Words are fickle

Words are fickle

A Poem by Ankita Dwivedi

When you see that I'm stuck,get me out. Don't pretend you never saw me.

One moment I'm deep in the water,
i'm tip-toing on the border of my terrace the next.
Some are there to care a little,
no one to care enough .
The air is pure , the vibe but toxic.
The words are fickle,
the intentions but mettalic.
The hand to help me out from the water is wavering.
The push, but intent.
I tried to be righteous,
my knees but bent.
I was sailing across the shores of hell one moment .
And now,
to the paradise i'm sent.

© 2020 Ankita Dwivedi

Author's Note

Ankita Dwivedi
Here's a short poem .Do let me know what you think about this .I've tried something different this time.

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I read it through four times, can't say I'm sure what it's about, but can't say that I care for understanding. It reads like slow jazz, it's a beautiful piece that uses words to paint an emotion. You did an amazing job defining something only by its edges. I'd like to read a lot more by you, it seems that you're free-writes would be magnificent, pure emotion and expression.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

Mind can be a very dark and dangerous organ,sometimes.Sometimes,it holds on to a thought and it can .. read more
T.S. Ulmus

4 Years Ago

You could never disappoint me. Spill your words, refine them if you must, a true poet bleeds emotion.. read more


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Its a poem of contrasts to me; like drowning in a mental monsoon. Needing a helping hand to be saved but no hands readily available. Words can be fickle, yes, so can intent. Try another short poem. The more you write the better you will get. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

oh! sure i will and hope you tell me how it was .thanks for visiting , sweet.
Love, Ankita
i like the title ... there is push and pull in your poem says i! again the dichotomy within us all .. temptations are with us daily .. not just sexual ... all kinds ... its all about the choice aint it!? you have a way with words and imaging ... this one is less prose like than the previous two .. you might give thought to trying a classical form ... i am also abstract and use free verse but doing a more demanding form i.e. a sonnet has always given me a sense of grounding and a more well rounded experience as a creative writer ... Richard is a great one for forms ... it you read him you will see what i mean .. and he is very helpful should you ask him ... but you must be serious about it and prepared to write and re-write until it is perfect in the smallest detail ;)

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

yeah !! I am trying to learn the form and will try as hard as i can ..hope i write my first sonnet s.. read more
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

do check out Richard .. he is boundless in his help
Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

I am sir ..and indeed what you say is true ..thank you for your humble advice
With your title in mind, your poem made me think of how words can be both friend and foe. How sometimes words can be healing and other times they can feel like perpetrators. I suppose words do have great power. The person using them and the purpose for their use can both affect how they impact. Your poem makes me feel that the words themselves are seen as the force and the person only has minimal control over how they manifest. That’s an interesting perspective. Makes me think of mental illness and how things can take on a life of their own and the person suffering lacks the power to fight against them properly. I enjoyed reading your poem.

Posted 4 Years Ago

I like. the lines convey a sense of desperation but then a feeling of peace.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

it does!! thanks for your words.
Love, Ankita
Well, Lady Ankita

I was really drawn-in by your title, and from reading such a splendidly rendered litany of vividly expressed desperation and dismay, it is more than obvious you are not merely another pretty face at the Café. There is fine skill, complex feeling, and emotion swirling your depths, plus, great imagination and creativity to end such a dynamically gripping scene with the earned and well-deserved final reward of "paradise".
What a sigh of relief you've gifted us … I was about to jump-in and save you. ; )

Hm? What do I think about this? I think it's sheer brilliance, Ankita, and that it's an honor and pleasure to read you.
Thanks ever-so sincerely for sharing You! ⁓ Richard 🍃

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

oh! your warmth makes me so happy ..thanks for reading me ..i have posted another ..jump in and save.. read more

4 Years Ago

What a lovely review response, Ankita
You make me happy, too, and leave me feeling warmly ap.. read more
Seems life and what it contains sends you back and forth, here and there.. and you might not have come to terms with that. Your phrasing is so full of specifics, perhaps too many? Tis hard to find self at times, expectations laid aren't always best behaved! Consequently, intended meanings escape the ability of pen and imagination in unison!. Perhaps? Guess one could create two stanzas the one going that way, the other going this way. That said, you write with great feeling, however, just adding my slant..

