![]() Chapter 11: TensionA Chapter by Cameron Simo![]() Our ragtag trio have stayed in Sanjo for a few days and are now ready to head out again on their mission...but not before some confrontations with some familiar faces.![]() 17 Ecedbrem, Cycle 1973: 25 years before the Taplican Raid
As the years passed, the bond between Jayven
and Pheo strengthened. After each school day, Jayven would meet his friend in
the downtown sector of Taplica. The two of them would share a treat from
Jayven’s lunch that day and sit on the sidewalk, watching the flow of people
pass them and staring up at the clock tower to monitor the time. The young boy
shared what he had learned in class with the homeless man. Pheo always looked
forward to hearing how excited Jayven was about his lessons, especially the science
classes he started taking at the age of eleven. His young companion eventually met
another boy and became friends with him, which Pheo and Jayven celebrated by
going to the Dareve Bistro across the street and splitting a large milkshake.
It was those moments which made Pheo happy. He was glad to see Jayven grow as a
person. Pheo was sitting on top of a box
in the snow. A blizzard hit the city a few days earlier and the snow remained,
chilling the man. He had the blue coat that Jayven lent him the other day over
his shoulders in an attempt to keep himself warm. The crunch of ice crystals
under the passing pedestrian’s boots overpowered the constant mumbling in the
streets, with the occasional strike of a metal coin hitting another if someone
put change into the poor man’s hat. As he looked up at the clock tower’s face,
he heard footsteps slow down and stop beside him. He looked over and saw Jayven
holding a thermos in his hand. A torn-off portion of curtain was wrapped around
his neck to act as a scarf. His hair was much longer than when they first met,
his bangs constantly having to be brushed to the side. His blue eyes seemed to
get more intense in colour as he got older. “Pretty chilly out,
huh?” Jayven opened the thermos and handed it to Pheo. His voice was deeper,
but it still had a squeak to it. “Just a bit,” Pheo
chuckled as he took hold of the thermos. The metal container instantly warmed
his hand. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the tomato soup. “I haven’t forgotten
your favourite soup just yet,” Jayven replied, leaning against the building
behind him. Pheo began drinking some of the
liquid, causing his body to heat up. The snow blanketing the city glistened in
the small amount of sunlight peeking through the clouds. Jayven fiddled with
his makeshift scarf as he watched people do their routines. He started to
memorize what people did if they made the same trek past him a few days in a
row. He took note of the man with the briefcase who boarded the 3:45 bus to the
suburban sector every Monday, Wednesday, and on that day, Friday. Walking down
the street towards Jayven was a woman with darker skin on her phone, gossiping
to her friend Wendy about what Joshua did at her work that day. If it wasn’t
Joshua, it had something to do with Albert or Gertrude, and how they don’t do
their jobs properly. It was a little game he played by himself. Beside him,
Jayven heard Pheo sigh. “So what happened at
school today?” Pheo held the thermos towards Jayven so he could hold it while
the man rubbed the small of his back. “Nothing too
exciting,” Jayven said as he took a sip of the soup. “Daniel and I hung out
during lunch but that’s about the only highlight for today.” “And how’s he doing,
that Daniel boy?” “He’s good. It’s nice
having him around, even if he is a couple years younger. Actually, he asked if
he could help with my Science Fair entry today.” “Will you let him?”
