random rant of everything going on in my head as i typeA Story by standing aloneits kinda 1 BIG sentenceok so im going to write evything going on in my head ok ,im hinestky going insane right now and im really debating leaving a few parts out of what im thinking , um screw it , i dont really see what the deal with me lately i cant sleep for more than a couple hours if im lucky i havent slept in 2 days so ya iv started taking vitamins but they give me energy during the day but at night im just dead but i cant fall asleep so thats adding to the madness going om in my head dang i spelled on wrong i might go and fix that if i remember but ya sorry a bout that wow even i think this is going to be wierd especially with there being no commas or periods hahaha i wish i could give this to my 5th grade teacher she would freak out eh what ever i didnt like her anyways is anyways a word i m not quite sure i dont think iv ever seen that in a book iv seen anyway but never anyways eh whatever holy crap its 4 in the morning i really needs some sleep but im not tired so ill keep on typing ug i dislike this song its all about some dude who thinks he is in love with this chick then she rips out his heart and his just depressed mmh F it im changing the song now ok this 1 is better its i hate my life by theory of a deadman the whole song is about a guy who is tired of how he has to work all day then sees hoboes siting on a corner and their getting paid that would just suck actually in my dead tired state this song kinda sucks alot so im gonna change it again wow im am so bloody tired this is gonna seem like such a pile of crap when i finally get some sleep and read this over but whatever haha i just noticed that im wearing a shirt with a fish on it that i got in fifth grade wow thats an ugly blood red fish aw dang i started thinking about the 1 thing i was trying to keep out of this by saying completely random stuff but o well im still trying to get over my ex girlfriend and its driving me nuts has any one thats reading this ever have that happen where after they breakup with you still weeks lateer they still are stuck there grrr im going insane eh what ever ill forget her eventually besides she kept telling me about all the girls at school that like me so i might look into that =) lol either im insanly tired or im really pale cause it really dark and it looks like im glowing haha she was right i am a freak i glow in the dark hahaha dang this thing is getting pretty long and im still not tired so ill keep going i hate glasses i keep getting those little spots and they make the keys all like distorted haha heres a really funny random joke what did the fish say when he ran into a wall dam hahahahahahahahahahaha OW my arm is still messed up from that i was doing paintball and got shot in the inside of my elbow on bare skin urg that really hurt but oh well i got the kid that shot me right in the face it was fun oh ya sweet i get to do it a gain on saturday yay lo i just read this over and it barely makes sense to me so if oyu get wha i talking about tell me i want to se how many of you get this yawn im hungry i dont remember if i ate dinner or not whatever i dont remember i go get something when im done typing this haha sounded like a cave man there haha i go get something i meant ill go get something well i guess im done now cause my brain is kinda shutting down and i kinda sorta cant think anymore so ya lol it is curently 4:35am on april 4 in rainy washington goodmorning =) © 2009 standing aloneAuthor's Note
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Added on April 4, 2009 |