![]() The Doors of Fate- Ep.1: You Can't run From FateA Screenplay by Sean![]() When ten teens all mysteriously receive tickets to a mansion in the middle of nowhere, they must find answers, and more importantly, survive in a place where everything goes wrong.![]() TEASER EXT-DARK FOREST-NIGHT A terrified girl runs for her life in an empty forest. She is constantly looking back, frantic as to what is behind her. Her boots snap the dead branches fallen from the ominous trees above her. Her breath can be seen in the freezing weather as she breaths out of her mouth, struggling to keep her movement fast in the chase for her life. Her heart feels like a sledgehammer, banging against her chest with every step she takes. Her hair, blonde, a tangled mess of twigs and leaves that flows behind her. As she takes a quick glance back she sees what is chasing her, and her eyes widen with fear. Suddenly, the jackhammer in her chest is now pounding even harder than it was before. She urges her legs to pump faster, and begrudgingly they except, pushing her harder and harder through the endless array of seemingly identical trees. She takes another quick glance behind her. Mistake. In her moment of weakness she failed to spot the small hill before her, only feet from where she was, she tumbles over it, and slides across the ground onto the unforgiving floor. As she slams to the ground she feels something snap. She looks down at her leg, only to find it bent in a completely misshapen angle. Her unlucky landing would prove to be her downfall. GIRL S**t! Oh no! No, no, no. She looks around in all directions to try and spot the unknown enemy. Hopeless, though it was, she began running again, her leg an anchor on her body slowing her down. She looks forward, backward, into the trees, and still couldn’t find a sign of it. The one place she didn’t look however, was below. Her free leg is caught, and for a moment, she thinks that she’s dead. However, she gets up and sees what horrifies her to an even greater extent. What was once a healthy man was now staring at her with blank, dead eyes. She can no longer take it. She shouts, her voice cracking from not being used in forever, and calls for a desperate attempt for someone to hear her. GIRL Someone! Please, anybody, help me! Her shouts continue to echo into the trees, and she can only hope that someone miraculously hears her plea. GIRL Oh god. It’s over. She hears a growl off in the distance. Whatever was after her was getting closer, and it wanted her to know that. She felt like a rabbit trying to outrun a fox. Slowly, the hope dimmed from her eyes, and she slumped against a tree. GIRL F**k this. There isn’t any hope. I’m just going to die like the others. She stares up at the sky, and feels the words tumble out of her mouth. GIRL Goodbye. I’m sorry everyone. It’s my fault that you died. It’s all my fault. Please, please forgive me. Tears pour down her rosy cheeks and drip down her chin. She makes an effort to wipe away her tears with her hand but they just keep coming, like an unforgiving onslaught of sadness. Suddenly, her arm is grabbed, and she is pulled into the darkness of the trees, screaming and crying for help. GIRL No! No! Please! Help me! Somebody, please, he- Her last plea sounds like a final note in an orchestra, ringing out into the night, only no one was applauding. Her decapitated head falls onto the floor, with fresh tears still clinging to her face. As the shadow of whatever killed her scoops up her head and drags her body away, it passes a sign that says: “Welcome to the Doors of Fate, Please Enjoy your Stay”. ACT 1 FADE IN INT-DR. BERTRAND’S OFFICE-MORNING In a calm, and peaceful room, Oscar Hernandez (17), sits in a comfortable leather chair, staring at the floor, as if he’s trying to solve an invisible puzzle. He looks up at his psychologist, Dr. Bertrand (53), with apparent worry showing in his brown eyes. He scratches his short, brown hair and begins to speak. OSCAR I just feel as if my life could spiral out of control at any second, you know? I…I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Dr. Bertrand nods slowly at Oscar, with a very calm expression that tells him that he cares about everything he had to say. DR. BERTRAND Oscar, I wouldn’t worry about this. That’s why you are here with me, to get a hold of your problems. You have the ability to grab the reins of this horse, and steer it in the direction you want. Oscar nods his head in understanding, and continues to solve the invisible puzzle on the ground. After a while, he looks up. OSCAR I…completely agree. You’re the professional, and I’m just a… well… a crazy person. DR. BERTRAND Oscar, that isn’t true. You are better than a lot of people out there in this world. Dr. Bertrand looks at Oscar with worry, and then reaches over to pick up a blue ticket, lying on an end table next to him. DR. BERTRAND Oscar, I want you to have this. He hands Oscar the blue ticket, and the boy stares at it for a while at first, but then takes it from the psychologist’s outstretched hand. OSCAR So, what exactly is this place? Oscar stares at the ticket in his hands and notices there is a picture of a huge mansion on it. The mansion looks serene, beautiful even. However, there seems to be a sort of mysterious atmosphere to it. As Oscar looks at it, he almost doesn’t see the big gold words embossed on the front that say “The Doors of Fate”. OSCAR I don’t understand, why…why are you giving this to me? Is this a haunted house? Or maybe, it’s a… resort? DR. BERTRAND Oscar, please, give it a try. You never know until you do, after all. I got this ticket in my mailbox, and all I could determine from it, is that it is a place that could give someone a much needed rest and relaxation. Of course, I could never do this, because I am constantly busy with work, but you, my dear friend, could put this to use. For a moment, the doctor has a very odd expression. He looks almost as if he’s orchestrating a dogfight and betting on who the winner will be. He glances at his Omega watch and the strange look vanished instantly. He looks back up at Oscar. DR. BERTRAND I’m sorry, Oscar, but we are out of time. I look forward to our next session. Oscar bolts out of his chair, politely, but quickly, nodding to the psychologist as he rapidly walks out of the office. OSCAR Um…yeah, and thank you…for everything. EXTR-HALLWAY TO THE PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE-MORNING Oscar leaves the comfort and warmth of the office and takes a closer look at the mysterious ticket. Something about it seems familiar, but he can’t quite shake it. The double doors leading into the mansion seemed so inviting yet, also ominous. INTR-AUDITORIUM-NOON Onyx Kaiser, tall and lean, is standing on the stage of an auditorium with a small nearly invisible mic wrapped around his ear. Right now, he stands in front of his audience of fellow peers, and he is giving them a speech about fear. ONYX What do we fear? That’s a good question. There’s really one thing we all fear, as a whole. Onyx walks slowly across the stage, his movements graceful and