Part VIII, LegacyA Chapter by Stefano Segnan
VIII. Now it came to pass that these Men
Established rule unto his past doom and Earth, And tried not to forget his utmost allies: Those be Compassion and Mercy and Spirit, And tried to learn their unfamiliar ways, And so Men did learn about their ways. But the spoils of wars were many, And into these spoils were some survivors And the survivors turned their face And Men saw a distortion of himself: Thus Men built a house of habitation And let his distortion live in thick darkness. And the name of this distortion was Fear, And he lived with his son, Not-Understanding: While the son has life among Men, So shall Fear live in the house of abomination. For Men fears and lives in fear Only from the things he does not understand. © 2016 Stefano SegnanFeatured Review
StatsAuthorStefano SegnanNeverlandAboutDecided that it is time to create something and try to give back to the world what the world gave to me. For this reason I dabble in poetry from time to time. I come not, friends, to flatter your h.. more..Writing