How do I explain The Great Spirit to children?

How do I explain The Great Spirit to children?


Well, that is not a difficult task if the one who is to do the explaining has a clear conception of the power which is behind all life. For myself, I would point to the divine artistry of nature's handiwork. I would point to the glory of the sun, and to the pale reflection of the moon. I would point to the star's the little diamonds in the sky. I would point to the trickling streams and to the mighty ocean. I would point to the whispering, murmuring breeze to the nodding trees. I would touch every facet of nature showing how each is controlled by purpose, by law. And where man has made any new discovery in the field of natural life, he finds that it's growth is controlled and regulated and it is part of one vast intricate, yet harmonious pattern, in which order reigns supreme throughout the universe, controlling planets, insects, storms and breezes, all life, no matter how variegated it's expression may be. And then I would say, " the mind behind all that, the power that sustains the universe and the many other world's that we have not yet seen, is what we call The Great Spirit.


Author's Note

Any criticism is welcome ty

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it is good , i got the point you are trying to convey but it will be more better if you try to convey these thoughts in the form of poem with rhyming line , it will add beauty and readers will also enjoy reading it

Posted 6 Years Ago

This is an example of the intelligent design theory. I subscribe to something like this myself, although a thorough materialist would put it down as pure speculation. Of course, a child would presumably be more open to it than an adult who has settled into a belief in nothing more than random chance.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I can not tell of what sort of story this is... I don't know what the theme even is... But i suppose that everyone must start small and work their way up. Keep at it. Don't give up on writing. Keep going and aim for something proud.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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Added on July 22, 2017
Last Updated on July 23, 2017



Nottingham , East midlands , United Kingdom

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