Family Drama

Family Drama

A Chapter by Star Catcher

This is not my writing, this is completely the writing of my friend. Ricky's been up to something Glide doesn't like. Wonder what it is...



“What about this one?” Ambree asked, gesturing toward a door marked ‘Yochinai’.

Glide shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve ever been there. Doesn’t sound like a nice place for a vacation, though.”

“What’s it mean?” Niqi asked. “‘Acid soil’? ‘Abandon hope, ye who enter here’? ‘Don’t f*****g vacation here’?”

“Dead world.” Glide responded, moving to the door and placing a paw on the knob. “But you know what they say. Fortune favors the brave. And if we get into a tight spot, I’ve got the Book of Lore with me.”

“Like a book is going to help us in a dire situation.” Niqi laughed.

Glide ignored her, starting to turn the knob. Before he could get the door open, however, chimes sounded from inside his pocket. He reached in, muttering to himself, and pulled out a cell phone, flipping it open. “Yeah? …Good lord… Okay, I’ll be home in a second to deal with him.”

“What’s wrong?” Lujuria asked.

Glide snarled. “Ricky did something stupid. Now I have to go deal with it, before it escalates. Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”

“We’ll come with you.” Niqi said. “It’d be boring just waiting for you to get back.”



“Ricky!” Glide barked, kicking open the door of his son’s room.

Ricky yelped, diving under his bed. “Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t!”

“Guys, get out of here.” Glide said. “I’d like to have a word with my son in private.”

Nothing more was said, Shetani ushering everyone out of Ricky’s room. The door slammed behind them.



After a few minutes, the door opened again, and Glide stepped out, Ricky close behind him. “Go get your brothers, kiddo.” Glide said, patting Ricky on the head.

“Okay, dad.” Ricky replied, grinning and heading off down the hall.

“…Don’t tell me.” Niqi muttered, as soon as Ricky was out of earshot. “You spanked him.”

“Nope.” Glide smirked. “We just had a little heart to heart.”

“So you fucked him.” Niqi stated.

“If I was f*****g him,” Glide growled, “it would’ve been at least two hours before we came back out. Come on, let’s wait outside.”



Glide shoved a paw into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and slipping it into his mouth, watching the manor house’s front door. “They’re takin’ too long.” He stated, conjuring a small flame on his fingertip and using it to light his cigarette.

“No kidding.” Niqi muttered. “We’ve been standing out here for half an hour now.”

Another few minutes crawled by before the door opened, Ricky stepping out. In his paws, he held a pair of large fans, each sporting several long, beautiful feathers. “Sandy and Davis are coming.”

“At least you’ve got your stuff.” Glide smirked. “They bringing theirs, too?”

Ricky nodded, folding up his fans and fastening them to the ring sewn to the back of his shirt. “Sorry about the hold-up, guys. Davis couldn’t find Level Headed, we had to help him look for it…anyway, they were getting ready when I left their room.”

Glide raised an eyebrow. “Davis is bringing Level Headed? I can’t believe it even took to him at all.”

Ricky simply shrugged, walking over and nuzzling against his father’s side. “He’s your son, of course it took to him. It took to you, didn’t it?”

Glide smiled, wrapping an arm around Ricky’s shoulders.

“What’s ‘Level Headed’?” Ambree asked.

“This.” Davis’ meek voice said from the manor’s door. All eyes turned to the turquoise-furred half-Varixian boy. He held up a guitar, the body fashioned to resemble a moth, the head resembling a goat’s skull. The neck appeared to be spattered with blood. Satisfied that everyone had seen his ‘weapon’, he let go of it, allowing it to hang at his side as he made his way to his brother and father. “I apologize for keeping you all waiting.”

“Where’s Sandy?” Glide asked. “Digging out that old keytar?”

Davis nodded. “He should be here in about–”

“Now.” Sandy grinned, leaning against the door frame, amethyst-furred fingers already dancing across the keys of a synthesizer-guitar. “Sorry about missin’ the opening number, dad, but I’m ready to rock now, and that’s what counts.”

Glide stared at Sandy for a moment, then smirked. “Nice hair, kiddo.”

Sandy stopped playing, reaching up to run a paw through his silver hair. “Thanks. It looks good on both of us, doesn’t it?”

“Damn right.” Glide responded, taking the cigarette out of his mouth, crushing it in his paw, and dropping what was left of it. “You wanna be like your dad, and gods know that doesn’t bother me, but don’t take up smoking, okay? It can still kill you.”

“Okay, dad.” Sandy replied. “So, where are we headed?”

“A place called Yochinai.” Niqi said. “Hopefully, the name will be as misleading as the last place we visited, and we’ll finally be able to unwind.”

“It’s surprising.” Shetani commented after a moment, smirking. “A belly dancer father spawns three sons – a fan dancer, a guitarist, and a keyboardist.”

“F**k you.” All four Varixians muttered in unison.

© 2008 Star Catcher

My Review

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...I want to know what Ricky did... Ah well. I liked this chapter, and yay! New team members!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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God! I'm hooked to your very interesting book. this is all naturally planned-out and i love how down-to-earth your piece is.

count on me to read the other chapters in the next few days. simply brilliant and lovely!

thanks for the kind kind reviews as well.! i really appreciate it!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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""F**k you." All four Varixians muttered in unison."
I laughed. Alot.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2008


Star Catcher
Star Catcher


I write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..

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A Chapter by Star Catcher