![]() WoW: Tales of the RealmA Story by Starrweaver![]() One of several stories I've written to improve my writing. The WoW realm is well designed visually which makes it a great place to "view" the world I'm writing about.![]()
Outtake from WoW Tales of the Realm
Locations: Valley of Trials & Darkshore "Hey Kator, what you guys doing?" the young orc came over and flopped down in the sand beside his friends. They were hiding out from duties and catching some sun on the rocky outcrops above the camp. "We're just being bored." Grog says as he leans against a rock with his eyes closed. "Nothing different than yesterday." Mugtar grunts as he lays in the shade offered by an outcropping. Haggar rolls his eyes and sighs, they were right. They were so bored waiting to be old enough to start their training. They still had chores, but they were never any different. They all wanted a little adventure, something that would shake things up some. "We could go bug the Warper, maybe he'll help us this time." Dar had been draped over the rocky outcrop like an offering to some sun god. Haggar chuckled when he looked up at him. But the idea tickled him and it was better than just hanging out here till dinner again. "So let's go!" he called out as he got up and headed down the side of the cliff, following the crude pathway as it led back to the floor of the valley. He could hear the others following him, so he didn't stop. Taking the left path would take them to the front of the valley and the gates. "The guard changes in a few," Dar said as he gauged the suns position with his knowledge of the den grunts scheduled rotation. "give or take a moment or two." Haggar nodded and they headed casually towards the gate, watching as the grunts on the end of the narrows shift away from their posts. They started to head into the narrows, while a group of six others headed for them. The narrows was a hall that led to the gate from both sides of the camp valley head. There was a small den where the guard swapped out just a dozen yards from the gate. It was always open, at least Haggar had never seen it closed, nor had he ever heard anyone tell of a time that it had been closed. As they followed behind into the narrows, there was the feeling of a chaotic milling about at the entrance, a bustling about of activity, but not in a threatening way. The boys hurried up and through the gate and through with no one noticing. The jogged over to the shack that housed the Blood Elf mage who was the Horde Warper. When he wasn't needed to assist in creating portals, this was where he stayed. It was just a mishmash of hides, wood planks and such that used the L shaped side of the cliff stone for two walls. He was strange looking with his wild mane of hair and glowing eyes. Yet Haggar suspected it may not be his true form. He wondered if that's what the Warper really looked like. He held a lot of magic at his command, yet he seemed to not have any venom for any of the races. He said that all were different and yet very much the same. He didn't sound anything like the other Blood Elves he's seen coming to visit the camp. It made Haggar think that everything he'd been taught was just a little bit off the reality - not quite the whole truth. His friends at his back, crowding him, so he headed to the golden form draped in his usual blood red and gold colors. He was drinking something from a large cup and seemed calm, though he never seemed to get angry at anything. "Ah, hello there young ones. Here to ask me to offer you an adventure again?" He smiled as he turned to look them over, his eyes, their odd glowing green light that once disturbed them, gave only the impression of amusement. "We'd like to go someplace that is different than here. Someplace that isn't too dangerous, but can offer something exciting." Haggar was pleased at the way he worded his request, he'd been working on it. The others seemed glad to agree with him and for the first time the Warper seemed to be impressed. He tilted his head just slightly and a small smile touched his lips. He'd not responded to "we want an adventure" or "send us someplace fun" because those requests were not thought out or specific. Haggar had finally realized what the Warper was wanting and had worked all week on how to put his desire for adventure into a form that worked. "I see you've considered this decision carefully and weighed out the consequences." The Warper began as he stood and faced them, "so I will offer you a somewhat safe trip, provided you don't act foolishly. But it will also be a short one, this is due to your age and an added protection." He slipped a slender rod out of his robe and handed it to Haggar, who took it gently. The tip of it glittered and sparkled like tiny fireflies. "How does it work?" Dar asked, he had been looking at the wand with great interest. "It will transport you to a