Horrendous Torture

Horrendous Torture

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is completely the writing of my friend. Exactly what it says on the can.


Planet Malva was, for the most part, untamed wilds, but a few small towns existed, some surrounded by forest, others by plains. The team arrived in one such town, bordered on three sides by plains and on one by a wide river.

Glide was the first through the door, a stiff elbow strike catching an unlucky rabbit on the jaw as the Varixian charged by.

The rabbit fell back, getting stepped on by Icarcti as the little bat followed Glide, keeping pace even as the Varixian dropped to all fours.

Niqi's vision was covered by a veil of red, her face twisted into the mask of a vampire. She grabbed Ambree, leaping up to the roof of a nearby building and following Glide's trail.

Micah scooped up Eve, his wings appearing, curled against his back. The wings unfurled, the angel wolf taking to the sky.




When the group found Kerrigan, he was attempting to wrestle a small, four-armed bat to the ground. The bat was fighting valiantly, giving Kerrigan more than a little bit of trouble.

Glide delivered a heel kick to the skunk's head, knocking him away from the bat. "Go!"

The bat nodded, sprinting past Glide and taking flight.

Kerrigan stood, shaking the kick off and opening his butterfly knife. "You little brat..."

Niqi dropped down from the building behind Glide, letting go of Ambree when she hit the ground. Micah landed beside her, setting Eve down.

Glide drew his blade, about to launch an attack when he caught sight of the ring on Kerrigan's finger. "Where the hell did you get that!?" He snarled.

The skunk held up his paw, a cruel smirk on his face. "What, the ring? I took it off of some bat kid. I guess it didn't fit him, 'cause he had it on a chain around his neck. It was easy to yank off after I killed the little guy."

Glide's eyes widened, a memory he had pushed to the back of his mind rising up.




It wasn't long after Jason had raped him. Glide, no more than fourteen, was being watched over by a young bat, a slim and girlish youth with wild orange hair and bright blue eyes. "You're hurt pretty bad..." The bat murmured. "What happened?"

Glide simply shook his head, not wanting to think about what had happened, let alone discuss it.

"You don't wanna talk about it." The bat stated. "Must've been pretty bad, then... Is there anything I can do for you?" He paused for a moment, then leaned over Glide, offering him a warm smile. The ring dangled from a thin silver chain around his neck. "By the way, my name's Kyra. What's yours?"

"I don't have one..." Glide muttered. "I'm... nobody..."




"It was... Kyra..." Glide breathed. He narrowed his eyes, a low, guttural growl escaping his throat. "You sick f*****g psychopath! You killed him right there at Blackblood, didn't you!?"

"I did." Kerrigan replied, licking his fangs. "That kid was a fighter, too."

Glide sheathed his blade, lunging forward and grabbing Kerrigan by the throat. "He was twelve years old." He hissed, slamming the skunk to the ground. "You're going to suffer for this, you sick f**k."

Kerrigan thrashed against the ground as rings of energy encircled his wrists, ankles and neck, holding him down.

"Do you know what you mortals are to us, the ones that stand up and scream at the top of our lungs, 'we shall not die'?" Glide asked, glaring down into Kerrigan's eyes, his muzzle mere inches from the skunk's. "Motes of dust, little mayflies that perish so soon after being born that you may as well not live at all. But... allow me to show you a place where time means nothing, a place where, no matter how much pain I give you, you shall not die. A place where I am the only god. MY UNDERWORLD!"

Within the first few seconds, Kerrigan was screaming.




"Do you know what this place is?" Glide asked, picking his nails with R21's tip. "This is my Underworld. I wasn't bluffing. In this place, time means nothing. A second in the real world can last for more than thirty years in this place." He turned back to Kerrigan, the skunk tied, naked, to a rack. "Every second here, you will suffer. You will suffer until you beg me to kill you. But you won't die. Until I pull you out of my Underworld, you will not die."

Kerrigan smirked. "You think you can scare me, boy? I'm going to escape this so-called 'Underworld'. And when I do, I'm going to take that little bat boy you were kind enough to bring me. Once I'm done with him, I'll cut him up, bury most of 'im, and mount his a*s on my wall."

Glide chuckled, shaking his head. "So, that's the way it's going to be..." He murmured. "You'll crack. Sooner or later, they always do."

Kerrigan opened his mouth to make another comment, but he didn't get the chance. R21's blade was buried, to the hilt, in the skunk's chest. He gasped, blood spilling from his mouth.

"Do you know what I just did?" Glide asked. "I pierced your lung. You think this is just some trick? Some illusion? Then why are you coughing up blood?"

Kerrigan attempted to speak, only to choke on his own blood.

Glide snarled, pulling the blade free, the wounds closing after a few seconds. "You think you can hurt my first real friend, then threaten Icarcti, and not get what you deserve? Fat. F*****g. Chance."

"Please..." Kerrigan whimpered. "I'll tell you where they're buried, I'll tell you anything, just stop..."

"You cracked far too early for my taste." Glide stated, pressing the side of his blade against Kerrigan's face. "This will hurt. But it's nothing compared to the pain Kyra felt." Locking eyes with Kerrigan, he pulled the hammer back.

