Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Splatman73

So now I try my hand at prophecy and at swordplay. It'll be a surprise if anyone makes it this far. I know I would struggle to stick with this.

  Flattle squirmed against the bird's claw. "Let us go!" He demanded.
 "Do you truly want me to do that, riverdog? Do you see where you are?" Flattle's bird asked.

  Flattle looked down and gulped. "On second thought, never mind. But where are you taking us?"

  "Be quiet, and your questions will be answered in due time." Flattle's gull looked at the other and said,"Honestly, this one should have been named Prattle. What do you think, Saik?"

  "Completely agree, Malk. Of course, we could be hearing the brainy lizard chat about whatever he thinks we're doing." Saik said.

  "First, Saik and Malk, I'm a chameleon to be exact. Second, do you mind explaining how you know who we are?" Moac politely questioned.

  "It's rather simple really." Saik started.

  "Quite. We work for the Elder." Moac continued.

  "Obviously. Why else would we go around scooping up other creatures." Saik said, as the duo continued to speak in turns.

  "Exactly. He knew you were coming..."

  "And he also knew you would be in trouble..."

  "So he sent us to get you..."

  "And take you to his island."

  "It was quite the ingenious idea..."

  "Especially since we are the only ones who have traveled to the island and back."

  "And in a boat any creature would have become lost after being in the mist for long."

  "I hate to interrupt, but how long until we arrive." Stone asked.

  "Oh, blast, we almost missed it." Saik realized.

  "Too true. Well, going down." Malk stated as the two started to dive.

   As they landed, the trio saw they were at the top of a large hill in the center of the island. They walked to a hut and saw standing in the doorway was an old, silver furred otter.

  "That's the Elder, friends." Saik said. The trio knelt before him.

  "Oh, there's no need for that, young'ns. Welcome to my home, Elder Isle,"  the Elder said.

  "Thank you sir. It's an honor to be here," Flattle replied. He and the others stood up and faced him. As they received their first good look at him. He had on a white robe with a belt and sandals. His face was kind, but firm. He appeared to know everything about them. His smile was warm and radiant. He was every inch a creature to be respected.

  "I understand you have come a great distance. You have come to seek counsel for what to do about the wolves. The answer is simple, but the task is hard. Come into me home and I will explain more." He ushered them in and they saw a wondrous interior.

  The center of the room had a table with plenty of food. There was a firplace on the left wall with ways to bake pastries and such and to make soup. The right wall had a bed, and a dresser.

  The walls were decorated in weapons. There were daggers, dirks, knifes, long swords, short swords, rapiers, bows, quivers of arrows and other things. But the one weapon that stood out the most was the one in the center of the back wall. It was a long broadsword. Its blade was about four feet long. The hilt was in the shape of a cross and made for two paws. The grip was made of brown leather. The pommel, or bottom part of the hilt, was round. The blade had a wave design on the flat sides. As the three stared at the sword, the Elder commented,"I see you like my finest blade. We will attend to that later. But for now, we have other matters to attend to. Come, sit at my table."

  They sat down to a plenteous spread. There was white cheese and orange cheese and a cheese studded with chestnuts. There were veggie pastries, mixed berry pastries, apple pastries, and peach pastries. Summer and spring salads sat with the assortment. And to drink, there was herbal tea, strawberry cordial, and blackberry bubble. But for starters, there was soup. River salmon and spice root soup.

  "Ach, Ah've neveh seen soo much food en mah lahfe!" Stone exclaimed.

  "If there's one thing an otter can count on, it's hungry young'ns. Enjoy. Eat your fill. While you eat I will tell you what you must do," the Elder said.

  They dug in. Flattle, after taking one bite of his soup, widened his eyes and tears welled up. But he smiled, and went right back to his soup with gutso. He finished rapidly and told the Elder, "That is the hottest style of this soup I have ever had. And it was the best!"

