned this, as meeting a magician would be almost impossible, let alone, having these legends' most discerning people look at him and take him as a disciple.

However, when the excitement passed, Edouard suddenly thought of Mr. Hyde, Draddy, and Kellar's elusive stature, and he did not want to deceive the old wizard who thought so highly of him.

Edouard said anxiously, "But I have a job I must do. I wonder, have you ever heard of Lord Kevi'elle Egret Hyde? He is a commoner nobleman and also the head of the thieves' union in the south of Frans. Although, I don't know what my real mission is, but Lord Hyde has spent a huge amount of money for this mission, and I don't think he will be willing to let me quit easily."

"Hyde?" The old wizard obviously froze and frowned: "You're a very good boy, to tell me all this, you could have told me this after learning magic with me for a while, but you didn't do that. Very good! For Mr. Hyde, I know something, I can even say that we once worked together, when he was not yet a nobleman, you can tell me what he wants you to do? Although you certainly do not yet know all the details, but always know some clues it. Tell me, maybe I can help you, Hyde knows me, he knows my power, just as I also know Hyde, the two of us are able to hitch a mutually suitable agreement."

"The specifics, I was never quite sure, Mr. Hyde just wanted to raise me as a nobleman, a nobleman named Edwards Tatnis." Edwards said.

"Edouard Tatnis? Edward de Tatnis, that name rings a little bit." That old magician repeatedly recited this name, frowned hard, and it took a long time before it dawned on him: "I know what Hyde wants, he should not be the only one planning all this, there is also Maier Dauphin, there must be Maier Dauphin, haha, all are some old friends."

Edwards listened to the side puzzled, he did not know how the old wizard mentioned Mr. Maier Dauphin, but this old wizard knew that Mr. Hyde and Mr. Maier Dauphin, two people who were completely in two societies, used to be old friends, then this old wizard did know something about something.

Just when Edouard wanted to ask the old man in detail, the old magician obviously saw through what was in his mind and said gently: "I have roughly guessed the task Mr. Hyde wants you to accomplish, this matter is extremely important to many people, I do not want to stop Hyde's plan. However, your mission is extremely dangerous, since you are someone I value, you and I have a destiny, I will definitely help you, from now on you are my student, you can tell Hyde that you are my disciple of Mashik, Hyde will know how to take care of you, wait until the end of your mission, then come back here to learn magic from me."

"Teacher, you obviously already know everything, can you tell me something, I am always struggling with this matter." Edouard said.

"Hyde did not tell you, probably because the time is not yet ripe, when the time comes, he will tell you everything, he wants you to complete the task, must tell you everything, you should not rush now." The old wizard said: "By the way, before that, I also have one thing for you to complete."

"What is it? I will definitely try to do it." Edouard replied hastily, though he did not dare to guarantee that his power could be of any help to a magician.

The old wizard pointed to the stormy, thundering landscape outside and said, "My student, you see all this, don't you think it's not quite normal for the lightning to be so dense?"

Edwards has indeed long felt so many powerful lightning concentrated in this dozens of miles around a forest is indeed permeated by odd, usually when thunder, there are one or two falling lightning strikes on the ground, that has been rare to see, but here the lightning is not only dense and remember to fall to the ground, those charred trees can show everything.

If this question had been raised by Etek, Edouard would certainly have explored the issue from the perspective of natural phenomena and geography. But now that the question was raised by a magician, it was obvious that this anomaly was caused by some mysterious power. Edwards asked, "Is it because of magic? Magic summoned lightning to this land."

"Yes, indeed." The old magician was quite satisfied with his disciple's cleverness and continued, "You may not know that the area where lightning gathers is called the magic forbidden land, and in there, the distribution of lightning elves and the condition of the magnetic field are completely different from other places. In there, we magicians will become quite difficult to move, you know we are different from ordinary people is that we have a strong spiritual power, but in that piece of magic forbidden land, strong spiritual power will attract a large number of lightning elves. Thunder elves are the most destructive elves in nature, and a large gathering of them can destroy everything."

"So you need an ordinary person to help you get into that field?" Edouard asked.

