Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Spencer Arbre

A story about genetically programmed soul mates


When Quinn told Santana that Finn was trying to steal her mate, her best friend was enraged. Santana wasn't fond of Finn in the first place and the fact that he was trying to take Rachel from Quinn made her blood boil. But when Quinn told her that Rachel had asked if Quinn wanted a chance to be her mate rather than Finn, Santana thought she might actually kill the blonde as well. "What the hell you you mean you said Finn could have her-she's yours. You know you want her. Stop being such a p***y and go after her already. She's not going to wait around forever and you know that. Why are you doing this to yourself. To both of you."

Quinn sat on her bed reading a book, attempting to ignore Santana and failing miserably. She lowered the book and glared at the Latina, "Because she will be happier with him."

"No she will be happier with you. You two were meant to be together. You are so frustrating. Forget your parents, forget your family altogether. Forget everything and just think about you. What does Quinn want. If Quinn had no consequences for her actions, no status to keep, would she be with her?"

Quinn looked down at her comforter and traced its pattern, trying to block out Santana's question, but she already knew the answer. The answer was yes. It had been yes since she first saw Rachel in the hallway. It would always be yes but her life and her family would always say no. It didn't matter what she wanted. It mattered what her father wanted. "No," Quinn lied and looked up at Santana. "No, because I have consequences. I don't live in that world and I never will."

Santana sighed and rose from the bed. "Look, I have sat here and tried to reason with you. I don't think you know what kind of damage this could do to you. You could die if you deny your mate, and she could die as well. If you do this the only person who will benefit from it is Finn. He is the only one that will come out happy, but even then you're still putting Rachel in danger because he isn't her mate. You are. He's going to find out he isn't her mate one day. I don't know why she has two mates but your initials are on her wrist. You are the one who can save her from this mess. Not Finn. Besides if she picks him she is going to get sick and maybe even die. Do this for all of you, take what's yours. I mean really what's worse, dealing with your family for a few more years or suffering for the rest of your life?"

Quinn looked away from Santana not able to deal with the truth. She knew the girl was right. She just didn't know if she could force herself to do the right thing. She didn't know if she could break away from being the perfect girl her parents wanted her to be and become who she was really meant to be all along, whoever that was. It was scary and it was all happening so fast, "I'll think about it, okay?" Quinn turned back to her book ignoring Santana again, "Now go, so I can think."

"You better think hard. You said she's going to tell him tomorrow. You don't have much time." Santana shut the door and Quinn sat in silence staring at everything in her room. She was thinking about what she should do. She didn't know if she could confront Rachel again. She didn't even know where she lived. Which is when she realized she didn't know anything about Rachel, she had just pushed her away before she had even given the girl a chance to be her mate. She needed to do some research before she made any moves.

The first place she turned to was social media, she tried Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, but the only thing she found was a private Facebook page. All Rachel had on there was a variety of professionally posed pictures. Quinn had no idea what to think of that so she shrugged it off and moved to another source. Google. The first thing she searched was Rachel Berry and got an outrageous number of hits. Rachel was everywhere. New York, Colorado, Tennessee, Hawaii and everywhere she went she was making her mark. Performing, charity work, and visiting her Father's hospitals.

Quinn began looking through the millions of articles about the Berry family. There were so many things about Rachel, she was overwhelmed. The brunette was everywhere and seemed to do everything. Rachel Berry stars in...Rachel Berry volunteers her time at...Rachel Berry. She was like...America's sweetheart or something. Well that was a bit of an exaggeration, but everywhere she went everyone seemed to love her. 

Rachel's fathers were famous for their work on biochemical engineering of mating. They were so famous that Rachel had to be much more wealthy than Quinn. Not that it mattered, Quinn didn't care about money. Well maybe a little, or a lot but not in this situation. 

Quinn found Rachel's address and by the time she found that it was already dark out. She looked at the clock and saw that it was already eleven. Quinn debated just waiting until the morning but the more she thought the stronger her urge was to leave the house. Finally, Quinn left her house and made her way to Rachel's. She grabbed her phone and a sweatshirt and left her house as quietly as possible. It had only take fifteen minutes to walk there.

