Alas! Embossed my castle to oblivion
Nor remnants of euphoric
memories cease to exist
Cataclysmic misfortunes that fostered these
As torments of morbidity surfaces to persist
Vines of time crept and conquered
Blossoming fruits hail not divine
And all its mirth had he devoured
Visions obscured by the
cabbalistic sign
Upon these foundations one must deny
all its beauty and all its grace
The unholy truth beneath that lies
An infernal faith one can’t efface
Gregorian chants, the
unholy trinity
Blasphemous damnation God condemns
Shall you but
compare His divinity?
A faith for only He who portends
God for only whom I succumb
Mercy and redemption to Thee I beseech
Nor must I know what of my faith becomes
Least cast away the
deceptive leech
Oh slaved prince I beseech thy becoming
Must I pray hard for thee to stay?
Were all praises to the One, the
All knowing
Must He show me another way