"Yes, I need you to find a book for me. You probably haven't heard of the name 'Ditjawar', he is quite famous in the magic world, Ditjawar was the best of the magicians in the era of Frans III. He lived a full two hundred years and once served as the teacher of Frans IV, teaching him all the knowledge except magic. He was also the teacher of Frans V. He would have held the post of chancellor in all three dynasties if it were not for his firm disagreement to hold public office. However, like all magicians who were devoted to the study of magic, Dieter Jawor gave up his reputation and status. His achievements were great, and Dieter Jawor, as a supreme alchemist, invented many things, such as gaseous lifeforms, flying ships, megalithic statues, etc. It is a pity that his research results were all lost, and Dieter Jawor never accepted magical apprentices. In the last ten years of his life, he traveled all over the world, and no one knew where his final tomb was placed, and no one could even know exactly whether Dieter Jawor was really dead. In the centuries that followed, it was an incredibly tempting task for any magician to find the magical notes that Dieter Jawor had left behind. During the time of Frans IX, a magical notebook left by Dieter Jawal in his early years was found in the deep mountains of Bablon, and it mentioned the Colossus. At that time, His Majesty Frans IX ordered the Magic Association to build these eleven-meter-high, fifty-ton monolithic statues with all its might. He originally intended to completely defeat Deli to with this super weapon, but such a conception proved to be foolish, the megalithic statues were not invincible, and human intelligence was more powerful than any magical weapon. Almost all of the sixteen Colossus were lost, but only one was subdued intact and transported to Parin, the capital of Delhi, where a victory hall was built in the center of Parin, and the Colossus became a monument in front of the hall. Although the Colossus failed, they dealt a heavy blow to Derry in the initial stages of the attack, and six of the strongest and most indestructible cities on the Derry border were trampled to rubble, so that the results of Ditjawar's magical research became even more desperately sought after. When I was still a magical apprentice in my twenties, I followed my teacher around the world, and it became my lifelong dream to find Dieter Jawor's magic notes, but after forty years, I found nothing. Five years ago, Dauphin told me about the existence of such a strange natural phenomenon in this forest, and at that time he was just talking about it casually, but it aroused my great interest. The reason. This magic formation is extremely interesting, it not only refuses to allow magicians to approach, but also regularly absorbs the energy of lightning from the air and keeps replenishing itself. This is an exquisite magic device that can automatically maintain and replenish itself, and I have looked through all the books and could not find the same example, but this is indeed the elaborate masterpiece of a magician. Interestingly, this strange phenomenon has never occurred here in the centuries since the death of Dieter Jawal, and it has only occurred for a few years, the only thing that has happened in that time is that a certain baron of Piton has built a villa in the heart of this territory. The sudden appearance of this phenomenon can never be accidental, in my guess, maybe that baron opened the Dieter Jawar treasure by chance, but for an ordinary person like him, this treasure, which is worth an unquantifiable amount, is not known to him, unfortunately, for a magician like me, that place is forbidden."

"You are hoping that I will enter the forbidden land and help you find the treasure left by Dieter Jawal?" Edouard said excitedly, it was too easy for him, he was going to that place originally, and according to the old magician, that villa was exactly the home of Baron Lonar, and the destination of his own visit.

"Yes, that's it, I know this matter is quite dangerous, when the first treasure of Ditjawar was discovered, the five magicians involved in the excavation as well as hundreds of workers all died, and Ditjawar cast a special curse on his magic notebook. That is a special spell, able to send out a powerful 'mental wave', this mental wave is enough to kill all creatures, both magicians and ordinary people can not withstand this attack. But don't worry, the magic world has a means to cope with this, after the treasure of Dieter Jawar was unearthed, the magic association spent more than twenty years to finally find a way to deal with this spiritual shock. The magicians have created a strange gem that can absorb the energy of spiritual magic. When I realized that what I had in front of me was the second treasure of Dieter Jawal, I spent three whole years to create such a gem, look!" The old magician said with a wave of his hand, after a while from downstairs lightly flew up a metal butterfly, in the butterfly's slender foot hanging a sapphire ring.

The old wizard took off the ring and handed it to Edward. The ring is made of an unknown metal, very light, silver shining, in the ring's inner wall engraved with a circle of words Edward can not read, the front of the ring is set with a large sapphire, which is the largest stone Edward has ever seen, the surface of the stone is cut into a strange five rash shape. Through this crystal clear sapphire can clearly see the ring at the bottom of the densely engraved spell, the long spell is like a book.