"No, no n-"

Glide cut Kerrigan off, pulling the trigger, the bullet piercing the skunk's skull and spraying his blood and brain matter on the ground. A few seconds later, the skunk's head reformed, Kerrigan crying out in pain. "Don't f*****g scream yet, you little b***h." Glide growled. "We're going to spend a lot more time here, and I don't want you to get hoarse before I get to the good stuff."

"Please, no..."

"Don't even whimper!" Glide snapped. "Open your mouth. Don't make me have to open it for you."

Kerrigan hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth.

Glide smirked, sheathing his blade. He shoved a paw into Kerrigan's mouth, grabbing one of the skunk's back teeth, starting to twist and yank it until he finally jerked it out of the skunk's muzzle. "Did that hurt!?" He snarled, jabbing the tooth's root into Kerrigan's eye. "How about that!? Huh!? I can't hear you! Are we enjoying ourselves yet!?"

Kerrigan was silent, in too much pain to scream. Tears rimmed the skunk's eyes.

Glide removed another tooth from Kerrigan's muzzle. "Are you gonna f*****g cry now?" He growled, stabbing the other tooth into Kerrigan's side. "Did Kyra cry!?"

Kerrigan shook his head. "N-no!"

Glide delivered a hard strike to Kerrigan's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "Then what right do you have to cry!?" He roared, another punch hitting Kerrigan's chest, Glide's keen hearing picking up the sound of several ribs breaking in unison. He pulled his paw back, rubbing his bloodied knuckles for a moment before holding his paw in the air. "Industrial pliers." He said.

A pair of lineman's pliers appeared in Glide's paw, the metal tool rather rusted. Kerrigan stared in horror, feeling that he knew exactly what Glide had planned.

The Varixian smirked. "You think I'm gonna use these to rip your teeth out, don't you? I'm not going to. Not yet, anyway..." Licking his fangs, he grabbed one of Kerrigan's paws, gripping one of the skunk's claws with the pliers. "If you scream, I'll really hurt you." He hissed.

Kerrigan's eyes widened. After what had happened, he was in too much pain to close his muzzle; he would scream. He knew it, and he knew that Glide knew it, as well.

"Was that the same thing you said to Kyra?" Glide asked, jerking the pliers back and ripping the skunk's claw out.

He tried to fight it, but in the end, Kerrigan screamed.

"What did I tell you about screaming?" Glide smirked. "I'll have to hurt you for that."

Kerrigan attempted to pull away as Glide got on top of him, glaring into his eyes.

"Would you like to know how I got this wound?" Glide asked, licking his Glasgow smile. "Y'see, a friend of mine was having prophetic dreams." He paused to jam the pliers into Kerrigan's muzzle, gripping a canine with them. "And, in one of those dreams, I had this." He held Kerrigan's head steady, pulling the tooth slowly, just to put the skunk through more pain. "And when she asked me - well, him, the dream me - how he'd gotten it, he said that my father gave it to him." When the canine finally came free, Glide simply tossed it over his shoulder, grasping the skunk's other fang with the pliers. "She said it suited me. So I took a razor - one that belonged to my ex-boyfriend, funny story about that - and I stuck that razor in my mouth. And I did this..." He paused, licking the Glasgow smile again. "... to myself."

Kerrigan simply whimpered beneath Glide, struggling weakly.

"And that's how I got this wound." Glide finished, ripping the fang from Kerrigan's mouth. After a moment, he swung himself off of the skunk, tucking the pliers into his pocket. He held his paw up again. "Dagger."

A dagger appeared in Glide's paw, just as rusty as the pliers. The Varixian gave the rack holding Kerrigan several hard kicks, until it finally flipped over, levitating in the air in front of him.

Glide walked around to Kerrigan's exposed tail, twirling the dagger on his palm. "This is the kind of pain that Kyra felt." He stated, taking a moment to aim before ramming the blade of the dagger into Kerrigan.

Kerrigan's eyes snapped open, a cry of agony escaping his muzzle as the dagger penetrated him.

Not content with the skunk's cry, Glide pulled the dagger back, then shoved it forward, over and over again.




Nearly twenty minutes later, Glide gave the dagger one last shove, then twisted the hilt, a cruel smirk on his face. "That is the kind of pain you put all of those poor little bats through, you f*****g a*****e. The only difference is they only had to endure it once." Pulling the blood-coated dagger back, he tossed it aside. "Serpent knife."

A kris knife appeared in Glide's paw. As the realm was healing him, Kerrigan began to wish for death.




A blood-covered katana joined the rest of the weapons. "Well, are we having fun?" Glide snarled, flipping the rack over and rooting it to the ground again. "It's not so nice, being on the receiving end of that kind of pain, is it?"

"I... can... change..." Kerrigan whimpered.

