The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

A Story by LuvFlyer Creations


Today is the day that the old SLC will be torn down. Even though I knew I wouldn’t miss it, I decided to take one last walk through it. I decided to ask my friend, Micah, to join me because I know how much the old airport means to him.

“Hi Micah!” I said.

“Oh, hi Jackson. What are you doing?” Micah asked.

“Oh, I’m about to go explore the old airport one last time! Want to come with me?” I asked.

    “Yeah, I guess so. It will be the last time I’ll see it so why not.” Micah replied with sadness.

    “Alrighty then, let’s get going! We only have a few hours left before its completely gone!” I said.

    Then we both headed off to the main entrance. I looked back to see that Micah looked sad, but decided that it was not that big of a deal.

   “Come on Micah! Let’s hurry so we can see everything one last time!” I replied.

    “Oh ok. I’m just really going to miss this place.” Micah said.

    “Oh, don’t be sad Micah. The new airport is going to be so much better!” I said.

    “Yeah, but the old airport just means so much to me. It’s home and I love the old SLC so much more than the s****y new one.” Micah said while crying.

    ” Here, take this little piece of cement as a reminder of the old SLC. Whenever you miss the airport, just hold that in your hand and remember the good old days.” I told Micah.

     “Ok.” Micah said through his tears.

     We both slowly walked in, and the smell of birthday cake permeated the air. 

    “Is it just me or does it smell like birthday cake in here?” Micah asked.

    “Nah bro, it definitely smells like birthday cake.” I replied.

    After that, we continued down the long hallways of the airport.

    RIP Southwest I thought to myself.

    “Man Jackson, I really am going to miss this place. It hurts to see my childhood airport get crushed.” Micah said.

    “Oh, Micah please don’t be sad. It’s all going to turn out ok I promise.” I said.

    “But my childhood airport!” Micah said.

    “It’s all going to be ok Micah I promise.”

    “How do I know that it’s all going to be ok?” Micah asked.

    “Well Micah, do you trust me” I asked.

    “Yeah, you are my best friend, Jackson! I love you so much bro!” Micah said now crying again.

    “Aww thanks! I love you too bro!” I said.

    We kept on walking down the dark hallways until we came to the Prospect Airport Services zone. I looked over at Micah and saw him break down and cry.

    “Micah lets go somewhere else. I don’t like seeing you sad.” I said.

    “Ok, but just saying no matter where we go, I will be heartbroken.” Micah said through tears.

    “Micah please stop crying it hurts me inside.” I replied.

    “I’ll try just for you Jackson. I don’t want to hurt you I love you way to much.” Micah said

    “Thanks. Now lets get going!” I said.

    Just as we were leaving the Prospect Air zone, we heard a loud noise. We looked around but didn’t see anything. We didn’t let that bother us though. As we got closer to the sky bridge, we took notice of how the chairs were flipped over. Then again, we heard the loud bang except this time it was louder. I decided to run up to the window and see what was making all that noise. That’s when I realized what it was. It was the Delta tower exploding! I looked back to find Micah sitting in a corner crying.

    “Micah. What’s wrong?” I asked.

    “I just can’t stand this anymore! My childhood is getting destroyed in front of my own eyes!” Micah choked out through a stream of tears.

    “Don’t worry Micah I’ll be here for you.” I said.

    “Thanks Jackson. That means a lot to me.” Micah said through his tears

    “Don’t mention it.  Now want to head back to the A gates?” I asked.

    “Yeah, I guess so.” Micah said.

    “Alright then lets head down there right now!”  I said.

     I helped Micah up and we started our walk towards the A gates. As we were doing that the sky bridge collapsed under the pressure of the excavator. I tried not to let Micah see because I knew it would hurt him severely. Micah luckily didn’t look back and kept on walking. Just then the demo team announced that they would be tearing down the walls in 2 minutes. I looked to find Micah, but he was gone. I panicked and franticly searched for him, but I had no luck. I had no time left and hopped that he got out safely and I just bolted for the door. The second I stepped outside the walls collapsed and there was no sign of Micah.

    “Micah!!!” I screamed.

     No response. I frantically looked around the dusty remains hoping to see Micah.

    “Micah, please answer me.” I said.

    Still no response from Micah. I was now getting really worried about Micah.

    “MICAH! WHERE ARE YOU!” I screamed through tears.

    Then the dust settled, and I saw Micah’s body in the wreckage of the old airport. I ran up to him and grabbed his body.

    “Micah, please please please answer me.” I said through tears.

    I held his body tighter as the tears rolled down my face.

    “Micah please I need you.” I said through a stream of tears.

    I pulled his body off to the side and tried to get a response. I tried to check his pulse but there was no luck. I checked my watch and realized it was time for me to go to work. I hugged Micah and whispered to him

    “I love you bro please text me later.”

    I tried to put on my happy face for work, but I just could not do it. I ended up just staying in the den so I would not have to interact with others like this. A few hours go by, and I still haven’t gotten word from Micah. As I pull out my phone to check to see if I missed Micah’s text, somebody places their hand on my shoulder.

    “Kayden?” I asked.

    “Jackson, I’m so sorry for your loss.”  Kayden said.

    “Wait what do you mean?” I said panickily.

     “Well, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Micah is dead. He was found dead with a broken heart. I guess seeing the airport getting demolished broke him.” Kayden said.

     “No. This can’t be real.” I thought to myself.

    I took off running to where I last saw Micah. When I got there his body was gone.

    “UGH THIS MUST BE A GOD DAMN F*****G DREAM!” I screamed.

    I ended up just going home and coming back the next day. When I arrived all of the rubble from the old airport was gone. When I walked into the Prospect Air den, I saw that there was a whole bunch of pictures of Micah, and everyone was mourning his death.

    “I’m so sorry Jackson. I feel bad. I want you to have this. I recovered it from Micah’s body before he was taken away.” Kayden said.

    “It’s his nametag. Thank you so much Kayden I will always remember him.” I said with tears in my eyes.

    “Don’t mention it. I know you were really close with him and it’s the least I can do.” Kayden said.

    I looked down at Micah’s shiny, beautiful, silver name tag and held it very tight in my hand. When I was doing that, it felt like he was there with me. Even though I knew he wasn’t it still felt nice. I truthfully wish I could have gotten one last hug from Micah. He honestly gave the best hugs. I’m really going to miss him so much. I slipped his nametag into my vest pocket and walked out into the cool, foggy night. From this day forward I have decided that I will take on Micah’s dreams and live life for him.  I want to make him proud. I looked up at the foggy night sky with tears in my eyes.

    “I love you, Micah. Even though you are not physically here with me I know you are spiritually, and I promise to honor you with my life. You are the best bro I could have ever asked for.” I said.

    Just before I went inside, I saw a shooting star. I knew it was Micah giving me one last goodbye.

    “Goodbye Micah! I promise I will make you proud!” I whispered through tears.

     I waved goodbye to the sky and went back inside to join the others in giving Micah a final goodbye.

© 2023 LuvFlyer Creations

Author's Note

LuvFlyer Creations
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Added on January 6, 2023
Last Updated on January 6, 2023


LuvFlyer Creations
LuvFlyer Creations

Boise, ID

Young Writer With A Wild Imagination! I am currently in the process of transferring over all of the stories I have wrote since I was in elementary school!! more..