"Natural sapphire is a very useful mineral, it can be used to enhance the gathering and invocation of water and wind elements, and is the most frequently used raw material for making water and wind magic wands. Sapphire has another property. Although it is not as useful as emerald or cat's eye as a medium to perform spiritual magic, it can effectively absorb spiritual magic energy, so it is often used to store magical energy. If you see a person with a sapphire ring or jewelry in the future, who obviously has a preference for sapphires, even if he is not doing magical attire, you should pay attention to the same, it is likely to be a magician." The old man said.

"Will this ring protect me from harm?" Edouard asked, "Then how do I use it, I don't know any magic."

"No magic is needed, you just need to sign a contract with this ring, let this ring recognize you as its master, and then this ring will protect you. However, this is not enough for the powerful magic of Dieter Jawar, you need to hold the sapphire ring face tightly against the one made by Dieter Jawar, and then turn this sapphire ring face three times with your other hand. Yes, that's how you gently turn it, remember to turn it clockwise three times and the ring itself will suck out any magical energy that might be harmful to you. However, there is one more thing you have to remember, this ring can only be used to absorb spiritual magic, water magic and wind magic energy, once sealed up is other types of magic, do not try to use this ring to absorb, that is the same as exposing you as a target to those powerful magic elves attack, earth elements can instantly turn you into a rock, fire magic elements attack your end, on No need for me to explain it."

"So how do I know what kind of magic it is?" Edouard asked.

"If it is us magicians, we are able to directly see the gathered magic elements, but you can not, ordinary people can not feel these, you can only perceive the magic elements through the ring I gave you. When you are very close to those magic items, this ring will emit a faint light, red light represents fire, yellow light represents earth, green light represents wind, blue light represents water, black light ...... don't think I'm kidding, if you are unlucky, you are likely to see black light, that is the mark of dark magic. White light then indicates sacred magic, purple light represents spiritual magic, other than that, the ring radiates any other color of light, that is proof of extreme danger, the farther you hide the better."

"I see, only green light, blue light, purple light can be absorbed, the other words, I will not move it, is this the case?" Edouard asked.

"Yes don't ever touch it, the Grand Magus Dieter Jawar was an extremely dangerous fellow even in his time."

"So what type of light does lightning magic emit?" Edouard asked.

"Summoning lightning, that is, gathering thunder elves, thunder elves are a type of wind element, you can rest assured that this ring is fully capable of absorbing."

"That means I won't have to be afraid of lightning in the future, right?" Edouard said excitedly.

"If you're fast enough to turn the ring three times the moment the lightning strikes down, you really won't need to fear lightning anymore." The old wizard said with a smile.

Edwards shook his head after hearing that he knew it was simply impossible.

"Teacher, do you know how long this rainstorm is going to last?" Edouard asked.

"It will be over in another half an hour, but if you plan to leave, you'd better wait until the evening, when the rain on the canopy is almost evaporated." The old man said, "In the meantime, if you are interested, go inside my research room."

There is nothing like gaining new knowledge to make Edward feel more excited. After returning to the ground with the old wizard, Edward was excited to ask about the purpose of the instruments on the table. In Edward's impression, the wizard is a kind of figure close to the gods, they have magical power, can call the wind and rain, can fly freely in the sky, can trigger volcanoes and earthquakes.