Pheo stroked his beard. “I told him he could,
yeah. I don’t know what he could do but I suppose it’d be nice to have someone organizing
the equation papers.” “You still haven’t
told me what you’re doing for the Sceince Fair, you know.” Pheo leaned back,
looking up at Jayven. “I’ll show you once I
get first prize. I want to keep it a secret until the fair.” “Ah, I see. You sound
pretty confident about it.” “For good reason. I
can change this city with what I’m doing.” Jayven looked to Pheo, staring at
the pinned-up sleeve under the man’s jacket. “And with a cash prize at stake, I
can’t lose.” “With Daniel by your
side, I’m sure you’ll do great,” Pheo grinned, holding his left hand out for
the thermos. “Just make sure not to get too cocky. That’s been the downfall of
man for ages.” “I won’t, I promise.” The sun was shining over Sanjo
at the 09:00 position as Nova tried to fit the pillow she used during her stay
into David’s pack. She attempted to fold it but this only made the object
larger, causing her to try and stuff it in with no real strategy. David was
sitting on his bed, examining Lobo intensively. Carthy was looking at the
drawings that were made the other night before picking up the one the three of
them made together and handed it to Nova. The photo of her family was tucked
into her back pocket. “I think this will fit easier than the pillow,” Carthy said
as she exchanged objects with Nova. “You’ll have to leave it behind this time.” Nova
groaned as she neatly placed the drawing in the pack’s outer pocket. She looked
over to David, who sighed as he removed and reloaded an empty magazine from
Scout repeatedly. “Do you have everything, David?” Nova got to her feet,
stretching as she did so. “Yeah,” David replied mindlessly. He was too deep in his
thoughts to concentrate on what Nova was telling him. “You sure? We can’t forget something important here.” “Yeah.” “Hey, is everything okay” “Yeah.” “If you’re an idiot,” Carthy spoke up. “Say ‘yeah’.” “Yeah.” Carthy
stood next to David and hit her blades together next to his ear. He jumped, his
hand over his chest as he landed back on the mattress. His eyes were wide and
he panted quickly. “Hey sunshine,” Carthy raised her voice. “Snap out of it!” “Was that really necessary?” “Yeah.” Carthy smiled smugly, sheathing her weapons. “What were you thinking about?” Nova leaned over the foot of
the bed towards David. “Olive,” David said quietly. “I think I’m going to tell her
today…” “Tell her what?” Carthy placed both her hands behind her
head. “That I’m a Mercenary. She deserves to know, but…” David
paused. “…I don’t know what she’ll think.” Nova sat
on the bed next to David, twirling the brown strand of her bangs around her
index finger. “After last night,” Nova said. “I think she’ll be fine with
it.” “What makes you say that?” David let his head fall onto the
collection of pillows at the head of the bed. “Well, she seems to really care for you and I know you care
about her too. Maybe she’ll understand.” “I don’t know…she really doesn’t like Mercenaries, Nova.
They killed her dad and I can only imagine what that’d do to someone.” “We aren’t like those Mercenaries, David. We only hunt
Artificial, you know that.” “What are we doing now, though?” David stood up on the bed,
the pillows collapsing into a pile around his feet. The two women looked up at
him. “We’re literally on a mission to kill someone. And this isn’t just some
stranger, this is the Lord we’re talking about. Do you think she’s really going
to support that?” “Let me put it this way,” Carthy said, her arms crossed as
she stared at David. “If she can’t accept who you are, leave her behind and
forget about her. You don’t need someone like that around.” “She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, though. I
can’t just forget about her!” “What if she tries to get you arrested, or even kill you,
because you came clean? Would you still think of her the same?” David
slowly sat back down on the bed. Carthy put her right hand on his shoulder once
he sat down. “I know you care about her, perhaps you even love her. But here’s the thing: what those Mercenaries did and what you’ve been asked to do are vastly different. If she can’t understand that, you’ll have to let her go. You don’t need or deserve to have a toxic person around you.” Carthy’s grip
tightened briefly before she pulled away, brushing the hair out of her eye. “I
definitely recommend telling her today and no matter what happens, just know
that it’s for the better. Nova will " “ She cleared her throat, scratching her
head as she looked over to Nova. “Nova and I will be proud of you for telling
the truth.” David
nodded, grinning alongside Nova. The young Mercenary got up and put his weapons
in his pack before putting it around his shoulders. “Thanks, that means a lot. I’ll be right back; I need to
talk to Olive.” “We’ll meet you at the fountain in the square. Take all the
time you need.” David
gave Carthy a thumbs-up as he left the room, walking quickly down the hallway. Carthy
paced the room one last time to make sure that nothing was left behind. Nova
checked the bathroom and under the beds for her. “That was really big of you back there,” Nova said as she
fixed the pillows on her bed. “I think David needed to hear that.” “Well, we’re a team,” Carthy replied, wiping the surface of
the desk clean. She then placed the rest of the drawings neatly in a circle.
“And whether I like it or not, that’s how it’s going to be for a long time.
It’s like you said yesterday, we need to try and be kind to each other, right?” “Right,” Nova smiled as she straightened her cloak. She
watched Carthy open the window. “Do you think the housekeepers are going to need this?”
Carthy looked over to Nova as she placed a few Dertics next to the drawings.
