Chapter 5: Reasons

Chapter 5: Reasons

A Chapter by Cameron Simo

In the rubble of Noam, Nova and David finally meet with Carthy. However, it seems like they each have their own opinions on the mission.


As the moon moved into the 01:00 position, Nova continued to rummage through the carnage of the training facility. She was amazed at how much damage had occurred during the battle and deep down, she was upset that she couldn’t have helped. Carthy told them to wait for her two hours ago and it had been an hour since Nova started snooping to keep herself occupied. David, however, finally got the rest he wanted. He only stayed up to help put out the fire in the facility until fatigue claimed him and he fell asleep on the burnt wood floor.

There wasn’t much to go through in the rubble. It was mostly splintered wood and chunks of drywall scattered across the area. Nova was about to give up on waiting and get some sleep until she went towards what appeared to have been a small room before the explosion. The mantle was hanging by only a few screws and a broken sword was just below it. The bookshelf on the left side had fallen on the desk, crushing a daisy underneath its weight. Books were thrown about the floor. A painting of a beach at sunrise was face down among them, which Nova picked up and leaned against the desk.

Noticing one of the drawers was slightly open, Nova felt an overwhelming urge to take a peek. She looked behind her to see if anyone was watching and fortunately, no one was. All she saw was David roll the other way in his sleep. As she carefully opened the drawer, she became confused as to why it was full of black canisters. She picked one up to find that it had some weight to it, hearing something slosh around inside as she moved it from left to right. She put it down on the desk, worried of what it could contain. She then sifted through the dozens of canisters until she found a photo buried at the bottom. The top corners were folded down and upon moving them back, Nova was surprised at what she saw.

It was a photo of a family in a sunny park, the four of them sitting on a bench. The father’s blonde hair was slicked back and his bright blue eyes looked towards the camera. His arm was around his wife. Her hands were clasped and rested on her knees, her brown irises being her most notable feature aside from her flowing brown hair. Next to them were their children; a son and a daughter. The boy was much older than his sister and he held her while she sat on his lap. The son had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes to mirror his father while the daughter matched her mother with similar hair and eye colour. The girl’s hair was still beginning to grow but the boy’s hair was shaggy and went down to his chin.

              Nova held the photo delicately, smiling as she saw the happiness the family shared with one another. It was almost like she could reach into the picture and enter that moment in time. She was brought back to reality by the sound of footsteps coming close. Nova placed the photo on the desk and whirled around to see Carthy making her way towards her, looking at the exhausted David as she passed him.

“Sorry about the wait,” Carthy said, brushing the hair out of her face. “A lot of work needed to be done and Dillon was too scared to fall asleep for the longest time.”

“Heh, no worries,” Nova said as she tried to hide the photo under her hands and her snooping with a fake smile. “I understand, it’s all good.”

“Good to he-“ Carthy was staring at the desk which had one of its drawers pulled out and a canister atop its surface. “Were you going through my things?”

“N-no, of course not!” Nova was beginning to turn red and looked to the right.

“You’re a terrible liar.” Carthy dropped the canister into the drawer then closed it with a thud, making David snap awake. Nova moved away from Carthy but forgot to drag the photo under her hands, causing the bandaged woman to see it.

“Rule number one,” Carthy said as she picked up the photo and waved it in front of Nova. “Never go through my stuff. Got that?”

              Nova nodded quickly as David stretched and got up from the ground. Carthy turned around to address him.

“Glad to see pretty boy over there is awake now. So about this letter…”

              David yawned as he walked towards the two ladies. Carthy began to lean against the broken drywall of the facility as David stood next to his partner.

“About time you showed up, don’t you think?” David blurted out. He was too tired to filter himself. “We waited hours for you to come back. An apology would be nice, you know.”

“Who would I be apologizing to?” Carthy snapped back, staring the boy down. “A couple of strangers I’ve never met nor heard about in my life?”

“What do you mean?” Nova asked. “You’re saying that our contractor didn’t tell you we were coming? Did they even tell you about us at all?”

              Carthy shook her head.

“Sorry, kid. But this is the first time I’ve even heard of you, let alone what you intend on doing. Which, may I add, is completely insane.”