The old magician is obviously used to the prejudices of ordinary people, he explained: "The so-called magicians are just some special scholars, only different from ordinary scholars. Magicians must have talent, not many people are fortunate enough to have this talent, that's why the number of magicians is so rare, you are the kind of people who have talent. Just now I let you come up by yourself, is to try whether you have such a talent, only stronger than ordinary people's spiritual power, magic energy can quickly string through the body of people can fly to the top of the tower. Magicians are not as powerful as ordinary people think, each magician in his area of expertise is quite powerful, for example, a magician good at manipulating the element of fire, he can easily turn a small spark into an unstoppable fire, but also in a very short time inside the burning of a forest, with special charcoal powder or feathers as a medium, he can even make dozens of miles around the rain of fire With the use of special charcoal powder or feathers as a medium, he can even make it rain fire for dozens of miles around, and these fire rains fall down and ignite cloths, blankets, trees and houses, a magician can destroy everything people have worked hard to build for centuries. Magicians who are good at manipulating wind are able to fly in the sky with light airships with double wings. Magicians who are good at manipulating water are even more powerful, a drop of venom can take the lives of thousands of people, manipulate clouds and fog to bring down bad weather, or cut off water veins so that a land does not see a little rain for a whole few months. They are also able to make a piece of land only grow weeds and can not produce food, creating quicksand and swamps is their specialty. They can control people's consciousness through magic, though not to the point of manipulating people's actions, but they can see the secrets hidden deep inside you through magic, but also let you unknowingly become his eyes and ears, everything you see, hear, become his fingertips. Within their control, no one's actions are not monitored, and as long as they want, they are able to easily find a rat hiding deep underneath. There is another kind of magician their skills should also be counted among such spirit magicians, except that they manipulate not people, but low-level animals, or even magical creatures, they are called 'summoners'. These magicians are also quite frightening, no one knows how powerful they have, maybe behind them there is a legion of wolves, or a magical beast from the deepest part of the ninth heaven, any action can not escape their ears, because a sharp-eyed eagle or a bat flying silently in the night sky, are able to bring all the information for their master. But the summoner is not the most terrible guy among the magicians, there are some of the magicians who deal with the dead all day long, they are called as 'necromancer'. With a special secret medicine to let the dead body to restore the function of activity, and then artificially made magic device to replace the dead brain, no thinking ability, absolutely no fear of death, absolutely obey the orders of the zombie is made. With the ashes of reptiles and rotting brains, the practice of the demon fog looks no different from ordinary fog, but it is composed of countless bugs that are difficult to see with the naked eye, they are able to suck blood, but also able to report everything they see to their masters, the necromancer can manipulate is not limited to zombies, all kinds of animal corpses can be transformed. Before the Stone Colossus appeared, those necromancer's creations had been the most fearsome fighting tools in this world. As for the most powerful magician, there is no doubt that we alchemists, because alchemists inside once appeared the great magician Dieter Jawar, he is recognized as the world's most powerful magician, alchemists can change the original appearance of materials to create items with magical functions, skilled use of any kind of magical elements to synthesize the effect we need. Every wizard has a wand in his hand, and all those wands are made by us, and we give other wizards their power. Another superiority of alchemists over other wizards is that the things we make can be used by ordinary people as well, just like the ring I gave you, the Paladins of Frans and the Knights of the Wind and the Bloodthirsty Regiment of Derry to are all the result of alchemy. "

"Is it impossible to learn all the magic?" Edouard asked.

"As far as I know not possible, and there is absolutely no need for this. The field of magical research is almost boundless, and there is already no end to the research of this field of one's own. Besides, magicians generally do not have any specific needs, and you should know that magicians are richer than any king, and any precious gems are just more suitable minerals in our opinion. For us, digging up a valuable gemstone is only a little more difficult than digging up coal, which is everywhere, but gem mines are generally more remote, so we mostly focus on our own research. For me, I don't think it's so great to be able to cast a 'rain of fire' or to be able to fly in the sky, I can use the flying bird I made to sow fire everywhere, although it's not convenient, but, as you can see I'm also able to fly, not to mention the fact that it is known that the most perfect flying machine is none other than the flying ship invented by Dieter Jawal. " The old wizard paused, then said: "But although we do not seek to know everything, but borrowing is a regular thing, we wizards sometimes get together and talk about their own discoveries, perhaps these discoveries are quite important for other wizards."

"Dear teacher, roughly how much time needs to pass before I can have strong magic power?" Edouard asked.

"Powerful? No, no, no, son, you are mistaken, what is more important for a wizard is to manipulate magic power flexibly and use it effectively, powerful is not the goal we are after, and magic power does not represent the whole power of a wizard, what is more important is your use of magic. If you can remember the properties of hundreds of potions and the same number of various recipes without fail, this is far more useful than if you have the magic to summon one or two medium-sized spells. You have to remember that a suitable magic is definitely more capable of getting you out of a situation than a powerful one. For example, you are standing on the edge of a cliff with your pursuers coming up close behind you, what is your best option at this time? Use a powerful magic to destroy all the enemies in front of you? No, that's not easy and not something you can do, you just have to escape down the cliff and not let yourself get hurt when you hit the ground. This is not difficult for you, with a little practice, with your current ability you are also able to do ......"

"I am able to learn such magical magic?" Edouard asked excitedly, "You were able to teach me, huh?"

Seeing the student's eyes widen and look at himself with devotion, how could the old wizard refuse?

