![]() Sewers and InfoA Chapter by Star Catcher![]() This is completely the writing of my friend. I think this is the point where I stopped working with him on Tendou to work on my other stuff.![]()
“We have four days.” Glide said, pulling his robes off. “Four days to prepare for the Dark Lords.” Shetani nodded. “Four days until we confront them at the ruined temple. We may be cutting it close. We’ll need to figure out as much as we can about the Dark Lords; perhaps they have some sort of weakness.” A bushbaby appeared from the shadow of a nearby building, approaching the group. “You shouldn’t speak of them here.” He murmured. “They have ears and eyes in the city. You are only truly safe from them in the wilds.” Everyone was silent for what seemed like an eternity, until, finally, Glide spoke. “Mag? Is that you? You’re…wait, no, you’re still short. What do you know about the Dark Lords?” “I know that Luvak is still waiting for the opportunity to create new abominations.” Mag replied. “And that Andra is hungry for divine blood. The Puppetmaster, Yamaki, has strings around everyone in any position of power. And Byakko… He’ll send Freya after you, if you evade Andra any longer.” “And the ruined temple in the mountains?” Glide asked. Mag shrugged. “Not much I can tell you about it. It used to be a temple dedicated to the worship of Shetani, but now… The Dark Lords are using it as a base of operations on Tendou. Andra, Luvak and Yamaki are always there, but Byakko stays below with Freya.” Glide nodded, sitting down on the curb. “Any word on Fafnir’s whereabouts? I don’t want to have to contend with him, too.” Mag shook his head. “Nothing. Last I heard, he was guarding something for Senshi, but that was about five months ago.” “Who’s Fafnir?” Niqi asked. “A hellhound.” Glide responded. “Pretty sure he’s Byakko’s pet. I caught his scent back on Seisen, but I have a feeling he’s here.” Mag turned, heading down the street. “By the way,” he tossed over his shoulder, “Kigetski left something for you, last time he was here. It’s down in the sewers; the only place nobody would find it.” … “Yeah, ‘let’s go get it now’. Great idea, Glide.” Shetani snarled, trudging through the murky, stagnant water of a sewer no longer used. “It’s disgusting down here, and I think the slime at the bottom is trying to devour me.” “Just don’t think about it.” Glide said, a few steps ahead of her. “Maybe if we’re lucky, it’ll be dry up ahead.” “I sincerely doubt that.” Shetani muttered. “Honestly, I’d be happy if my luck held out and it didn’t get any deeper.” Glide grinned, glancing over his shoulder at the goddess, waist-deep in slime. “Don’t worry, I’m sure the worst thing that’ll happen is that slime suckin’ your pants off.” “I’m sure none of us want that to happen.” Niqi laughed. “We don’t need a rerun of the fortress hall.” “Yes, I’d rather have my pants on during a fight.” Shetani responded. After a few moments of silence, Lujuria piped up. “Where’d grandma go?” Ambree groaned. “Not again.” “Don’t worry, dearies, I’m up here.” Belleza said, climbing along the pipes that covered the ceiling above. “…I’d ask how she got up there,” Glide muttered, “but I don’t think I wanna know.” … “No f*****g way…” Glide breathed, staring at the enormous sword before him, lodged in the wall. “Is that…Senpuu? He said he lost it years ago…” “What’s Senpuu?” Ambree asked. “The entire reason I gave Full Throttle to Kigetski.” Glide replied. “When he told me he’d lost it, I gave him Full Throttle, and took the Bloody Doves.” “He never actually lost it.” Shetani stated. “I suppose this is his way of giving it to you. Hurry up and grab it, so we can get out of here. I think this slime really is starting to suck my pants off.” Glide snickered quietly, reaching up and gripping Senpuu’s hilt. Giving it a quick jerk, he freed both blade and sheath from the wall. “Let’s go.” He said, swinging the sword over his shoulder and strapping it to his back. … Lujuria was the first to climb out of the sewers, Belleza climbing up after him, followed by Niqi and Ambree. Glide paused for a moment as he ascended the ladder, looking down at Shetani. “Come on, hurry up.” “I’m stuck.” Shetani said, attempting to pull her legs from the slime, to no avail. Glide extended a paw, grinning. “Gimme your paw, I’ll pull you out.” Shetani nodded, grabbing Glide’s paw and allowing him to pull her from the slime. “…My pants are still down there, aren’t they?” “Yep.” Glide replied. “Think the slime ate ’em.” “Well, that’s just great.” Shetani muttered. “I used what little magic I had access to when we got here, to make those damned pants. And I am not going back to those dark priest robes. They itch.” “You sure you don’t just have fleas?” Glide smirked. Shetani glared at him. “You should watch how you use your tongue, lest I deem you unworthy of it.” “S**t, chill out, it was a joke.” Glide said, rolling his eyes. “If the kilt wasn’t attached to my pants, I’d lend it to you.” “Just climb.” Shetani sighed. “It’s going to keep happening anyway, I might as well just walk