Emergency Room Musing
A Poem by Mr. Stage Four
I realized that I am already working on the "Cancer" poems. This fascinates me, in that clearly my only form of release lies in scribbling words. Is that what normal people do? What is "normal?" I think the concept of defining what is or isn't normal is slightly out of place. Flies may linger in the window, seeking a way in. But they may only enter if I open my window. Oh, but what if that window is open? There is the mind-boggler! Not on to let that much of the outside inside. Health Care Workers have two different voices. Some are twitching about me like birds "understanding." Others bark at me series of questions as if I'm in a verbal quiz. What in the hell happens if I give the wrong answers? Early days, they say. Treatment options they promise. Pieces of paper and machines. Machines and pieces of paper. Waiting. Oh dear Lord the waiting is the worst. News channel on the television. Months out of date magazines with mostly advertisements. That's not too bad, though. Bring sheets of paper and a pen. I am, after all, working on the "Cancer" poems.
© 2015 Mr. Stage Four
Hopefully this is not written through experience.Such a good piece of writing,the machinations of a troubled mind whilst the world goes about business as usual.Very well written
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you...unfortunately, yes it is true..I am a cancer patient..
9 Years Ago
Jeez,I'm so sorry,I'll keep everything crossed for you.Take care
1 Review
Added on October 5, 2015
Last Updated on October 5, 2015
Mr. Stage FourCanada
Detailing the Cancer journey.....a man's thoughts on his disease...and how it impacts on his heart and mind. more..