Nova’s face went red. The two women then left the room,
happy that they didn’t leave anything behind. They went down the stairs and to
the lobby, where a slim young female with black hair was standing behind the
front desk. Nova ran ahead of Carthy so she could play with the bobble head one
last time. Carthy rolled her eye upon seeing this, but the employee laughed,
seemingly enjoying Nova’s antics. Nova stared intensively at the nick-knack as
Carthy placed the room key onto the desk. “Room 323 checking out,” she said. The employee smiled and
nodded as she went to the opposite side of the desk to look through a
portfolio. “Did you enjoy your stay?” The worker laughed a bit more as
Nova continued to fiddle with the bobble head. “I guess you could say that, yeah,” Carthy replied. “The beds were so comfy,” Nova stated. “I just wanted to lay
in them all day!” “I’m very glad to hear that,” the employee chimed in,
pulling out a sheet of paper with a receipt stapled to it. “Alright, so I got
your registration card right here and…wait, Von Ethoros? It says ‘Carthy Von
Ethoros’ here. You must be related to Professor Jayven Von Ethoros then, right?” Carthy
blushed, tapping her fingers on the desk as she stared at its surface. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “My aunt can walk on her own because of him, you know. She
was bound to a wheelchair after a horrible accident in the capital. Had it not
been for him and the PHEO Program, she would still have to use one. I can’t
thank you and your family enough for helping her!” “It’s no trouble,” Carthy told her, smiling briefly. “It’s
just good to hear that your aunt is doing better now.” “Yeah! So your total for your stay will be one hundred and
sixty-eight Dertics and fifty Ormins.” Carthy
reached into her pocket and took out two hundred Dertics and placed them onto
the counter. Nova watched for a few moments then flicked the bobble head again,
following each movement with her eyes. “Alright, two hundred Dertics? Let me just get you some
change.” “It’s fine,” Carthy said as she looked over to Nova, with
whom she locked eyes with. “Something tells me you’ll need all of that.” “Oh,” the employee was shocked. “Well, we at the Ganleo Inn
thank you for your generosity!” “It’s our pleasure,” Carthy assured the worker as she
crossed her arms. “Isn’t that right, Nova?” “Right,” Nova laughed a little and the worker joined in. “If you’d like,” the employee told Nova. “You can keep that
bobble head. They’re pretty easy to find around here.” Nova lit
up as a wide smile stretched across her face. Carthy sighed and knocked her
right thumb against her forehead. “Really? No way, that’s so awesome! Thank you!” Nova picked
up the bobble head and held it in her hand, hopping in place. She giggled as
she started to spin around. “Yeah, thanks a bunch,” Carthy told the employee, raising an
eyebrow as she focused on the nametag the worker was wearing. “In any case,
have a good rest of your day…Natalia.” “Thank you,” Natalia smiled and waved to the two women
leaving the lobby. “Have a great day, Carthy! You too, Nova!” As Nova
walked towards the square of the town, she held the seagull bobble head
delicately in her hands, smiling wide. Carthy smirked, sighing. She looked
towards the bakery as they past it from the opposite side of the sidewalk,
seeing David open the front door and walk in. A bell rung as it opened. “Be right there!” Olive called out from the back. David
breathed in and out slowly as he waited anxiously. Olive came out from the
back, wiping flour onto her apron. She was thrilled to see it was David,
walking around the counter to embrace him. She kissed him gently. “Hey you,” she said. “What are you up to today?” “Hey,” David replied softly. “I’m actually heading out of
town…we need to keep travelling.” “Oh, I see…that’s right, I remember you saying something
about that.” “Yeah. I wish I could stay longer but…” “No, it’s fine, I understand. When do you have to leave?” “Whenever I’m done here. I’m not in a rush.” David
pulled Olive in for another hug, sighing. His heart pounded as he tried to
think of the proper way to bring up the subject of Mercenaries. As his mind
raced, Nova and Carthy sat on the edge of the large fountain in the center of
the square. People walked past them from all directions. Nova and her bobble
head stared into the water, intrigued by the Ormins at the bottom of the
fountain. She had been scolded by Carthy already for trying to take some out
and was instead told to try making shapes out of the coins, much like clouds.
Carthy traced lines connecting one coin to the other with her right hand, being
careful not to submerge her hand by accident. “So if you look at those Ormins like that,” Carthy said to
Nova. “They kind of look like a face. Do you see it?” “I do,” Nova replied. She then traced her own shape,
skidding her finger across the chilly water. “And this…looks like the front
desk at the inn.” “That’s just a rectangle.” “But if you think about it, it’s actually the front desk.
See?” Nova began
tracing the lines again to demonstrate her point. As she did so, a shadow
loomed over the pair. Carthy and Nova turned around to see the man in the
trench coat behind them, watching what they were doing. Carthy’s face twisted
as she put a hand on her weapons, ready to draw them. The man pulled out a
Dertic and flipped it, catching it in the air. “Excuse me, ladies,” the man said. Carthy and Nova got off
the fountain’s edge so the man could toss his coin into the water. He watched
as it sunk to the bottom. “Did you know that there is a superstition where if
you wish for something as you toss a coin into a fountain, it will come true?” “I didn’t,” Nova replied. She was interested by this idea.
