![]() Chapter 4: LimitsA Chapter by Cameron Simo![]() The battle inside Noam continues as Carthy must protect her village from the Taplican threat. Meanwhile, Nova and David must meet with Cathy in time or else their mission is over.![]() Sparks flew with every strike of
their weapons. Nothing mattered to the lead officer other than completing his
mission for the Lord. Carthy knew that Taplican soldiers were primarily trained
for melee combat so this would be a greater challenge. The two fighters swung
from their left, the pair of holo-swords pushing down against the fortified
stone blade as they locked with one another. “You just don’t know when to give up, do you?” Carthy
chuckled as she pushed the officer back and went for a thrust to his chest. He
blocked the incoming attack by putting his blades in an X formation then went
for horizontal slashes on either side of his enemy. Carthy jumped back to
safety then lunged for an overhead slash, only to be kicked in the stomach. She
rolled backwards across the mats, grunting as she collided with the wall. “It’s you with your misplaced confidence that don’t know when
to quit,” the officer spoke as he pointed the tip of the right holo-sword at
Carthy. He began to walk towards her as she got ready to counterattack. “You
need to understand when you’re outmatched.” Carthy
shouted, letting loose a series of diagonal slashes that were all blocked by
the officer. In an attempt to throw him off guard, she pushed her shield
forward to knock him down. The officer instead moved out of range then swung
both blades down with incredible force upon her defense, leaving a large crack
down the shield's middle. Carthy then went for a punch from her left but the officer grabbed
her arm and threw her against the wall, leaving an imprint of her body on its
surface. She fell face first onto the ground, panting. Grinning
from the right side of his face, the officer clashed his two swords together
with powerful strikes. Large sparks were released by each collision and they drifted
onto the floor. Carthy was starting to get on her feet as the officer reeled a kick
back and struck her in the abdomen, sending her through the facility’s wall and
into the village. She slid a few feet after hitting the ground. She could hear
the sound of villagers moving in their huts and holo-swords colliding. She
opened her eye and lifted herself up, seeing the crazed officer step out from the
hole he created in the wall. “Oh, you’ve really done it now…” Carthy hissed as she
launched the stone blade from her weapon towards the officer. He moved out of the
way fast enough and the pillar lodged itself into the facility’s back wall. The
officer laughed manically. “To hear that you call such a place home…” the officer called out to Carthy as he moved towards her. “…it hurts. Truly. You’ll understand
your mistakes once we return back to Taplica.” Carthy darted to the right suddenly. The officer kept his focus on the girl as she unleashed a barrage of six fireballs from her right weapon, ending with a charged shot. He spun his swords in front of him, reflecting the assault towards the rest of the village. The wood interior of Carthy’s
facility could withstand fire in tiny increments but would be damaged from the small
explosion each round caused. The huts of the village, however, were made of
straw and significantly weaker wood. Once the reflected ammunition struck their
sides, the huts burst into flames, causing the villagers inside to quickly
evacuate from the massive hole caused by the explosion. That was, however, if
the explosion didn’t level the entire hut. The charged shot was sent into
Carthy’s facility, which went off as it struck the floor. The walls blew
outwards and the roof was sent skywards, the shockwave flinging Carthy and the
officer back. The villagers held one another for safety as the facility
transformed into a mess of broken furniture and debris.
moaned in pain as she began to move slowly on the ground. Her shield was now destroyed
but she and her weapons were miraculously intact. A hand reached out to her and
helped her up. Rubbing her eye, she cleared her vision to see Cecil and two
more hunters standing in front of her, their steel blades drawn. “Sensei,” Cecil said, his short brown hair matted against
his head. “Don’t push yourself, let us handle it from here.” The
hunters then faced the officer, who laughed once more after seeing his new
challengers. “You fools are willing to die for this traitor?” He sneered
and wiped the blood from his face. His left eye was completely bloodshot and a
large cut ran down his cheek. “Suit yourselves.” The trio
of hunters formed a triangle around their foe. The one with dark blonde hair,
who stood behind the officer, ran in for a decapitating blow. The officer heard
his advance and quickly impaled his aggressor through the stomach, chuckling as
he extracted his blade from the body. As the corpse hit the ground, Cecil and
his partner, who had long black hair, closed in. The officer avoided the attack
and hacked at the black haired hunter, whose attempt to block failed as the
holo-sword cut through the steel and into its wielder. Cecil stepped back and
stared down at his fallen companions. “Cecil!” Carthy yelled. “Watch out!” Before
Cecil could react, the officer slashed upwards and cut him from his stomach to
his right shoulder. Carthy called out as the force spun Cecil around and the
officer booted him towards the cowering villagers watching the massacre.