calculated. ONYX They say fear is only what you make of it. It’s all in the mind, but that’s not all there is to it. If it were that simple the world would be filled with brave, fearless heroes… and it isn’t. Onyx slowly walks, then stops in the middle of the stage and surveys his audience. He smiles as he skims through every row. ONYX Everyone is the same. (Beat…) ONYX We’ve all seen a horror movie right? Every good horror movie keeps you on the edge of your seat, guessing, anticipating, and despairing over what might happen next. It is an experience that is unparalleled, and that is what differentiates horror from every other genre. However, I challenge you, to watch that same movie over again, and try to feel that same feeling you felt the first time. Sadly, you can’t. It’s obvious why, isn’t it? Simply, it is because you’ve seen it all before. That, my dear friends is the true source of all fear, and no one is immune to it. Onyx begins speaking slightly faster. He keeps up his calm and collected facade, but it seems evident he needs to get his point across. ONYX I mean, think about it. What has stopped you from dancing with that special someone, chasing your dreams, or simply being yourself? It’s because you have no idea what will happen if you do those things and will thus be afraid of the consequences. Theoretically, when you see a problem, you can deal with it, because you know what it is. However, a problem you don’t know, will inevitably haunt you, and you will fear it, because you don’t have any way to fix it. Onyx stops, and for a moment it appears as if he has one last piece of information to give to the crowd, his mouth hanging open as if he has something to add. However, he decides against it and instead wraps up his speech. ONYX Thank you all so much for listening, I greatly appreciate it. The crowd politely applauds as Onyx exits the stage. INTR-BACKSTAGE THE AUDITORIUM-NOON As Onyx enters the backstage area, Carmelita Vela is watching him, standing against a wall. A very practical girl, Carmelita wears her hair in a ponytail sticking out of her favorite baseball cap. A curled strand of her hair peaks out of her cap just slightly next to her face. She smiles shrewdly as Onyx confidently walks over to her. CARMELITA Nice work out there. It almost made me believe that you were an actual person. One with a heart, and everything. You do know what a heart is, don’t you? Her spanish accent is very apparent as she talks. Onyx smirks at her, and reaches for a small water bottle on the floor. He ignores her remarks and lightly twists off the cap of the tiny bottle. That was the thing with Onyx, even removing a water bottle cap had to be beautifully graceful. CARMELITA (CONT’D) You know, it’s the organ in your chest, that pumps blood to the- ONYX I know what a damn heart is, Carmelita. Onyx takes a swig of water, and then turns back to Carmelita, a look of annoyance plastered on his face. He wasn’t usually like this, but something had shaken him. Carmelita did not notice at all. CARMELITA I’m sorry; of course you know what a heart is. It’s your wish to the Wizard of Oz, isn’t it? ONYX Yes, yes, very amusing. So, is there something you need, or did you just come over here to bother me? CARMELITA Well, bothering you was just a side mission. I actually have a message from Angelica. Onyx sighed, he knew what was coming. ONYX Oh? And what is this humble request from the Queen of Mean, herself? CARMELITA I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me. I do know however, that she said it was an emergency and you need to head over to her house right away. Onyx finishes drinking and tosses the water bottle into a nearby trash can. Nonchalantly, he nods, as if this happens on a daily basis. ONYX She probably got her eyebrows burned off or something. Be a doll and accompany me there will you? With a skeptical look on her face, Carmelita slowly walks up beside him. CARMELITA Wait, you’re actually going to check up on her? Onyx shrugs, and for a moment, it looks as if he’s in a daydream, but he quickly resumes his gracious bearing and walks slowly over to the exit door. ONYX What’s the harm? INTR-FOREST CLEARING-AFTERNOON A dear looks around calmingly, and then takes a bite of grass. It feels serene, and its beauty resonates in the sunlight, bathing in the faint yellow glow of the golden star. Suddenly, it hears a rustle. Startled, it looks up at what made the unexpected noise, and vanishes into the comfort of the trees. The thing, or person it was looking at, was Jane Weber (17), who was trying to quietly watch the deer. Jane was not to blame however, because her very handsome boyfriend had arrived, stepping out of the trees and startling the deer. His name is Ken Wei (17), and he carries his backpack on one shoulder, to emphasize his cool factor, and stuffs one hand in his pocket. He smiles charmingly as Jane’s face is a mask of anger. However in reality, she is very happy to see him. JANE Kenny! You scared off the deer! KEN Oh, yeah? I suppose you’re going to punish me now, huh, maybe…with a kiss? Jane rolls her emerald green eyes. JANE No. KEN Well, it was worth a shot. What are you doing out here anyway? I mean, alone in the woods? This is the setting of most horror films, you know? JANE Really? This is the setting of most horror films, in a forest clearing in the afternoon with birds chirping and dear? KEN (JOKINGLY) Um, yeah, we’re in serious danger right now. I think we should evacuate the forest pronto. JANE Ha ha, Kenny. That was so funny, I actually remembered to fake laugh for you. KEN Alright, Miss Perfect, I get the idea. Ken sits down next to Jane and pulls her closer to him. KEN You still haven’t answered my question. Jane stares off in the distance, hesitant for a minute. She then looks Ken in his deep brown eyes. To her, Ken isn’t just some typical Asian hunk. JANE I guess… I just had to get away for a minute. KEN Don’t tell me you’re listening to what those mean girls have to say. Jane is about to speak but notices a familiar girl not far from where they’re sitting. The uncomfortable girl stares at the floor and is poking the ground absently with a stick. JANE Hey, Nanako! The girl looks up. We get a closer view of Nanako Takada. Her dark eyes dart to and fro to see who had called out to her. She sees Jane, one of her best friends, and Jane’s boyfriend, Ken. Upon seeing Ken, she blushes. We can tell Nanako has a huge crush on Ken. NANAKO I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you. I’ll just be going. JANE Nonsense! Nanako, you’re enjoying this beautiful view, and everyone on the planet has a right to that. Come on over and sit with us! Nanako’s spirit seems somewhat lifted. She smiles, awkwardly, and looks as if she might take Jane up on the offer. NANAKO Thank you, I’ll- Ken interrupts. KEN You’re such an amazing, compassionate girl, Jane. I think you’ve earned this. Ken Reaches over and kisses Jane suddenly, yet smoothly. Upon seeing this, Nanako looks crushed and walks away from the couple dejectedly. Jane shoves Ken off of her, angrily. JANE Ken! What was that?! Ken looks hurt