All of the lights in the house were out and it didn't seem like anyone was awake so Quinn decided to do the cliche thing. Throw something at her window. She saw pebbles lining the front walkway and grabbed a handful. She looked at the windows trying to decide which one was Rachel's and decided that the one with the gold stars was probably her best bet. Her first throw had hit the window pane, but she wasn't sure if Rachel would have heard it so she threw another and waited a few seconds. When she didn't see any movement she threw another and another until finally the window opened. "Who are you and why are you here at this hour?" Rachel's voice floated down to a panicked Quinn, struggling to find her voice.

"It's Quinn, Rachel. I think I made a mistake. Can we talk?"

"Did you seriously have to come to my house at midnight just to talk to me?" Rachel asked moving away from the window. "I'll be down in a moment."

Quinn walked towards the front door and waited for Rachel to come down. When she was certain the girl had lied and went back to bed, the door slowly opened. "If you have a slushy please get rid of it now," Rachel said hiding behind the door.

"Rachel, I don't have a slushy okay, I came to have a serious talk. I promise." Quinn could tell that Rachel was still skeptical of the situation but the girl stepped aside from the door to let her in.

When Rachel closed the door behind the blonde, Quinn was immediately struck with nervousness. Her palms were already clammy and she had only been in the house for two seconds. "So what did you want to talk about?" Rachel crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, raising her brow in expectation.

"Well…" Quinn rubbed the back of her neck trying to find the right words. "Us." When the word came out of her mouth Rachel's jaw went slack. Quinn swore she could see the girl's eyes come to life at the word.

"What about us?" Rachel pressed.

"I think I made the wrong decision. I mean, I've been thinking and I don't want to see you with Finn or with anyone. I want to see you with me. I really do. It's just...there's one problem."

There seemed to always be a problem with Quinn. Rachel rolled her eyes and dared to ask what it was the girl couldn't deal with this time. "Which is?"

"My family. Mainly my father. He's um..well him. One time I got an A- and he uh...burnt me with a cigar. Another time I almost fell off the top of the pyramid at a cheer tournament and..he," Quinn bit her lip not wanting to speak of the horrible things her father had done to her. "The point is, if he finds out that I am with you he will do much, much worse. I'd lose my home, my family, everything."

Rachel had greatly underestimated the girl standing in front of her. Earlier she was ready to run into Finn's arms, but now...she realized her decision was wrong. Quinn hadn't been running from her out of the fear of loving another girl. She had been running out of the fear of her abusive father. 

"So that's why you keep trying to push me away? You're scared of your father?" Quinn nodded her head in confirmation. "I could support you. My fathers would have no problem at all taking you in if something like that were to happen. As long as we have each other what else do we really need?"

Quinn smiled, it warmed her heart to know that Rachel had not been exposed to a world that took her innocence away. She still had the hope in her heart. "I don't think it would be that easy. He would hunt me down. Try to get you. It would be hell for both of us."

Rachel frowned, "Why do you always turn down everything I offer you? If you would just accept me as your mate this would be so much easier. We could fall in love and run away and your father would never find us. We could do anything we wanted. I would give you anything. Everything." Rachel took a step towards Quinn and she didn't feel pain. She felt warmth. It started at her wrist and slowly started moving through her body until it settled in her chest.

"Rachel...I would love that...I just don't want to put you in danger." Quinn was feeling something she had never felt before. As Rachel stood in her hallway and fought for her, Quinn was feeling...she wasn't actually sure what it was. All she knew was that she had never been more attracted to someone than she was to Rachel right now. She had never seen a more beautiful person, someone who would fight for her love with everything they had. It only made it harder to try and deny Rachel.

"I don't care about danger. I care about keeping you safe and if your father is a threat to your safety than I want to fix that."

"You can't fix it. No one can. My father is crazy and there is no way that you or your fathers or anyone is ever going to get rid of him. He will stop at nothing to stop the evil that same sex mates bring to this world. Well in his eyes. When he found out Santana and Brittany were mates he nearly got them kicked out of the school. The only reason they are still enrolled in Mckinley is because Sue Sylvester is just as terrifying as my father."

