

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is completely the writing of my friend. Huzzah, first legitimate fight of the book. And damn, is it epic.


Glide sat, cross-legged, on the floor of the old house. In front of him was a small illusion, created by Shetani; an image of the surrounding area. "If he sent you back," he began, glancing at his twin, "then I'll bet he came back after you. Y'know, keep an eye on you, make sure you don't f**k up his plans. Odds are, we won't be able to jump the f****r an-" He stopped in mid sentence, glancing past his brother, at Revan. "Dude, what the hell are you doin'?"

Revan waved a dismissive paw, not looking away from the window. "I could've sworn I sensed something. I know there's something out there. Or someone."

Glide turned his gaze to Therali, made a sharp clicking noise with his tongue, and tilted his head backward.

Without a sound, Therali stood, black orbs engulfing him and carrying him up, to the realm of the gods.

"Fay, door." Glide hissed, rolling to his feet. "It's time for you to get aggressive. Go high."

Fabian nodded, rising as quietly as Therali had and moving to stand beside the doorway. He drew his blade.

"Revan, summon Kai'ma or get one of those spells ready." Glide said, his horns beginning to glow faintly, as if gathering power all on their own. "There is something outside. As soon as they get inside, you're gonna bomb 'em."

Revan stepped away from the window, giving his wrist a few flicks to wake Ptolemy's Ring. The ring gave a short, low hum, then went silent. The child-god touched the ring to his lips, then made a quick gesture in the air in front of him. He tossed another gesture behind his back at Glide, to signal that he was ready.

"Shetani, follow Therali." Glide instructed. "He's getting Ricky. I need you to get Sandy and Davis. Bring Dex along, too, if you can."

The only indications that Shetani had heard were the disappearance of the illusion and a slight incline of the goddess' head. Her eyes closed, her body going limp.

Niqi's eyes widened. "What happened to-"

Glide's paw was over her mouth in the blink of an eye. "Quiet, idiot." The Varixian whispered, moving his paw after a few seconds. "I want you and Ambree to get ready, too. There's a lot of 'em coming."

Keeping silent, Niqi rolled to a better position. She decided to set up an ambush from beneath the stairs, leaning back into the shadows and drawing her Luces.

The power in Glide's horns had grown to incredible proportions by then; the Varixian warrior clenched his fists, struggling to hold it in check. It had already turned from purple - the color of Shetani's energy - to jet black. "Ambree... move it..." He breathed, scarcely able to speak. "Dham, you too..."

Ambree jumped, Illyria drawn in a flash. She choked down a yelp as Dham's arms hooked under hers, lifting her to the ceiling. "You'll be able to descend on them as soon as they enter." The vampire god said. "We can make short work of them."

The wait was excruciating. While it had taken mere minutes for the demons to burst through the door, from within the house, it seemed to take hours.

The first demon to come through the door - a rather short and stocky imp, dark green in color - was cleanly decapitated by Fabian's blade.

Another imp sailed through the doorway, as if launched from a cannon, and was immediately incinerated as Revan opened his mouth. A jet of flame issued forth from the young god's maw, reminiscent of a great dragon's fiery breath. Revan gave his wrist another shake, pressed the ring to his lips again, and prepared another blast.

A hailstone flew into the house and thumped Revan squarely in the head, knocking him back on his a*s and causing him to swallow the fire. He coughed up smoke, eyes filled with rage. Instead of a jet of flame, a vile Vari curse escaped the boy's throat as he hopped to his feet.

The creature that threw the hailstone - a tall, muscular, vaguely humanoid beast covered in thick white fur, sporting a pair of wicked looking tusks - took two steps into the house on its thick, tree-like legs, and dropped to the floor with a loud crash. Ambree wrenched Illyria's blade from the creature's skull.

Two more of the enormous creatures smashed through the wall below the stairs. A Luz tore into one's face, ripping three bulbous eyes and a baseball-sized chunk of brain out as it was jerked free. The creature gave a deep, guttural death rattle and fell back into the street. The Luces hit the floor, Niqi leaping onto the other creature and sinking her fangs into its neck. The result was instantaneous. Niqi reared her head back, and, with a triumphant howl to the heavens, slammed it forward, against the creature's own. Both tusks shattered like brittle twigs, along with most of the creature's skull. Its face - half-hidden beneath fur - suddenly became concave.

The group spilled out of the house and into the street, weapons brandished threateningly. A large battalion of demons waited for them, some flexing their claws, others baring their fangs.

Glide was the last to leave the house, slowly staggering out into the street, the power beginning to overtake him. Arms visibly shaking, he raised his paws to his face. Without warning, he dropped to one knee, his right paw striking the ground, the left bracing it there. "The Thirteenth Seal!" He bellowed, the chain along his arm swirling violently, unwinding at horrifying speed. It took barely a second to unwind completely, at which point it stood upright, then plunged through Glide's paws and into the ground.