and confused. KEN Wow. I’m sorry for loving my girlfriend. JANE You don’t think Nanako was weirded out by that? KEN We’re dating! It’s normal to see a couple kiss! Jane looks disgusted and stares back at the scenery. JANE I just… please let me enjoy the clearing. KEN Sure. JANE ALONE! Ken looks hurt. He stands up and begins to walk away. KEN Okay. Fine, and uh…have fun on your trip… JANE Have fun on what trip? Ken points to a ticket sticking out of her backpack. KEN At the uh… nature place or whatever you’re going to for relaxing. I’m… sure you need it. As Ken walks away Jane grabs the ticket out of her backpack, and stares at it, confused. JANE What, the doors of fate? What on Earth…? EXTR-SIDEWALK ON A NEIGHBORHOOD-AFTERNOON Nanako is walking across the street alone, looking hurt and exasperated. Her dark hair flows in the cool breeze. Nanako is a girl who is definitely pretty but doesn’t know it. She sees a familiar face walking across toward her. It’s Oscar Hernandez. She lights up as he walks over. OSCAR Nanako! What a coincidence. It is so great to see you! Nanako is looking dejected but she quickly brightens up at the sight of Oscar’s charismatic smile. NANAKO Yeah, you too. OSCAR So…are you just taking a walk? Getting your mind off things? I get it. I like to take walks all the time. It helps me with you know, dealing with life. Nanako nods and smiles, but then stares at the floor. She has a slight crush on Oscar too, but once again, is too shy to say anything. She blushes, and stutters, trying to move along the conversation. NANAKO S-so, do you have any plans over the weekend? Nanako suddenly realizes that what she said sounded like a prelude to asking him out, and blushes even redder, if that were even possible. Oscar, however, doesn’t notice. Instead, he has his mind on something else. He looks slightly uncomfortable for a second, but then erases the look, and smiles at her. OSCAR Will you…walk with me? Please? Nanako’s heart skips a beat. She almost couldn’t even get the next few words out of her mouth. NANAKO Sure, of course. The two begin walking across the sidewalk together. OSCAR I’m actually on my way this weekend to a vacation spot. NANAKO Oh, yeah? W-w-what is this place? Oscar continues to speak jovially, completely oblivious to Nanako’s awkwardness and stuttering. OSCAR Well, um, I’m sure you’ll be surprised by this, but…it is actually called…can I get a drumroll please? Nanako laughs. NANAKO I would but I have no drums. OSCAR That’s okay. It’s called The Doors of Fate! How crazy is that?! NANAKO Yeah, that is a pretty odd name for a vacation spot. OSCAR What?! No! I mean, the fact that we’re both going there this weekend. NANAKO What makes you think I’m going? Oscar stops walking and looks visibly confused. OSCAR You’re…holding a ticket in your hand. NANAKO What? No I’m- Nanako looks down at her hand and notices she is clutching firmly onto a ticket to The Doors of Fate. She looks quizzically and concernedly at the ticket. OSCAR I’m sorry…uh; did you forget you were holding onto it? Or maybe, you’re giving it to someone else. Nanako instantly becomes petrified. NANAKO I don’t…I…is this some kind of prank? OSCAR Woah, Nanako, no. I would never prank someone. Trust me, I know what it feels like to…look, maybe you just…forgot about it? NANAKO Oscar, this is really weird. If you didn’t plant this ticket on me, then who did? Nanako glances at the ticket again, and focuses on the mansion and the big gold letters that say THE DOORS OF FATE. END ACT 1 ACT 2 INTR-ANGELICA’S HOUSE-LATE IN THE AFTERNOON Focus in on a young girl with earbuds in lying on the couch listening to punk rock. She stares off into space as she is completely oblivious to the doorbell ringing in the background. This girl is Elemia Dupuis. An african-american woman with hair shaved on the right side with long bangs on the left side. We feel as if she releases a very chill and cool vibe. Outside, Onyx is repeatedly ringing the doorbell over and over again. Carmelita, annoyed stands there for a few seconds, angrily. She then slaps his hand away from the doorbell. CARMELITA What the hell are you doing?! ONYX Trust me. This is Elemia and Angelica we are talking about. They won’t answer the door unless we ring it repeatedly nonstop- Onyx is interrupted when the door swings open, and an angry, yet strikingly beautiful girl, is staring daggers at him. Meet Angelica Grace. mid-length blonde hair, and sharp blue eyes, it’s obvious she doesn’t need to spend much time in the mirror, not that she would want to. She goes for a simple look, and her blonde hair right now is, for the most part, an unkempt mess. ANGELICA What the HELL…do you want!? ONYX You invited me, remember? ANGELICA You’ll pay for my doorbell if you break it, you know that right?! ONYX Thanks for the invitation. Onyx lets himself inside. He looks around and notices Elemia on the couch chilling. She waves at him, and he waves back. Angelica storms after him, with Carmelita tailing behind her. ANGELICA Onyx, I know your etiquette is extremely lacking, but could you refrain from barging into my house?! If you could, that’d be great, thanks. ONYX So, what is it this time? You look…fine, so I assume you must have burned something else down with your weird chemistry experiments. ANGELICA What?! No! This has nothing to do with my pyrotechnics! ONYX Then what, exactly is this about? ANGELICA Did you plant this in my mailbox?! Angelica flashes a ticket with the picture of a mansion on it and the familiar letters, THE DOORS OF FATE. Onyx looks briefly confused, then amused. ONYX Ah, I see. You think I put that there as some sort of practical joke. ANGELICA No, I don’t think you did. I know you did! What’s the deal! I’m not that bitchy! Just ask Elemia. Elemia gives a thumbs-up from her location on the couch. ONYX I can see why she listens to her music so loud. Carmelita interjects the conversation. CARMELITA What even is this place? It looks like a resort, but it sounds like a church. ANGELICA I don’t know, why don’t you ask the know-it-all here? Angelica gesticulates angrily at Onyx who seems to be very amused at this whole situation. ONYX Angelica, I have never seen this in my life. However… Onyx yanks the ticket from Angelica. ONYX I would stay away from here. Something…doesn’t quite sit right with it. CARMELITA He’s right. It could be a sham. ANGELICA But, it’s free though. How could it possibly be a sham? I mean, it’s not like I want to go, anyway. It’s just weird, that’s all. I mean, does anyone know about this place? ONYX It is an odd name. Yet, I don’t think people just memorize a list of vacation spots to keep in back of their mind, so odds are, you won’t find anyone who knows about it…unless, of course, they’ve been there. CARMELITA Maybe they have a website or something like that. Onyx and Carmelita look at Angelica expectantly for a few seconds. ANGELICA Go ahead. Use my laptop. Onyx pretty much uses whatever he wants to in my house anyway. Elemia gets up and saunters over to the door. She flashes a quick peace sign as she walks over. ELEMIA I’m taking off. See ya, guys. ONYX