around without them on.” … “Hey, Glide?” Ambree asked, walking between the Varixian and the goddess. “I’ve been meaning to ask you. How the hell do you know so much about everything?” “It builds up.” Glide responded, shrugging. “I’ve been alive for, let’s see, a hundred ’n’ sixteen years, so it shouldn’t be that surprising. I never forget anything.” “Oh, really? When were you born?” Glide smirked. “March nineteenth, 1892, six-fifteen in the morning in “You’re from Earth!?” Niqi yelped. “I-I-I thought you–” “Earth.” Glide said. “Didn’t stay long, though. I stumbled across my key to the Nexus at one point – before it’d been found by those dumbasses and became the way to travel – and started traveling. Think I was about sixteen at the time. Truth be told, I’m the one that named a lot of these planets.” “And your mother?” Ambree asked. “Jessica Molly Koruko. Born April sixth, 1870, in “What about your father?” Niqi asked, a few steps behind Glide. Glide sighed. “Reiko Sendo Enkara. Born October thirty-first, 1504, in Ambree thought it over for a moment before answering. “Who was the first person you killed?” “Honestly, I never knew his name.” Glide said. “He f****n’ spooked me when I was a kid, and I accidentally brained him with a wine bottle.” “First person you ever had sex with.” Lujuria grinned. “Vanessa Dalonzo.” Glide responded, shrugging. “My girlfriend about eleven years ago. Next thing I know, she ends up dead and I’m stuck with a son I never knew I had.” “How were you able to survive for over a hundred years without aging?” Ambree asked. “That’s actually a pretty good one.” Glide said. “Lina Labeau, my grandmother, put a curse on the males in my family back in 1504, because my grandfather left her and never came back. The age is different for everybody, but once we hit a certain age, we stop aging and end up living forever, meaning we can’t really get close to anyone, because they’ll end up growing old and dying without us. She put the curse on us when she was pregnant, and died giving birth to my father.” “Oh, I’ve got another one.” Ambree said. “Where’d you get your nickname?” “… “Do you mean ‘nice’ or…‘nice’?” Ambree grinned. Glide spun around, Magus drawn in a flash and pressed to Ambree’s throat just as fast. “Have some f*****g respect for the dead, b***h!” “Sorry.” Ambree squeaked. “He saw me…how I hunted.” Glide said, turning around and sheathing Magus. “He gave me my first three piercings when I first joined his gang. The eyebrow, the tongue, and the top one in the left ear. He used to tell me he had never seen anyone that could do what I could. He was the closest thing to a brother I had when I was younger.” Pausing, he glanced over his shoulder at Niqi. “One word comes out of your goddamn mouth and I swear to god, Magus’ sheath will be lined with your fur.” “How did you hunt?” Ambree asked. “I ghost; y’know, shadow glide.” Glide responded. “Watch.” He approached the shadow of a building, diving into it and disappearing from view. A few seconds later, he appeared from Shetani’s shadow. “Neat trick, huh? Any place with a shadow, I can ghost to. I can pass between shadows without being seen; see, check it out, let’s go backwards through what I did. Shetani’s shadow connects to Lujuria’s, which is up against that building.” He paused to point toward a building to his right; sure enough, Lujuria’s shadow was touching the shadow of the building. “The building’s shadow touches the shadow of that burnt-out streetlight, which connects to that other streetlight, then to the building over there, near the one I ghosted from. I was able to ghost from that building, cross the shadows of the ones nearby, go through the streetlights’ shadows, the building’s, and Lujuria’s, to reach Shetani’s.” Ambree went silent for a long moment. “…That’s amazing… How did you learn it?” Glide shrugged. “I didn’t. I was born with it. It’s one of my own unique abilities. I don’t think anyone could ghost quite like I do. The only problem with ghosting is the light; if two shadows don’t connect, even if there’s only a little sliver of light between them, I can’t ghost between them. I would have to leave one shadow to enter the next. And if a light were to shine on a shadow I was ghosting in, I’d be exposed. But if you get me in a pitch black room…” He chuckled darkly. “Well, there’s no telling where I could come at you from…” The group walked in silence for a few more moments before Niqi spoke up. “Remember when you said you broke into Blackblood and stole the warden’s shoes?” “Yeah.” Glide nodded. “Why?” “What ever happened to them?” “I’m wearin’ ’em.” Glide grinned, lifting one of his pant legs and revealing an orange leather cowboy boot. “Pretty snazzy, ain’t they?” “You’re one in a million, Glide.” Niqi laughed. “More like one in seventeen billion.” Glide responded, smirking. © 2008 Star Catcher |
1 Review Added on April 18, 2008 Author![]() Star CatcherCTAboutI write. I enjoy it. I have so many ideas just waiting to be formed and organized. Some day, you will see a book with my name on it. more..Writing