“Then why did the letter ask us to come to you?” David was quick to question.

“Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it was so I could talk you out of going through with your ridiculous plan.”

“The people in Taplica need our help though,” Nova replied. “And we can get rid of the man who let the Artificial run wild all those years ago. Why would you want us to back away from that?”

“Taplica is heavily guarded,” Carthy looked down and closed her eye. “There are officers all over monitoring the streets and security seems to only have gotten tighter as the Lord spiraled deeper into his insanity. If you tried anything within its borders, you’d be dead in no time flat. I guarantee it.”

“That’s a risk we’re willing to take then. Right, David?”

“Uh…” David wasn’t so sold on what Nova was saying. He agreed more with Carthy at that point but he felt it’d be best to back up his partner. “…yeah. Yeah, that’s right.”

“Then the two of you won’t be getting my support.” Carthy stopped leaning on the drywall and looked at the two Mercenaries. “I’d be leading you to your deaths. If you insist on going through with your ludicrous mission, you’re doing it yourselves.”

“Come on!” Nova stated. “Judging by the damage done here, it seems like you and Taplica aren’t on good grounds. Why are you trying to stop us if they cause you pain as well?”

“Because what’s happening in Taplica is not my business, even if they’re begging for help.”

“So you’re going to let them all just live in fear. Is that what you mean?”

“What I mean is that what happens in Taplica doesn’t affect us here. We’re independent from them. I have my own reasons for not joining you but I have others for stopping you from trying anything you’ll regret.”

“You’re just going to let them suffer?”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re people as well!”


“A Mercenary’s job is to protect the human condition from threats. If we don’t do this, we’ll fail our duty and bring dishonour to the name.”

“Well, I’m not a Mercenary, now am I?”


Nova twisted her hands into fists out of frustration. David hated seeing her angry.

“Uh…h-hey now,” David said nervously. “Let’s not lose our heads here…”

Nova walked up towards Carthy and used the steel toes of her boots to raise herself a couple of inches to look the woman in her eye. She could still smell the blood that ran from Carthy’s nose earlier in the night.

“You’re still a human, though. And humans are to protect one another. Maybe it’s because you haven’t seen the kinds of things we have, but the world is a very nasty place. All problem matters in their own right and it’s up to us to help those in need.”

“Don’t you even bring that with me, sunshine,” Carthy leaned in closer, drilling the index finger of her right hand into Nova’s collarbone. “You are in no position to go on with that ‘haven’t seen what we’ve seen’ crap, got it? I know just how fucked up the world can be and then some, so not helping the people in Taplica isn’t going to stop me from sleeping at night. Like I said, I have my reasons for not taking you there.”

“Is it because of this?” Nova aggressively ran two fingers from her left hand across the bandages on Carthy’s face. Instinctively, Carthy grabbed Nova’s wrist with her right hand and held it tightly.

“Rule number two…never, ever, touch me. Or I swear, I will personally dig a hole six feet deep to put you in.”

“You’re already doing that to the Taplican people.” Nova’s teeth clenched as she tried to resist showing pain in front of Carthy. The pressure on her joint was released as Carthy dropped her hand to her side. David removed his hand from the handle of his dagger. Carthy stepped away from Nova, who was nursing her wrist.

“Sorry,” Carthy said quietly as she looked at her gloved hand. “But I just can’t go with you to Taplica. It seems like the two of you are hell-bent on going so…who am I to stop you? Besides, I’m needed here.”

“You’ll also be needed in Taplica,” David replied back. “After all, if it’s as bad as you say it is, we’ll need all the help we can get.”

              Carthy stared at the floor. They would need reinforcements but she just couldn’t find it in her to join them. 

“There’s got to be at least one good reason for you to come with us,” Nova said. “The letter said specifically that we come to you. That means they already have faith in you to help them. Can’t you at least think about it? Please?”

              Carthy looked at the photo of the family in her left hand. She knew Nova was right. There was reason for her to join with them. It was for that same reason, however, that she refused to go. After many moments of silence, she sighed and looked at the green haired girl, whose hands were clasped together.

“It’s getting late. The two of you should get some rest before…before we head out in the morning.”

“So that means you’re coming with us?” Nova looked at Carthy with excitement.

