![]() Separate FightsA Chapter by Star Catcher![]() This is completely the writing of my friend.![]()
“Here comes my favorite part.” Glide said, skidding to a halt outside the ruined temple. “The fight.” “Whoa,” Ambree laughed, sliding off of Shetani’s back, “you weren’t kidding about ‘rough ride’. Did we have to take that route?” Glide rolled his eyes. “We needed to get here fast.” He replied, letting Belleza down. “You wanna take the scenic route, we can take it on the way back.” “I’d rather take the fastest possible route to the nearest door.” Ambree said. “Come on, we’re not getting anywhere just standing here. Let’s go!” Glide barked, darting into the temple. “Wait for us!” Niqi called, following after him, drawing her blade as she passed through the archway. Glide flew past her as she entered, corkscrewing through the air and landing on his feet, blade drawn. Another male, wearing a flowing black cloak and carrying an enormous shuriken, landed in front of him. “F**k, Yamaki, get out of my way! I have some business to take care of with your father!” “Over my dead body.” Yamaki snarled, shaking the hood of his cloak down and revealing an ursine face. “When I’m down hurting you, you’ll have the honor of becoming my millionth puppet.” Glide went silent for a moment, glaring at Yamaki, reaching for Senpuu's hilt. “… Okay, I’m sick of talking to you. Move aside or I’ll facefuck you with a wrench.” Yamaki grasped the edge of his shuriken, kicking Glide backwards before sending the weapon whirling through the air. Glowing blue threads connected the puppetmaster’s fingers to his weapon. “You can’t outrun it, just give up.” “Who says I’m running?” Glide smirked, backflipping over the shuriken as it sped toward him, then flattening himself against the ground to avoid the return. Yamaki scowled, catching the shuriken, the weapon’s momentum spinning him in a circle. “You think you’re such hot stuff? Try dodging this!” Growling, the puppetmaster pitched his weapon again, using the energy threads to control the spinning blades. “Bustle.” He hissed, his weapon spinning fast enough to create sound similar to a large turbine. Glide leapt over the shuriken, sheathing Magus and drawing Senpuu as he came down. “Ball one!” He smirked. “Tremble.” Yamaki commanded, yanking his paws backwards and causing the weapon to reverse direction completely. As it returned to the puppetmaster, the shuriken followed his command, shaking violently and eventually turning to roll across the ground. Glide drove Senpuu into the ground, balancing himself on the sword’s hilt, out of reach of the puppetmaster’s grounded shuriken. “Oh, ball two! Get another pitcher!” Beginning to lose his patience, Yamaki jerked his paws upward, then spread his arms out. “Separate!” He roared, the shuriken jumping off the ground and splitting in half. The puppetmaster snatched up the shuriken halves, wielding them as swords. “Aw, no more games?” Glide pouted. “I was having such fun, too. I guess some people are just in a hurry to die…” Yamaki snarled, lunging forward and throwing his shuriken-blades, the weapons spinning toward Glide. Glide simply shrugged, dropping off of Senpuu’s hilt and unsheathing Magus, using it to knock the blades back toward the puppetmaster. Yamaki raised his paw to snatch the weapons out of the air, Glide taking advantage of the puppetmaster’s momentary lack of defense to dart forward and lay into him with a series of kicks to his stomach and chest. The ursine swung a fist at the Varixian, though it didn’t do him any good; Glide ducked under it and threw a punch into the puppetmaster’s exposed ribs. Unable to call his weapons back, Yamaki was at Glide’s mercy, forced to take the brunt of each of the Varixian boy’s attacks. Glide rammed his knee into the puppetmaster’s stomach, winding him and leaving him open for the final attack. The Varixian’s knee remained pressed into Yamaki’s stomach, Glide jumping up and grabbing the ursine by the back of his neck, pulling him down as the Varixian boy landed on his back, the puppetmaster’s chest crashing against Glide’s other knee. “To answer your question,” Glide snarled, “yeah. I think I’m hot stuff. And you’re not, derp-loaf.” Yamaki didn’t have time to react before Glide’s arm had looped around his neck, the Varixian deciding to end his life quickly. The puppetmaster went limp as Glide snapped his neck, his weapons falling to the ground a few feet away. “Does it hurt?” Glide asked, smirking. “Oh, I guess you can’t hear me anymore…” Releasing his grip on the puppetmaster’s lifeless body, Glide stood up, prying Senpuu from the ground and sheathing both