“What did you wish for?” “At the risk of it not coming true, I suppose I can tell
you.” He looked over to Carthy. “I wished for some forgiveness for yesterday.
We seemed to have gotten on the wrong foot.” “I agree,” Carthy said bitterly. “As for the forgiveness,
you said it yourself. That wish isn’t going to come true. Now turn around, walk
away, and don’t talk to us again. I won’t waste my time talking to people like
you.” “Come now,” the man said as he took off his hat. Blue hair
fell just above his shoulders and his red eyes stared at Carthy. “Is that a
proper way to speak to your uncle?” Carthy
drew her weapons and pointed the tip of her right blade towards the man’s chest.
He smirked as the pedestrians looked on in fear. “I should’ve recognized you from the stupid way you talk,”
Carthy whispered harshly. “What do you want from me, Keith?” “It is quite simple,” Keith raised a hand to brush his hair. Carthy leaned in closer, her blade inching towards his chest. “I am asking you to return to the Lord. He does not stop talking about you. He misses you dearly.” “What do I have to do for the message to break through your
damn skulls? I’m not going to see that psychopath again, got it? And if you
don’t leave in five seconds, neither will you.” Nova looked on in concern, holding her bobble head tighter. Keith began to laugh, stepping back as Carthy followed his movements with her weapons. “What’s so funny?” Carthy was becoming impatient. “It is the fact you believe that you have a choice to come
back,” Keith cackled as the faint sound of heli-carrier propellers spinning
filled the air. “That is what I find amusing.” Olive
looked out the front window from the counter as the sound of propellers grew
louder. David walked towards it and looked up into the sky, seeing a few small
objects approaching the town. “What’s that sound?” David tried to sound calm. “Those are heli-carriers,” Olive said with a sense of dread in her voice. “They haven’t made any rounds around here for a few years now. I
wonder what brings them back.” “Them?” “The Taplicans.” David’s heart skipped a beat. His body started to shake slightly as he took a deep breath. “Who sends the heli-carriers…?” “The Lord, they’re part of his fleet.” “The Lord?” David swallowed hard. “Olive, I need to tell you
something really important and if I don’t tell you now, I’m never going to tell
you.” Olive’s
eyes widened. She walked towards David and grabbed his hands, looking up into
his eyes. “You can tell me anything, David. What is it?” David
smiled weakly as he tried to gather his thoughts. He remained silent for a few
moments until he had enough courage. “I never told you this, Olive…but...I’m a M" “ A loud,
high pitched noise pierced the tranquility of the quiet street outside as the
pair flinched where they stood. Olive stared out the window and David turned
around in time to watch Carthy’s body tumble down the middle of the road, her
screams of agony and dry gasping audible from inside the bakery. Nova ran
towards Carthy’s fidgeting body and she knelt down to check on her. She quickly
turned around to block a beam of blue energy with her sickle but the force of
it sent her backwards, tripping over Carthy and falling onto the ground. David
froze as he saw Strathonox approach his friends until he stopped to look over
his targets from a short distance. David quickly brought Olive towards the
counter and hid behind it, making her do the same. “What’s going on?!” Olive was frantic. “Who is that? David,
what’s happening?!” “I know that guy…” David couldn’t hide the panic in his
voice. “…he’s not normal. He’s part robot, you need to hide and stay out of
sight.” “You know him? David, what are you talking about?” “I need to help Carthy and Nova. They need me.” “What? You can’t go out there, you’ll get killed.” Another high
pitched noise rose over Carthy’s various noises. David peeked out from behind
the counter to see Strathonox charging blue energy in his left hand. Nova
attempted to attack him but she was quickly knocked down. She landed face first
onto the pavement next to Carthy. “I have to go out there…I don’t have any other options,
Olive.” “But David…” Tears formed from Olive’e eyes, her grip on
David’s left hand tightened. “You don’t stand a chance…please don’t go out there.
You don’t have any way of hurting that guy…so just stay here…please.” David
took his pack off and reached into it. He let go of Olive’s hands and frowned
as he pulled out his dagger and pistol and showed them to Olive. Her mouth fell
open, her hands dropping onto her lap. “I’m sorry…” David whispered as he got up and ran out the
front door. He raised Scout and shot several bullets at Strathonox, breaking
the cyborg’s focus on the two fallen women. Carthy’s yelling quieted to loud
grunts, her body continuing to squirm unnaturally. Her breathing was erratic
and Nova started to get up slowly. David gripped Lobo tight and ran at his
enemy, ready to swing from the right side. Strathonox met the strike with his
left hand, raising his knee into David’s gut, winding the boy. As David gasped
for air, the cyborg kicked him across the face. David groaned as he hit the
ground. “Good, good,” Keith laughed as he walked towards Strathonox.
