Maki and Mambo

Maki and Mambo

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is joint-written. Two more join the Raven's Nest; everyone is beginning to become slightly more aware of their surroundings.



“Hey, Glide,” Niqi whispered, nudging the Varixian boy with her elbow, “do you see what I see?”

“Well, it’s hard for me to tell.” Glide replied, grinning. “I don’t know what you see.”

Niqi pointed toward a shape in the fog. “I think it’s a wall.”

Glide paused for a moment, then nodded, reaching for Magus’ hilt. “It is. Raven’s Nest, spread out and search for life. If you find hostiles, terminate with extreme prejudice.”

“Don’t tell me you’re lookin’ for me!” A male voice called from the top of the wall.

“S**t,” Glide hissed, “that voice… It’s Maki.”

“Don’t forget my apprentice.” Maki smirked, leaping down from the wall. “Mambo the Trickster!”

A few seconds later, a small feline slid down the side of the wall, picking up enough speed on the way down to sweep his black fur back. “You called, master?”

“Glide, who are these guys?” Niqi asked, gripping her blade’s hilt.

Glide snarled, flicking Magus from its sheath and brandishing it threateningly. “Maki and Mambo are members of Valerian’s dark army. If they’re here, Valerian and Red can’t be far away.” He paused for a moment, sheathing Magus again and gripping his shuriken. “Maki! What did you c***s do to this planet!?”

“It wasn’t us, ya dick!” Mambo snapped. “We don’t even want it this way. What use is takin’ over a planet if there’s nobody left to rule?”

“You always seem to turn up when s**t like this happens.” Maki said, shrugging. “We figured you did it.”

“Us?” Glide scoffed. “Get real, dude. We save planets, not destroy them.”

“Well,” Maki muttered, “if it wasn’t you, and it wasn’t us, who was it?”

“F**k if I know.” Glide responded. “Are you guys doing anything that could’ve caused this?”

Maki shook his head, sitting down in the dirt. “Believe it or not, we haven’t done anything yet. We just got here a few weeks ago, and we’ve been spending our time trying to find living people.”

Glide relaxed, letting go of the shuriken and sitting down on the ground, facing Maki. “Maybe it’s just the fact that you’re here.”

“What, like we just stepped onto the planet and it instantly turned into this?” Maki asked. “It isn’t that simple. It’s been like this for at least…what did Red say?”

“Three hundred years.” A booming voice replied from behind Maki.

Niqi jumped. For the first time, she noticed the enormous, transparent bat looming over Maki. “Wha–”

“Kavar.” Shetani breathed. “The god of war…”

Niqi blinked. “Okay, I know a tiny bit about Valerian and Red from what you’ve told me, Glide, but I know nothing about these guys.”

“I second that,” Ambree mumbled, craning her neck.

“Maki is Valerian’s advisor.” Glide stated. “And an expert marksman.”

“Don’t forget ‘badass’.” Maki added, grinning.

“Kavar is the god of war.” Shetani said. “His brother, Therali, is the god of death. We were actually wondering where Kavar disappeared to…I guess this explains it.”

“And Mambo?” Ambree questioned.

“F**k if I know.” Glide shrugged.

“I thought you knew everything,” Niqi replied, smirking.

“I never said that.” Glide growled. “Nobody knows everything.”

“Well, luckily we have a source of information in front of us,” Niqi commented, turning to Mambo. “Hey. Who the hell are you?”

“Mambo the Trickster.” Mambo replied. “I thought we made that clear.”

Niqi sighed. “I guess we’ll learn well enough in time. Want to join us in searching for whatever the hell did this to the planet? People die, but answers usually follow.”

Maki thought it over for a moment. “When you put it that way…no. Go f**k yourself.”

“I’ll help.” Mambo said. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

“First of all, tell us about yourself.” Glide grinned.

“Oh brother…” Mambo muttered. “Fine. I’m seventeen, I’m a Virgo, and I don’t like penguins.”

“…Fair enough.” Glide responded. “What’s beyond the wall?”

Mambo shrugged. “Water. And a lot of it. An ocean, or at least a very large lake.”

“Well, since we have no other plan of action, I say we go check it out,” Niqi suggested.

“Agreed.” Glide said. “You see a boat or something over there, too?”

Mambo nodded. “It looked pretty big. It should hold us all. We’ll be able to see what’s out beyond the water.”

“You’re not going anywhere without me.” Maki said, standing up. “But, just so we’re clear on this, I’m going to throw Glide over the side eventually.”

“I can swim.” Glide responded, shrugging. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

© 2008 Star Catcher

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Mambo the Trickster... Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaame... how can you not like penguins!?!?
I love Glide lmao "I can swim," Glide responded, shrugging. "Doesn't matter to me."

Posted 12 Years Ago

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"Go f**k yourself."

"I'll help."
Ah. More chance for my mind to twist and pervert things.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2008


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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