He walked to the west wall and grabbed a few oddly shaped herbs from inside those closets, then pulled out a cleaned copper pot from under the table.

The old wizard was busy there, Edouard carefully played on the side, put the herbs into the stone mortar twisted and mixed, and added a kind of fat boiled out of some animal. These things are all thrown into the copper pot inside the boiling, the green fire licking the bottom of the copper pot gray black, the pot inside the ball of paste tumbling and bubbling. The old wizard held a wand in his hand and stood next to the pot, occasionally picking up his wand and pointing toward the potion in the pot.

"What are you doing?" Edouard asked. Although he knew that asking his teacher a question at this time would likely disturb his spell casting, curiosity overcame everything and he finally asked.

The old magician obviously didn't mind this, he explained, "I was changing the properties of the drug, the alchemist is able to change the original appearance of the drug through mental power, revealing special abilities, exactly what makes an alchemist different from a pharmacist. The copper pot is able to gather this spiritual power together, while the wand is what allows us to better control the casting of spiritual power."

While the old wizard was talking, the stuff boiling inside the pot gradually turned into a sky blue sticky ointment.

The ointment was lifted out of the copper pot by spoonfuls, and the old wizard brought a box carved out of a whole jadeite, and asked Edwards to put the ointment in it. Edwards looked at the dark green jade box.

The whole piece of jadeite was carved into a cylindrical shape, the thickness of the inner wall is about one centimeter, the bottom is a little thicker, a circle of thread is finely carved out at the top of the box, the lid is also carved from this piece of jadeite. The box does not even need to be locked, as long as the lid is screwed on, it is absolutely impossible for the oil paste inside to leak out. Such a whole piece of jadeite, certainly worth a lot of money.

Edouard really could not imagine that someone would carve such a large piece of emerald into a box. It seemed that the teacher was not wrong at all, the magician had to be richer than even any king.

"Every night you have to use this oil anointing body, this work is best carried out before going to bed, but also be careful not to use too much, a thin layer of skin can be absorbed, too much is a waste, until all the oil anointing, your skin will be able to easily gather up the wind element. I will teach you how to meditate and need to remember the incantation, when you read the incantation, the wind sprite will gently lift you up, the faster you move, the greater the power to lift up, if you jump from the cliff down, not yet three meters down, the power to lift you up and your weight is equivalent, and when you land, at most feel the feet are shaken numb, will never be injured. " After saying this, the old magician explained in detail the method of meditation and the incantation.

Because Edouard was a person who had never touched magic before, the old wizard explained in great detail. It was not until the sun was about to set that Edouard had this magic completely memorized inside his head.

"In fact, this magic is not very useful, when you are stationary, you can not gather up the wind sprites at all, since you want to learn like this, I will teach you, what's more, that ointment is very good for you, it can enhance your ability and speed to gather the wind attribute elements, wind magic is usually the most useful in my opinion. By the way, it's about time now, it should be time for you to help me with that thing, your horse is outside, right, the golden butterfly will help you clean up the horse." Said the old wizard with a wave of his hand, just now that metal butterfly once again floating ah floating out of the room.

"By the way, I almost forgot just now, there is another important thing you take." Said the old magician in the table under the drawer inside rummage up. Only with great difficulty did he find a piece of cloth woven with gold wire three inches long and one inch wide, with various strange words and symbols painted on it.

"This thing is I practiced a long time ago, it can be used to seal most of the magic statues and magic puppets, of course stone gargoyles are not included in this, I worry that Dieter Jawal's treasure has a magic statue to guard. He is the most powerful alchemist, the production of the magic statue is certainly not simple, you take this just in case. Remember once you find a strange statue next to the treasure, absolutely do not easily touch the treasure, come back and tell me, I will think of other ways." The old wizard said.

"How does this thing work?" Edwards asked.

"Just stick it on directly, it's for emergencies, of course the easier it is to use the better."

Asked to understand everything, and saw that the teacher no longer have anything to hand over to him, Edouard then said goodbye to leave.

Out of the house, the thoroughbred was still tethered to the tree, but it had a new look all over. Edouard untied the reins from the tree and stepped onto the horse and headed for the distant Baron de Lonna's estate. His mind was now settled, for he was now an initiated disciple of a magician.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 11, 2023
Last Updated on April 11, 2023
Tags: Magic



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