place I've set into it, after a set amount of time has passed it will transport you back here. I will see to it that no one knows about your little trip, since I don't wish to get into any trouble about this." The Warper winked as he led us to the opposite side of the cliff stone that formed one of his hut walls. There was a small open crevice that led to a storage cave of sorts. "This is great, no one can see us in here." Grog whispered. "Exactly. Now you will need to stay close together, when the tip stops sparkling and the rod glows red you better all be no less than a body's span apart. If you are too far away, you will be left behind." The Warper then turned to leave, but at the entrance he turned and smiled, but his eyes glowed with a warning. "Make sure that you separate yourselves from any creature you may find. We don't need you returning with some pet or pest that would be difficult to explain." "Thanks for your help, we'll be careful." Mugtar tells him and then nods to us. We gather ourselves into a tight circle by instinct almost, no one more than a span from the other. The rod slowly glows blue as the sparkles flash brighter, then everything seems to distort some, like when you feel dizzy and the ground seemed to slip away. * * * The ground came up to meet the boys with a solid thump, but it wasn't as harsh as it would have been, if the ground had been the rocky stone it had been only moments before. Not only could they feel the softness of real soil, but they smelled the richness of it. Vision was the last thing to return, coming out of the blurry, foggy haze into a dim yet vibrant green. Everywhere was green, every shade and hue of it. Mingled with the browns of bark, the rich dark soil and the lighter shades of a doe's hide. Dar was staring silent as a stone, the others silent as they all gazed upon the very first deer they had ever seen just a dozen yards away. "She's so small, her legs are like tiny twigs." Grog whispered softly to keep from frightening her. The others nodded watching her walk away into the trees. Then they hear the sounds of song birds, the rustling of the leaves, and distant water falling, but these sounds were totally unfamiliar. We slowly stood, looking around. Dar noticed that Mugtar was eating something as they headed towards a steep drop. They looked back at him and he shrugged and offered them a hand full of mushrooms. They were brown and small, but the taste, a rich burst of flavor was unexpected. The boys agreed they were good, then realized they'd left before lunch. "Look over there," Dar whispered. Haggar realized that he'd moved farther away towards the edge of the drop. The others tried to hurry over to him, but the underbrush made it difficult. Dar motioned to be silent. The others crouched down, moving carefully to where they could look down at what he'd found. The sound of water was stronger here and far below through the greenery was a fountain with a large pool. The water went up in the center, then fell like rain back into the pool. It was very beautiful, though they'd never admit it to one another. "Haggar, look at the sparkles." Dar was right - the pool had sparkles rising out of it, like magic. But these were larger than the ones that still glittered on the tip of the rod. Mugtar started to move back, as he headed off to look for more mushrooms. Grog started to follow him when a sound made them freeze. That sound turned them into stone statues not daring to breath. It was laughter. Like bird song around them it fluttered on the air. The laughter belonged to females... Mugtar had already reached the upper curve of the ridge, realizing he was too far away from us. Grog was halfway between, but Dar and Haggar were still at the edge looking down through the dense greenery. Kator had been crouched beside Dar and now his eyes were glued to the pool below. There below them appeared figures moving about the far side of the pool. Their voices making musical sounds as they spoke and laughed. Dar, Kator and Haggar had a perfect view through the greenery of the lithe limbed and colorfully robed Night Elves females. Mugtar and Grog couldn't see, yet they were afraid to move. They didn't want to be discovered here. They hoped the others would come over to them. Kator glanced over at Haggar, the two exchanged a worried look. But Dar's soft exhale made them look back at the pool. There below several females were dropping their long flowing robes and entering the pool. The flesh before them was shaded as differently as the robes had been, the three boys soon saw for themselves. Their eyes roamed eagerly from one to the next and drank in every detail they could despite the distance and the dense greenery. It was a youthful boys perfect dream of forbidden delight. Haggar felt a sting on his hand and bit down on the cry wanting to escape his lips. He looked down to