Round Two

Round Two

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is completely the writing of my friend.


"Round two!" Keris called. "Micah Seraphi versus Glide!"

Micah stepped forward, hoisting his cleaver. "Weapons."

Glide nodded. "Weapons." He repeated, drawing Magus and Befara from their scabbards.

Keris stepped forward, standing between the two. "Get ready, fighters! Three..."

Glide twirled Magus, grinning.

"Two..." Keris continued.

Micah tilted his head left, then right, his neck cracking.

"One!" Keris barked, jumping back. "Go!"

Micah lunged forward, cleaver held low to the ground. As he neared Glide, he swung upward, the blade of his weapon impacting against Befara's hilt.

Glide tossed Magus into the air, performing a one-handed cartwheel out of the way of Micah's next swing. Magus fell, Glide snatching it out of the air and sheathing it. He grasped Befara's hilt in both paws, a cold smirk on his face as he dashed toward Micah.

Micah yelped, knowing his cleaver was too heavy for him to deflect the incoming blows. Taking a step backward, he brought his paw up in a sweeping motion, a transparent, blue-feathered wing intercepting Glide's blade. "Angelwing Barrier!"

"That's enough!" Keris growled from the sidelines. "Micah Seraphi is-"

"No!" Glide barked, cutting him off. "Let him use his powers... It'll make things more fun."

Keris nodded. "Continue, then."

Micah stepped forward, his cleaver resting across his shoulders. As Glide swung at him, he rolled backwards, leaving his cleaver on the floor as he popped to his feet. "Oh, too slow!"

Glide snarled, kicking Micah's cleaver into the air, another swift kick sending the weapon flying toward the wolf.

Micah smirked, extending a paw and grabbing the weapon's hilt, allowing the momentum to spin him in a complete circle. As he faced Glide again, he let go of the cleaver, the weapon whirling back toward Glide.

Glide jabbed a palm toward the incoming weapon, stopping it in midair. Another palm strike knocked the weapon backwards and into Micah's paws.

"Hey, thanks." Micah said, slamming the cleaver down, the floor cracking under it, a wave of energy shooting outward.

The energy wave struck Glide, pushing him a few feet back before he deflected it, forcing it down into the floor.

"Ohoho, not bad." Micah commented, lifting his cleaver again. "It's no wonder you're the greatest hero in this 'verse."

Glide swept one hindpaw back, kicking up the dust that was once part of the stone floor. He twirled Befara a few times, then sheathed it, reaching up and grasping the eyepatch that covered his left eye. "You really shouldn't waste time talking." He said, pulling the eyepatch off and pocketing it.

Micah darted foward, vaulting over Glide and spinning to swing the cleaver at him, only to find him gone.

"Calamity Rush!" Glide growled, hammering Micah from behind with a knee strike to the back. As the wolf stumbled forward, Glide drew Magus, leapfrogging Micah and striking him in the face with the sword's pommel, sending him to the ground. The Varixian spun around, aiming an open palm at the supine wolf, gathering energy in it.

Micah rolled out of the way as a barrage of fireballs shot toward him, scrambling to his feet and retreating a safe distance before turning back to Glide, starting to use his cleaver to bat the fireballs aside, each deflected fireball bringing him one step closer to Glide.

Glide decided to switch his tactics before Micah got too close, one fireball followed closely by a blast of dark energy.

Micah smacked the fireball aside with his cleaver, the energy shot hitting him in the chest and knocking him back, giving Glide enough time to close the distance.

Glide rushed forward, Befara drawn in a flash and swept upward just as quickly, leaving a cut from Micah's right hip to his left shoulder.

Micah swung his fist, scoring a jarring hit that sent Glide backward, the Varixian warrior dropping his sword. The angel wolf held his cleaver high, bringing it down with all his might, narrowly missing as Glide rolled between his legs and out of the way.

The Varixian snatched Befara from the floor, the blade used to parry another cleaver swing from the wolf. He delivered a kick to Micah's chest, putting some distance between them as the wolf was recovering.

Micah snarled, darting toward Glide, cleaver at the ready.

Glide knocked the cleaver from Micah's paws, launching the angel wolf into the air with a kick beneath his chin. "Party time..." The Varixian smirked, holding Befara in one paw, dropping into a low stance. "Let's go to work, Befara!" He snarled, leaping up into the air, following Micah. "Hayabusa!"

Micah shook the kick off after a moment, though he barely had time to react before Glide passed him, sword in paw. A long slash appeared on his left hip, another appearing on his chest as Glide ricocheted off the ceiling and came flying back down.

Glide hit the floor on one knee, Befara held in front of him. "It's time to finish this..." He breathed, standing. "Hayabusa!"

Micah growled, shutting his eyes, focusing his energy into his palms. As Glide jumped, he righted himself, catching the edge of the Varixian's sword with a stiff palm strike, knocking the blade from Glide's paw.

Glide grabbed Micah by the throat with his freed paw, the other drawing Magus and striking, leaving a long, deep cut across the wolf's back. Still holding Micah, he tossed Magus further up. "You fell into my trap." He hissed. "Befara! Magus! Hiryu!"

Befara stood upright on the ground, Magus whirling in the air to point straight at Micah. As Glide threw the angel wolf down, the swords flew toward him, piercing his body.

"Those hits? Beginner's luck." Glide smirked, landing on his feet. He strode over to where Micah lay, pulling his swords from the angel's body and sheathing them. "Sit. Stay. Good mutt."

Micah snarled, reluctantly tapping the floor thrice, signaling his submission. "B*****d..."

"Winner!" Keris declared. "Glide!"

© 2009 Star Catcher

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Added on September 6, 2009


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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