One Resolution

One Resolution

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is joint-written.


"Man, what I wouldn't do to have Magus with me..." Glide muttered, stalking down the hall and toward the three-way junction Revan had indicated.

"It feels good to be holding weapons at all," Niqi responded, twirling one of her luces.

Glide stopped dead in his tracks. "How the hell did you get those back? Don't tell me you killed that dude when I wasn't looking and just left my stuff on his corpse..."

Niqi stopped walking as well and turned back to Glide. "I raided the armory. It was easy to find these, since they're so unique, but you should've seen all the swords. I didn't feel like searching through the haystack for your needle." She shrugged. "In the meantime..." She offered Glide a luz.

Glide snarled at her, turning away the weapon. "I'm not usin' your stuff, you walkin' asscrack. If I can't use my weapons, I'll just have to rely on magic."

Niqi smirked. "Suit yourself."

"I'll use it," Ambree offered.

Niqi tossed the luz over her shoulder. Ambree managed to catch it on the right side.

"S**t," Glide hissed, pressing himself up against the wall, "the guards are gonna go by any second. Everybody get ready."

Everyone quickly and silently got into position.

As soon as the first guard passed by, Glide grabbed him by the scruff, throwing him to Niqi. The second guard was grabbed in much the same way, slammed up against the wall. "Make a noise and we'll twist your heads off."

Niqi waited a few seconds, her luz to the guard's throat, and then grinned. "They seem rather compliant."

"Well, ain't that grand?" Glide grinned. "Hey, fucknut, is Gase in his office?"

The guard nodded. "Y-yeah, he is."

"Good." Glide said, letting go of the guard. "Don't move until after you've answered my next question. Is there anyone with him?"

The guard nodded again. "A tauric Varixian and a little red-haired human."

"... You can go now." Glide stated. As soon as the guard turned around, Glide grabbed the back of his head and cracked his skull open against the floor.

Niqi dealt with the other guard before he could react, ripping his head off with the luz.

"Well, that's done with." Glide smirked, dusting his paws off. "Who's up for a meeting with our good friend, Colonel Dumbass?"

"I'm in the mood to kick a door in," Niqi replied, sheathing her lone luz and heading towards the main office.

"There's two." Glide said. "Let's make the biggest entrance possible, kick 'em both down at the same time."

Niqi grinned. "I get left."

Glide shrugged. "Works for me. You wanna count or should I?"

"You can," Niqi responded, adjusting her boot.

Glide smirked, pulling his leg up to his chest. "One. Two. Three." His boot connected with the door, reducing it to nothing more than splinters.

Niqi's kick had just about the same effect, the door swinging all the way around and banging into the wall, shattering it and leaving multiple cracks in the wall from the doorknob.

"There were no locks on those doors!" Gase exclaimed, slamming his fists down on his desk. "What was the point of-"

"Silence." The red-haired boy beside him commanded, cutting him off.

Revan blinked. "Whoa, he shut him up with one word. I'm impressed."

"I am, too," Niqi said. "Who are ya, kid?"

"Red." Glide growled, reaching for his blade, momentarily forgetting that he no longer had it. "... Great, it had to be today that we run into you."

"Red?" Niqi asked, shocked. She stared back and forth between the boy and Glide. "But...I mean...he's just..."

"Don't let his appearance fool you." Glide said. "This 'kid' is a hundred percent pure-bred demon."

Niqi blinked. "Alright. What's he doing here?"

"Hell if I know, and hell if I care." Glide replied, cracking his knuckles. "All I know is, this brat's had an a*s-whoopin' comin' his way for a long time, and I'm honored that I'm the one that gets to give it to him."

"What do you have against him, anyway?" Niqi asked.

Glide shrugged. "It's nothin' personal. He just doesn't belong up here, and since we're already here, I might as well send him back to Hell."

Niqi glanced between Glide and the trio in the office. "We sticking to the original plan, too?"

"You guys might need to deal with Gase without me." Glide said. "Red, I could probably handle. But Red and Valerian? They'd need my undivided attention."

Niqi stared at the Varixian for a few moments, and then sighed. "Great. You know, you completely failed to mention he wasn't just some random expendable."

"You're going to lose." Valerian stated. "Nothing you do can change that. And when we're finished with you, you'll be-"

"- destroyed." Red finished, picking up what appeared to be a hockey stick.

"Oblivion calls." Valerian smirked, hoisting his own weapon, a rather wicked-looking halberd. "You're going to pick up the phone, whether you want to or not."

"Glide, do you want me to join the fight? Dumbass shouldn't take more than three seconds to deal with." Niqi drew her luz and flexed the hand that was still empty.

"Against Valerian and Red?" Glide asked, raising an eyebrow. "They'd deal with you twice as fast as you deal with Gase."

Niqi sighed. "Are you going to be okay?"

"... Probably not." Glide said. "But I'm not dying again, not before Antel's dealt with. I want you guys to leave as soon as you deal with Gase. I'll find you when I'm through with these guys. I'll probably be pretty badly injured when I do, but I'll find you."

Niqi winced, putting her luz back. She gave Glide a quick hug, and then was across the room before he could react, snapping Gase's neck. She hurried everyone out of the office, leaving Glide with Red and Valerian.

