Rebecka and Stella Excerpt 3

Rebecka and Stella Excerpt 3

A Story by Alisha Martin

Actual Diolouge! :D


I don’t even know how she convinced me to go on this stupid trip.

We were just standing in my kitchen, talking and the next thing I know; I’m flooring Albert, my 1967 canary yellow Camaro convertible to Florida. So for the last day or two we’ve been driving. Having to make frequent stops so that Albert can cool down and not explode.

We’d only just arrived and she was already bursting at the seams. She threw her arms up into the air, and tilted her face to the sky as her wild hair trailed far behind her.

Suddenly she squeals and says, “Isn’t this great!?”

“Is what great?” I ask flatly.

“THIS!,” She indicates the entire world with her arms, “The sunshine!”

“It’s only sun light, Stella.”

She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head violently.

“Oh, Bec, you’ll learn. Only the little things matter.”

I respond by asking her to check the map for the millionth time. She sighs, but she’s smiling.

“What does it matter where we are, Bec? It only matters where we end up.”

I ask to please check, just so we don’t end up in some hunky dory rapist town. She sticks her tongue out at me and pulls out the map.

© 2010 Alisha Martin

Author's Note

Alisha Martin

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I like the banter between the two characters. I can't wait to read more!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like it, seems like a good spontaneous trip. Also I like how she says only the little things matter, although I have never heard of a hunky dory rapist town before.....

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2010
Last Updated on March 21, 2010