Chapter 9: The old mans deal

Chapter 9: The old mans deal

A Chapter by Steven Ingels

Roscoe never went back to the doghouse because he was put on lockdown at the house. All he thought about was Janelle wishing he could go back and redo everything that he had messed up with. The day has come for the family to move it was tough for the girls saying goodbye to their friends, but they knew it would be okay because they would make more in the new state. Mr. Rizzo got a transfer to the Red Star police station where they needed a man with his skills. Mrs. Rizzo got a promotion to head CNA for better pay. Roscoe knew it would be hard to earn his family trust back so just deiced to stay away from them awhile.

                Roscoe sat on the porch looking at his sister’s pile in the van excited to move out of the state. Mrs. Rizzo kissed her husband on the lips and walked over to Roscoe, “Hey you coming or what” Roscoe looked up at his mom, “Yeah going to ride in the truck.” Mrs. Rizzo drowned her eyebrows, “why there is plenty of room in Sidney’s van.” Roscoe sighed standing up, “Yeah and then they gouge my eyes out before I put my seatbelt on, so no thank you” Mrs. Rizzo sighed, “Okay so why don’t you ride with me and your father.” Roscoe smirked, “No dad and I don’t see eye to eye so that’s out to. I rather ride with Professor klumps and Fazion Love from Elf. At least they won’t tell me what to do” Roscoe walked past his mom. Mrs. Rizzo quickly turned around, “Roscoe I’m sorry” Roscoe stopped walking turning to his mother waiting to what she had to say, “It’s been tough this past year and I can’t come to a conclusion if everything is going to be okay. I want you to know that I forgive you. I hope we could start over and have the relationship that we used to have.” Roscoe thought for a moment to see if it was a good idea and it was, but was Roscoe ready to have a close relationship with his mom again, “Only if you promise to make those Oreo shakes again.” Mr. Rizzo smiled from ear to ear, “I’ll see what I can do” Roscoe turned around getting into the truck as the engine started.

                Mrs. Rizzo got into the passenger seat putting on her seatbelt, “so did you tell him.” Mrs. Rizzo sighed, “No I didn’t he is hurt right now and if we put anything stressful on him who knows what he could do.” Mr. Rizzo shook his head, “you’re too soft on him Noreen” Said Leonide, “ and your too hard on him Leo have you ever stopped and thought about what Roscoe could be if you didn’t yell at him all the time” Said Noreen, “Yeah he could be in jail.” Mrs. Rizzo was frustrated with her husband, “Just shut up and drive” Mrs. Rizzo folded her arms looking out the window as Mr. Rizzo turned on the car and followed behind the moving truck.

                Behind the parents the girls were in the van excited to be in a new state, but there were also sad because they made a lot of goals there. Sidney turned to Karman, “So you sad that your leaving your friends?” Karman shrugged, “No there a bunch of s***s anyways.” Sidney was surprised to hear that from her sister, “wow didn’t know you felt like that.” “Yeah, well” Karman sighed turning to her sister, “a lot has changed in the past year,” You’re sure right” Camille said, “Pretty much lost all of our choices being famous” Olivia agreed, “Yeah my art was the only thing I had except for you girls.” Adrianna nodded her head, “So what do you girls expect when we move out there.” Tatiana smiled, “hopefully no stupid people and Roscoe.” The girls agreed on both of the topics except for Sidney, “come on there will be stupid people everywhere and Roscoe is obviously coming with us give him a break he just went through something tragic.” F**k that” Said Karman, “he caused us pain, tears and our life’s the only break he is going to the state jail” Still pounding on their brother they wondered if the same events was going to happen again.

Rhine Montana

Smith and Wesson Road

                31 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds later the Rizzo family finally arrived at an old country ranch. The three story house was built in the sixties. Inside were old style furniture with two fire places up and downstairs. It had seven rooms so the kids can have their own personnel space. In the back of the house was their own personnel lake that they could go swimming, fishing, and etc.

