A grey sky stretches widescreen over Wandsworth Common station
No surprise in the middle of September, not really had a Summer this year
We are sitting in the fourth coach waiting patiently for the signals to change
All too aware of the man who leaves his bag on the seat as he paces the aisle
I smile as he passes as I want him to witness one last attempt at humanity…
Before he decides to blow us all sky high
All we are is a collection of bags of blood, veins and opposite ideas
Only saved by the windows and tartan seat covers
When your time comes, will you turn and run or face the unknown?
I’m completely invisible if I can manage to keep the volume down
No one can see me when I’m wearing my headphones
Yet I can see everyone in the world…
Every crook and cranny, every full plate thrown last night
I can see and hear the past, present and future…poor me
The train finally prepares to leave the station
And as we slowly rock forwards high above over scrap metal yards
Looking down into the rust fields of things that were once essential in our homes
The money changes hands- the value now means something else to someone else
Washing machine innards left wide open, giving them a new purpose as fox shelters in this rain
Buy the best, feel the worse, leave it out in the night, empty wallets and purses- All we’ve got in this world to relate to one another
IKEA makes me sick, but it was a day out all the same
Bringing us together while eventually drifting us further apart.
Our train screeches to a sudden halt again
As half a body desperately scrambles for the ‘safety’ of the bank
It’s too late for him,
And now it’s too late for me.