“Yeah…” She gave a weak smile to both of the Mercenaries. “I’ll go.”

“That’s awesome!” Nova hugged Carthy without any thought. David chuckled a little at the sight of the visibly uncomfortable Carthy as Nova continued to squeeze her, rocking back and forth. Realizing what she was doing, Nova quickly let go and cleared her throat. “What I meant to say was that we appreciate your change of heart. We’ll see you bright and early!”

              David was pleased to hear that he could go back to sleep and waved to Carthy, who nodded in return. The pair of Mercenaries went to the center of where the sparring matches would take place and lay down on the blue mats recovered from the rubble. Nova looked up at the stars once she was settled.

“What do you think made her change her mind?” David was whispering to Nova.

“I’m not sure,” she whispered back. “I’m just glad she’s coming along with us.”


              David was still unsure of the mission. He knew it was part of his role as a Mercenary to do what was asked of him as well as follow Nova’s rules, but something about the situation didn’t sit well with him. His gut twisted at the thought of turning his weapon against another person out of cold blood. His thoughts were interrupted by Nova yawning.

“This is going to be very exciting. But we ought to get some sleep first, huh?” Nova turned her head to look at David.

“Y-yeah. You’re right. Good night, Nova.”

“Sleep tight! Don’t let the mat bugs bite.”

              Nova turned on her side, laughing at her own joke as she fell asleep. David snickered a little bit only to please Nova. He was still thinking about what the mission was asking him to do. He looked over at Carthy, who was leaning over the desk in her office, as his eyes began to sag until he couldn’t keep them open.

              Carthy looked to the pair who were now asleep after their long day. She then turned her focus to the photo of the family. She stared at the little girl with her brother. He was smiling wide as was the little girl. Carthy ran a finger over the right side of the girl’s face gently.

“If only you knew what you’d grow up to become,” she said as she rubbed the bandages on her own face. She folded the photo and put it away in the drawer where it belonged. Carthy then moved some of the debris out of the way so she could lie on the desk. She picked up the crushed daisy and held it close to her as she fell asleep, looking at the stars, fearful of what was to come when she woke up.

The sun was entering the 08:00 position when its beams struck Carthy directly. Squinting from the light, she eventually got up and looked around her. Despite it taking place less than twelve hours ago, she forgot that the village was mostly destroyed in the battle with the Taplican soldiers. As if the burned remains of the buildings weren’t enough, her body made sure she remembered what took place. She had never been so sore in her life. She got off the desk and cracked her back, which popped everything back into place. She rubbed her eye as she walked into the village.

Nova was helping Dillon pick daisies as David was examining the weapons from the Taplican officers. The other villagers were inside whatever huts were still structurally sound, however that number was no greater than three. Dillion was laughing at David, who was pretended to act like an officer. He even wore the helmet of the leader on an angle to add more effect.

“This one is pretty cool,” David said as he looked at the pistol he was holding. “You don’t see anything like this in the Outer Brim. What is it?”

“That’s a gun,” Carthy spoke as she approached the three of them. Dillon’s face lit up as she ran up and hugged Carthy around her legs. She patted the little girl on the top of her head. “Taplican officers use those to kill at long distances. I’d be careful with that so don’t pull that orange trigger your finger is on.”

“Why’s that?” David was pointing the weapon towards the sun as he pulled the trigger out of curiosity. A loud bang came from the gun as it flung itself out of his hand and onto the ground. Nova was covered her ears and winced. Dillon clung onto Carthy with all her might. The helmet David was wearing fell off his head as he ducked from the sound.

“That’s why,” Carthy said as she picked up the pistol. She turned the safety on. “This can drop someone faster than any blade could. Every time you pull this trigger, a small thing called a bullet rushes out of it really fast and kills the thing you’re aiming at. Also, never point this at someone you don’t intend on killing. We don’t want any needless casualties.”

              David nodded as he reached for the gun Carthy was holding. She pulled it out of his reach before he could do anything about it. Looking around, he instead found another one in its holster and took it off of the officer and put it on his person. Carthy rolled her eyes and sighed, tossing the gun she was holding aside after taking the clip out of the bottom. Against her better judgement, she handed it to David.