General Ebecade was next to the professor as a squadron of officers stood at
attention behind them. “Hold your assault. Allow them to get up.” Strathonox
stepped backwards until he was beside Keith. “We can kill them now,” Ebecade’s voice crackled through his
helmet. “Why can’t we take care of business immediately?” “You do not understand the psychology of warfare, general,
so allow me to explain. If we allow them to build their vigor once again, they
will be much easier to play with. Ms. Ethoros is to remain alive, do not forget
our mission. I would hate to see you be punished for your disobedience.” Ebecade
grunted and followed Keith’s directions. He watched as Nova groggily got to her knees. She looked
over to see David and Carthy on the ground as well. Panic flowed through her as
she went to David. She wiped the blood from his nose and got him to sit up. He
rubbed his face as he looked over at Carthy, whose spastic movements had
started to gradually stop. The two Mercenaries huddled over their partner. “Carthy,” Nova called out. “Carthy! Are you okay?” “A sh-shock pulse,” Carthy’s voice was raspy, her breathing
irregular. “I-it stuns human targ-g-gets and messes wi-with electric cur-currents.”
She looked at her right hand, its digits shaking. She tensed her arm and was
able to slowly stop its movements, gaining control of her hand. She then
started taking deep breaths as her friends helped her sit up. When she had
control of her breathing, she glared up at her opponents. She stood up,
wobbling slightly, and readied her blades. David and Nova did the same as Keith
laughed and raised his left hand. “You always had such determination in battle,” Keith shouted.
“You never did understand the concept of choosing your battles, did you?” “I just don’t understand the idea of quitting,” Carthy
lashed out. “Especially a-against weasels who use dirty strategies like you.” “It is merely clever warfare. Knowing your opponent’s
weaknesses will always give you an advantage. Isn’t that right…Strathonox?” Carthy
gasped as she looked at the cyborg. Her teeth grinded together. “Yes, professor,” Strathonox replied in a deep, distorted
voice. “Weakness has no place on the battlefield. Combat protocols are online,
ready to engage on your command.” Carthy’s
grip on her weapons tightened as Nova and David watched her with concern. “Step back…” Carthy muttered. Nova and David backed away as
Carthy fired a fireball from each bell towards the ground, launching herself
towards the cyborg. While airborne, she ignited the bells and the flames hardened
to create stone blades. Keith smiled devilishly as he watched the brash girl
descend. “Now,” Keith commanded. Strathonox
raised his arms to block Carthy’s opening assault, He pushed her back to take a
few swipes at her with his claws, which were stopped by Carthy’s own barrage of
strikes. “Your turn, General,” Keith said. “Don’t tell me what to do,” Ebecade told the professor.
“Forward march, men! Attack!” The large
squad of Taplican officers began charging towards Nova and David as they
activated their holo-blades. Nova got into her battle stance and David followed
suit, looking into the bakery to see if Olive was still hiding. He couldn’t see
her and he hoped she was alright. “These officers are just like Artificial, David,” Nova
called out. “Don’t think of them as anything else. We have to protect the city.” “Right,” David replied, tensing his body in preparation for
the oncoming battle. As the Taplican officers approached, Nova began running
towards them once they were ten metres away. David followed her, reloading his
pistol and aiming at his targets. “You take the stragglers,” Nova said as she ran. “I can
handle the crowd. Make sure the civilians are okay.” “Okay,” David replied as he slowed down, pointing his pistol
towards the crowd to pick off unsuspecting officers. As he watched Nova
confront the pack of enemies, Carthy was locked in a stalemate with Strathonox
to David’s right. She swung with all her might against the cyborg’s arms but
she was unable to get a clean strike on anything vulnerable. Strathonox grabbed
the two blades before they came down at his head. He glared at Carthy who
pushed all her weight into her attack. “The professor has told me much about your abilities,”
Strathonox taunted. His eye dilated as he noticed Carthy struggle to lower her
blades any further. “Your augmentations were never completed, were they?