  He resumed eating and the Elder began to speak. "What you need to do, is take a quest. A quest across the Great North Sea to the Golden Isle. There, you must find the sword of the Golden Isle. Only through testing by the island's inhabitants, will you find it. They will also train you to be able to defeat King Kronge. I have the way for you in the form of a word map. But this map is a riddle. Moac, would you please write this down?" He then began to recite. 
   Beyond the oceans lies a sight,
   That to some others may seem a fright.
   To find your way, keep your back the sun
   In early day, when it has just begun.
   Then travel the river, never stray,
   Or there could be a great delay.
   In another land, to join with you,
   A thief their is, a friend to few.
   Beware the village, ruled by a feather,
   Or you will be joined to a tether.
   When you arrive at the great wall,
   Go to the over the door, before night does fall.
   When you shall fall into a deep hole,
   For your journey, there is another soul.
   An inventor is he, with less feathers than brains,
   But watch out for the skies, they may bring rains.
   Avoid the swamp, the deep damp bogs,
   For there you may find some unpleasant frogs.
   Go to the mountain with the great tree,
   Another friend there will for the quest find ye.
   Go with the hare that the seas, does roam
   He will them take you even farther from home.
   For many days, no land you'll see
   Oh where could that solid ground be?
   As you do travel all over the place
   Stay off the island that food does grace.
   As you arrive at your final isle,
   This is where lies your trial.
   If you succeed to beat the ghosts,
   Only then can the king be toast.

  The friends sat in silence until Moac said,"That's quite a large riddle"

  "Yes, it is," the Elder said."But if you want to take back your home you must follow it. To aid you, I will give you each very important gifts. First, finish your meals." He then went outside.

  The three questers ate their meals rapidly. When they finished, they followed the Elder outside. When they couldn't see him on the side they came in on, they checked the other side. What they saw widened all their eyes. They saw orchards filled with a variety of fruit.  They saw gardens of vegetables. In the centerof this, there was a ring of stones with dirt in it and the Elder standing in the center. They ran down to the elder. 

  As they drew near, he said,"Took you long enough. Now that your down here, I want to tell you what I will give each of you. First, each of you will receive better clothes for traveling. Second, I'm going to give you a craft for sailig downstream. Third, you'll need more rations for your journey. And I will give each of you a weapon. With each weapon, you will have training. Because of our lack oppf time, I will only be able to teach you the basics. Are you ready?"




  The Elder looked at Flattle,"What troubles you?"

  "For something like this, it's impossible to truly be ready." Flattle answered. 

  The Elder nodded wisely."Yes, but you can prepare the best you can."

  "I understand sir. Thank you." Flattle said.

  "Good let's begin. Moac, will you come with me please. Stone, you and Flattle stay here.

  "Yes sir," they said in chorus. As the Elder and Moac walked back to the house, Flattle and Stone sat down on benches around the arena. Stone asked,"Do ya relly think weh ken do this, lad?"

  "We have to. But honestly, no." Flattle replied.

  "Ah thenk we ken. Boot onleh weth the Eldeh's help."

  "I'm not even sure we can get to the Golden Isle."

  "We ken, lad."

  "How can you be so sure."

  "Hey, Stone,"Moac called. "It's your turn."

  "Because," Stone replied to Flattle,"I know you." She turned and yelled to Moac,"Coming!"

  Flattle sat there with his mouth agape. He stared at Stone as she ran up the hill. Moac came and sat beside him. He was now wearing black shorts, with a belt. "What was that about?" He asked. 

  "You don't need to know,"Flattle answered. "So what did the Elder give you?"

  "He gave me jugs of tea and strawberry cordial," Moac replied." He also gave me these." Moac pulled out two knives from their places on his belt. The blades were five inches long. They were bronze, and the hilts were stone. It had a leather weave design. 

  "Wow. Impressive choice." Flattle said.

  "I didn't choose it," Moac stated.


  "Yeah. He said as soon as he finishes with us individually, he'll help us with our weapons."

