

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is completely the writing of my friend.


His stance, his posture, revealed the madness within. Madness brought on by horrific events in his early years, by the countless deaths he witnessed and those that he caused. The way he leaned, slightly hunched over, one paw braced against the wall. The way he tilted his head, mismatched eyes wide yet still seeming to glare into her soul, lips pulled back in a twisted, sadistic grin. If she didn't know him better, she would've thought he planned to eat her.

"Glide?" Niqi ventured, slowly reaching out. "Your eyes... they-"

"See the truth." The Varixian said, cutting her off. "And the future. The skies, blocked by the wings of countless demons. The ground, bathed in the blood of every living being. Life, as you know it, shall cease to exist..."




Niqi sat bolt upright, panting. "A dream...?" She murmured, glancing around; she was inside the abandoned house. The others were nearby, most of them still asleep, though Revan regarded her with a concerned expression.

"You alright?" The young god asked.

Niqi shook her head. "I'm... fine. I suddenly have something important to talk to Glide about."

"He's still out with Therali." Revan said, standing up. "Come on, we'll go see them together."

"You're not worried that Shetani's gonna freak out when she wakes up and finds you gone?" Niqi asked, grinning.

Revan laughed. "The first thing she'll do is try to sense me, and that'll let her know exactly where I am."




"There's one thing I don't understand." Kuro stated, staring up at Fabian. "How are we to find them? Unless they want you to find them, Raus and his demons will be out of your reach."

Fabian smiled. "You don't know me very well, even after all these years. I know exactly where they are."

"Enlighten me." Kuro responded, crossing his arms. "Where are they?"

Fabian scratched the back of his head. "Uh, okay... so I lied, I don't know exactly where they are..."

"You have to have some sort of idea." Kuro said. "You lived with them for nearly twenty years, what kinds of places would they choose to nest?"

Fabian shrugged. "Somewhere hot. And dark."

"That certainly narrows down our search." Kuro muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Would you like to search every volcano in the omniverse first, or should we start with the Hell dimensions?"

"I don't see you coming up with anything." Fabian snapped. "Where do you think they are?"

"I have no idea." Kuro admitted. "Perhaps now is the time to return to your brother. He may have some idea."

Fabian nodded, picking Kuro up and tucking the plushie into the pocket of his hoodie.




Glide raised an eyebrow. "Prophetic dreams?" He asked. "Are you serious?"

"I don't know if they're necessarily prophetic." Niqi replied, shifting uneasily under Glide's gaze. "It sounded like a warning, or..."

"Or someone's f*****g with you." Glide finished. "Go back to the house, try to get back to sleep."

Therali glanced from Niqi to Glide, then back again. "I think we should take this a bit more seriously. Granted, there are only a few people with the power to alter dreams, but if one of those people feel the need to send us a warning, we should pay attention."

"Which is an even better reason for her to go back to sleep." Glide said. "Revan, I want you to watch, see what's going on. Write down everything that happens. When she wakes up, bring it to me."

Revan nodded. "Got it. You can count on me."




Niqi sat up, somewhat dazed, unable to remember what had happened to her since her conversation with Glide. She knew, at the very least, that she should've been able to remember; Therali's magic wouldn't just leave her for no reason.

"You're awake."

Niqi yelped, Glide's voice surprising her enough to cause her to jump to her feet. "Glide? What's going on?" She looked around, unable to spot Glide in the pitch black room; she couldn't even figure out which direction his voice was coming from.

"You got knocked out." Glide stated. "I would've helped you, but... I had my own problem to deal with..."

Niqi's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? Throw me a bone here, I can't remember anything."

A dim light filled the small room that held them, emanating from the flickering flames in Glide's paws. "I guess you don't remember this..." He said, turning his head slightly and revealing the deep cut along his cheek, running from the side of his mouth to his ear; a Glasgow smile, still open. "Don't worry, I can't really feel it anymore."

Niqi stared, unable to form a coherent sentence for a few moments. When she finally spoke, it was no more than a whisper. "I didn't give you that... did I?"

Glide barked out a short, humorless laugh. "You really don't remember. No, it wasn't you."

"Who was it?" Niqi asked. "Don't tell me your-"

"No." Glide responded, cutting her off. Things started to feel very familiar. "It wasn't my brother... It was... Dad."

Niqi stared at Glide for a moment more before averting her gaze, directing it toward one of the dark corners of the room. "I-it... It suits you. You look more intimidating with it."

"... Thanks."




When Niqi awoke, Glide was standing over her. "That sounded like a prophetic dream."

"Our father?" Fabian murmured. "How could he...?"

Glide scoffed. "One of these days, I'm gonna have to give you a history lesson." He turned his attention back to Niqi, thinking for a moment before speaking, trying to pick his words carefully. "... You think a Glasgow smile would suit me?"

Niqi shrugged. "It would certainly make you more intimidating, if that's at all possible."

Glide smirked, rolling up one of his pant legs and grabbing the straight razor tucked into his boot; Felix's razor.

"What the f**k do you think you're doing?" Shetani asked, taking hold of Glide's wrist.

Glide yanked his arm out of Shetani's grip, flicking the razor open. "I'm not going to give Reiko the pleasure... I'm doing it myself."

© 2009 Star Catcher

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//The way he tilted his head, mismatched eyes wide yet still seeming to glare into her soul, lips pulled back in a twisted, sadistic grin.//
There is nobody else on earth who could find sexual connotations here.

I'm so sorry.
(Just shoot me?)

//"It wasn't my brother... It was... Dad."//
Good job it's just a dream.

//"... You think a Glasgow smile would suit me?"//
LOL no.
Don't even.

//"I'm not going to give Reiko the pleasure... I'm doing it myself."//
*eye roll*
It's called dodging. Just don't let him hit you.
No need to go all emo-self-harming on me.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 2, 2009


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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A Chapter by Star Catcher