Welcomes and Farewells

Welcomes and Farewells

A Chapter by Zanna Rose

Chapter 1 of Kyda's World


"When will we be allowed to be happy and calm?" The sign read, in bright neon glowing letters, another one below welcoming me in warm reds and oranges. "Now Entering Kydese." As I looked around it was exactly as I had always pictured it with brilliant glowing lights and colorful signs announcing the different shops and all their goods. The street was a wonder to behold, translucent and watery, yet as I stepped down it seemed to solidify right before my eyes. The beautiful creatures all around me chattered in their strange languages, not seeming care that there was a stranger among them. As I slowly turned a few times to soak it all in and regain my bearings, that's when I saw him watching me. I knew I hadn't entered unnoticed as I had first presumed. He stared at me with the eyes of a hawk, as if to sap my energy. Suddenly I had a sense of complete exhaustion. I felt his powerful claws snatch me up. I fought against it but the darkness was to strong for my weakened spirit.


Before I could see them, I heard the voices, but as before I couldn't understand their speech. It was fast and almost like a clicking. I felt sick, and still somewhat dizzy. The bed was stiff, and the room reeked like the cleaners of a hospital. I tried to look around but it hurt to open my eyes, the light was brighter than any I'd ever seen before. I struggled to adjust, but when I tried to bring my hands up to rub my eyes, I felt that powerful claw over my own.


The thought was gruff and startled me. Still I struggled, but he was steadfast. I finally gave up, and heard a feminine voice over me, clicking. I final managed to whisper "wh...wh...what's going on?"

A high pitch resonated through the room, it took a minute to realize the actual words.

"Woooorry noooot sweetieeeee.... weeee just ran a feeew testsss. You'll beee fine in liiittle timeee."

My own speech was slow, my mouth stiff. "Where am I?...What's going on?"

There where hundreds more questions in my mind, but my mouth just wouldn't cooperate. Then the answers were in my head.....bubbles of thought popped with each sentence, clear and coherent but high-pitched and feminine.

"Using thought-speech is much easier. *POP* You are back in your kingdom, it took us some time to find you, but we did. *POP* We weren't sure what would happen to you being back after so much time, so we were ordered to test first. All your questions will be answered in time, I promise. For now just rest.*POP*" A cool hand touched my forehead and feelings of contentment flowed over me, my body relaxed, and I wasn't so sick or dizzy. I fell back into darkness, but this time I didn't fight it.

When I awoke the second time, able to move, I carefully opened my eyes. The light was dim and I was able to look around. I was in a pearlescent circular room that seemed to only glow brighter as I moved. Bringing my hands to my face, my fingers searching, making sure that I was myself again. Everything seemed to have reverted, so I sat up. The light grew brighter each time I moved and I was able to see what was around me. It didn't feel like the same place as before. This looked like a bedroom, there where chairs, a desk and even a mirror. I rushed over to the reflective glass. Everything seemed to be right, but still I went through a mental check list. My hair was again the mouse brown I hated, my eyes pale gray and nose and mouth looked human. My curvy self was just the way it was supposed to be. No more wings, no feathers of any kind. Again questions leaped through my head. What in the world was going on? Is this just a freaky dream?

I looked about, trying to find a clue, or better yet a door. And some clothing. I had only just realized that I was bare of everything but my necklace, the one my grandfather had made me for my sweet sixteen. Playing with the pendant reassured me. As I looked around, the room seemed to expand. I went to the wardrobe near the bed. There was a flurry of lace, silk and satin dresses. Rhinestones, feathers and fake flowers covered them top to bottom. There were colors of every shade, hue and design. I picked out what could only be called the simplest of the bunch. Though somewhere between a light blue and green, it was the only one in a solid color. It was a full skirt, having tiers from the waist to my ankles, but was snug around my bust and hips. I usually loved my body, but right now I wished that there was a little less of me. The sleeves poofed so high they were nearly at my ears. Just as I had slipped the aqua disaster over my head and had smoothed the tiers down, a door opened, and a balmy voice echoed in my mind, but this time there was no popping.

"Have you risen yet m'lady?"

The body that the thought had originated from slowly appeared into the circle of light. She was short, but very lean and was wrapped in scarlet satin and rust silk, and had garnets glittering from every possible inch of the gown. The colors matched perfectly with her dark blood red eyes. Her hair fell in two straight amber braids, all the way down to her ankles.

"Yes, but tell me where am I?"

"But of course M'lady, you are in the west tower of Kydese. Castle of Kyda. Is there anything that you need or want?"

"Hmmm... Just need my questions answered."

"Well I should really leave that up to the queen mother"

"Queen Mother?"

"Indeed. She sent me to help you. I see that you have already picked a gown?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I have. Soo.. What's your name anyway?"


"You know, what do people call you? And what are you supposed to help with, if you can't answer my questions?"

"People call me 'Ajavea' or friendship in our native tongue. I am here to provide anything you need, and to ensure that you do not become lost."

I murmured "Too late!" but Ajavea had already turned to started to clean up the mess I had made looking through the dresses. I wandered around the room, looking at all the furniture, the wood was unlike any I had seen before. The grain flowed like water, with a

slow constant movement. I could almost see through it. I touched the surface of a table, it felt solid and smooth as glass. There was a reflective glow on it that seemed to come from nowhere. That's when I noticed the light, one that seemed to follow me. When I looked to my left I could just barely make Ajavea out. Looking up, I searched for the source, but there wasn't any, not even a ceiling. Just small glittering stars against the inky night sky. I called out for my new friend to ask her about this strange sight but she didn't respond. Calling out again I rushed to the wardrobe. She was gone! I called out, wandering around the ever expanding room. Confused and alone again, I slid down the wall and started to cry.

© 2008 Zanna Rose

My Review

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This is very interesting though a little disjointed- It leaves you with more questions than answers and a sense of confusion abounds, not only for the character but for the reader; if this was what you were going for you did wonderfully. Your descriptions are good though just a tad incomplete- I would like to see a little more description of Ajavea- was her expression pleasant or menacing? Did seeing her comfort the main character- what is the main characters reaction to her- stuff like that but then I always do enjoy descriptive writing. Over all though I think this is a good beginning.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 22, 2008
Last Updated on March 30, 2008


Zanna Rose
Zanna Rose

Colorado Springs, CO

I'm a 26 year old. I rarely write, but when the mood strikes, sometimes it comes out really well. I have always had a creative streak, and so here I can showcase the few stories and poems I do have. A.. more..

Cassandra Cassandra

A Book by Zanna Rose

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Zanna Rose