![]() Chapter 1- Jonathan POVA Chapter by Ellay![]() Disclaimer: There is swearing!![]() “HERBERT! I’ve told you a thousand times now! Do not eat the people!” I yelled at my whale companion. “Just eat your fish!” I kept trying to throw the fish at him, but he ignored them, trying to push up against the glass to where all the patrons were. They were all laughing like this was a joke, but if he manages to break the glass (which he probably could), they would all become thanksgiving dinner. I’m not sure what human meat tastes like, but I’m sure Herbert would enjoy it quite a bit. Oh lord...what am I saying. I’ve completely lost it. No wonder I only have one friend. A few hours later, my shift finally ended and I made my way home. My sister was waiting for me in the kitchen, giving me a big smile. “I made some cookies! Want some?” she said as she stuffed a few in her mouth. I took a few. “Thanks, Becky. Why’d you make cookies anyway?” She smiled at me, but this time there was something weird behind the smile. She came up behind me and enveloped me in a big hug. “What, I can’t do something nice for my older brother?” She nuzzled her face into my back, thoroughly creeping me out, but I decided not to call her out on that. Everyone and their mother knew that my step sister, Rebecca, had the biggest, incestious crush on me. Her father married my mother only a few months back, but I’ve known Becky since grammar school. In middle school, I’m pretty sure that’s when the crush started, but I honestly don’t understand why. I’m ugly as f**k. My hair is greasy, I’m only 5’6”, I wear glasses(which isn’t that bad. I mean, a lot of people wear glasses, and most of the time they’re fine. But people like me have been blessed with the ability to not be able to pull off glasses), and I’m not what people would call “pleasant company”. My only friend, Kyle, says I’m not that bad, that he’s seen worse, but I highly doubt that. He gets all the girls, with his boyish cute looks and lolita ways. I pulled away from Becky, thanking her for the cookies before making my way upstairs to do my mountain of homework. This was going to be a long night. ~ I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my face. Ugh, morning. At least it’s Friday. But that also means lab day. I swear, if Ms.Higgins pairs me up with Johnny again, I’m gonna explode. He is one of the many people who use me as their personal punching bag. Not to mention he is a fuckboy, and a major one at that. I heard he fucked three girls from my science class. In one day. There is only one girl for me. Abigail Douglas. The hottest girl in the school. In the brief conversations we’ve had (And when I say brief, I mean brief.) she seems really nice and caring. Usually it’s right after someone beats the s**t out of me and she tries to tell me how stupid they are. It’s a nice gesture at least. I finally finish getting ready and make my way downstairs, where the smell of pancakes lingers. Mom or Becky must’ve made breakfast, because Steve, my stepfather, sure as hell can’t cook. Walking into the kitchen, I saw my mother standing over the stove, flipping pancakes. “There’s some on the table, sweetie. Just take a few, don’t need to fatten you up anymore than you already are.” Wow mom, thanks for the brutal honesty. I know I’m not today's definition of skinny, but I’m sure as hell not fat. I’m on the track team (against my will) for Christ’s sake. Steve walked into the kitchen, straightening his tie. “Sandra dear, lay off the boy. He’s a perfectly healthy weight for his age.” Thank you Steve, at least I know that I have someone who thinks I’m decent. I took a few pancakes, eating them quickly before making my way to the bus stop. No one else is usually at my stop, but today there was this guy just standing there. He didn’t look familiar at all. Maybe he’s at the wrong stop? He looked up once I got closer, a smirk appearing on his face. “Why hello there. And who would you be?” I rolled my eyes. Another one of these guys. They think they’re soooo cool. Just because you’re super tall, muscular, and handsome doesn’t mean you own the world, you shady punk! But, like the nice person that I am, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Hi, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Jonathan.” The guy took my hand in his, his hand feeling rough and calloused against my own. “Elliot. And I must say, that’s a fine a*s you got there.” EXCUSE ME?! Why on God’s green earth would you check out my a*s?! I retracted my hand, fully disgusted with Elliot. We stood there for the rest of the time in silence, but every once in awhile I could feel his eyes on me. I swear if he’s checking me out…. The bus finally pulled up to the curb and we got on. I tried to sit in the back of the bus, but he just followed me. No matter where I went, he was right behind me. Damn, this guy is persistent. I ended up taking a seat in the front, so I could easily make my escape from the bus. He sat right. Next. To. Me. “Why are you following me around?” I finally asked him. He was really starting to piss me off. “Is there some law saying I can’t? Besides, you seem like a fun guy.” Fun guy? Buddy, if anyone is the definition of fun, it is certainly not me. My daily routine is the same every day; wake up, go to school, go to work, go home, sleep. That’s about it. “Look, there may not be a law about it, but don’t you think it’s kinda weird to follow me around?” Who am I kidding, this guy is the textbook definition of weird. I mean, he’s a ginger for crying out loud! “Not at all.” F*****g knew it. Great, now I’m gonna have this guy follow me around like a lost puppy. People will give me even more looks, because obviously I don’t have enough of that already. The bus finally stopped at the school. Dolor High School. Quickly grabbing my bag, I ran outside, trying hard to blend into the crowd. But as soon as I reached my locker, I felt a hand on my shoulder. “I would like some...assistance, if you don’t mind.” He whispered into my ear. I jumped. Does this guy ever take a break from being creepy?! “Sure, whatever, just after that, would you please leave me alone.” I restrained myself from going all gangster on his a*s. I grabbed his schedule from his hand and began pointing out where everything is. What a waste of time. He could have easily gone to the office and asked for an escort instead of getting my s****y directions. Once I finished, the bell rang, and I quickly escaped to first period. I sat down, taking a deep breath. Thank Jesus, I don’t have to see his stupid face until fifth period. Unfortunately, we both have AP Chem together. Luckily, though, it’s the only class we have together. ~ Fifth period came too fast. It was a lab today, and I was practically praying in my seat the Ms.Higgins would let us pick our own partners. Elliot sat right behind me, and I could practically feel his breath on my neck. Ms.Higgins walked into the room, making everyone settle down. “Okay class, as you well know we have a new student today. Mr.Elliot Withers-Chu, if you would please stand up and introduce yourself to the class?” Elliot stood up and quickly did so. Surprisingly, he did it without making some snarky comment like most people would. “Thank you,” she continued, “Today, I have decided to pair everyone up for a lab on the periodic table! Now, here are your lab groups!” She began to list out names, and I think I died a little inside when she said “Elliot and Jonathan.” Why me?! What did I ever do to you Ms.Higgins, huh?! I do my homework and s**t! We all filed into the lab room, and I took my seat at my usual lab table. Elliot sat across from me and started playing with all the lab equipment. I have a bad feeling about that. © 2018 Ellay |
Added on January 18, 2018 Last Updated on January 18, 2018 Author![]() EllayNYAboutI'm a young human interested in writing, not as a career, but as a hobby This is a little bit about me I'm now a senior in high school, after having started this account when I was a sophomore. Sc.. more..Writing