Without hesitation, Carthy ran at the officer to avenge her students. The
officer snickered upon seeing this. “You’re making a fatal mistake,”
he said as he stood with his blades ready. Despite the moon being at the 22:00
position, Nova and David continued to hike towards Noam. Nova was leading the
way, making sure that they didn’t trigger any Artificial traps along the way.
She heard very little of Noam before this but what she did know was that it was
a hunting village that captured Artificial to use as food, clothing and
furniture. They weren’t Mercenaries, however, nor were they exporting anything
to the rest of Magraan. It was just a village doing what it could to survive. David’s eyes were drooping as he
followed each step Nova took. He wished she would understand that sleep was important
to him and that it was okay to rest for more than a few minutes for every hour
of walking. After seeing Nova step over a log, he simply put his pack down and
sprawled himself across its surface. “Go on without me,” David said through a yawn. “I’ll catch
up with you in the morning.” “We can’t stop yet,” Nova called, turning around to face her
partner who was rubbing his eyes. “Noam’s just a couple more miles from here,
at most. We can rest once we get there.” “Can’t we just set up camp here? Nova, it’s been a long day.
I think we need some rest.” “I’m feeling fine.” Nova crossed her arms and cocked her
left hip. “This mission is important, David. We can’t sleep until we’re in
Noam.” “You weren’t the one who had to carry an Udpist’s head for a
full day!” “Don’t talk to me about carrying the heads back to the contractor.
What do you think I did for years before you started coming with me?” “Yeah? Well…ugh, come on! Can’t we take a break?” The sound
of a large explosion broke through the bickering as the birds in the trees began
to scatter. The pair looked at each other, petrified. “You heard that, right?” Nova said slowly, trying to remain
calm in front of David. “I did,” David replied, raising his hand to point north.
“But I don’t think you saw that.” Nova
turned around and saw smoke rising above the trees. Her mind began to race. Did
someone find out about the letter and destroy the village before they could get
there? Believing that time was running short, she turned back to David and waved
her arms frantically towards her body. “Come on!” David
grabbed his pack and ran with Nova, weaving through the greenery and hopping
over tree roots to get to their destination as fast as possible. She was just
hoping that the village was okay and safe. Especially the Carthy person that
the letter talked about. They had to get to Noam and fast. The
officer began advancing upon the worn-out Carthy, who he had just tossed back
into the dirt road in front of the villagers. She was on one knee, using her
blade as a support to keep herself up as she coughed. Though sweating himself,
the officer still had fight in him. He sneered and hovered his right holo-sword
next to the girl’s neck, ready to slice at any moment. His eyes glistened in
the scorching rubble of the training facility scattered around the village. The
villagers couldn’t do anything, as the ones who tried to protect Carthy were
not spared. Cecil barely made it out of the scrap with his life, his chest
scarred with a diagonal slash that bled greatly. Many began to treat his wounds
but the ones who weren’t stood in terror as their sensei looked up into the
officer’s putrid green eyes. “Now then,” the officer hissed, grinning with malice.
