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The Old Neighborhood After Sandy

The Old Neighborhood After Sandy

A Poem by SteveB





Like the sea at ebb tide I am drawn back from whence I came,

to that sandy spit I tried so hard to escape,

the peninsula that like a finger pointed at the shimmering City

but remained forever separate and apart

The tiny piece of land surrounded by the sea that shaped me

the way the crashing waves shaped the shore.

Its ocean breezes provided the salt for my tears,

the crashing waves masked my cries

the sand providing the grit

that wore away my innocence.


But now I return, the self-exiled son

to see a shadow version of my home.

The houses swept away by water and wind

like the sand castles we built so many years ago.

Years of memories piled on the street

As seaweed  is thrown up against the shore,

the sand , so long denied,

now reclaiming its dominion.


Memory is the only possession that remains

when all else is swept away,

is swept away.

© 2013 SteveB

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Featured Review

This is a very moving poem with great lines throughout. I remember seeing the destruction the next day and places I remember turned into rubble. I can't believe there are still some people without homes. I can't imagine what it's like to have your home and childhood washed away like that. Its heart-wrenching. I pray we never see another Sandy here again.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much. Sadly the old neighborhood is still battle scarred ten months later. And there ar.. read more


It's nice n very interesting poem, so this time i'd my suggestion for you that you should gotta write one story on it even you should gotta start workin' on it......very nice;y expressed fella....
you again got me, have this 99.9 / 100 :)
take care....fella !!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much Chris.
This really brings home how much people were affected by the storm. This was an intense, bitter piece here. I found this line especially compelling: "Its ocean breezes provided the salt for my tears,". Your last stanza was incredible.
My only recommendation is a little nit-picky of me and may just be personal preference, but your use of the phrase "from whence" seems a little outdated (like 18th century) and too stuffy for the flow of the poem, much less organic and realistic.
Other than that, this was a haunting write here!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much. And you are not being "nit-picky" in the least. Hints and constructive criticism .. read more
Very interesting! I like it! Can't wait to see more of your works! If you could also please review one of mine, I'd be very pleased. Thank you! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much Nina.

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13 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 25, 2013
Last Updated on May 25, 2013



Nanuet, NY

Trial lawyer, fly fisherman, poet and dad. I have written most of my life but upon reaching a "certain age" I put aside fears and insecurities and began submitting work for publication and performin.. more..

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