Breaking you will be easy.” “I didn’t need them,” Carthy replied as she kicked her
aggressor back. “What I do need is to know why you have his name!” “His Greatness gave it to me upon my initial boot-up. It is
the name of deceased Taplican nobility.” “So that’s what they’re going with? You’re just a shadow of
what he was, you have no right to use his name.” “We shall see.” Strathonox
wound up a punch for her chest. Reacting quickly, Carthy used her right blade
to block the incoming attack and launched the stone blade from her left to
piece her enemy through his abdomen. The cyborg moved her arm away from his
body, reflecting her stone pillar towards the crowd of officers. Nova saw this
from the corner of her eye and ducked, dodging the incoming object and watching
it collide with a few of her opponents. She turned around with her right leg
out, tripping an officer from behind her. As she rose from her crouched
position, she slashed the officer up his head, creating a long, deep cut under
his helmet. In a fluid motion, she continued her attack to the officer to her
right, swiping him across the chest and down to his side. Nova then blocked the strike from
the officer to her left, pushing against it as the blade came closer to her
face. An image of a Luuxion flashed in her mind. She tried to shake it out of
her head as she started to slide backwards. She kicked the officer’s shin with
her left boot, bringing him to the ground. She landed another kick on the front
of his helmet, sending him onto his back. Suddenly, Nova was grabbed from
behind and lifted into the air. Her arms were restrained by the bear hug one of
the Taplican officers had her in. She thrashed around to free herself but it
wasn’t doing much. The officer moved with her, matching her jerky movements to
keep her in place easier. “Someone kill her!” The officer holding Nova shouted to the
others. Another image went through Nova’s
thoughts as she saw the incoming officer and the streets around them as the
Artificial and city in her dreams. She cried out, closing her eyes as she
slammed the back of her head against the helmet of the officer holding her. He
flinched and loosened his grip on her slightly. As the holo-blade of the other
officer came towards her stomach, Nova used the instep of her boots to take
hold of his wrist, stopping his attack. She then violently turned her feet to
the left, twisting the man’s wrist and causing him to drop his weapon. Using
the extra weight from her steel-toed boots, Nova kicked both her legs to the
left, causing her and the officer restraining her to start spinning. She
continued to do this until the officer fell to the ground a few moments later.
His grip on Nova released, allowing her to slide the teeth of her sickle across
his throat as he lay on the ground. Nova then heard a holo-blade
behind her start to descend. Without turning around, she rolled to the right
and narrowly missed the attack. She slashed the officer across stomach and he
fell to his knees, holding his midsection. Two gunshots rang out and the
officer dropped, along with the officer who had the hilt of his inactive
holo-blade pressed against Nova’s back. She turned to the source and saw David
reload his pistol, nodding at Nova as he began fighting two officers. Nova
continued her assault in the crowd as David shot one of his enemies. The second
officer slashed at David’s left hand but the boy pulled away in time, dropping
the gun to react fast enough. The officer then kicked the weapon across the
street, far out of David’s reach. “Not so tough without your stolen artillery, huh?” The
officer taunted David as he pointed the tip of his holo-blade at the
Mercenary’s forehead. David stepped back and readied his dagger for battle.
“I’ll bet…fifteen seconds. That’s how long you’ll last, boy.” “That’s encouraging,” David said. “Could we possibly make it
twenty?” The
officer swung his blade down towards David’s shoulder. He quickly moved to the
right and went for a thrust into the officer’s side, which was dodged. The
holo-blade was then swung horizontally towards David’s midsection. He raised
Lobo instinctively to block the attack. His metal collided with the officer’s
weapon, sparks flying as David’s blade heated up. “Just as I thought,” the officer stated as he grinded his
blade against Lobo. “Your pathetic blade is made of regular iron. There’s no
way it can withstand the temperature of Taplican holo-blades.” David
hopped back, checking the side of his dagger that blocked the officer’s attack.
It had become bright red and he could feel the heat coming up from it on his
face. He looked at the officer who approached him, laughing as he raised his
holo-blade to the left. Thinking quickly, David met the officer halfway and
locked blades with him. He watched the sparks begin flying as he counted down
from five in his head. “You fool,” the officer cackled. “Trying the same thing
twice…you’re finished!” David
remained calm as he continued to count down until he reached zero. The moment
he did, he tilted his blade down and stepped to the side. Before the officer
had time to counterattack, David thrusted his dagger into his opponent’s back,
the searing hot metal burning through the flesh. The officer wailed in pain and
dropped to his hands and knees. David removed his blade from his enemy, walking
towards his gun to pick it up before returning to the officer. “For the record,” David said, shrugging his shoulders. “That
was eighteen seconds.” David
turned his attention to the sound of metal clashing to the right of him. He
watched Carthy unleash a flurry of strikes upon Strathonox before preparing to
take on the other officers around Nova. Strathonox blocked each of Carthy’s
attacks but the force of the hits knocked him back slightly. He quickly grabbed
her right wrist as she swung down, stopping her from striking his helmet. His
blue eye narrowed from under his red mask, squeezing her wrist tighter. Carthy
grunted as the pressure grew, swinging her left blade in retaliation. She was
swiftly disarmed by the cyborg, flinging her weapon away. “You fight well for an obsolete and treasonous model,”
Strathonox hissed. “But your resistance will only get you so far, Ms. Ethoros.” “I’m just full of surprises,” Carthy said, grinding her
teeth as her wrist was being held tighter with each passing second. “You’re not
that bad either, for a walking pile of scrap and lies.” Strathonox’s
hand gleamed blue, discharging a strong electric current. Carthy began
screaming as the electricity coursed through her body, trying her best to stay
on her feet. She could feel her breathing becoming erratic once again,
fluctuating between shallow and deep breaths. A red light pulsed from under her
bandages. She focused her attention on not letting go of her weapon and
attempted to eject her stone blade with her free, shaky hand. “Your tenacity is almost admirable,” Strathonox told his
enemy. “I now see why His Greatness holds you in such high regard.” The
pulsations of the red light grew as Carthy’s entire body began shaking from the
electricity. As she let out another cry, she ejected the stone blade from her
weapon, launching it into the air. She then put the rest of her strength into
turning the bell of Equidistant towards Strathonox, charging a fireball. She
grabbed his shoulder with her left hand, using it to help her aim. “T-th-this…e-e-ends here…” Carthy stuttered as she lowered the bell to be inches away from Strathonox’s face. Moments before launching the
fireball, the cyborg released his opponent, moving her shot to aim over his shoulder.
