Part I, Creation

Part I, Creation

A Chapter by Stefano Segnan

I. In the beginning Men created Reason
And this Reason was without form,
And Men said: let it dominate the Earth
Let it have its dictate over each season
And let Reason be the leading norm;
And Men saw that it was good.

And on these youth days of Reason's coronation,
It started to take its ultimate form:
‘Twas but the promised song of salvation,
Mellowing Men's heart - a heart of storms.
And all other songs were songs of dread,
For Fear seized the substance of Reason.

And Men gave Reason a multitude of ways;
And Reason took unto Men's role,
And Reason dethroned the reason of Men
Conquered, the reason of Men faded:
Worshiping Reason ever since;
And since, Men leans heavily unto this Reason.

© 2016 Stefano Segnan

My Review

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"Mellowing Men's heart - a heart of storms." Man's heart/Men's hearts????

"Conquered, the reason of Men fade: (faded)??????
Worshiping Reason ever since;
And since, Men leans heavily unto this Reason." (lean/leaned)????

(I am assuming you are referring to 'humanity' or 'mankind' here)???

Posted 8 Years Ago

Okay when I review I will give my analysis part by part first. Each chapter will have a review like this. And once I am done with the whole saga I will also post a review on the start of the book. Now Part-1: here.

I like the rhythm and flow maintained throughout the entire poem. I felt there is tonal variation between each verse presented here. I can see you haven't forced any rhymes as such. Which is a good thing. I guess this is what you would call blank verse where the meter is maintained? Some good alliterations mixed here.

The archaic style of writing doesn't bother me in fact it's a style I like to read, have read many scriptures like that in the past. Now I know it's a saga and I am sure maybe it's present later., but I wished to see a little more ambience created in your write, since this is your first you are trying to invite the writer to read the whole thing. For me here you have stated things well (maybe leaving one or two errors will point that out shortly) but does it make want to read the next part? Since I read things till the end it wouldn't bother me, but I have this feeling you need to pose a question of sorts in your first part when you are ending the tale. Because even if this is about creation as you stated above, but one could just think this as a stand alone piece with no real intrigue created as to why this creation could become an abomination? But that is just my view, maybe others wouldn't feel that way. But my suggestion: Always try to keep the reader intrigued and wanting to read the next part.

Some mild humor for me present here, so i like that as well.
I like the fact that you have used Men and not Man creating Reason here. But since you have done that this error I noticed should be taken into consideration : "And since, Men leans heavily unto this Reason." grammatically speaking it should be 'lean' and not 'leans' .

That's for this part I will read the other parts in time and state my views on it as well ^^ All in all I like what you have stated here and I will love to see where this is heading towards ^^

Posted 8 Years Ago

Stefano Segnan

8 Years Ago

The things you say have been pointed out by Shalou as well in his review, and I did consider in addi.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yeah I figured you would say that for the title being titled Phobos XD But it is interesting and I w.. read more
Stefano Segnan

8 Years Ago

Of course it is helpful. It made me realise I should expand it a little more. As I mentioned, it's a.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on January 15, 2016
Last Updated on March 22, 2016
Tags: satirical, reason, faith, destiny, poem, poetry, parody


Stefano Segnan
Stefano Segnan


Decided that it is time to create something and try to give back to the world what the world gave to me. For this reason I dabble in poetry from time to time. I come not, friends, to flatter your h.. more..
