There was a ship from Europe that came to the new land of the thirteen colonies. Aboard this ship was boy name Jacob he would be the only survivor when the ship reached the thirteen colonies. For everyone on the ship was dead and there blood drained for the bodies. Jacob was taken to a hospital wear he died a short time after. Buried in a unmarked grave Jacob’s body would rest.
A war between the colonies and the King would cross the land. The soldiers in red reaped the land including the graves. The screaming of his soul as the soldiers opened the casket of Jacob, the soldiers being upset there was nothing valuable in the grave through the bones around.
Jacob’s soul would no longer be able to rest. So every night Jacob awakes to look for his grave. Entering in to people’s homes when there all alone an asleep screaming in there dreams waking them up, waiting in the next room. If you don’t know we’re Jacob’s grave is, he will drain your blood if you get out of bed.