see a green bug, with large pincers had had tasted him. But what caught his eyes next was the tip of the rod, the glittering was a lot dimmer and he realized their time was running out. Quickly Haggar looked to see where everyone was and realized they were too far apart if the magic activated now. Steeling himself, he ignored the desire to look back to the pool. He slipped a hand in front of Dar's eyes to break the spell. "What..." Dar started to hiss, but Haggar had the rod out for him to see it and the look he gave Dar was stern. Dar closed his eyes, sighed softly and then they both quietly got Kator's attention with the rod. The look of conflict crossed his face, but he bit his lip and turned away. Meanwhile, Mugtar and Grog were waiting, wondering what was going on, but not moving. They trusted Haggar would get them home again. Mugtar had found a dozen mushrooms within reach while he'd waited and was munching on them. Grog was glad when the others reached him and motioned to follow quietly. Since Grog had been wanting to be a rogue, he forced himself to be as silent as he could to practice. Once they were all together up away from the edge and in the glade again, Mugtar and Grog noticed that the others had an odd look. "What happened? What did you see?" Grog asked softly. The three shared a look and Haggar just shook his head. "We'll tell you guys later." Dar said as they all turned to put more distance between themselves and the pool. They found a few bushes of dark berries on the other side of the glen and grabbed up handfuls to eat as the looked for a good spot to wait. All of them were still hungry, even Mugtar. Haggar kept an eye on the wand's tip as they moved carefully through the bushes and dimly lit greenery. But Kator ate only a little as he passed along the edge of the bushes. He didn't feel hungry or worried as he gazed around. He didn't even notice that he'd wandered a bit farther from the others who were no longer in sight. He felt pressured, knowing time was short, yet he wanted to memorize every last piece of it. He swept a hand down to take up a handful of earth and bringing it close, smelled it's pungent earthy scent and sighed. "You like to smell of the earth do you?" a soft velvet voice whispered into his ear. "I can arrange it so that your bedded in it." The sharp point of a blade at his throat, made his close his eyes and use his other senses. He could feel the warmth of a body behind him, just a little to the side. The flesh of an arm across his chest was the one that held the dagger. The other arm was resting just at his waist on his hip. It was crazy, but something told him to do it. He leaned his head back, knowing he was baring his throat to an enemy, but he took in a deep breath as he did so. He could sense her head was near his, the smell of flowers he'd never seen and the soft musk of her made him shiver just a little. "You smell like this place, beautiful..." he sighed, the words soft and warm. Kator felt her shift, he'd known that she was female. But now he felt confusion in the way her body moved. But he'd seen what that body looked like and nothing had ever made him feel quite like it. Her closeness was like a liquor, it warmed him, quickened his pulse. "You don't hate me?" the voice was caressing to him, but he could hear the disbelief and wonder in it. Kator opened his eyes and looked into the glowing orbs of a young Night Elf female that was close enough to taste if he dared to. "Never..." was all he could get out. For him the entire world had disappeared. There was only her eyes and the smell of her, the feel of her body so close, at points touching. The heat at those points was both like the burning of a Scorpod sting and the hot pleasure of spiced ale. "But...you're... How..." she couldn't seem to speak either. Kator wondered if she felt anything close to what he was feeling. "Who are you..." she finally breathed, as if out of breath. Her eyes seemed to dim a little and he felt her body become less tense and more fluid. Kator could also smell the musk and earthy scents grow stronger as he moved slowly not wanting to frighten her. She reminded him very much like the deer, though he also knew she could be deadly. It gave him a rush to test himself like this. Then his hand slid across the space between them, finding her thigh and caressing across the soft leathers he reached for her hip. "Kator..." he said as he dared to lean towards her, waiting to see if she'd move. When she didn't, he took the chance and tasted her, the softness of her lips making him far more gentle than he'd ever been before. The soft moan that escaped from her, surprised him. But the response to his actions was even moreso, she returned the pressure and added more of her own. Then the darting of her tongue, tasting him in return sent shivers of pleasure through him. "Cinnamon..." she whispered