You don’t want to find out the mystery? If Elemia heard Onyx, she didn’t respond, because she was already out the door. ANGELICA Well… Angelica pulls out her laptop from her backpack, and hands it to Carmelita. ANGELICA Let’s find out what this place really is. EXTR-KEN WEI’S HOUSE-LATE AFTERNOON Ken is walking up the driveway before he remembers to check his mail. He walks over to the mailbox to check it. From there, he opens the mailbox to find a ticket with a note attached to it. Ken, Here, I was thinking you might want to relax with some friends. -A very secret (not-so secret) friend Ken smiles, and sees that attached to the note is a ticket to THE DOORS OF FATE INTR-FAST FOOD RESTAURANT-LATE AFTERNOON Elemia Dupuis is sitting across Jane, eating her fries with care. It was almost as if Elemia believed that Jane was going to turn into some sort of giant snake right then and there. After carefully taking another fry, Elemia finally speaks. ELEMIA So, what are you doing here? I wouldn’t think you would be caught dead in a fast food place like this. Jane stares angrily at Elemia. You can tell that she is clearly having a hard time refraining from slapping the food out of Elemia’s hands. JANE Sadly, I need your assistance with something. Elemia looks somewhat surprised as she takes another fry. ELEMIA With what? Jane slaps the food out of Elemia’s hand as she takes another fry. JANE Can you stop eating junk food for five whole seconds and listen to me speak?! Elemia Stops. JANE My boyfriend and I got into an argument today an- ELMEIA Boohoo. JANE Let me finish! Much to Jane’s chagrin, Elemia starts stuffing fries into her face. This time, it seems that she is purposefully trying to grab as many fries as she can and stuff them into her mouth. JANE He kissed me, rather affectionately, and I shoved him off. The kiss seemed weird and misplaced, almost like it wasn’t coming from a place of love, but a place of want, you know? Elemia nods as she shoves more fries into her face. JANE Well, anyways, I felt really bad about it, afterward, because I realized that he really does care about me. I mean, there was this ticket in my backpack to a vacation resort, and I could tell he wanted both of us to go, but he left after I yelled at him to leave. Elemia stops eating for a minute and swallows. ELEMIA Why do you need to talk to me about this? Jane blushes and scratches her head. JANE I’m not good at apologizing. Elemia looks confused for a few seconds. ELEMIA Did someone tell you I was? JANE I just assumed you would have good advice about this issue because you rarely deal with a situation that bothers you. Elemia ponders for a minute, and Jane gets impatient watching her think. JANE So…? ELEMIA Isn’t this Ken we’re talking about? JANE Well, yeah, obviously. ELEMIA Then chances are he’ll probably apologize to you first. Afterward, just tell him how much he means to you or something sappy like that. Jane laughs, and looks somewhat flirtatiously at Elemia. JANE You know, you’d make a pretty good girlfriend to a very lucky guy. Elemia smiles at the compliment. ELEMIA Why, all of a sudden do you like me? You were bristling from hate, not two seconds ago. JANE You have an atmosphere, one that I think I might like being around more if, well, you know... Jane gestures to the junk food Elemia is eating. Elemia shrugs. ELEMIA Everyone has their flaws. Even you. JANE Yes. I suppose…you’re right. EXTR-GYM-LATE IN THE AFTERNOON A very muscular young man exits the double doors of a gym. He’s sweating, his dark pompadour slightly off kilter from his typical workout. This is Jerome Knight. He takes a swig out of his water bottle and swings his towel over his shoulder as he’s about to leave. A worker in the gym rushes out of the double doors. GYM WORKER Excuse me! Sir! I think you forgot something! Jerome immediately checks his pockets to see if his wallet is there. It is. Jerome looks further confused when the man is holding up a ticket to a vacation resort. JEROME Sorry, I think that belongs to someone else. GYM WORKER It was in your locker. The gym worker hands him the ticket, before Jerome can further protest. GYM WORKER Take it. Trust me. I’ve got important stuff to do, okay? Just…take it as a free gift. Jerome watches in confusion as the worker enters the building. JEROME Dumbass… Jerome looks at the golden words on the ticket, “The Doors of Fate”. JEROME This better not be a waste of time. Jerome shakes his head and walks over to the parking lot. INTR-TUCKER’S HOUSE-LATE IN THE AFTERNOON Focus in on a young, chubby seventeen year old eating a bag of chips while sitting at his computer. Meet Tucker Jackson, who seems like a typical high school nerd with taped glasses and short blonde curly hair. He looks over at his friend, Oscar, who is staring intently at what is on the screen. Tucker begins to shrug. TUCKER Look bro, I don’t know what’s up. I’ve inspected this email up and down, and I still can’t make sense of it. OSCAR Yeah…it definitely is…odd. Focus in on the email on Tucker’s screen. Tucker, I think you need some time to relax. Here, thank me later. -Your friend Oscar continues to stare at it, as if looking at it long enough will spontaneously combust an answer. Tucker grabs another potato chip. TUCKER Yeah, I mean, I woke up, logged on, and here was the email. I open it up and the ticket already comes out of my printer. I mean, What the hell?! What if I don’t want to go? I mean, this person seems a little too sure of themselves that I will enjoy this place. OSCAR It’s not just you. Nanako got a ticket too, and I did as well. I just don’t understand how so many people I know are all of a sudden getting tickets to a place I’ve never heard of. TUCKER Well, maybe someone’s pranking us. OSCAR No! Tucker is thrown off. He notices the pain in Oscar’s expression. OSCAR This isn’t a prank! TUCKER Okay, okay. It’s all good man, don’t worry. Oscar moves away from the table to clear his head. He shakes his head and looks around Tucker’s room as if seeing it for the first time. Tucker looks visibly concerned. TUCKER Um…you good, man? Oscar turns around, and tries to look normal. OSCAR Yeah…I’m fine. Oscar steps back over to Tucker. OSCAR Can’t you just…look this place up on the internet? See if it’s real. Tucker throws up his hands in disbelief. TUCKER Oh, of course. Why didn’t I think of this before? As soon as Tucker pulls up a search engine they both hear a loud thump on the door. Oscar looks back at Tucker, an expression of worry on his face OSCAR Are you expecting someone?! Tucker shrugs and tries to act nonchalant, when in reality; he’s freaking out about twice as much more than Oscar is. TUCKER Not that I know of. Oscar walks over to the door cautiously. The Thumps are strangely rhythmic and get louder with each step to the door. Oscar closes his eyes, braces himself and yanks the door open to reveal JEROME standing in the rain. JEROME Jesus, man! Could you go a little faster, I’m freezing out here! Oscar looks confused. OSCAR How…how did you know I was here? Jerome looks at Oscar quizzically. JEROME I got your text. OSCAR