I have eggzamined all the options. It's eggzactly as I thought. There is no eggcuse for this eggcentrix behavior. Eggspreience is the greatest teacher, and is such an eggzellent gift; it eggsplains so much. A true eggsplosion of eggcellence! I am in eggstasy! No more eggscuses. Soon I will be an eggspurt! <~~~ eggsclamtion mark. .... time for a quick eggzit!
I remember a Shel Silverstein poem just like this :) It was called "Eggs Rated"
These eggs
Are excellent.
I’m not exaggerating.
You can tell by my eggspression
They’re eggceptional--
Eggstra fluffy,
Eggstremely tasty,
Cooked eggsactly right
By an eggspert
With lots of eggsperience.
Now I’ll eggsamine the bill….
Ooh--much more eggspensive
Than I eggpected.
I gotta get out of here.
Where’s the eggxit?
I love the little trip down memory lane this poem took me on. Thanks for bringing me back to my favorite childhood writer :3
Facebook's Mystic of Mayhem, author of Love's True Home, romantic poet, troubadour, philosopher, inspirational writer, lyricist, comic, upbeat, adventurous!
I am not a saint, master, savior or redeem.. more..