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

Of course! thank you so much for your advice and visit ..will definitely keep in mind.
Love, .. read more

4 Years Ago

Think perhaps my words read presumptuous, forgive me, please. Perhaps we all need learn by past suc.. read more
Powerful. Beautiful. Well uses. Well structured. Except the title uses just 'words'.
This one was a hard writ, to covey what why or what, it is hard, so I won't criticized much about the piece on that matter. Though this poetry failed to convey the deep human psychology, times we all face in our lives, but it conveyed what it is like for that person to go through all of this beautifully.

Deep in the water? ((Here's my hand))
Border of my terrace? Just wow! Usually we see high buildings in popular literatures to tip-toing. But you used your own home! 'My terrace' is a close thing, which is what you've written in the description. That is brilliant when you're pointing out to everyone around you.
Next two lines state it directly! It dwell right into it.
But if I would have to deduct; 'metallic' (not the wrong spell 'mettalic'); what can I make of it? Whose intentions it is talking about? Metals symbolized purity, divination, strength, courage and honor. So I can interpret that these are the first person's intentions you're talking about. But this choice wasn't helpful for in previous line you talked about the words of other persons. So it intended with the intentions of the people you're pointing out to. Not the other way.
Then, right when you gave the image of the wavering hand, as to reach out unintentionally to pull out.... right then you use "The push, but intent." That's why I just love this piece so much, that it plays with the reader, lead him to a place, then leaves and betrays. Exactly what the theme is. This is hard to do if not planned from before. And you've done it again and again. This poem is being that person for the reader, to leave, to pretend, to betray. It is alive!

Now this is my personal opinion: this poem requires more thoughts and editing on the latter part to keep it in the theme, to be fickle again. Ending in a nice way, (for me) took it away from the essence, the fickleness it is trying to depict. This made the poem lifeless (for me), and shifted the centre again to the 'I' person. It could be more universal.

You've mentioned "something different" in the author's note, I wonder if your older works were in metres, and if this well penned, then it's going to be a chew.
And my thoughts on those other people.... they don't know! Asking for help is necessary. If they know you, yet they don't get you out, then probably, they don't know you well enough. If not going to the past, now what can YOU do to make it right? Help them know you well enough. Help them to help you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

Many thanks for such a detailed review , your advice and appreciation.I will keep it all in mind .Al.. read more
Summer boy

4 Years Ago

Of course. If you're in my friendlist I'm definitely going to review all your works. Currently just .. read more
I think words and thoughts can shift moods and direction as easily as the weather changes.
I think it's wise of you to understand how to weather the storms. Much to think on in this write.
Btw, welcome and nice to meet you. :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

Nice to meet you too,Ana . Really glad you visited and liked my work.
Love, Ankita
To paradise i am sent too. Nice one. Pen on.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Nope. Never any trouble, I'm not a bitter old man lol. Just 28.
And no man will resist candy .. read more
Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

oh ! i know you are not .. then let's blame the one who took the candy equally as the one who offere.. read more

4 Years Ago

Fair enough ☺ Paradise problem solved. Ciao!

I sense these words reflect the many words and images both swimming and flying around in the imagination of a poet head.. alive with all manner of possibilities ...

Posted 4 Years Ago

Ankita Dwivedi

4 Years Ago

yes ,my friend .i wanted to give scope to the readrer's imagination as it can be interpreted in more.. read more

4 Years Ago

.................. absolutely :)

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25 Reviews
Added on August 27, 2020
Last Updated on August 27, 2020
Tags: darkside


Ankita Dwivedi
Ankita Dwivedi

Noida, Utttar pradesh, India

Hey guys!! read my poetry and do give your reviews. I need your support. I really hope that it will lead every individual to find something they felt at some point, a feeling they thought were alien... more..


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