                The family pulled in seeing the moving truck was already moving the furniture in the house. They parked away from the truck so they could have room to move. Mrs. Rizzo looked out the driver’s window seeing her son smoking a cigarette in the truck just not giving a care. Getting out of the car Mr. and Mrs. Rizzo both smiled at the house. Mr. Rizzo looked over at his wife who also looked at him and they knew it would to copasetic. Mr. Rizzo turned around throwing up his arms, “So what do you think?” “It’s cute” Sidney said, “Looks like someone died here” said Camille, “yeah maybe the country killer lived here and stashed all of his victims” Tatiana gasped. “Dead people creep me out” Adrianna folded her arms, “I think it would be cool to see a dead person. Mr. Rizzo shook his head at the nonsense, “This house has nothing to do with any murders. We were lucky to get this house by a very nice gentleman and here he comes now” Mr. Rizzo looked up the road seeing an old ford truck coming down the road.

                Grady Steele reminds you of a immovable mountain. He has salt and pepper hair in a simple style. He has round brown eyes like two splotches of mud. He is tall and has a plump build. His skin is pale. He has old hands and delicate ears. His wardrobe is western with a grey color scheme.

                He pulled up blaring his country music. He turned it down rolling up the window and turned off the car. He got out of the car taking off his hat and walked up to Mr. Rizzo, “Hello you must be the Rizzo Family” Grady said calmly, “I’m Grady Steele.” Leonide gave a nod, “Grady I’m Leonide and this is my wife Noreen. My girls Sidney, Camille, Olivia, Karman, Adrianna, and Tatiana.” Well there all beautiful, but I only count six” Folding his arms, “where’s the 7th.” Mr. Rizzo moved his head to the truck, “He’s in there” Mr. Rizzo turned to his wife “Hey Hun can you go get him for me please” Mrs. Rizzo smiled not wanting to show her this wouldn’t be good face.

                Opening the door a cloud of smoke left the cabin, “Come on I want you to meet someone.” Roscoe shrugged still smoking his cigarette, “Why he’s nothing special” Mrs. Rizzo sighed, “Roscoe please don’t make this harder on yourself. Please just do this for me.” “Whatever” Roscoe jumped out of the truck and let his cigarette drop onto the ground letting it burn, “Um I’m going to take the girls inside. It was nice meeting you Grady” Mrs. Rizzo kissed her husband on the cheek, “Be nice” Whispering into his ear as she walked with the girls inside the house.”

                “So you must be Roscoe the bad bone in the family” said Grady.” Roscoe smirked, “Yeah do you have a problem with that” already Mr. Rizzo didn’t like where thus conversation was going. “Not at all” Grady unfolded his arms, “I used to be just like you back in my day.” Roscoe smiled, “I doubt it old man. You’re like hundred years old.” Grady smiled from ear to ear liking this back to forth conversation, “I might be, but you haven’t worked in a day in your life. Do you even know what the dollar really means?” Roscoe gave a nod, “Yeah you go to a bar and spend it on the one dollar hoes. Now that’s good way to spend a dollar.” Mr. Rizzo shook his head stopping the conversation, “Um do you mind if we catch up later. Got to talk to my son for a bit.” Grady put his hat back on, “sure and Mr. Bad bone well finish this up later” Grady touched Mr. Rizzo shoulder whispering into his ear.

                Grady got into his truck and drove around the cars and out the way he came in, “What is your problem talking to that man like that” Mr. Rizzo asked?” Roscoe shrugged, “What he was doing the same thing it’s not like he was offended by it.” Mr. Rizzo sighed, “look all I want is for you to give respect.” Respect” Roscoe repeated, “You don’t know anything about Respect.” Mr. Rizzo eyes widened, “Oh I don’t” Mr. Rizzo pushed Roscoe’s shoulder, “Now what are you going to do about that.” Roscoe ran up pushing his dad back, but nothing happened so he swung his arm connecting to his dad’s jaw. Mr. Rizzo smiled from ear to ear not noticing that his wife was coming out of the house. He scooped up Roscoe and slammed him on the ground knocking the wind out of Roscoe, “STOP! Shouted Mrs. Rizzo, “This family is out of control.” Family” Roscoe got up holding his lower back, “This isn’t a family, this is just a bunch of circus clowns not knowing what they want!” Shouted Roscoe almost losing his voice. Roscoe swiped his hand as he ran out of the property and up the road. Mr. Rizzo turned around to his wife apologizing, but she couldn’t face him at this time.