I didn’t send you a text. JEROME Well, according to this phone you did. Tucker slams his fists on his laptop table. TUCKER God d****t! JEROME What the hell are you yelling for! That moment, his desk light flips off, the fans slowly turn off, and all other lights in the house turn off TUCKER The power’s out. END ACT 2 ACT 3 INTR-ANGELICA’S HOUSE-NIGHT Focus in on Angelica pacing back and forth across her room. Carmelita is searching the internet on her laptop while Onyx is sitting lazily on the side of her bead. Angelica stops pacing. She glares at Onyx. ANGELICA Do you have nothing to do? ONYX Nothing at all. CARMELITA I just don’t understand why there isn’t anything about this, anywhere. There is no website, no number, not one single person to contact for more information. ONYX I wonder if anyone else has gotten a ticket here. ANGELICA Guys, this is obviously a big fake! Angelica glares at Onyx again. ANGELICA And I sincerely hope YOU’RE not the one pranking me! ONYX Trust me; I wouldn’t prank you with a stupid ticket. Onyx sits up. ONYX Besides, why is there nothing about it on the internet? I’m sure people have been tricked before. Or even if they weren’t, they would probably say something like, “watch out for the ticket that goes nowhere!” CARMELITA I’m sure there is something on the corner of the internet somewhere. ONYX Where’s my mysterious ticket? Angelica stops pacing and looks in disbelief at Onyx. ANGELICA You WANT one?! ONYX Don’t get your panties in a knot. It’s not like you have anywhere to go. It’s just a ticket. I mean is there even an address on that ticket? Angelica reaches into her jeans pocket and pulls out the ticket. She skims the front and back of it. ANGELICA Um…no. Carmelita closes the laptop. CARMELITA Then, great, we don’t need to look for it anymore. Someone was clearly practicing their… artwork, or… something. ANGELICA On a f*****g ticket?! CARMELITA Calm down. I’ll ask about it, okay? ANGELICA Ask who?! CARMELITA Maybe… one of our other friends may have gotten a ticket, or has been there before. ANGELICA Whatever. No matter what, I’m not leaving my house this weekend, and this place isn’t going to stop me. INTR-TUCKER’S HOUSE-NIGHT A candle is lit in the darkness. A hand pulls it up to a face we know as Oscar’s. He sets it down on the table. OSCAR I’m worried, guys. TUCKER The ticket won’t kill us in the dark, Oscar. OSCAR That’s not what I’m worried about. Oscar stares intently at the candle for a few seconds. TUCKER Okay, so what are you- The three guys hear a series of thumps on the roof. Tucker looks up. TUCKER Is that what you’re worried about? OSCAR Is there anyone else coming here, Jerome? JEROME How the hell am I supposed to know? I just got a text supposedly from you that said you needed me here! Tucker shakes his head in exasperation. TUCKER This so f*****g sucks. Why did this have to happen at MY house?! OSCAR Sorry. Oscar takes a deep breath and exhales. OSCAR Regardless, I think someone is going to have to check outside to see if the fuse box is all right. TUCKER What?! No! Let’s just wait it out. I’m sure that all of this is just a power outage. JEROME Oh, really? Jerome gets up and walks over to the windows, where he peaks outside. JEROME Then why are the streetlamps still on? Tucker gulps, and Jerome smirks at his reaction. JEROME Tucker, chill out, man. I know how to handle myself in a fight if I need to. I’ll go see what’s going on outside. Oscar stands up. OSCAR I’ll go with you. You know, in case you need help. TUCKER Whoa, whoa, whoa. I am NOT staying here on my own. JEROME It’ll be just a few seconds, you big baby. We’ll be back before you know it. Jerome leads in front as he opens the backdoor and steps out into the night. Oscar lingers behind for a few seconds. OSCAR We’ll…be back soon, Tucker TUCKER You better be. Oscar gives his best reassuring smile as he steps out of the door. Jerome is already checking the fuse box as Oscar steps outside. JEROME Well, this explains the light problem. Jerome points to the fuse box. OSCAR What’s wrong with it? JEROME You tell me. All the wires were cut. Something must have seriously messed with this to the point where there is no power in the house at all. OSCAR Is there any way that we can fix it? JEROME Um…how about…hell no? OSCAR Wait, so if the fuse box is the problem then why aren’t we getting any service? JEROME The only thing I can think of is if the cell tower got jammed or something. OSCAR What? But… who would do this? JEROME Your guess is as good as mine. Jerome notices the painful expression on Oscar’s face. He tries to console him. JEROME Hey man, look. I know you’re probably really upset about this, and worried, but I promise you, no one is going to hurt you while I’m around. Oscar looks back at Jerome and tries to smile. It fails and ends up being one of those awkward forced smiles. OSCAR Thanks Jerome. Let’s just… head back inside, okay? JEROME Of course. The two walk back inside the house. JEROME Hey! Tucker! It turns out your fuse box is all messed up. All the wires were cut and there isn’t any power. There is no response. Oscar walks over to where the candles are lit and finds no one there. OSCAR Tucker?! Tucker! Tucker, where are you, man! JEROME Hey, Oscar, look! Jerome nudges Oscar and points to a note on the table. Oscar picks it up quickly. JEROME What does it say? Oscar reads it, then, with a horrified look on his face, he dashes out of the house. Jerome watches him at first, surprised, then dashes after him. JEROME Oscar, wait up! What the hell is going on! As the two leave, we get a good look at the note on Tucker’s coffee table. WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOUR FRIEND IS, OR BETTER YET, WHAT THE DOORS OF FATE ARE? DON’T WORRY, JUST HOP IN YOUR CAR, AND YOU’LL FIND IT. FATE ALWAYS LEADS YOU TO WHERE YOU NEED TO GO! -YOUR FRIEND EXTR-THE SIDEWALK OF A NEIGHBORHOOD-NIGHT Onyx and Carmelita are walking home after their strange encounter at Angelica’s house. Onyx ponders to himself for a moment as Carmelita frequently steals glances at him. She wants to say something, but doesn’t quite know how. Finally, she speaks up. CARMELITA Onyx… Onyx continues walking, continuing to ponder. ONYX What? CARMELITA Do you think Angelica will be all right? ONYX Why wouldn’t she be? CARMELITA I don’t know, I just- Onyx stops, suddenly, and motions for Carmelita to stop as well. ONYX Look. Onyx points to a blue ticket attached to a fishing hook attached to a line connected to a rod high up in a tree. ONYX Someone’s messing with us. Carmelita, with a look that says “I’ve just about had enough of this” moves over and yanks the ticket off of the hook. She holds it up like a trophy. CARMELITA Well, now look who’s laughing? Onyx looks unamused. ONYX Still whoever is messing with us. Carmelita stops and looks somewhat concerned for Onyx. CARMELITA Onyx, what’s wrong? You seemed pretty shaken up after the whole deal with Angelica. Onyx stares at the moon in the sky for a few seconds, then looks back at Carmelita ONYX You’ve never seen someone die, Carmelita. It can be a very…traumatizing experience