Chapter Twenty-Eight" Birthday PromisesA Chapter by A Phoenyx in FlightForeverKatie wakes up to the sun Shining across her closed eyelids, Groaning she rolls over on her other side away from the light and cracks open her eyes, checking the clock. 9:50AM August 29th 2015. "Happy Birthday To me," She mutters snuggling deeper into her blankets, not wanting to leave. A knock on her door makes her peak her head out of her nest of blankets to see the door opening, Mia slipping in. She looks over at Katie and puts her hands on her hips.
"What are you doing still in bed? I did not just slave away in the kitchen on an amazing cheesecake just so you can stay in bed." She snaps, teasingly. Katie just sticks her tongue out and snuggles deeper, pulling the blanket over her head giggling. She hears Mia maching up to the bed and the next thing she knew the blanket was ripped off her body, making her yelp as the cooler air hits her. "Oh no you don't come on Up Up Up" Mia says clapping her hands with every UP.She lifts herself on her elbows and watches as Mia Goes to her closet and starts rumaging through it for an outfit for Katie to wear.
"Um Mia, Melina picked out an outfit for me when she came back to grab her bag." Katie says pointing to the folded clothes on her computer chair. Mia puts the other clothes back in the closet and examines Melina's choice. It was a tight jean skirt with knee length leggings to go underneath, Gold colored Flats that Melina had given her as an early birthday gift along with the shirt that completed the outfit. It was a gold metallic shirt that when Katie put it on it hugged all the right curves, its neck line just hinting at sexiness, When she put the whole outfit together even she had to admit she looked hot. Mia nods her head in approval and puts the clothes down.
"That girl has some kickass taste I have to ad mitt." She says spinning around to face Katie. "Alright Niece of mine get the hell out of bed, get cleaned up and make your self sexy," She says. Katie just flops back down on her bed, her arms spread out, a sigh of exasperation falling from her lips.
"What's the point? I don't want to be any where near them, Every time I look at Dom I want to punch him in the face, Lisa I want to tear off that smirk she gets, and Bryan No offense but he is a total A*****e." She says staring up at her ceiling, the plastic stars mocking her. Mia just chuckles as she plops down on her Nieces bed.
"You're right Bryan can be a total a*****e at times, as for Dom and Lisa they are stubborn old fools. but you know they love you to pieces. as for the point, well like I said I didn't slave away in the kitchen on a scrumptious cheesecake just for you to hide away in your room, Come on You're seventeen! Celebrate it!" She says smacking Katie on the knee and jumping off the bed. Katie grumble a few indecent words under her breath before allowing her aunt to drag her out of bed and shoo her to the bathroom, her arms full of her 'Birthday outfit'. Mia shuts Katie's door and looks in the direction of her room just as Bryan was walking out.
"Hey baby, where's the b-day girl?" He asks wrapping an arm around her waist to bring his wife closer. He leans down and places a soft kiss on her lips before letting his hands drop. She smiles up at him, love shining clear in her eyes.
"She's getting ready, she has no Idea what's going on." She says, excitement entering her voice. Bryan's eyes darken and his brow furrows as a frown turns his lips down. "Oh Knock it Off Bryan this is a good thing." Mia snaps, annoyed by his big brother protection act.
"I don't see how letting a sick man back in the house a good thing." He says referring to Han. Yesterday Dom and Lisa had gathered them up and discussed how Bringing Han back into the house would be better for Katie then keeping them apart. Bryan had put up one hell of a fight, cursing Han and saying how it was a stupid Idea letting him near Katie, but Dom had calmed him down and got him to see some of the bigger picture. Even Bryan couldn't disagree with the fact that Katie had become more open and carefree since Han had come around, and that without him here she was starting to revert back to the old distant Katie that worried him. Mia, with out hesitation agreed to letting him back, Bryan on the other hand had one condition that needed to be in place if he was to agree; Han couldn't go ANYWHERE near Katie. Currently Dom was out meeting Han to bring him back and Bryan was like a caged Lion, restless and waiting for a reason to strike.
"Bryan You know damn well why its a good thing." Mia whispers slipping her hand around his waist trying to calm her husband. "Do you want to lose Katie when she is Eighteen? do you want to be kicked out of her life because we were all being overprotective jerks? hmm?" She hisses. Bryan just snorts.
