IvanA Poem by ErithVertThe loss of an imaginary friend is a loss of a true friend, let it be told.His name was Ivan, And he was tall. But what I loved most about him Was that I could be myself, My true self around him.
I could pretend to be a dinosaur Squawk around with my head cocked to the side, And he did not laugh at me- In fact, he would give out a loud roar And charge beside me.
But that is the thing about Imaginary friends- They are very accepting. Unlike my siblings, He had time to pretend. And he was not above Crawling on the floor Or swirling around.
But Ivan liked classical music And elegant pastries, He was very classy in his own way.
And the more time we spent together The more real he was. I could see his face, Hear his voice. I knew what outfits he favored.
But my family did not understand Of course they found it strange, My friendship with Ivan. It was this issue for them. So I would try to pretend like Ivan was not there Around them. This of course bothered Ivan. Insulted, he could not believe that I would hide him Hide a part of myself.
And there was this ultimate dilemma. For which I was told to forget To forget the greatest friend I have ever known, Ignore him, Erase him.
So without Ivan, I believe I became boring, But more likeable somehow.
© 2014 ErithVert |
StatsAuthorErithVertWatauga, TXAboutI am not much for talking about myself in any obvious sort of way. But I have a family, a career, I am extremely busy but despite all of those wonderful things all I ever want to do is write. I write .. more..Writing