to him. "You taste like spices." He looked into the glowing orbs that seemed to twinkle with laughter. He couldn't help it, a slight smirk played upon his lips. "You taste like sweet wine." he spoke low, feeling very strange and yet very happy. There was something important that he needed to do, but there was no place he wanted to be more than right here and right now. Then he felt movement, from beyond them...knew what it was and with speed he didn't realize he had he spun away from the lovely Night Elf rogue and took down his friend Grog as he had been sneaking up on them. "What are you..." Grog snapped just as Kator clamped his hand over his mouth. Kator looked up and glanced about desperately, but he couldn't see her anywhere. He glared down at Grog who was looking at him confused. "Why did you have to go and do that? I was doing fine on my own." Kator got up and pulled Grog up. Grog watched as Kator looked around with an odd longing in his eyes. "You chased her away..." he muttered. Grog looked at his friend as if he'd never seen him. "You... and... her...?" Grog raised an eyebrow. Kator looked at his friend and punched him in the arm. "Ow, watch it." but he had a sly grin on his face. "Not a word you worm." Kator glared at him. Then he sighed, "What did you come looking for me for?" "We need to go, Haggar said to find you. Time's up." Grog's mind churned, then he looked at Kator with a bit more understanding. "Sorry about... You know. I didn't really... Well, see what was going on." "Yeah, I know. I never really thought about it before either..." Kator looked around as Grog started to head back to the bushes. "I wish I knew her name..." "Come on lover boy, or you'll get stuck here." Grog grinned as he disappeared into the greenery. Kator gave a snarl and glared at where he'd gone. "Not a word worm..." he called to him, turning to follow his friend. But a soft breeze caressed his bare arm and chest, stroking his shoulder and then running teasingly down his back. He felt her, felt her warmth and the humor in her velvet voice as she whispered into his ear, her breath tickling his neck and sending shivers through his body. "Aluna...remember me...." then she was gone. Haggar and the others came hurrying through the bushes and over to him as he stood there slightly dazed and feeling very warm. "I want to hear everything when we get back...." Dar exclaimed excitedly. Haggar had a worried, yet amused expression on his face. "That makes double for me, but we have to all get back first." The rod he held was pulsing red. "I hope that little friend of yours knows enough to stay back far enough." Kator knew that she was close, but not close enough to be caught by the magic. "Don't worry, she isn't foolish enough to hang around with you guys crashing about." Dar and Haggar grinned and Kator glared at them. "Don't go thinking I'm going to tell you anything either...that was private." The magic started to activate as the two friends started to protest Kator's position on the matter. The world went wavy and the ground disappeared again. Landing this time was just as hard as they expected it to be. * * * "Ow! Get off my leg cactus head!" Grog said as they started to get reoriented again. "If Mugtar would get off my lap I would!" Dar growled. Kator and Haggar had avoided getting tangled up in the rope that lay on the floor unlike the others. Haggar took that moment to ask his friend a question. "Why are you still alive?" The other three were too busy to notice them, so Kator leaned over and told him what he thought. "I don't think everything we've been told is true." Kator seemed to think things over and then sighed. "She could have killed me, but she didn't. I think she was taught the same sort of stuff we've been." "What do you mean?" Haggar asked quickly as he glanced at the others. Kator realized they didn't have much time. "She asked me, didn't I hate her..." Kator felt a bit of guilt as he said the words aloud. Haggar seemed to understand, which was strange too. They exchanged a look just before Dar came tumbling over. "What are you two talking about? No secrets." Grog came over with Mugtar and both Haggar and Kator turned to look at them. "We need to keep this quiet. Anyone find out we went off would get our hides skinned for sure. So we keep this secret." He looked at the other three and they all nodded. "Can we go get some lunch, I'm starving..." Mugtar grumbled. They all looked at him, staring in disbelief. He stared back at them for a moment, then said defensively. "What?" The others started to laugh, then shaking their heads and groaning they headed out of the storage area. They all headed towards the gate, but then Kator slowed down, holding back when Haggar called out to the others. "I gotta give this back to the Warper, meet you in the hall." They didn't bother to even slow down, only waved and