After saying that, Onyx walks off towards his house alone with Carmelita looking concerned and confused after him. INTR-ELEMIA’S HOUSE, BASEMENT-NIGHT Focus in on Elemia who is playing an electric guitar. The sounds that she makes are clearly made from a skilled musician. Elemia strums rhythmically and defines each and every note perfectly. It is obvious that she is the most comfortable with music around her. As Elemia finds herself getting immersed in her music, suddenly it cuts out, and the electric guitar she is playing makes little sound. She turns over and sees that the amp is unplugged. ELEMIA Hmm, that’s odd. Elemia walks over to the amp and plugs it back in. Little does she know an enormous shadow looms over her back. She turns around and the shadow vanishes. Nevertheless she felt something around her. She looks around and the only thing she can spot is a single ticket lying in the middle of the floor. Silently, Elemia moves over and picks up the ticket. THE DOORS OF FATE is written on the ticket. ELEMIA Interesting. Elemia stuffs the ticket in her pocket and continues to play her guitar. 4B. ELEMIA’S HOUSE, DRIVEWAY-NIGHT The night seems completely normal with the exception of one dark figure standing alone, watching Elemia’s house silently. The figure leaves, moving effortlessly like a flickering shadow. INTR-ONYX’S ROOM-NIGHT Onyx sits in his room solemnly when he notices a piece of paper on his desk. He stares at it, wondering if he should dare to look at it or not. Finally, after better judgement, Onyx gets up and reaches for the letter. He reads it, and then Onyx sets it back down and sits back down on his bed, clutching his head. He starts rehearsing his speech at the auditorium. ONYX People lie to you about fear, you know…everybody…everybody…is…the same. Everybody…is the same…everybody…everybody. Onyx takes one more look at the letter from his position on his bed. He looks at it with disdain, almost as if he could foresee what was going to happen next. ONYX I don’t…I don’t know what is going to happen…and that…like everybody else…scares me. Focus on the piece of paper, a letter for Onyx ONYX, DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? DO YOU? I DON’T THINK YOU DO. DOES THAT MAKE YOU SCARED? OH AND BY THE WAY, HERE IS YOUR TICKET. -YOUR FRIEND Focus on the before unseen but now clearly apparent blue ticket lying next to the piece of paper. On the front of the ticket are the words THE DOORS OF FATE. Onyx walks over to the desk and grabs the ticket forcefully. He tears the ticket in half, then into smaller bits, and dumps it into the trash. ONYX I will not give into fear. I will not…give into this! Onyx slams his hands on the table and falls to his knees, with a hopeless expression on his face. It’s almost like he knew that ripping up the ticket did about as much good as spitting at a tornado. END ACT 3 ACT 4 INTR-KEN’S HOUSE, DRIVEWAY-SUNRISE Focus in on Ken, who is on the phone with his girlfriend Jane. They are clearly discussing what they believe is the “Vacation Resort”. Ken is about to enter his car and Jane is on the other line, packing for what she believes will be a relaxing trip. JANE Honey, do you even know where this place is? KEN You know for some reason, I don’t need a GPS. I know exactly where this place is. I must drive by it all of the time or something, because it is just so clear in my mind right now, you know? JANE I guess, babe. Wait a minute, you know, I think I know where it is too. Ken Laughs KEN Oh yeah? So, do you want me to pick you up or…? JANE No way, I have way too much stuff for your car KEN Okay, that’s cool… perfectly… fine Jane can detect the sadness in Ken’s voice and tries to reassure him JANE Babe, don’t worry, we’ll be in the resort soon enough. Then we can be together for as long as you want. Ken laughs, and then shakes his head. KEN It’s not that babe. JANE Then, what is it? Are you not looking forward to this? KEN What?! Babe, of course I’m looking forward to this. I just…I was a huge jerk the other day, and I’m really sorry. I treated you like you were…like you weren’t even a person. I…don’t want to be that guy. I want to be a person that…no THE person that you deserve. Jane can’t help but smile at his cleverly crafted speech. JANE Honey, you know I can’t stay mad at you. And, I forgive you. You’re the guy that’s best for me. I hope you know that. Ken smiles; because that is the only thing he wanted to hear from Jane KEN Jane… thank you JANE No problem, babe. See you at the resort. 2. OSCAR’S CAR-SUNRISE Oscar is driving quickly down the road with Jerome in the passenger seat. The two are silent for a few seconds until Jerome breaks the ice. JEROME Oscar, we need to head to the police. Oscar shakes his head angrily. Tears are almost about to stream down his cheeks. OSCAR We can’t! They would probably blame me for the whole thing! They would think that I did it! JEROME Oscar, that’s not- Oscar slams on the breaks and slams his fist on the steering wheel. OSCAR Don’t you get it?! JEROME Oscar come on, what are you- OSCAR You don’t understand! Now full tears were streaming down Oscar’s face. OSCAR You don’t understand what I have to go through! My life is nothing to them! The police don’t trust me! They just think of me as just another basket case! Jerome stares at Oscar in disbelief. Oscar calms down slowly. OSCAR That’s why… that’s why we can’t go to the police. They’ll… they won’t understand, Jerome, they just won’t. Jerome puts a hand on Oscar’s shoulder. JEROME Oscar…you have no idea how many times I’ve wished for you to be happy, to live a content life like everybody else. Jerome rubs his eyes as if to try to show Oscar that he isn’t getting emotional. JEROME You mean a lot to me, Oscar. You may not be normal, but who is? You’re my best damn friend in the whole world! And God help me if I’m gonna let some psycho path get between me and you now! Oscar smiles and laughs OSCAR Damn Right. JEROME Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Let’s go, man! Let’s find Tucker! Oscar nods his head and wipes away his tears. OSCAR Right, let’s go. Oscar puts his foot on the gas pedal and drives confidently back on the road. INTR-ELEMIA’S CAR-MORNING Elemia is driving down the highway, likely toward THE DOORS OF FATE. She has a calm expression on her face as she drives, listening to her favorite song on the radio. EXTR-ONYX’S HOUSE-MORNING Carmelita is banging on the front door of Onyx’s house. CARMELITA Onyx! Onyx, are you in there?! Carmelita realizes this is a hopeless effort and thinks of the only other place Onyx could be. Carmelita hops on her bike and rides straight in the direction of THE DOORS OF FATE. CARMELITA I don’t care what kind of doors these are, they won’t stop me from seeing my friend. INTR-ANGELICA’S HOUSE-MORNING Angelica walks over to the refrigerator and then opens it to find there is no milk. She sighs with frustration. ANGELICA Mom! There isn’t any milk left! Angelica looks upstairs to see if her mother s there. ANGELICA Mom! Are you there?! Angelica curses under her breath. ANGELICA I guess in these days you have to