“You’ll be coming back to Taplica with me, Ms. Ethoros. That or I kill the rest
of the scum in this village one by one right in front of you.” Carthy
swung at her enemy but he stopped the strike and kicked her across the left
side of her face. She hit the ground with a thud, wincing. She tried to get
back up, only to be held down by a boot on the small of her back. “Listen carefully for one second, alright? I was ordered
specifically to bring you back alive but considering how much of a thorn you’ve
been in my side…” The officer began to twist his boot into Carthy’s back, pressing
down harder as she cried out in pain. “…I don’t care what punishment I’ll
receive for ending your pathetic life right here.” Carthy
attempted once more to lift herself off of the ground, but the officer stomped
down, causing her head to rebound off the rocky earth, splitting her nose
open. She looked over at the villagers as blood rushed down her face to see
them look on in fear and at what the battle had done to their home. The huts
of many were reduced to smoking piles and bodies of both the Taplican officers
and two hunters were lying in various ways on the dirt. A couple of huts were
still ablaze, with Carthy’s own facility being mostly destroyed except some
support beams and parts of the walls that managed to stand. Orange embers and
black ash blew in the faint breeze and the fires were enough to light the faces
of the horrified residents. Carthy scanned their faces one last time as the
officer raised his holo-sword to deliver the final blow. She saw the ones
tending to Cecil, the elders huddled together in fear, and Cecil himself
covered in crimson. The last villager she looked at was Dillon, holding her
father’s hand as she stared at Carthy, tears running down the little girl's face. It can’t end like this, Carthy thought. In her
last effort, she took hold of the officer’s ankle with her right hand and
squeezed as hard as she could. The holo-sword began to make its descent. With
one last push, the sound of bone snapping rang out over the crackling of the
fire. The officer fell to the ground, writhing in pain as he held his ankle, his
holo-sword lying next to Carthy’s head. She slowly got to her feet as she saw
Dillon tug at her father’s pant leg, hopping up and down and pointing towards
her hero. Carthy grabbed her second blade and walked to the flailing officer.
She placed a foot on his chest, leaning down to lay the tip of her blade at his
throat. “Game set,” Carthy said, smirking slightly as she pushed her
shoe down on the officer’s chest. “Y-you…you’re…” The officer stuttered between gasps of pain
and a clenched jaw. “You’re f*****g dead!” He then
reached for his weapon but his arm went limp before he could lift it. The
village went silent, the only sound heard was of burning wood coming from the
huts. Carthy retracted her blade from the officer’s neck as two figures ran
into the village. Without hesitation, she pointed her weapon at the pair. “Whoa!” The female figure with green hair stopped in her tracks, seeing all of the destruction left by the battle. “State your business,” Carthy said with authority. “We come in peace, we promise!” The one with black hair put his arms out, showing that his weapon was not drawn. The female did the
same. “We saw the smoke and came to see what was happening,” the green haired figure added. Carthy
looked over at the other villagers and sighed. Seeing the figures as harmless,
she sheathed her weapons and placed them on her left shoulder. She walked
towards the two newcomers, limping slightly and holding her right arm. “We appreciate the concern, but your help isn’t needed. We
have everything under control now.” “Are you kidding? Just look at this place!” The figure with
black hair moved his arm from left to right, demonstrating his point. “It's nothing that we can’t handle. Just leave. Now.” “We can’t. We’re here to meet someone,” said the green
haired figure, crossing her arms. The red and blue sleeves of her green cloak
looked very strange in the lack of light. Carthy put her hands on her hips, finding
their claim hard to believe. “And who would that be?” “Someone named Carthy Von…Ethoros,” replied the male figure.
Carthy’s face twisted into anger as she reached for her weapons. “We have proof, look!” Thinking quickly, the green haired
figure grabbed a letter from her pack and handed it to Carthy, who snatched
it and began to read it. “We’re Mercenaries,” the female figure continued. “We were
meant to meet this Carthy person so we could continue with our mission. I’m
Nova, by the way.” She then pointed to her partner who was releasing his grip
on an undrawn dagger. “And this is my partner, David. I imagine our contractor
has told you about us?” Carthy
gave the paper back to Nova. She leaned in so her face was close to the two
Mercenaries. So close that Nova could clearly smell the blood dripping from her
nose. “You two need to get inside my office,” harshly whispered Carthy, who used her head to point towards what was left of her facility. “I’ll
meet you there once I’m done cleaning up. There’s something we really need to
discuss.” © 2016 Cameron SimoAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Cameron SimoCanadaAboutI am an 18 year old writer who wishes to eventually post a novel. I have a long history with writing stories. Ever since I was younger, I was creating crazy stories, characters, and events in my head .. more..Writing