                Waiting on the fence In the hot sun Roscoe sighed when he saw Grady’s truck coming up the hill. The truck slowed down and the passenger window rolled down, “You know its unusual seeing a stranger at my house” said Grady.” “Yeah well this is the only place I could go right now. I’m having family problems.” Grady nodded his head, “I see you want to talk about it?” Roscoe smirked, “Nope there’s really nothing to talk about.” Grady smiled from ear to ear, “Everyone has problems, come inside and have a drink with me” Grady pulled going into his property.” Grady jumped off the fence walking towards the truck. Grady got out of the car and stretched. He walked to the front door, “so what do you want to drink, water, soda, whiskey” Roscoe looked at Grady like he was crazy, but he wasn’t crazy enough to know what Roscoe wanted to drink, “Whiskey’s good.” Grady smirked, “Yeah right” Opening up the door Grady walked in followed by Roscoe.

                In the kitchen Grady opened up a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels putting it on the counter. He then grabbed a glass and put it next to the drink. He opened up the bottle pouring it into the glass. He put the bottle down and grabbed the glass first sniffing it and then let it go smooth down his throat. He nodded his head looking at Roscoe who was waiting for his turn, “What you really thought I was going to give you some. I’m not going to be responsible for you getting alcohol poisoning.” Roscoe smirked, “I have drank before, even harder stuff then that.” Grady shrugged, “I’m pretty sure, but if I give you this then your dad well have me arrested, so get yourself a Dr. Pepper in the fridge.

                Roscoe shook his head, “Your stingy old man” Roscoe scratched his head walking to the fridge and grabbing a Dr. Pepper, “So old man” Opening up the can, “How long have you lived here?” Grady looked around the kitchen, “Since I was four. I have a lot of good memories in thus house it’s just too bad that it’s not in the shape that it should be.” “What’s wrong with it “Asked Roscoe as he chugged the soda.” Grady took a deep breath, “The roof is leaking, and the paint is fading, and so on.” Roscoe set the Dr. Pepper down on the table, “So why don’t you just hire someone to do that.” Grady shook his head pouring himself another glass, “I have no money if I could i would let someone do it for free” Grady took a sip of his drink looking straight at Roscoe. Roscoe instantly knew what Grady was saying, “Hell no I’m not working for you for free. Especially in this weather.” Grady smiled, “The weather won’t kill you, and come on you’ll be here instead of being at your house. I can’t do it myself.”  Roscoe threw his head back, “F**k, fine I’ll help you out, but not for free.” Grady gave a nod, “Okay how does five cents sounds.” Roscoe smirked, “sounds like s**t, five bucks and we’ll call it quits.” Grady licked his lips, “five cents and you break for thirty minutes.” Roscoe shook his head knowing this would be a difficult deal, “Eighty cents and I get a break every hour for fifteen minutes and a shot of that b***h whiskey.” Grady smiled, “Eighty one cents, a break every hour for six minutes and you get to smoke anytime you want.” That was a bad deal, “F**k you got a deal.”

                Grady gave a nod putting the glass down, “Good follow me” Grady walked away from the counter walking out the backdoor. Roscoe drank the rest of his soda wondering what Grady was showing him. As he walked out the back door he saw miles of green pastures and trees. Since Roscoe lived in the desert all he saw was sand and dirt.

                Roscoe met Grady at the old barn. Grady unlocked the latch and threw open the doors. He turned to Roscoe and Grinned, “I want you to clean out everything, if it’s in a box store it on the shelves that you have to build.” Roscoe shook his head thinking this was worse than going into the sewer and finding a stash of money, “You got to be kidding me right.” “Nope” Grady sighed with relief, “have fun and don’t strain yourself.” Grady slapped Roscoe on the back walking off.” Roscoe threw his head and his hands up, “Why Me?” Roscoe went into the barn and didn’t know where to start.

                Hours later Roscoe was done with everything. He smelled like moth balls andcamembert cheese. Walking into the house he heard some laughter like it was on the TV. Stopping at a wall that lead into the TV room Roscoe looked in seeing Grady smoking a cigar and watching some kind of wedding video, “Grady I’m done.” Grady turned to Roscoe, “great you can go home now. Your money is on the table. See you in the morning.” Grady was vague and Roscoe didn’t want to disturb Grady anymore. Roscoe walked over to the small table and grabbed the eighty cents and just walked out the door with no questions

© 2013 Steven Ingels

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Added on July 8, 2013
Last Updated on July 8, 2013

Black and White - Bad to the bone


Steven Ingels
Steven Ingels

Little Rock, AR

Let's see my name Is Steven Ingels. Writing is a time for me to let my creativity wander I'm 21 years old white male more..