Eight imps and five of the ice creatures were jerked downward simultaneously, vanishing entirely. Thirteen chains, which snapped at the nearest demons like whips, sprung up to occupy the space where the unlucky creatures had been. Three of them converged on a red-skinned imp, wrapping around it and pulling it in different directions, until it finally snapped in half like overstretched chewing gum, saturating the ground below with viscous, black blood.

With a quiet utterance, Glide recalled the chains. They sank into the ground, a single one extracting itself through the holes in Glide's paws, to wrap around his right arm again. The Varixian stood, clenching and unclenching his fists a few times. The holes in his paws healed themselves.

The demons at the fringes of the battalion - each black-skinned and walking on cloven hooves, their stinger-tipped tails snapping about dangerously - hoisted their gleaming scythes and lunged forward.

One of the hoofed demons was dispatched with a sickening snap, its body going limp and falling to the ground in a heap. Ricky stood behind it, doing nothing to hide his grin. "Hey, check it out, we didn't miss the party!"

Therali was beside the young Varixian, his paw pressed to the edge of his scythe. With a quick forward sweep, he drew it across the blade, drawing blood and releasing the seal. The scythe trembled, but Therali kept a tight grip on it. With a snarl, he uttered a word in a language long lost. A bright light flashed, and seconds later, the scythe had changed. The tip of the scythe's blade curved inward and around, into a barb, the weapon bearing a striking resemblance to an enormous fish hook. The bat god put it to good use, hooking the blade around a hoofed demon's neck and yanking back rather forcefully, the barb stabbing straight through its throat, severing its spinal cord as it passed through completely.

Dham's weaponry appeared after a series of rapid gestures, a pair of large, blackened iron disks that the vampire god quickly strapped to his wrists. There was a three-second delay, then two blades shot from the sides of each disk, resembling a pair of bat's wings. Dham took to the air, his wings carrying him over the demon battalion. He swooped upon an ice creature, one blade from each disk sinking into its chest. He yanked them back, twisting his arms at the same time, the other two blades crashing down on the creature's head. With a few beats of his powerful wings, the gargoyle was airborne again.

A double-headed halberd came whirling through the air, passing under Dham and cleaving a pair of hoofed demons in half at the waist. With a sharp whistle, Shetani called the halberd back to her paws, the weapon causing even more chaos on its return trip. Several imps' heads were cut through at the eye as the whirling weapon shot back toward the goddess.

The remaining two ice creatures were quickly disposed of by a blade of sound and a swarm of dark bats. The sound blade cleaved one perfectly down the middle, the dark bats sinking their sharp teeth into the other before transforming, the sudden appearance of several tiny black holes ripping the creature to bloody shreds. The black holes disappeared, the remnants of the creature along with them. Sandy and Davis touched knuckles. "When'd you teach 'em that?" Sandy asked, grinning.

Davis shrugged, lightly strumming the guitar in his paws and sending out a black blade that sank halfway into an imp's crotch before spinning like a buzz saw. "I didn't, they learned on their own."

A pair of hoofed demons raised their scythes, rushing toward the twins, though they were stopped short. Standing between the demons and their intended targets, trenchcoat discarded, was Dexter Bates. One of the demons brought its scythe blade down on the hunter, only to have it intercepted by his hand. Dexter's grip tightened, the scythe's blade cracking. It held for a few seconds, then shattered into a dozen large fragments. Dexter kicked one up, the fragment lancing through the stunned demon's jaw.

The other demon growled, attempting to raise its scythe, only to find it gone. Dexter spun the weapon around, pounding the blade into the ground and turning his back on the demon. With all of his strength, he jerked the scythe forward, the blade rising in a flash and rending the demon in two.

Without their stronger allies, the imps were easy prey. All but one were slain on the spot, and that unlucky demon was left at Glide's mercy. It dropped to its knees, groveling and begging, only to be kicked in the mouth.

"Shut your mouth." Glide snapped, grabbing the imp's tail and pulling it into the air. "Tell your master what happened to your allies. Matter of fact, tell him to send more." With that said, Glide switched his grip, taking hold of the imp's tail with one paw and the back of its neck with the other. Holding it by both tail and scruff, the Varixian swung the imp like a pendulum. Once, twice, thrice. On the fourth swing, he spun a full circle on the spot and released the imp, sending it screaming through the air. "Always wanted to do that." Glide commented, grinning and dusting his paws off.

© 2009 Star Catcher

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//The power in Glide's horns had grown to incredible proportions by then;//
I'm sure you write these innuendos in deliberately.
It's not even funny anymore, is it?

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 2, 2009


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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A Chapter by Star Catcher