of his weapons. As he made his way back toward the temple, he glanced down at the puppetmaster’s weapons. Nodding to himself, he grabbed them, then hissed and dropped them again, the fur on his fingertips charred. After a few seconds, glowing red energy reached up from the weapons, connecting to Glide’s fingertips. “So you wanna come with me.” He laughed, jerking his paw up and calling to the weapons. “Join!” He barked, the weapons jumping from the ground, assuming their original form and hovering in front of Glide. Grinning, he grabbed the shuriken, using the energy to strap it to his back. “Marionette.” … “Hey,” Lujuria yelled, tackling Senshi to the ground, “you’ve got something that belongs to me! Give ’em back!” “Try ’n’ take ’em.” Senshi smirked, pressing his feet against Lujuria’s stomach and sending the selkie rocketing across the room. Lujuria landed on his back, wasting no time in kipping to his feet and lunging again. Senshi rolled out of the way, spinning to his feet and reaching for his blade, unable to draw it in time to deflect the rather large shard of a stained glass window Lujuria pitched at him. The glass sliced through Senshi’s scales, slicing the dragon’s arm open. He paid it no mind, drawing his blade and attacking Lujuria. Lujuria sidestepped Senshi’s swing, snatching one of the Bloody Doves from the dragon’s belt and using it to parry another swing. A kick to the head brought Senshi down to his knees, Lujuria grabbing the other dagger from his belt and raising it up, pausing for a split second before bringing it down. The pause was enough for Senshi to swing his blade backwards, blocking the attack. Lujuria stumbled back as Senshi’s wings unfurled, a pair of claws on the dragon’s wings leaving long gashes across the selkie’s face. “You should be proud of yourself, kid.” Senshi growled, scooping up his blade. “You got your daggers back before I killed you. Too bad it’s still gonna happen.” Lujuria grabbed onto a column nearby, using it to swing himself upward, landing on an old holy symbol that hung from the ceiling. Senshi’s powerful wings carried him up to the symbol, the dragon landing on it and raising his blade. “Oh, look, you’re trapped. How unfortunate. Too bad you don’t have wings.” “Don’t need ’em.” Lujuria smirked. “You wouldn’t believe how much power I have in a place like this. Built from stone…” “You don’t honestly think I’ll believe you’re a geomancer, do you?” Senshi asked, stabbing at Lujuria. Lujuria parried the attack, shaking his head. “I’m not a geomancer. I’m a selkie.” Senshi raised an eyebrow, opening his mouth to ask what significance that held, when a large stone impacted the back of his head, sending him down to the floor of the temple. “Oops, did I do that?” Lujuria called down, leaping from the symbol and landing on Senshi. “I’m not sorry.” Senshi snarled, attempting to buck Lujuria off, only to have the selkie land on his feet in front of him. The dragon attempted to move, finding himself unable to. Glancing down as best he could, he spotted the Bloody Doves, protruding from his chest. “Not… fair…” He gasped out, collapsing. “Life isn’t fair.” Lujuria commented, ripping the daggers free and robbing the dragon of his belt. The selkie swung the belt around his own hips, buckling it and sliding the Bloody Doves into their sheaths. He paused, then picked up Senshi’s sword, sheathing it and walking away. … “Andra.” Shetani smirked, circling the drider on all fours. “I’m going to enjoy this…” Andra kept all eight eyes trained on the goddess, holding her halberd ready. “You’re unarmed. You’ll be dead before you hit me once.” “You think I came unarmed?” Shetani chuckled, rolling backward and kipping to her feet. “Here, let me show you just how wrong you are.” Still smirking, the goddess leapt forward, arms outstretched. Andra raised her halberd to knock Shetani away, but the goddess simply grabbed the weapon and used it to swing herself downward, her knees impacting Andra’s stomach. “My body is a lethal weapon.” “Learn to use it, then.” Andra growled, grabbing Shetani by her neck and throwing her across the room. “I’ve had thousands of years to.” Shetani sneered, landing in a crouch on the far wall and kicking off of it to launch herself back toward Andra, slamming into her and knocking her to the ground, her halberd skidding across the floor. Andra snarled, wrapping her hands around Shetani’s neck. “Don’t forget, you can die in this form…” Shetani’s eyes widened, thick spiderweb beginning to wrap around her neck. She struggled against Andra’s grip, freeing herself after a moment and trying in vain to rip the web