At The Graves By NightA Poem by S.VStumbling through the threads and paths, In striations, running over the wooden expanse, Lit by scattered lights, piercing the twilit air, Whose thick, calming breath runs in between the thick
branches Stretching over stone, faces and figures crouching
over A name in every corner and crevice.
How long has it been since I have spoken to you? Seen
you? The uneven steps pull forward, slow and stop For a couple of minutes Brushing off the leaves, untangling the vines which
have started to hide the name. Blackened matches lay scattered for a minute only, quickly swept off the sacred stone.
We stand, half-circle, bring our hands together in
front of us. To remember. For a moment, to honor. The fake flowers have begun to fade, it might be
real ones this year. We share pleasant memories, and the candles are lit. On uneven levels, a horizon of fires, Souls burning intensely, but solemnly Under stubborn, wooden elbows, Over tombstones And the flow, moving on, across a fresh, but calm and
mellow air, The flow of people stepping forward, The only way they can; across a dark field Towards their death. © 2014 S.V |