“Each of these hold bullets. When you run out, switch the empty one with a full one. You’ll always have a limited amount so don’t get careless.”

              David put the clip in his pocket and began to go over each body in search of more. Nova got up and looked at Carthy with a sense of unease. She wasn’t too happy with David carrying around that kind of weapon. Carthy shrugged.

“Ms. Carthy,” Dillon said as she looked up at her idol. “Is it true that you’re going away?”

“Yeah,” Carthy replied as she knelt down to Dillon’s level. “I’m going to be helping these people with something very important. I may be gone for a while.”

“Can I come with you?”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t come with us. You need to stay here and protect the village for me.”

“But…but I want to help you.”

“You can help me from here, Dillon.” Carthy picked a daisy and offered it to the little girl. “You need to stay here and help your daddy protect the others when I leave. You’re such a strong girl and I know you’ll do a great job. We may not be in the same place…” Carthy put her left hand over Dillon’s heart. “…but I’ll always be with you in here. I will always be there when you need me. I’ll be able to hear you no matter how far we go.”

              Dillon mirrored Carthy’s actions and put her tiny hand onto Carthy’s chest.

“Am I in there?” Dillon looked at Carthy, who could see a reflection of herself in the girl’s deep green eyes.

“Of course you are,” Carthy whispered.

“And you’re going to come back, right?”


“Do you pinky promise?”

              Carthy’s heart dropped as Dillon held out her right pinky. Dillon didn’t understand that they may never see each other again, she couldn’t understand. Carthy didn’t want to get the girl’s hopes up but she swallowed and with a tear in her eye, wrapped her right pinky around Dillon’s.

“I pinky promise.” She smiled as Dillon threw herself around Carthy.

With the help of the other villagers, Cecil walked out of a hut to see the two girls in an embrace. His entire chest was bandaged up and tainted red and he couldn’t stand on his own but he wanted to see his sensei off. He squinted from a combination of pain and the sun’s light in his eyes.

“I guess that means you’re leaving now?” Cecil asked as his wife and another hunter held him up. “Nova told us what was going on.” Carthy released herself from Dillon and stood up, turning her gaze to Nova, who nodded and smiled.

“Yes,” Carthy said. “We’ll be leaving as soon as he’s done over there.” She pointed towards David, whose hands were now full with clips of ammunition. He was struggling to fit them all in his pockets so he began to put them in his pack. Cecil chuckled.

“Well, we will be sure to do you proud while you’re away.”

“You’ve already done more than enough, Cecil. What I want you to do is get some rest. I told Dillon to watch over everything for me.”

“That’s sweet of you, Carthy.”

“Yeah, just don’t let everyone else know that.”

              Nova and a few other villagers began to laugh as Carthy’s face turned red, crossing her arms.

“Best of luck to you, sensei. And to the rest of your group, too.” Cecil looked over to Nova and nodded. She returned the favour as Carthy shook Cecil’s hand.

“I appreciate it. Best of luck to all of you too.”

              They stopped shaking hands as David made his way to the crowd with a full pack that he had trouble keeping upright on his back. After the final preparations were done, the trio walked into the forest as the villagers waved off their heroes. Dillon held the daisy Carthy gave her to her heart and wiped her eyes. Because of the excitement, none of them noticed the figure hiding in a tree that divided the village from the woods. Their green helmet curved over their left eye and came to a point in the back. Using one of its yellow clawed hands to keep it steady, it observed the departure from the blue eye that its red mask didn’t cover. It reached to its right ear and turned on a communication outlet.

“Tell Lord Dyterag that I have a visual of the target,” the figure spoke in a deep distorted voice. “Pursuit shall continue until his command to engage.”

© 2016 Cameron Simo

Author's Note

Cameron Simo
Character interaction is a very important element in this chapter, along with the rest of the story. Any feedback involving these elements are greatly appreciated.

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Added on January 25, 2016
Last Updated on March 7, 2016
Tags: Fiction, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Teen, Adventure


Cameron Simo
Cameron Simo


I am an 18 year old writer who wishes to eventually post a novel. I have a long history with writing stories. Ever since I was younger, I was creating crazy stories, characters, and events in my head .. more..