Glide smirked, pulling his eyepatch off and slipping it into his pocket. "You guys got ten seconds to surrender before I shut the lights off and nobody sees you again."

"F**k you." Valerian responded, swinging his halberd up and smashing the lights, bathing the office in darkness.

In the darkness, Glide could see every move his two opponents made. "It's a shame I gotta kill you guys..."

Red darted forward, his hockey stick scraping across the floor. As he swung, Glide bent backward, the hockey stick just barely missing him.

Valerian took advantage of his partner's distraction, swinging his halberd up and sinking it in Glide's back.

Glide growled, cursing loudly as Valerian pulled the weapon free. I need you, Magus. Glide thought, clenching his fists. "Back off!" He snapped, kicking Red in the face as the demon boy attempted to attack him again. He spun around, raising his paw to strike at Valerian, as well, suddenly feeling a familiar weight on the back of his belt. "... Man, are you guys in trouble now."

Valerian rose up on his hind legs, kicking at Glide with his powerful hooves, the attack deflected by Glide's sword.

"You're startin' to piss me off..." Glide muttered, adjusting his grip on the sword and thrusting it toward Red. The demon boy slid out of the way, slamming his hockey stick down on Glide's blade.

Valerian raised his halberd, delivering a mighty swing, slicing Glide's sword in half. "Not so tough without your sword, are you?"

"You tell me." Glide sneered, conjuring a fireball and pitching it at Valerian.

"No, you're not." Valerian stated, grabbing the fireball out of the air and slamming the burning projectile into Glide's stomach.

Glide dropped to his knees, Red's hockey stick striking him in the side.

Valerian chuckled darkly, raising a hoof and planting it squarely between Glide's shoulder blades.

Glide hissed softly, his vision growing dim. He reached out, grasping the blade of his sword and plunging it into one of Valerian's legs.

Valerian howled in pain, lifting his hoof and attempting to stomp on Glide, his hoof meeting only the floor.

Glide grabbed the hilt of his blade, taking a fraction of a second to look it over before stabbing Red in the stomach with what was left of the blade.

The demon boy snarled, his true face momentarily exposed. "Soon." He promised, a pillar of hellfire engulfing him. When the fire died, he was gone.

"S**t, looks like he ditched you..." Glide laughed.

Valerian grabbed Glide by his shoulders, lifting him off the floor and sending him flying into Colonel Gase's desk, smashing it. "I'm all it'll take to kill you."

Glide struggled to get to his feet, unable to stay standing for more than a few seconds before a hard kick sent him out into the hallway.

Valerian followed him out, gripping Glide's vest and lifting him up by it, setting him on his feet.

"Dude..." Glide muttered, coughing up blood. "That one hurt a little..."

Valerian raised a paw, about to strike Glide again.

"Wait a second." Glide said. "I just remembered something..."

Valerian raised an eyebrow. "You have something to do before you die?"

"You ripped my vest, a*****e!" Glide growled, spitting a mist comprised of his own blood into Valerian's eyes. "Now go after your little friend." He snarled, kicking Valerian in the side of the head.

Nearly unconscious, Valerian had no choice but to retreat.

"F****t..." Glide coughed, leaning against the wall to steady himself, making his way toward the building's entrance.




"You really think he's going to be okay? I mean..." Niqi glanced quickly at Felix and then to the ground. "...He's been known to be overconfident before."

"If he says he can handle it, then he probably can," Ambree replied, rubbing her temples.

"Undead isn't the same as invincible, though," Niqi mumbled.

"Even if something did happen to him, he'd want us to keep going with the plan." Felix said. "I suppose the task of leading us falls to Shetani, until Glide gets back."

"If he gets back." Revan muttered. "Did you see the way that kid was looking at him? I wouldn't be all that surprised if he really did kill him."

"He said he was going to come back injured. He doesn't get a scratch from most of his opponents," Niqi added, starting to pace.

Shetani stood up, glancing at each member of the group. "Sitting around and worrying isn't going to do us any good." She said. "Besides, he's probably going to have the strength to yell at us if we don't get anything else done with the time the fight's buying us."

"What do you suggest?" Niqi asked, pausing in her pacing.

"I'll orb Revan up to the Sky Dragon." Shetani replied. "You guys need to get to Kahl, to meet up with everyone else. We'll orb straight there when we're done destroying the ion cannon."

Niqi nodded, taking her Nexus key from around her neck. "See you soon," she said to Shetani, leading Felix, Ambree, and Glide's sons towards the nearest settlement with actual doors.




Glide stumbled out of the building, only to find everyone gone. "... You guys f****n' suck..." He muttered, nearly dropping his Nexus key as he attempted to open the door. "At least I know where you're going..."

© 2008 Star Catcher

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//I'm not usin' your stuff, you walkin' asscrack.//
Why do I get the feeling he's less than impressed?

//Hey, fucknut//
For The Win.

//All I know is, this brat's had an a*s-whoopin' comin' his way for a long time, and I'm honored that I'm the one that gets to give it to him.//
Who is he, and what's he done to piss Glide off?

//Glide stumbled out of the building, only to find everyone gone. "... You guys f****n' suck..."//

Can you say "harsh"?

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 12, 2008


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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