supply yourself with your own milk. No big deal, I’ll just head to the grocery store myself. Angelica grabs her purse and her keys then opens the door. She looks back into her house, because for some reason she gets an eerie feeling that she will never see it again. ANGELICA Goodbye, mom! If you can hear me, I’m going to the store! If you need anything just text me, okay!? And with that last sentence, Angelica left her house. EXTR-NATURE CLEARING-MORNING Nanako is standing alone looking at nature, feeling an emptiness inside of her that she can’t quite understand. Onyx, without her knowing slowly steps next to her. ONYX Unbelievable isn’t it. Nanako looks over at him disgustedly. NANAKO What do YOU want? ONYX Nothing, nothing at all. For the first time, Onyx was telling the complete truth. ONYX I just want to enjoy a view like this one more time before it goes away completely. NANAKO It won’t go away. Onyx confusedly looks at Nanako. ONYX Oh? Why is that? Nanako glares at him and then points to her head. NANAKO Because it will always exist in here, and no one, especially you will ever take that away from me. ONYX I knew you disliked me but… I didn’t think you hated me. NANAKO I don’t hate anyone. ONYX Could’ve fooled me Nanako watches the clearing for a few more seconds then turns to Onyx quickly. NANAKO How do you do it, huh? Onyx turns to her. ONYX How do I do what? NANAKO You don’t care about anything. Nothing fazes you. It’s almost like you know everything that’s going to happen and you’ve seen it all before. Onyx stares at the scenery for a few seconds. ONYX I don’t know everything. Trust me. And with those last words, Onyx nonchalantly turns around and leaves Nanako to stare at the greenery by herself. As Onyx leaves Nanako takes the familiar blue ticket out of her pocket and clenches it in her hand. As she does this she turns and watches Onyx walk away. EXTR-SIDEWALK IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE-MORNING Onyx continues his walk across the sidewalk and notices the scenery change rather quickly as he walks. He feels slightly tired and stops for a minute. He forces his eyes closed to try to regain some stamina. EXTR-THE DOORS OF FATE-MORNING As he opens them again he sees the biggest mansion he has ever seen. He looks over and views the sign WELCOME TO THE DOORS OF FATE, PLEASE ENJOY YOUR STAY. Not long after that Onyx notices Nanako walk up next to him. NANAKO This… is unreal. Two cars pull up to the resort not long after that. Both Ken and Jane get out of their cars. Elemia’s car arrives seconds after, Carmelita’s bike after that, and surprisingly, Angelica’s car. As all of them watch the mansion ahead, only one voice can be heard, Angelica’s. Angelica’s old run-down volkswagon beetle slowly pulls up to the other cars and slows down gradually until it comes to a complete stop, dead in front of the gates. ANGELICA Are you kidding me?! My car breaks down here?! I can’t believe this! Does anyone know how to fix a car! Anyone, at all! I’m waiting?! During Angelica’s ranting Elemia just stares at the sign, as if it were the most interesting thing she had seen in her whole life. Meanwhile, Ken tugs Jane underneath his arm. KEN We made it. We’re here. Are you ready for me to never leave your side, babe? JANE Only if you are ready to never leave mine. They kiss, and as they kiss Carmelita rushes over to Onyx CARMELITA I… didn’t know you got your ticket already. ONYX It’s okay Carmelita. I really just need time to ponder by myself, alright? CARMELITA Of course, whatever you need. Nanako walks over to the massive double doors that invite them into the resort NANAKO Is this…a dream? Much to Nanako’s surprise, it was Elemia that walked up to her this time. The gates tower above them 2o feet tall and are bright gold, shining in the sun. ELEMIA Trust me. This is real. I know when something isn’t. Angelica begins to kick her car repeatedly until another car comes racing down from the other direction forcing everyone to clear it a path. It screeches to a halt and both Oscar and Jerome leap out of the car with a purpose. Both are surprised to see everyone there. Oscar looks like he is about to say something until a muffled yell is heard from inside Oscar’s trunk. Jerome acts first. JEROME Christ! Don’t tell me that’s… Jerome opens the trunk to reveal a tied up Tucker with Duct Tape over his mouth. Jerome rips the tape off of his mouth. TUCKER Holy Jesus! It’s about time! Care to untie me? Jerome, still with a confused look on his face unties Tucker and helps him out of the trunk. Oscar looks incredibly confused. OSCAR I don’t… but how… we were looking for you and… Tucker waves away Oscar’s surprise. TUCKER It’s fine. Trust me. I mean, it isn’t fine, but I knew you guys would find me. You’re pretty loyal, almost like super heroes. Jerome looks annoyed. JEROME Explain. Even Angelica stops beating her car to observe the scene unfolding in front of them. ANGELICA Yeah, I think we would all like an explanation. Tucker looks at everyone, and then shrugs. TUCKER What can I say; one minute I was enjoying the candlelight with my buds. The next minute, I was in the trunk of Oscar’s car. Ken moves over to Tucker and puts an arm around him. KEN Guys, I think the important thing here is that we’re all safe, and ready to enjoy a killer vacation. I mean what a coincidence! The ten of us!? All together in a resort! It’s gonna be a blast! Come on, who’s with me?! Angelica rolls her eyes. ANGELICA Fine, whatever. Jane grabs Ken’s arm affectionately. JANE You know I’m in. ELEMIA Me too. I already packed and I really don’t feel like going back. Tucker stands next to Elemia. TUCKER Man, lazy much? But, I do agree, I’m actually pretty excited. Oscar looks up and tries his best to smile. OSCAR Sure, I’m in. JEROME Then I’m definitely coming. Carmelita nudges Onyx. CARMELITA I think we’re supposed to say something. ONYX Fine, let’s go. Oscar notices Nanako timidly holding onto her arm, saying nothing. OSCAR Nanako, what about you? Do you want to go? She looks up and tries to smile. NANAKO Um, why not? Sure. KEN Great! I have a feeling this will be an unforgettable weekend. ONYX Yeah, it certainly will be something to remember. Onyx stares into the sky and then once more at the large mansion in the distance. END ACT 4 ACT 5 EXTR-THE PATH TO THE MANSION-BEFORE NOON The ten friends begin walking the path to the house in the distance. Each of them has a different look on their face. Some look confused, others look content and happy, almost carefree. Onyx walks beside Carmelita, while Nanako walks keeping a little bit of distance between her and Ken and Jane. Tucker is walking beside Elemia and Angelica, while Oscar is walking with Jerome. Onyx speaks up to Carmelita ONYX Why did you think I needed saving? CARMELITA I didn’t think you needed saving, I just thought you might’ve been doing something stupid. ONYX Oh come on, when do I ever do anything stupid? CARMELITA You do stupid things all of the time. Carmelita points her finger at Onyx, as if she just figured something out. CARMELITA What about when you angered that big