"If I'm being overprotective by keeping a predator away from the girl I think of as a sister then Fine." He snaps. Mia shakes her head and kisses his lips which tasted of peppermint toothpaste. She turns and with him following behind him she heads to the kitchen.
Katie steps out of the shower, her hair plastered to her face as steam coiled around the ceiling. She goes over to the mirror and with her towel whips away the condensation on the glass, a warped version of her staring back at her. She sighs and leans her head against it, the slick wet water cold on her forehead. She had no disire to get dressed and pretend like everything was fine with the family, she didn't want to go down there and smile her way through cake and presents, just thinking about it made her angry and exhausted. But Mia's words from last night whispers across her memory Young Love, its so sweet, especially when it's true. She groans. She couldn't hurt Mia By not showing up to the party they no doubt were going to throw her, Mia out of everyone seemed the most understanding, Katie owed it to her Aunt to at least Try to enjoy her day. So lifting her head from the mirror she gives her reflection a tight smile and goes about getting ready for the days events. "This is going to suck but you need to wait out here until I text you." Dom says to
Han as the guys sit in Dom's car, they had left Han's around the corner so that Katie wouldn't accidentally see it and figure out the surprise before it was time. Han looks at his hands in his lap and gives him a nervous Nod.
"Yeah Makes sense, Bryan isn't going to come out here and pummel me to death before then is he?" He says trying to make light of things. Dom gives him a tight smile "No worries I'll keep him in check. He wont want to ruin today for her." He says before unlocking his door and steeping out of the car, shutting the door shut quietly behind him, leaving Han alone with his thoughts. Last night when she called he had been terrified Dom would find out and take this day away from him, but surprisingly Dom didn't mention meaning Katie had gotten away with it. He goes over that call in his mind for the hundredth time, The pain and desperation in her voice broke him, as it matched the pain that his Heart pumped through his veins, it showed just how much this separation was killing them both. He leans forward and looks out over the house, Katie within its walls, so close to him he could almost feel her in his arms, He would see her again, soon, very soon. A knock on his window startles him out of his thoughts and he looks up to see Melina Grinning like a fool on the other side. He hits the button and the window rolls down, squeaking the entire time.
"You coming in or are you just going to torture yourself by staying out here?" She asks. Han smiles and looks up at her.
"Nawh waiting for the Warden to give me the go ahead to surprise her." He says, Melina gives him a salute before heading inside, a squeal that sounded very much like Katie escapes the House and reaches Han's ears making him smile, before the door is once again shut, trapping the party and it's sounds inside.
Katie Squeals and tackles Melina with a huge hug as she enters, barely giving her time to get in the house, making her laugh and hug her friend back. Dom smiles and laughs at the two friends before clapping his hands for everyone's attention.
"Alright now that everyone is here lets have some cake!" He says heading toward the kitchen where the blueberry cheesecake with blueberry drizzle laid waiting on the breakfast bar ready to be devoured. Katie dragged behind the others muttering under her breath, Dom turns to look at her, a frown on his face, "What was that?" He asks. She throws her head back and stares at him.
"I Said, No Not EVERYONE is here." She snaps before grabbing Melina's hand and sliding into the kitchen, Not wanting to cause a scene Dom bites his tongue and follows them. Once everyone was settled Mia pushes the Cake toward her and starts singing the silly birthday song, the others joining in. Dom leans down and whispers into Melina's ear.
"Text Han, Its time." He whispers so only she can hear, without acknowledging him she takes her phone out of her pocket and keeping it between her and Dom quickly sends a text to Han, making sure Katie didn't see. But Katie wouldn't have seen anyway, she was too busy scowling at the cake, refusing to look anyone in the eye as they sang happy birthday to her.
Dom says it's time. get your a*s in here,
Han looks at the text and quickly opens his door, making sure to lock the car before heading toward the house. Reaching the door he wipes his suddenly sweaty hands on his pants before opening it, off key singing that could only be Dom reaches his ears as he quietly closes the door and follows the singing to the kitchen. As he approaches he sees Katie's back toward him and he stops dead in his tracks, his breath leaving him. No one else looks at him but by the way Bryan's body stiffened and the soft hand on his arm Mia gave him he knew that the others had seen him. Nerves flutter around in his stomach as he leans against the doorway, a foot away from Katie, as he watches her cut the cheese cake and pass out pieces to everyone. It was the perfect time to make an entrance.
