Getting Glide Back

Getting Glide Back

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is joint-written. I bet you were waiting for this.



Niqi clenched and unclenched her paws five times, but it didn’t help. The scent of demon blood was everywhere, and yet she had seen none so far. If only one would cross their damn path as they headed towards Glide, nobody would really care if she dragged along a snack.

She sighed, resigning herself to resisting the urge to hunt for the moment. “Just a question, Felix – are you here for good, or is this temporary?” she asked, wanting a distraction but also an answer.

“I’m here to stay.” Felix replied. “Is something wrong? You look kinda... twitchy.”

Niqi was a bit taken aback by his question. “I assumed you knew, when you reassured me.”

Felix shrugged. “I figured you had it under control by now.”

“You’re pissing me off with the cryptic talk,” Ambree stated. “What, exactly, is going on?”

“I just want some freaking blood,” Niqi snapped, pressing one paw against her temples. “And the demons’ blood here is like…like crack. Okay, not that strong, but it’s an addiction nonetheless.”

“Ever tried angel?” Felix asked, offering his wrist.

Shetani glanced over her shoulder for a few seconds, then shook her head. “Good grief...” She muttered.

Niqi yelped and recoiled slightly at Felix’s extended paw. “I…I don’t want to hurt you.”

Felix raised an eyebrow. “Are you serious? Come on, go for it.”

Niqi regarded him warily, and then hesitantly took his wrist, all of her movements careful as she bit him. She drank slowly at first, then more deeply, and then slower than she had started, seeming embarrassed. She let go of his wrist. “Not bad. It’s sort of like…your blood and demons’ blood have the same power behind it, like alcohol in a drink. But yours tastes a lot sweeter.” She grinned. “What a surprise,” she said sarcastically.

“Thanks, I think.” Felix laughed, running a paw over the bite marks on his wrist. After a few seconds, they disappeared. “Now, where the hell did Glide get to?”

Shetani glanced up at the sky, as if scanning it for answers. “It’s weird. It feels like he’s close, but... it feels like he’s far away, too. Counting Dham, he has four with him, that much I’m sure of.”

“That isn’t good,” Niqi muttered. “How’d he get so many on his side so fast?”

“I’ll bet Dham and his Dark Mirrors helped find them.” Shetani said, her nose twitching. “Great, on top of not being able to pinpoint Glide’s location, it smells like it’ll rain soon.”

“Let’s pick up the pace,” Niqi suggested. “If I carry Ambree, can we all run at inhuman speed?”

“I can’t run very fast.” Felix replied. “I’ll take to the sky.”

Shetani nodded. “I’ll stay on the ground to lead the way.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Niqi said, hoisting Ambree onto her shoulders to piggyback her.

“Just so you know, I never agreed to this,” Ambree muttered.

“Your objection is noted,” Niqi replied, rolling her eyes.

“And overruled.” Shetani added, taking off.

Felix unfurled his wings, taking to the sky and flying after Shetani.



Shetani skidded to a halt outside of a temple. Luckily, it was still standing. “He’s inside.”

“Isn’t this one of your temples?” Felix asked, landing beside her.

Niqi growled softly. “Like you could bring Felix back,” she muttered. “What the hell is with him? His course of action doesn’t make sense anymore.” She let Ambree down, and then pushed open the doors. “Glide! You don’t have to freaking do this anymore – Felix is back. I don’t know how, or why, but he is,” she yelled.

“Don’t lie to me!” Glide growled, gripping Deliverance tightly.

“Glide, put your weapons down and stop this insanity!” Felix snapped, moving past Niqi and toward Glide.

Glide snarled at him. “How do I know it’s really you?”

“Your mom used to watch me in the shower.” Felix responded.

Glide immediately dropped his weapons, wrapping his arms around Felix. “It is you...”

Niqi sighed in relief. “That was a lot easier than I expected.”

Ambree nodded. “But if Felix hadn’t shown up…” She stared at the couple for a few moments. “Alright, this is heartwarming and all, but…Glide’s mother used to watch Felix in the shower?”

“Just once or twice.” Glide grinned. “Back when she was dead, she liked to ‘channel-surf’.”

“Ready to come back home?” Felix asked. “There’s no reason to do this anymore.”

Glide let Felix go, his eyes glowing bright red. “Then this form is useless to me...”

“Glide?” Ambree asked, alarmed.

“Only on the outside.” Glide smirked.

Felix took a step back out of instinct. “J-Jason?”

Glide shook his head. “Wrong again. I’m–” He dropped to his knees, slamming his paws against the stone floor of the temple. “Get out of my head, you son of a b***h!”

“Shetani! Can you do something?” Niqi pleaded, her eyes wide.

“What do you expect me to do?” Shetani growled.

Glide let out a roar that shook the temple, stones raining down from the ceiling. A shadow phased through him, taking physical form as it flew across the room, slamming into a pillar and knocking it down.

“That didn’t look quite like a negative,” Niqi mumbled, glancing between Glide and the form that had just come out of him. She took an unconscious step or two towards the form. “What the hell are you?”

“Get back!” Glide snapped, getting to his feet. “You three, get out of here, now! Dham, grab Jekka and go with them.”

Dham nodded, scooping up a mouse in a black robe and hurrying out of the temple. “Come on.”

Shetani grabbed Ambree by the arm and pulled her out of the temple, following Dham a safe distance away.