The fireball was then released towards the fountain in the square. Carthy
dropped to her knees, shaking and holding her right wrist, watching her
projectile hurl towards its target. The instant it collided, the stones used to
make the fountain were sent in multiple directions, a large explosion sending
those close to it to the ground. The crowd of officers ducked and Nova covered
her eyes as the dust approached her. David fell to the ground as the glass from
the windows around him shattered, spewing shards all over the street. Keith and
Ebecade watched as the fountain disappeared in the spectacle. Ebecade reached
for his blaster but the professor placed his hand in front of the general. “No,” Keith said calmly. “If we continue to fight, we will
only lose more soldiers. I miscalculated their strength, we must fall back.” “Are you insane?” Ebecade removed the blaster strapped to
his back and primed it. “I won’t fail this mission. The Lord requested for Ms.
Ethoros and I will bring her to him!” The professor
thought silently as the remainder of airborne rubble fell onto the pavement in
front of him. A stone pillar dropped from the air shortly after into a small
collection of officers. “What is more important, general? Your selfish pride or the
security of your men?” Ebecade
clenched his fists, reaching to the communication piece on his helmet. “The enemy is too strong, we must retreat. Fall back, men.” The conscious
soldiers began moving back to where they came from, helping each other to their
feet. They moved quickly as the heli-carriers hovered overhead, lowering a
large platform from their underbellies. Ebecade started to march towards one of
the platforms before noticing that Strathonox was slowly moving towards Carthy,
who was still weak from the electric currents. “Unit XVI,” Ebecade spoke directly to him through his
communication piece. “You’ve been ordered to move out. We’re returning back to
base.” “Not until I finish my mission,” Strathonox told his
higher-up, cutting off the call. “I must retrieve Ms. Ethoros…” As
Strathonox reached towards Carthy’s throat, he was struck from behind by a
sickle. He turned around and was tackled abruptly by David, who ran at him from
the other side of the street. Nova watched as her partner attempted to remove
his enemy’s helmet only to be violently flung away by the cyborg. Nova jumped
onto her aggressor’s chest, pinning him down by his neck with the teeth of her
sickle. Carthy rose to her feet slowly, rubbing her eye. With her blurry
vision, she saw Ebecade aim his blaster towards Nova. Without hesitation, she
pushed Nova off of Strathonox and held her weapon in the gauntlet position. The
gunshot rang out, followed by another from behind the two women. Carthy had
just blocked the incoming shot in time and David had fired his own round at Ebecade
moments after. He frowned when he saw that Keith had stepped in front of the general
and used a large silver scythe to deflect the bullet. The professor sneered as
he snapped his fingers together, causing the scythe to fold into a canister one
foot in length, which he placed in his coat’s inner pocket. He, Ebecade, and
Strathonox then started to glow blue and vanished shortly after. “I am afraid that we will have to cut this reunion short,”
Keith’s voice echoed throughout the town from a heli-carrier. “But I can assure
you that we will see much more of each other.” The large
aircrafts turned and began flying away from Sanjo. Carthy exhaled heavily,
dropping to one knee. Nova sheathed her weapon and examined the town. The
explosion from the fountain caused water to flow into the square and some of
the debris caused minor damage the surrounding buildings. Bodies of Taplican
officers were scattered around the street. The civilians stared at the trio,
confused and afraid from the confrontation that happened in their quiet town.
