![]() Chapter 36: Brother and ArmsA Chapter by Steven IngelsChapter
36: Brother and Arms The ambulance arrived as quickly as
possible taking Raven to the emergency room. Roscoe had a talk with the police
and they took EZ in cuffs and took him away. He sat down in a chair looking at
his bruised up knuckles. He hadn't hit anyone that hard in a while. The group
instantly rushed over to Roscoe, “Where is he I’m going to kill him” Brianna
said, “The police took him” Roscoe said, “Good because if they didn't I would
of killed him myself” angrily said Brianna. Cash hit Roscoe in the arm, “So
how’s Bridgett” Roscoe said, “She’s okay her parents got her when the ambulance
came” the group sat down in the chairs waiting for the results. An agonizing three in half hours
past and finally the doctor came out, “Hey guys I’m Doctor Rose it was a good
thing that you got to her in time.” Peyton cleared her throat, “So if she
okay.” Doctor Rose nodded his head, “Yes, but she had today in the hospital for
a while. She was beaten up pretty bad. Are you guys family.” Yes” They said in
unison” Doctor Rose shook his head,, “well I know that’s not true, but just
this once all of you can go see her” she’s in room 124” The group thanked the
doctor and walked down the hall to 124. Roscoe stayed behind so that the
group can see her first. Roscoe stopped at the doorway looking at her happy and
smiling even though her lip was busted and she has a black eye. She looked over
seeing Roscoe, “Hey sorry I ruined your date night” Roscoe smirked, “Don’t be
if we weren't there you would be dead. Raven gave a half smile, “Yeah so does
it hurt.” Roscoe looked at his knuckles, “not anymore his face just got in the
way” the group chuckled. Raven smiled from ear to ear, “Thanks for saving my
life.” Roscoe gave a nod, “No problem anytime” Suddenly three men came into the
room, “Chad.” Chad is Raven’s older brother and he didn't like anyone messing
with him, his sister or his gang. Raven and Chad talked and then Chad turned to
Roscoe, “So you’re the guy that helped my sister.” Roscoe gave a nod, “Yeah.” Chad smirked, “Good because If I was there I would of killed him” Chad raised
up his shirt a bit showing the pistil in his pants, “So you’re her brother.” Chad gave a nod, “Yeah born and raised. Mom and dad couldn't take care of her
so she’s my responsibility. Aren't you with the strays?” Roscoe sighed, “I was,
but I’m out” Chad nodded his head, “I see well if you’re interested we could
use someone with your skills.” Roscoe scratched his head, “Um sorry not really
into the anymore.” Chad nodded his head, “Right well the offer still stands if
you want to join” Chad turned back to his sister, “See you later sis” Chad and
his friends quickly walked out of the room. Roscoe couldn't believe he just got
offered into another gang. Since EZ was
in jail and Raven healing Roscoe only focused on the soccer games and his girl. © 2013 Steven Ingels |
Added on September 3, 2013 Last Updated on September 3, 2013 Author![]() Steven IngelsLittle Rock, ARAboutLet's see my name Is Steven Ingels. Writing is a time for me to let my creativity wander I'm 21 years old white male more..Writing