“... Be safe.” Glide said, hugging Felix one more time. “Now go.”

Felix hesitated for a moment, then ran after Shetani.

Niqi fumbled to grab Ambree’s wrist and drag her along, realized that Shetani had already done so, and bolted after the group, casting a worried glance backward as Glide turned to whatever had phased through him.

Glide glanced between the three still in the temple – the shadow, an elf woman, and a human male carrying a sledgehammer – and smirked, jerking his head toward the door.

The elf woman nodded, grabbing her bow and sprinting past Glide, leaving the temple.

“Sorry, boys, I don’t have time to play with you.” Glide said, turning to one of the remaining pillars and knocking it down with a swift kick, the temple beginning to crumble around them. “Later!” He yelled, hopping backwards and heaving a sphere of Shetani’s energy at the floor, propelling himself out of the temple.



“Glide’s catching up to us,” Niqi stated, slowing down. “Didn’t stay and fight?” she called back to him.

“Less talkin’, more gettin’ the f**k out of here.” Glide replied, not bothering to slow down as he passed Niqi.

Niqi picked up the pace again.

“Wha-at the h-hell was tha-at, Gl-lide?” Ambree asked, her voice bouncing at the rate of Shetani’s run, as she was piggybacking her this time.

“How the f**k am I supposed to know?” Glide asked. “All I know is, I just dropped a temple on that guy’s head, and if he survives, he’s gonna be pissed.”

Niqi frowned, making no response to that except to run slightly faster. “Are you…you again?”

Glide rolled his eyes. “You’re a dillhole. Does that answer your question?”

Niqi grinned insanely. “Finally, some good news,” she said, her happiness at that apparent in her voice. “Just to be sure – no more complete apathy to the death of close friends and such?”

“No.” Glide replied. “And if you ask another stupid question, I’ll rip your tail off, turn you upside-down, ram it up your a*s and chase it with quick-drying cement.”

“Never thought I’d be so glad to hear your creative insults,” Niqi laughed.

“This should be far enough.” Glide said, dropping to his knees and sliding to a stop. “Since everything’s cleared up, I think introductions are next.”

Everybody else slowed to a stop shortly after Glide had.

“Right then,” Niqi said, looking over the two newcomers – the elf woman and the mouse. “I’m Niqi, a wolf, a vampire, etcetera, and I’ve got a few assorted powers,” she said, waving unenthusiastically.

“Ambree,” Ambree stated, getting off of Shetani. “Fragile, mortal, nigh-useless,” she continued, smirking.

Dham let the robed mouse down, grinning. “Looks like you’re first, friend.”

The mouse gave a graceful bow. “Prince Jekka the Kingslayer, diplomat and assassin.”

“Syrinda Altomir.” The elf woman stated. “Expert archer.”

Felix smiled. “I’m Felix. Used to be alive, died, became an angel, came back.”

“If you don’t know who I am, I’m going to turn you into a head of lettuce.” Shetani said.

“That about does it,” Niqi said, and then turned to Glide. “What now?” She grinned. “How about a vacation? A real vacation? Like, finally.”

“Excellent idea.” Glide replied. “Let’s head to Saikoro, stay a couple weeks, just veg out on the beach.”

Niqi’s eyes lit up, and she looked about ready to jump up and down with childish joy. “This is going to be so wonderful – just like old times, almost. Well, what old times would’ve been like. You get my point.”

Ambree grinned. “I could go for a beach after all this depressing crap.” She turned to Shetani. “Portal time?”

“Coming right up.” Shetani said, opening a portal to Saikoro. “Vacation starts right now.”

Glide was the first to head through, followed by Felix.

“Get moving, everybody.” Shetani grinned. “The fun isn’t gonna have itself.”

Everybody else piled in after the re-united couple, and the portal vanished, leaving no trace of its presence on Aytar.



“So, what’s the deal?” Glide asked, laying back in the sand beside Felix, gazing up at the stars. “How’d you come back?”

Felix grinned, laying his head on Glide’s stomach. “I wanted to be with you again. I hit a few snags with the gods, and it took ten years to get everything in order, but... come on, not even death can keep us apart.”

Glide nodded, running a paw through Felix’s hair. “And what the hell was that... thing that was controlling me?”

Felix shrugged. “I don’t know. Whatever it was, at least it didn’t follow us here.”

“Yeah...” Glide murmured. “I can’t shake the feeling that it’s still out there, though. Like that temple didn’t quite do the job.”

“Well, if it shows up again, we can handle it.” Felix smiled, nuzzling Glide’s stomach. “Just forget it for now, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Glide nodded again, going silent. He sat up, pulling Felix into his lap, licking his lips as his paws stroked the smaller male’s sides, making their way down into Felix’s daisy dukes.

© 2008 Star Catcher

My Review

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"Your mom used to watch me in the shower."

""Alright, this is heartwarming and all, but�Glide's mother used to watch Felix in the /shower/?"
These are my thoughts exactly.

"Just once or twice."
That makes it so much more normal.

"Less talkin', more gettin' the f**k out of here."

" "How the f**k am I supposed to know?" Glide asked. "All I know is, I just dropped a temple on that guy's head, and if he survives, he's gonna be pissed." "

I don't even want to know what a "dillhole" is.


Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 22, 2008
Last Updated on June 22, 2008


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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