Rachel didn't know what to say she didn't know how to respond to Quinn's life. She was being chained down by a man who had no right to her other than the fact that he was her biological father. But just because Quinn felt she didn't have any options didn't mean that there wasn't a way the two girls could make this work. "Okay, I know you're scared. I have to admit, I am a bit scared of this situation as well but I am your mate and even though we have hit such a difficult obstacle, that doesn't mean we can't do this. We are going to be fighting people who don't accept us our entire lives. They may not be as severe as your father but we will never get away from the hatred in our lives. It's not right and it's not fair but it is the fate we have been handed. We wouldn't be going through it if we couldn't handle it. I really believe we can make this work. We are both strong, beautiful, independent women. You are my mate and I am not going to stand here and let your father run your life. I am going to love and protect you no matter how hard or dangerous it becomes."

Quinn knew that she couldn't say no to Rachel after that. The brunette was passionate about them making it and judging by the look in her eyes she wasn't going to give up on this. There was no way she could turn the girl down, even if she wanted to. "Okay what if we try. But we don't tell anyone. We could just be a secret until we figure out a plan that will definitely work. Just-anything I can't bear to see you with Finn." Quinn knew it was a long shot. Who would want to be a dirty little secret? But she was running out of options.

She watched the gears turn in Rachel's head. When the girl looked up at her with such a torn look in her eyes she thought she was going to say no and her heart dropped into her feet. "If it were anyone else...I would walk away right this second. But, because you are my mate and we are in such a hard situation I will take you up on that. We can be a secret."

The relief that washed over Quinn in that moment was overwhelming, her heart jumped from her feet to her throat in two seconds flat. "You're serious? We can really do this?" Rachel nodded her head in conformation and a smile spread across Quinn's face that nearly broke her cheeks.

"However…" There is always a catch...Quinn thought to herself. "This doesn't mean that we are instantly dating. I still fully expect for you to court me like a gentleman...woman. You know what I mean. We aren't official, we have just agreed to an arrangement. Is that clear?"

Quinn nodded but had to resist from rolling her eyes, " I supposed to do that tomorrow or…" Quinn wasn't sure how this was supposed to work. She had never asked someone to be with her, and she had never had to work this hard to be with anyone before. Usually people just threw themselves at her and she let them follow her around until they got bored.

"No. You need to get to know me, Quinn. It needs to be special and it needs to be romantic. You can't just walk up to me and ask me to be your girlfriend."

Quinn bit her lip nervously, she felt like she was being scolded and for what? Not knowing how to ask someone out? She tried to think of anything she could do for the girl, but she didn't know her, and she wasn't even sure if she had a romantic bone in her body. "Well...can I ask you a small question now then?" Quinn's voice was timid, smaller than it had ever been in her life. This was the first time she had ever spoken to Rachel for longer than a few minutes. She had to admit she was a bit intimidated by her.

"Yes, you may." Rachel's face was stoic, Quinn could see no emotion whatsoever.

"Um.." Quinn avoided Rachel's stare feeling stupid for even having to ask the question. "Can I have your number?" There was a moment of awkward silence and then a burst of laughter. Rachel was laughing at her. "What's so funny? It was a serious question!" Quinn defended herself.

Rachel bit her lip trying to stop her laughter but there was no use. "I'm sorry, really I am, but I was expecting a much more serious question than that. Yes of course you can have it. I can put it in your phone now if you'd like."

Quinn pulled her phone out of her sweatshirt pocket and handed it to Rachel. The girl was smiling like an idiot when she handed the phone back to her. "What is so funny?" Quinn asked, confused. Rachel directed her eyes back down at the screen and began to giggle. "Ray Berry, King of the Q. Rachel what the heck is this? You are not the king of me!"

"No, but I will be your Queen. Get used to it." Rachel folded her arms over her chest daring Quinn to argue, but the blonde didn't say a word. "Great. Now, would you like to come upstairs? I have a guest room you can stay in. It's pretty late. You shouldn't walk home all alone."

