![]() LandA Chapter by Star Catcher![]() This is joint-written. The Raven's Nest gets off that goddamned boat. 'Shouldnt take more than a day' my a*s, Mambo.![]()
“Hey, over there!” Ambree yelled, pointing. “I think I can see a tiny bit of land through this damned fog!” “Finally.” Glide muttered. “Feels like we’ve been sitting on this damn ship for a week.” “That’s just the boredom, dad.” Ricky grinned. “Who cares what caused it?” Ambree asked, grinning. “I’ll be happy to get off of here as soon as we’re within swimming distance.” She suddenly remembered what had happened to “Mambo knows how to get this thing to shore.” Glide said, making sure his weapons were with him before standing on the bow. “I’ll go on ahead. Make sure it’s safe.” “Because we all know how well that turned out last time.” Ricky snickered. Glide glared at him. “Joke all you want, you’re coming with me.” “Wait, what!?” Ambree couldn’t help smirking for a half-second. “But Glide… How do you know it’s safe?” she asked. “I don’t.” Glide replied. “That’s the whole point of going ahead. If it isn’t safe, I’m not exactly alive, so it’s better that I go than one of you.” Comprehension fluttered across Ambree’s face. “I see. You’re both undead.” Glide nodded. “Yeah. Ricky, let’s go.” Ricky heaved a heavy sigh, picking up his fans and opening them. “If I have to come with you, I’m riding the wind, not the waves.” “I don’t blame you,” Ambree responded. “Even if I was undead, I’d be pretty damn scared of what’s in that water.” “Scared?” Ricky muttered. “I’m not scared. I’m f*****g terrified.” Ambree laughed. “It’s times like these I’m glad that I’m put into the ‘fragile, mortal, nigh-useless’ category.” “Yeah, lucky you.” Ricky said, rolling his eyes. “At least I get to do this, though!” Grinning, he leapt from the bow, holding the fans out and gliding over the water. “Wait for me, d****t!” Glide yelled after him, flicking his shuriken down to the water and leaping onto it, riding it to shore. With Glide temporarily gone, Niqi stepped to the front of the ship to look out at the land. Ambree squinted at the land, and then turned to her. “Can you see any better in this haze than I can?” Niqi smiled slightly. “Yes. What I can see of it is just as barren as the last place we were, though.” Ambree sighed. “This planet is pretty damned depressing.” “Yes, it is,” Niqi replied, sighing. … “Looks safe!” Glide called, waving toward the ship. “Come on!” “Everybody get your weapons.” Shetani said, picking up her halberd and readying herself to jump from the ship. “We’re not gonna be coming back to the ship for a while.” Ambree re-attached Insecte and went to stand by Shetani. “All set.” Niqi simply walked over. “I sleep with these things on,” she said, glancing down at Scourge and Bane. “Don’t just stand there.” “Boys will be boys.” Shetani commented, grinning. “You two want to go next, or should I?” “I’ll go last,” Niqi stated. “You go first,” Ambree directed at Shetani. Shetani nodded, flipping backward and off of the ship. “She’s a showoff, isn’t she?” Mambo muttered, following Shetani down. “Agreed.” Maki laughed, jumping from the ship. A few seconds passed, then Belleza came flying by, laughing insanely as she leapt to the ground. “The rum isn’t gone!” “The cabbage is!” Ambree called out, and then backed up a couple of steps. She jumped and side-flipped through the air, landing next to Shetani in a crouch. “I know that stuff too,” she said, grinning. Niqi rolled her eyes and simply jumped, enjoying the rush of falling. She didn’t speak when she landed on the ground, although she instinctively wanted to ask which direction they would be going. “Look up.” Shetani said. “My turn!” Felix grinned, leaping from the ship and corkscrewing through the air, landing beside Ambree. “Beat that.” “I don’t think I can!” Lujuria called down, jumping down and landing gracefully on his feet. “Damnit, I don’t know that one,” Ambree said to Felix. “You’ll have to teach me sometime.” “My pleasure.” Felix replied. “Here comes a shootin’ star press!” Glide set Fafnir obeyed, jumping down and landing in the sand. “So…” Ambree began, “How about we head in a general…” she paused to swerve her pointer finger around a bit, stopping it at random, “that way direction?” “…I think this way would be better.” Glide smirked, gesturing in a different direction. “Remember what I said before.” “Right,” Ambree said, drawing out the word and nodding once slowly. “I pick bad destinations.” © 2008 Star Catcher |
1 Review Added on May 13, 2008 Author![]() Star CatcherCTAboutI write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..Writing