off. Andra rose to her feet, moving to grab her halberd. As she crouched down to pick it up, an orange leather boot struck her in the face. “Sorry, sugar. Somebody called an exterminator.” Glide smirked, kicking Andra again and sending her up into the air. “Hey, Barbie, need some help over there?” “I’d appreciate it!” Shetani snapped, digging her claws into the spiderweb around her throat. Glide rolled his eyes, flicking a fireball toward Shetani and incinerating the web. “There, you’re good to go. Now let’s beat this b***h’s a*s.” “Two against one?” Andra smirked. “I don’t think the odds favor you quite yet. Perhaps you should call in the other four.” Glide took a step forward. “Let me ask you a question.” “What?” Andra asked. “What did the five fingers say to the face?” Andra raised an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with–” Shetani stepped forward and struck Andra with an open-palm slap across the face, cutting her off. “Slap!” “See what a superiority complex gets you, b***h?” Glide grinned, drawing Senpuu and handing the enormous blade to Shetani. “It gets you a motherfuckin’ hurricane bitchslap and a sword in the face.” Shetani hoisted the blade, then, smirking, allowed her arm to go limp, the blade slamming down and slicing Andra in half. Satisfied, the goddess handed Glide his blade, then grabbed Andra’s halberd. “Thanks for the help.” “Hey, it’s what I do.” Glide said, sheathing his blade. … “Whoa!” Niqi yelped, skidding to a stop in front of an enormous gargoyle demon. “Move over, Jabba the Hutt…” “I think that’s Luvak.” Ambree said. “And I guess he’s ours.” Niqi smirked. “Let’s take him out, then.” “I call the whip!” Ambree laughed, darting forward and drawing Insecte, stabbing it into Luvak’s gut. The blade cracked as it made contact with the gargoyle’s stone skin. “Well, that’s not good…” Luvak raised one enormous hand and swatted Ambree away, knocking her into a column, which collapsed on top of her. Niqi lunged, sliding around Luvak and jumping up onto his head. Grinning, she grabbed the gargoyle by his horns and yanked his head backwards. Ambree dispelled her shield, sending stones flying in all directions, one of them striking Luvak in the throat. The gargoyle demon roared, shaking Niqi off. “Well, look at that, a weak point.” Niqi said, clasping both paws together and concentrating her energy. As she pulled her paws apart, long, blade-like claws appeared between her fingers. “…That’s a new one.” “I’ll distract him,” Ambree whispered, “you start carving him up.” Niqi nodded, waiting for an opportunity, scraping her claws together. “Hey, fatso!” Ambree yelled, jumping up onto Luvak’s arm. “Hit me if you can!” The demon snarled, swinging at Ambree, narrowly missing as she flipped off of him. Niqi took her chance, rushing forward and thrusting her paws toward Luvak’s exposed throat, the claws detaching and spiraling through the air, piercing the demon’s stone skin. Ambree hurried to finish the job, launching herself into the air and driving Insecte into Luvak’s jaw. The blade pierced the demon, shattering shortly after. Sighing softly, Ambree sheathed what was left of the weapon, grabbed Luvak’s whip, and headed further into the temple. “Don’t worry, Shetani can probably fix it.” Niqi said, following after her. … “Lady Stardust.” Freya sneered. “Time has not been kind to you.” “Good to see you, too, dearie.” Belleza smiled. “Shall we continue the small talk, or start trying to kill each other?” “I never did like small talk.” Freya said, leaping forward and raising her staff. As she swung it downward, Belleza slid backwards, kicking the staff back in Freya’s face as soon as it touched the ground. Snarling, the fallen priestess shook off the blow and attacked again. Belleza grabbed the staff as it came down, using it to pull Freya forward and into a raised boot. Freya stumbled backwards, releasing her grip on the staff. She was quickly swept to the ground, her own staff slammed down on her stomach. “Now, let’s see what we can do about you living…” Belleza said, placing a hand over Freya’s mouth and utilizing her water-based power to flood the priestess’ lungs. “Please die quickly, I’d like to get some cabbage today.” Freya struggled against the old selkie’s grip, unable to fight her off. Her struggling gradually became weaker, until it finally stopped. “There.” Belleza smiled, picking up the priestess’ staff and whistling a jaunty tune as she headed toward the temple’s main room. © 2008 Star CatcherReviews
2 Reviews Added on April 18, 2008 Author![]() Star CatcherCTAboutI write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..Writing