"No, I should go. If my father finds out that I snuck out this will be the last time you will ever see me. Thanks anyway, Ray." Rachel giggled and Quinn's heart swelled. "I'll text you though okay? We'll hang out soon. So I can properly ask you out, I guess…"

Rachel quirked an eyebrow. "You guess..?"

"No..I mean I know. So I can ask you to be my girlfriend in a romantic way." Quinn quickly added.

"Good. You want a ride home?" Rachel began to pick up the keys off the front table.

"No. The headlights might wake my dad...that's a lie, they wouldn't but I'm paranoid they would."

"I'll drop you off a block from home?" Rachel offered. She didn't want Quinn walking home alone. She knew that Lima was a pretty safe area, but she still didn't like the idea of a hot, blonde, girl walking all alone in the dead of night.

Quinn bit her lip debating the offer but eventually gave in. "Okay. But a whole block away, okay?"

"You got it. Just tell me where to drop you off. But I'm following you to your door. I will just feel better watching you walk in. Is that okay?" Rachel knew that she was being overbearing and pushy but she couldn't help it, she was controlling by nature. She needed things a certain way and in this case she needed to know that Quinn would be safe.

"Okay. I guess that's okay." Quinn was terrified something was going to go wrong, but she didn't want to deny Rachel of what she wanted either.

The two girls walked out to Rachel's garage few minutes later. Quinn knew she shouldn't be surprised at the expensive sports cars sitting in the garage, but she was. The cars were probably worth more than the entire block of houses combined. When Rachel walked over to her Bentley she was still shocked. It was a navy blue car, low to the ground,two doors and shiny as all hell. It reeked of wealth. Quinn couldn't help but stare and when Rachel noticed she frowned. "Please don't."

Quinn snapped out of her daze and looked to the girl standing at the drivers side. "I'm not...I don't care about your money. I promise. I mean it's nice. It's just not what I'm here for. I'm here for you. Not the money."

"Rachel smiled and walked around to the passenger side door. "Good, then get in so I can take you home." Quinn smirked and shook her head before walking around the car to sit down. Rachel closed the door and got in on the passenger side. The car still smelled like it was knew ad Quinn thought she might pass out from the fumes. "It was a gift from my dads. They like to buy me things because they are never home. World renown surgeons don't have much time for their adolescent daughters. I don't really even drive it. I never have anywhere to go."

"Well...I'll try to think of something to fix that then." Quinn smiled over at Rachel.

"I'd like that. Now, let's get you home." Rachel started the car and backed out of the driveway. Quinn wanted to put her hand over Rachel's because it was sitting on the gear shift the whole time it was just screaming at her to hold it, but she was too nervous to move.

Rachel had convinced Quinn to let her drive her to the end of her street so she could see the girl walk in the house, the blonde had no chance at denying Rachel of what she wanted. So Quinn got out at the intersection of Maple Drive and Bridge Street. Quinn stood under the streetlight for a moment looking at the navy Bentley before her. There was no way anyone on this street would believe that was a sixteen year old girl. She felt a little better knowing that.

Quinn began to walk down the street but Rachel stayed where she was. Finally when Quinn had gotten halfway down the street Rachel began to creep behind her. When Quinn got to her front door Rachel slowed. Quinn opened her door and looked back at the girl, Rachel had rolled down the window to watch Quinn, the brunette waved and smiled as Quinn walked into the house. When she closed the door behind her she heard the car speed off. She leaned back against the front door and smiled. "Bye, Ray."

© 2015 Spencer Arbre

Author's Note

Spencer Arbre
I know I have a big problem with consistency. If any details have stuck out to you that don't seem to add up please let me know. Also from here the story is about to get really fluffy. I have also made many of the gestures very over the top and dramatic. I did it with purpose and I know none of them are realistic. They are not meant to be.

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Added on October 14, 2015
Last Updated on October 14, 2015
Tags: love, lust, passion, lesbian, gay, lgbt, soulmates, soulmate, drama, high school


Spencer Arbre
Spencer Arbre

22 In College I write stories in my free time I normally write the dreaded fan fiction because I feel very strongly connected to two specific characters.(Judge me) I have ventured here because I w.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Spencer Arbre

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Spencer Arbre

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Spencer Arbre