![]() The MisHappenings of Adriana Locke and Gina WhittemoreA Story by SplendorMan![]() Story one of what I hope will be a continuous set of short stories about hilarious things.![]() Snacks and Scares I curiously peeked at my screen from across the room. The recently bought laptop glowed in the dimly lit room as I moved across the threshold. I opened the file on my email, glancing at the sender briefly before clicking the button. I screamed aloud as a picture of “Jeff the Killer” flashed across the screen with a horrible screaming/ scratching noise in the background. I knew I would never be able to unsee that horrible thing. I proceeded to spam the ever living hell out of my friend over Skype, cackling maniacally as random thoughts flowed from my brain to the keyboard in an attempt to annoy her. I nodded approvingly at the list, of what I assumed was at least 80 messages, before deleting the email and hoping she wouldn’t resend it again. Sometime later she replied, her letters in all caps screaming something about revenge. I looked at the screen amused and replying smartly before switching to the internet and opening my Tumblr tag. I scrolled through the many miles of posts before I heard her begin what I thought was another rant. I reopened Skype: Adriana Locke: WHAT THE BILBO BAGGINS WOMAN?! ChestertheMolester: I’VE BEEN TRYING TO GET A HOLD OF YOU! Adriana Locke: I CAN SEE THAT. OH GOD YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME AGAIN GINA. -_- ChestertheMolester: I am not Gina, I am Chester. There is nothing wrong with the name God gave me. Adriana Locke: Are you sure that was God? ChestertheMolester: No. XD Adriana Locke: *sighs* Anyway, what is it? You’re like, spazzing out on the chat. And I mean more than usual. ChestertheMolester: Oh yeah! So dude, you know about Slenderman right? Adriana Locke: I thought we vowed to never speak his name again. ChestertheMolester: Yeah, well. That was before last night. He was spotted. Adriana Locke: Well, yeah, duh. People see him all the time, so what’s so special about last night? ChestertheMolester: He was seen near the park. Adriana Locke: Wait. You mean your park? The park that is next to your house? ChestertheMolester: Yupp! Some guy saw him. Adriana Locke: That’s seriously creepy. Have you considered leaving your home? ChestertheMolester: Yeah, I have. But, Adriana, I think we should check it out. Adriana Locke: You want to check out a creepy park at night for a…thing… that probably doesn’t exist. Plus, chance the fact that we might get raped while doing it? ChestertheMolester: Yes. Adriana Locke: Let’s do it. XD Φ The next few days were a total bore before I ventured to her house. The plan was simple. We would fall “asleep” around 11p.m before sneaking out the house and run to the park. We were packed for a zombie apocalypse. Water bottles, snacks (mainly chocolate pudding that I had managed to snatch away from Gina), fully charged phones and cameras with a large emergency flashlight with extra batteries. Gina insisted on carrying the sledgehammer, before I pointed out that she would probably hurt herself before hurting something or anything else. As we were leaving I grabbed a hardcover book. “A book Adriana?” Gina asked, laughing. “Shutup. I got a dictionary. Plus, it’s great to hit things upside the head with.” I replied. “So you intend to back-sass Slenderman with grammar?” “…Maybe…” We left without much else. The park was literally right next to her house, so we didn’t have to walk far get to the abandoned playground. It was much scarier at night, I admit, and there weren’t many cars that passed down this street at the late hours of the night. We sat down on the play set, camera in my right and flashlight in my left. Gina was playing with the phone as she sat down, obviously uncomfortable at the eerie silence. “It’s scaring me every time you hit a button Gina.” “Sorry. I’m just nervous. I’m hoping my parents don’t notice us gone.” “I don’t think they will. They sleep like doormats dude.” I looked up and shone my flashlight on the objects around us. There was a giant slide directly across from me. An old and abused swing set was to my left and the baseball field to my right. Everything was silent except for the distant hum of moving cars and civilization. I touched the dictionary in my backpack seductively, tempted to open it. I turned back to Gina. “What time is it?” I asked, feeling the slight pull of exhaustion. “It’s just now 12. If anything is going to happen. It would happen now.” I opened my mouth to reply when something dark slipped across the view of my flashlight. I grabbed Gina’s arm. She froze in place and snapped the phone shut. “What?” She whispered. “I saw something” “WHAT?” “Over there, near the baseball field.” She turned to look. There was nothing but grass and the fence there. “This better not be a joke Adriana.” “I swear to God it’s not.” “Any chance it’s a rapist. Or is it really Slenderman?” Gina asked, looking at the Operator symbol that was drawn onto the plastic. “With our luck, it’s probably both.” I replied smiling slightly. That’s when we heard it. It was a small rustling sound coming from the trees in the distance, but clearly it was a sound of twigs breaking under feet. We were on our feet in an instant, part of us positioned to run for our lives, another part of us ready to face whatever it was. We stayed that way for a while, the clock on my phone reading 12:45 before we decided to leave. I turned the flashlight just as we were about to leave when I saw him. I made some inhuman sound as I jumped and pointed, flailing about as I did. Gina paled considerably when she saw him. “Gina, please tell me you’re seeing him too.” “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM WE ARE GONNA DIE.” She frantically yelled as she used me as what I assumed was a meat shield. I didn’t reply as I saw him move closer. My flashlight shook in my hand as I pocketed the camera and went for anything I could use as a sort of weapon. I hoped it was the book. When I decided he was too close for my liking, I threw whatever it was in my hand and snatched Gina’s wrist and we ran. We ran as fast as we could towards her house. When we arrived we stopped in her front yard, catching our breath before we stealthily snuck back inside. We stared at each other for awhile, not speaking, until we pulled the covers over our heads. We avoided sleeping. Φ I returned to my house the following evening. Over Skype we waited anxiously for what we thought was our imminent doom as we were sure Slendy would be coming for us. Gina Skype’d me again four weeks after the “incident” as we called it: ItalianStallion: Hiya! Adriana Locke: Should I even question the motive for this username? ItalianStallion: What? I am Italian, and I am a stallion. Adriana Locke: That just screams sexual content. Anyways, what’s up? ItalianStallion: Yeah, so guess what? Remember the “incident” Adriana Locke: No I completely forgot about it. You see I have amnesia. ItalianStallion: Oh. I am sorry to hear that. That explains so much actually. That’s not important! Anyway, on the news, this guy was caught yesterday. Apparently, this guy was going around scaring kids who stayed out at the park too late at night and dressed up as Slenderman. And guess where he was that night? Adriana Locke: The park. ItalianStallion: The park. Adriana Locke: Well, mystery solved. I guess? Anyway, let’s never do something stupid like that again. At least until next week. XD ItalianStallion: Yeah! Totally! Next time let’s do a ghost hunt! Adriana Locke: Good Lord. Anyway I’ll talk to you later Gina. ItalianStallion: Okay! Bye Adriana!!! I logged off of Skype and wandered my way into the kitchen. My parents were off and my brother was playing his Xbox 360 in his room as I opened the fridge and pulled out random food. I paused when I saw a lone pudding cup in my fridge. Had I taken one home from Gina’s house? I sometimes did that. There was a note resting on top of it as I took it out and starting eating the pudding with a fork (my spoons had strangely disappeared again). I opened it and dropped my fork: “You forgot something.” I read the note over and over again before I started to smile. I had thrown a pudding cup at Slenderman. © 2012 SplendorManAuthor's Note
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