Glide shook his head. "No. You can't." He said. "You say you can, but in the end, all you're trying to do is save yourself from the pain. If I were to let you go, you'd simply rape and kill another defenseless little bat boy. And I will not allow you to do that. Now, we've got a lot of things left to do, so let's get to work, shall we? This next method of torture is known as lingchi. Death by one thousand cuts." He picked up the dagger, then took a moment to set the rack upright. "Enjoy it."

Kerrigan once again wished for death as the cuts began to come, one after another, flaying small bits of his flesh away with each stroke of the dagger.




One thousand cuts later, Kerrigan had been flayed alive. As with the other wounds, it only took a few seconds for him to recover completely.

Glide set the dagger down, flipping the rack upside-down. "This next one is one of my personal favorites." He said, holding up his paw. "Saw."

A hacksaw appeared in the Varixian's paw, the blade of the tool pressed between Kerrigan's legs. As the skunk thrashed and screamed, Glide began sawing him in half, agonizingly slowly.




As soon as Kerrigan had recovered, Glide flipped the rack again. "Are we having fun yet?" He asked, leaning over the skunk. "Huh? We are? Well, let's continue! I'll see you back in the real world, you f*****g cocksucker. The final curtain is about to drop on you."




Glide shut Kerrigan up with a headbutt, the dazed skunk staring up at the sky as the Varixian got off of him. "Hey, clownshoe, toss that cheese grater over here." He said, ripping Kerrigan's pants off.

Micah picked up the grater, throwing it to Glide. "You're not gonna..."

Glide smirked, snatching the grater out of the air and holding it against Kerrigan's dick. He planted a hindpaw in the skunk's mouth to keep him quiet, then began scraping the grater back and forth across the head of the skunk's member.

Kerrigan screamed, the sound muffled by Glide's boot. He thrashed against the ground as more and more of his manhood was shredded.

Eve grimaced, covering her eyes and curling up into a little ball. "Oh, god, tell me when it's over..."

After a few minutes of slow grating, Glide tossed the grater aside. Kerrigan's shaft was nothing more than a nub. "Iccy, his knife."

Icarcti nodded, grabbing Kerrigan's butterfly knife and handing it to Glide.

Glide opened the knife, pressing the blade to Kerrigan's balls and applying pressure slowly, until he finally cut through. The skunk's testicles fell through the cut in his sack.

Ambree opened a door nearby into the Nexus, stepping through and shutting it behind her.

"Scream if this hurts!" Glide growled, stabbing the knife into one of Kerrigan's testicles.

Kerrigan shut his eyes tightly, another scream muffled by Glide's boot.

"I don't hear anything." Glide said, twisting the knife a few times before yanking it back, ripping the skunk's testicle from his body. He moved his boot from Kerrigan's muzzle, shoving the skunk's testicle into his muzzle when he screamed. "Swallow this, you f*****g a*****e." He snarled, holding Kerrigan's muzzle shut until the skunk finally swallowed. "Dominique, gimme the salt and that metal plate I had you bring along."

Niqi handed Glide the salt and the metal plate. "What d-do you have planned n-now...?"

"Abacination." Glide responded, the plate in his paw heating up until it was nearly melting. He smirked, pressing the metal plate against Kerrigan's eyes.

Kerrigan screamed, trying to turn his head away from the plate, but the damage had already been done.

Glide tossed the plate away, holding Kerrigan's head steady and pouring the salt into the skunk's eyes.

"Kill me!" Kerrigan cried. "Please, kill me!"

Glide snarled, throwing the salt back to Niqi. "Not yet." He growled. He moved to one of the skunk's paws, grabbing a claw and pulling slowly, until it was finally ripped free. Ignoring Kerrigan's cries of pain, he repeated the process with the second claw, then the third, the fourth, the fifth. With the claws removed, he grabbed one of the skunk's fingers, bending it backwards until it was laid across the back of Kerrigan's paw. The skunk's other fingers were broken the same way, Glide leaving the thumb intact.

Micah opened the same door Ambree had, following her into the Nexus.

Niqi took one more look at the scene before her, then grabbed Eve's paw, waiting for the margay to uncurl before leading her into the Nexus.

Glide handled Kerrigan's other paw in much the same way, slowly ripping the nails out by hand, then breaking the skunk's fingers. Smirking, he picked up Kerrigan's knife again, shoving it into the skunk's muzzle and starting to cut open the skunk's gums, freeing his teeth to be ripped out with Glide's free paw.

Thirty-two teeth later, Kerrigan's muzzle was filled with blood. The skunk turned his head, coughing until his mouth was empty enough to speak. "Let... me... die..."

"Fine." Glide replied, drawing R21 and making three quick cuts, one across Kerrigan's chest, one down his torso, and one across his stomach. Growling, he sheathed the blade, sinking his paws into the wound down Kerrigan's torso and peeling his skin back. "Come on." He said, getting up. "Let the rats have him."

Icarcti nodded, grabbing the ring from Kerrigan's finger. He stood up, delivering a hard kick to Kerrigan's exposed ribs, then following Glide into the Nexus.

As the door slammed, Kerrigan once again began to scream, feral rats flooding from the nearby alleys and converging on him.

© 2009 Star Catcher

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Added on September 27, 2009


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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