David helped Carthy to her feet, grunting from the pain in his chest. Nova got
under Carthy’s other arm, keeping the injured woman balanced. “I guess that was our cue to leave,” Carthy snickered,
breathing heavily. “Are you going to be okay to start hiking?” Nova turned her
head to look at her friend. “Yeah…I’ll be fine. Just a bit banged up. It’s not every day
that I get electrocuted.” David
looked around the town and was relieved that everyone was safe. His eyes
scanned the streets and glanced into the bakery. He saw Olive staring at him,
her arms crossed. She then wiped her eyes and walked away from the front
window. David removed Carthy’s arm from around his shoulder and jogged into the
bakery. He entered and went into the back where Olive was sitting on one of the
beds. She held a magazine of bullets in her hand. David’s pack lay open on the
floor next to her feet. “Olive,” David said. “I can explain…” “Explain what?” Olive stood up, her eyes welling up as she
gripped the magazine tighter. “That you were a Mercenary the whole time? That
you lied straight to my face, knowing full well how I felt?” David
fell silent, his heart sinking. He looked down at the floor. “I can’t believe you would do something like that, David.” “I know…” David’s voice was quiet. “I-I was going to tell
you today but then " “ “But then your job caught up to you. Didn’t it?” “Look, I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you sooner.” “If you knew that you should have, why didn’t you?” David
didn’t know how to respond. “I told you exactly how I felt,” Olive continued, walking
closer to David. “I poured my heart out into your hands last night and this is
what I get for it. I really thought you were different, David.” She stopped a
few inches from David, shoving the clip of ammunition into his chest. “If you
were honest with me last night, maybe things would be different now.” “What do you mean?” David took hold of the magazine, resting
his hands at his side. “It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re a Mercenary or not.
Love is all about accepting one another’s flaws and I was willing to do that
for you. But I can’t…I can’t do that for a liar. Especially for something this
significant.” “Olive,” David put his hands on the girl’s shoulders. “I’m
sorry, I really am. Can we please just talk this out?” “There’s nothing to talk about,” Olive brushed David’s hands off of her and walked towards the pack on the ground. “I went through the rest of your pack while you were out there, you know. I know all about the mission you’re on. Maybe…maybe I’ll visit your grave next time I go to Taplica.” She turned to David, lifting his pack from the floor. “You’re going to get killed, David. Is this what you really want? Is it? Tell me!” David
stood in place, trying to think of what to say. He saw a tear roll down Olive’s
face as she tried to hold back her tears. His vision began to get blurry, his
eyes beginning to water as well. “I don’t,” he said, clenching his fists. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” “I am telling you the truth! Why can’t you just listen so I
can explain my side of the story?” “I’ve seen more than enough to know your side of the story.”
Olive’s voice was weak. She closed David’s pack. “Before you came in…I was
planning on asking you to choose between me or being a Mercenary. But I think I’ve
made a decision…for both of us.” She walked to David again and dropped his pack
at his feet. “Get out…and don’t come back. I-I just can’t…” She reached for
David’s face but pulled back, bursting into tears as she went back to her bed,
crying into her hands. David swallowed as he tried not to do the same. “Olive…” David took a step towards her. She looked up at
him, her face red and glistening from her tears. “No, David,” Olive put a hand out towards David. “I don’t
want to hear it...just leave.” David stared
at Olive for a few moments before sighing and putting his pack around his
shoulders. He turned around to leave, his gut wrenching as he heard Olive
continue to cry. He closed his eyes as he leaned against the doorframe. Slowly,
he opened the front door and left the bakery, wiping his eyes as he approached
his partners. Nova was taking the bobble head out of her shorts’ pocket to show
Carthy, who was sheathing her blades and putting them on her shoulder. “Are you ready to go?” Nova said, turning to face David as
she stroked the back of her plaything. “Yeah,” David replied quietly, tapping the straps of his pack. “How’d it go with Olive?” Carthy was rubbing her right wrist
as she asked. Without saying a word, David turned
to the forest and began walking towards it. Carthy and Nova looked at each other
as the boy continued to go on his own. They caught up and walked next to him as
they left the town. As they marched into the forest, Carthy looked over at
David frequently, noticing the tears forming around his eyes. She slowly made
her way beside him and put her arm around the boy, patting his shoulder. In
silence, the team of misfits hiked for the rest of the day towards the next
town, the cloudless sky leading the way. © 2016 Cameron SimoAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Cameron SimoCanadaAboutI am an 18 year old writer who wishes to eventually post a novel. I have a long history with writing stories. Ever since I was younger, I was creating crazy stories, characters, and events in my head .. more..Writing