  "Flattle, your turn." Stone called out.

  "On my way," Flattle shouted back. He started climbing up the hill.

  When he arrived at the top, he opened the door and entered. He saw the Elder standing against the back wall. 

  "For you, I have a sword. It is my best one. I crafted this one fifty years ago. I've waited all this time to present it to some creature. And now that creature has arrived. I present you with the Rudder."

  The Elder took down the broadsword from the center. He held it with two paws, one on the hilt, and one on the blade. He presented the sword to Flattle. Flattle took it and held it with both paws on the hilt. He looked at his reflection in the sword.

  "Tell me. Why would I be chosen to do this? I can't even swim, much less fight."Flattle asked.

  "Because you have the warrior's spirit. When you see someting wrong, you get upset and do something  about it, even at the potential cost of your life. You try over and over until the job is done. You don't quit when even the strongest would. Even when something becomes more important, you continue thinking of ways to accomplish the previous goal. People look up to you, because you focus on them instead of you. If you can help, you will. You lead by example. You lead by serving. You were chosen, because you would do it, no matter the personal cost." The Elder told him.

  "Now, I have given Stone a pack with assorted foods for your journey. After you change into the clothes I have laid out for you on the table, you will find me at the practice arena. Change quickly, and come." The Elder then left Flattle alone in the hut.

  Flattle walked over to the table and saw a yellow, sleeveless vest. With it there were gray shorts. There was also a scabbard and shoulder belt for "Rudder". He put these on and walked back to the practice pit.

 When he arrived, he got his first good look at Stone. She was wearing a red, short sleeved shirt, and a short brown skirt. He saw Moac training with the Elder. Moac lunged at the Elder, and the Elder dodged and tapped him with his staff. 

 "You need to be quicker. When you have the shorter weapon, keeping enemies close is essential," the Elder said. "Seeing as you are a chameleon, stealth is even easier to use. You can hide against anything. Well done otherwise." Moac thanked the Elder and moved to the otside of the arena.

 The Elder looked at Flattle,"So, you're finally here. Well, time to get started. Attack me."

 Flattle unsheathed his sword and raised it. He stepped into the arena and swung down. The Elder, using a plain sword of his own blocked Flattle's attack.

 "For fighting you might want to take your cloak off. Your form needs improvement. Use more strength so you can cut through the enemy's defense. And remember, you can always come right back because the sword is double edged. Try again."

 Flattle crouched slightly and attacked from the side. The Elder blocked it and countred with thrust. "Remember, offense isn't the only thing you need to be concerned about. Your defense needs to be considered before your attack. Counter this."

 The Elder made a thrust toward Flattle. Flattle parried it and swung upward. The Elder blocked the attack and swung at Flattle's side. Flattle blocked but lost balance. The Elder attacked his sword, and Flattle fell.

 "Well done. Try practicing when you have a chance. But now, it is time for you to depart. Come."

 The questers followed the Elder to the inlet. As it was on the other side of the island, the walk took some time. When they arrived there, Saik and Malk were standing beside a boat. It was painted gray, and had the name "Silverfish" painted in black on the side.

 "It's time to say goodbye. I wish I had more time to train you for what lies ahead. Saik and Malk will take you to the edge of the mist. From there, it's the three of you. Goodbye"

 The trio climbed in the boat and waved goodbye. The birds picked up a rope attached to the front of the boat and started to fly with it. The boat slipped into the lake and was off.

© 2016 Splatman73

Author's Note

Ah, memories. The good old days when I still read plenty of Brian Jacques. Great author, you should read him if you haven't. Anyways, do what you like with any review you may give.

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Added on October 28, 2016
Last Updated on October 28, 2016
Tags: fantasy, abandoned project



Monroe, NC

I like to write fantasy and most of what I publish will probably be unfinished or first drafts. My writing also tends to be really long so fair warning there. If you write Magical Fantasy please let m.. more..

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