wrestler guy by saying his sport was gay? ONYX Come on, it’s men aggressively hugging other men, how could it not be? CARMELITA The point is…he wasn’t too happy was he? ONYX Hmm… guess not CARMELITA And by the way, I’m sure it takes a lot of skill to wrestle. I mean, the conditioning they go through isn’t a cakewalk you know. Onyx lets out a short laugh, almost as if he is forgetting the strange house and resort before them. He returns to the reality of the situation. ONYX What do you think is going to happen here? CARMELITA I’m not quite sure, to be honest. The view is kind of nice but… ONYX You honestly believe that this is a vacation resort. Carmelita thinks for a few seconds. CARMELITA It may be strange and somewhat…unique but…I think it’s still a resort, yes. Onyx shakes his head in disbelief. CARMELITA Look, let’s try not to worry about this, okay? I’ve had enough stress on my plate for a while and I’m looking forward to blow off some steam. Move over to Ken and Jane who are walking hand in hand to the mansion together. JANE It isn’t quite what I imagined it to be, but it still provides a relaxing atmosphere, don’t you think, babe? KEN Yeah, it’s nice. I’m glad to be here with you They smile at each other. In that smile, Jane notices Nanako shyly walking alone. JANE Hey babe, can you move ahead, I have to talk to Nanako about something. Ken looks kind of confused but shrugs it off. KEN Uh…sure babe, whatever you need. They kiss as Jane walks over to Nanako. JANE Nanako, I need to speak with you. NANAKO Um…sure. If this is about the kiss, it’s perfectly- JANE This isn’t about the kiss, Nanako. Moreover, this is about something much, much more. Nanako looks uncomfortable as Jane stares at her with a very observant expression. She smiles, but something about that smile seems odd and fake to Nanako. JANE I know you have a crush on Ken. Nanako stares at her in shock for a few seconds. How could she know? NANAKO No, I swear, I’m not interested I- JANE No, honey, it’s fine. I just need you to stay away from him okay. We all know what hearts are capable of, don’t we? Jane smiles that same smile at Nanako. Nanako feels severe chills down her spine and tries her best to smile back. NANAKO I…won’t go near him. JANE Good, that’s wonderful. Jane steps away from Nanako to catch up with her boyfriend, while Nanako feels as defeated as ever. Move over to Oscar and Jerome who are discussing the oddities of THE DOORS OF FATE. OSCAR I just can’t believe that this place can exist anywhere but a dream. JEROME Yeah, just…stay close, all right? We’ll make it out of this. OSCAR Is it too late to turn back? JEROME I think so Jerome points to the gates that are now closed. They seem bright and inviting, however something seems off about them, almost as if they are fake. JEROME It closed us in. OSCAR Like rats in a cage, right? JEROME We aren’t rats, Oscar. We can leave this place whenever we feel like it. Nothing cages us. Oscar smiles with a new level of confidence as they head for the mansion. Move over to Elemia, Angelica, and Tucker. Angelica is mumbling to herself about her car. ANGELICA I can’t believe this. My car breaks down in the worst place possible. This place has No service guys! No service! There better be a phone or something in that stupid mansion. Elemia just shrugs while Tucker aims to mock Angelica. TUCKER Hey…come on. A girl like you could use a little time away from her phone! Angelica glares daggers at Tucker, while Elemia does her best to hide her smile. ANGELICA What’s that supposed to mean?! TUCKER I mean, you’re always on it, it’s almost like you would rather die than part ways with your phone. ANGELICA Tucker, nobody likes you. Angelica walks away from Tucker as he continues to walk next to Elemia TUCKER Man, sick burn. I don’t think I can recover from that one. ELEMIA She does have a way of words doesn’t she? TUCKER Ha, yeah. You know, I’ve always wondered why you were friends with such a mean person. ELEMIA Well, she’s always been there for me, and I’ve always been there for her. That’s just how it is. TUCKER Would you…you know…if you had to…give your life if you had to…in order to save hers Elemia doesn’t hesitate. ELEMIA Yes. TUCKER What?! But…I doubt she would do the same for you! Elemia stares off at the mansion. ELEMIA It doesn’t matter. That’s just the way it is. TUCKER I guess…but if you ask me, you should invest in better friends. As everyone gets to the mansion they take in the mysterious aura about it. CARMELITA This place is so…I don’t know. I can’t quite put my finger it. Ken rushes ahead. KEN Well, what are we waiting for! Let’s get this party started! INTR-DINING ROOM-BEFORE NOON Ken is checking out the table and wall decorations. KEN Wow! Check this out! This table is spotless! And look…ten chairs! Perfect for each of us! JANE Of course babe, it’s practically a dream. INTR-CARMELITA’S ROOM-BEFORE NOON Carmelita and Angelica are observing the room they will be sharing. ANGELICA Seriously? Now would be a good time to say, I didn’t bring any extra clothes on me. CARMELITA Eh, that’s fine. Look outside. There’s a town not far from here. If you want we can go find some clothes there. Angelica looks out the window to where the town supposedly is ANGELICA Where the f**k is everybody? CARMELITA Maybe they’re all sleeping. ANGELICA Yeah, right. I bet you that town is abandoned, honey. Angelica goes to lie down on her bed. ANGELICA I call bottom bed. CARMELITA Fine by me, I was gonna call top bunk. Carmelita looks off out the window to see if anyone is out there. As she is looking both her and Angelica hear a scream. They look at each other, in panic. CARMELITA That sounded like- ANGELICA Elemia! Angelica races out the door with Carmelita right behind her. INTR-THE MANSION-BEFORE NOON As they reach the source of the screaming Angelica covers her mouth. ANGELICA Oh my god. This is bad. Slowly all of the others arrive to where the scream originated. Elemia is the first to speak. ELEMIA Someone was murdered here! Everyone looks horrified as we now see the girl from the TEASER her decapitated body lying in a closet. Pan over everyone’s faces as they react in either fear or shock. Oscar, then Jerome, Onyx, Carmelita, Nanako, Angelica, Elemia, Tucker, Ken, then Jane. END ACT 5 TAG INTR-ROOM IN THE DOORS OF FATE-NOON Show a room with several eerie qualities about it. There are several jars of unknown things inside of them, most likely eyeballs and possibly other body parts. A dark figure sits on a chair and watches a screen of the ten kids with status signs on all of them. The status signs declare that they are alive and well for each kid. The dark figure switches the camera onto the ten kids outside of the mansion. The figure leans back and puts up a sign over the computer that says: Let the Fun Begin.
© 2016 SeanAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() SeanChandler, AZAboutHello, fellow writers, allow me to take this opportunity to tell you all about myself. I am a huge fan of NSYNC, I love to sing, and play guitar and cello. I am a terrible dancer, but I've been play.. more..Writing