started to race for the gate. It looked like they were switching out the guard again. Haggar and Kator went to the Warper that was sitting at his doorway and drinking again, just as they'd found him before. He smiled when he saw the two coming towards him. "So, you're all back again. Did you enjoy your little adventure?" He looked from one to the other. "Hmm? Maybe a bit more of an adventure than you bargained for." "It was a real eye opener that's for sure." Haggar said as he gave the spent rod back to the Warper. "Thank you. I believe lunch is about to be served, you'd two best get a move on." Haggar turned to hurry off, but the mage reached out and grabbed ahold of Kator's arm. The grip was firm, surprising Kator and he looked at the deceptive form of the Warper. Something shifted slightly, Kator felt it. The Warper was now smiling, shaking his hand, not gripping his arm. There was an object pressing into his palm as the Blood Elf nodded to him cheerfully. "Come again, if you ever want to hear about some far away place." But Kator saw the glint of mischief in those glowing orbs. So like the Night Elf's, yet different. As the Warper returned to his table and his drink, Kator shook himself and hurried over to Haggar who was looking confused. "What was that all about?" Haggar asked with his eyebrow arched. Kator looked at him just as baffled by the Warper's behavior. "Haven't the foggiest. But then he's a Warper. What are they supposed to be like?" Haggar shrugged and nodded. They both headed through the narrow just in time and started to lope towards the hall to get some lunch. Suddenly, Kator stopped short and smacked his head with his hand and groaned. "What's wrong?" Haggar asked him worried. "I completely forgot I was supposed to take Capt. Vagnar his shipment of new blades!" Haggar's mouth fell open as he stared at Kator for a moment. Then he shoved Katar in the direction of the camp shipping hut. "Then get moving! If he doesn't have those blades for the afternoon recruits he'll be furious!" Kator looked back, but Haggar waved him off. Then he raced off for the hall to eat with the others. Kator felt a bit heavy in his stomach. He hadn't liked lying to his friend, but he also didn't want to share whatever it was the Warper'd pressed into his hand. He ran as fast as he could to his room at the back of the shipping hut. He pulled down the curtain across his door to give himself some privacy. Then he flopped down on the pile of furs that lay on the floor. His straw cot hid him from view and he opened the small cloth wrapped object. The stone was smooth, polished to a very high sheen. The other side was rough and looked like any other rock in the valley. Kator knew something was different about it, there was a feel of magic that seemed to hum inside the stone. As he looked at the smooth surface, he wondered if he'd ever see her again. "Aluna." he said her name softly, remembering the taste of her. The smooth surface of the rock seemed to ripple like water. Then through the green haze he could see her, she was sitting by some water - because he could see her looking down into it and the light from it shimmered over her. The image cleared and he could see the shadows behind her, she was someplace hidden. She looked a little sad, but she was still as beautiful to him as she smelled. She picked up a dark stick and broke it. She closed her eyes and smelled the air...then whispered... "Cinnamon..." and smiled. Kator felt the flush of warmth run through him. Quickly he covered up the small stone and buried it deep in the straw of his cot close to where he would lay his head. His head felt fuzzy and warmth made him feel giddy. It was like drinking a bottle of fire adder wine, but better...his mind kept playing the memory over and over and he swore he could taste the sweetness of her again. He headed straight for the cliffs, climbing high up to the outcrop where they'd all met this morning. No one was there, which was what he'd hopped. He didn't feel hungry, or sleepy or anything at all. He just felt dreamy, everything seemed unreal around him. All he wanted now was to be alone with his thoughts. He flopped down on the stone, gazing up at the sky...his mind drifting as he thought of the contrasts that he'd seen today. He felt different than he did this morning, but he couldn't put it into words. He closed his eyes and wished himself to feel her and relive that brief moment....again and again. © 2011 StarrweaverAuthor's Note
Added on April 24, 2011 Last Updated on April 25, 2011 Tags: WoW fanfiction, Horde, Alliance, orc, night elf, adventure, teens, life lessons Author![]() StarrweaverAugusta, GAAboutBeen writing since I was 6 with my first illustrated tale about a herd of wild horses. I write across several genre, including mixing them into a rather interesting batter. But thankfully, they all se.. more..Writing