"You better save a piece for me." An All to familiar voice says from behind her making her freeze, her breath halting in her throat, the cake knife in mid air hovering over the cake slips out of her frozen fingers and clatters to the ground. She must be hearing things, There was no way he was here, But from the harsh angry look Bryan was giving to something behind her she knew it was true. Ever so slowly she turns around, afraid it was all a trick.. But there he was, leaning against the kitchen door frame, a shy smile across his perfect handsome face, tears of pure joy spring to her eyes and she sees his were glassy as he too tried not to cry. Mia was suddenly at her side.
"Go to him, I'm sure my insufferable brother and husband wouldn't object to at least one hug." She says giving the boys a look, daring them to argue. Bryan opens his mouth to say something but Dom just clamps a hand on his shoulder and squeezes, warning him from making a scene, he shuts his mouth and crosses his arms, his eyes flashing with anger, but he holds his words back. With a Nervous smile Han opens his arms and within seconds Katie flies into the safety of them as he crushes her body to his, his arms tightening around her in a loving embrace. She closes her eyes and inhales his scent, the scent she now associated with being home, She was home, safe in his arms. Han holds her as tightly as he dares with the guys watching him like a Hawk, closes his eyes and relishing the fact that he had her once again in his arms. But a irritated noise from Bryan has him remembering that he had to be on his best behavior and he painfully lets her go, stepping back slightly so they weren't pressed up against eachother, a whimper of protest escapes her as she opens her eyes, her lips pouting.
"How are you here?" She asks looking at him, drinking him in. He flashes her a smile before flicking his gaze at Dom, she follows his gaze and frowns when she sees who he was looking at. "Dom? wait I'm confused. Why?" Dom smiled and walked over to his daughter.
"because I now realize that kicking him out was doing more harm then good." He watches as his words dawned understatement in her bright green eyes, a giant smile splaying on her lips ans she hugged her father close.
"But there is a rule." Bryan says angrily. Katie sighs and turns to look at him, anger welling in her own eyes as she crosses her arms. "He can come back. But you two," He says pointing at Katie then at Han, "Are NOT to be allowed alone together for any reason, You stay away from Her Han Got it?" He says dangerously. The Color in Katie's face drains away when she realizes that even though Han was coming home It would still be like he wasn't there. She looks at Han to see him face strangely neutral, it was only when she looked at his eyes that she could see the storm brewing in them. Lisa and Mia look at each other rolling their eyes and Melina gives a nervous chuckle trying to diffuse the tension that was becoming so thick she could have cut it with the dropped cake knife . "Enough of this! this is a party! LETS EAT!" She says grabbing a plate of precut cake and pushing into Bryan's hands, breaking the stare down that was happening between Han and him, "Here Bryan now shoo go outside and eat." she says pushing him toward the back door. Katie throws her a grateful look before grabbing herself a plate, the others following her actions until all were outside.The summer heat blasts in her face as she walks down the back steps to the table, Soft music from the boom box playing int he background, Melina's doing she assumed. Sitting down she tucks her legs beneath her chair and watches as Han moves his chair a fraction of an inch away from her but next to her none the less, much to Bryan's displeasure, but not wanting to ruin this day for her he keeps his mouth shut and instead keeps a close eye on him. Melina plops her stuff on the other side of her and gives Han a big smile. "It's good to have you back Sexy eyes, this place was snoozeville without you." She says loud enough for Bryan to hear. Katie was thankful she had a mouth full of cake or she would have collapsed into laughter at the look on Bryan's face, Mia on the other hand wasn't so lucky and covered her mouth with her hand trying to keep the laughter in. Bryan gives her a glare before standing up quickly.
"I'm not going to sit here and pretend that everything is OK, Dom this was a bad idea." He snaps, unable to behave himself any longer. Dom puts his fork down and gives his long time best friend a good hard glare. Out of the cornere of her eye Katie watches as Han seems to Shrink in his seat, trying to disappear.
Han hunches his shoulder,trying to make himself vanish as Dom and Bryan stare eachother down, a hand on his knee makes him look under the table to see Katie's hand squeezing his knee in reassurance. He looks up into her Bright green eyes and sees her smiling at him, lending him her quiet strength. He manages a smile back at her and sees Melina behind her making the most obnoxious face he couldn't help but laugh. A grunt from Bryan has him turning around to look at him, finding everyone looking at him with varying degrees of amusement and disgust, the laughter quickly dying in his throat.
"Guys look I know its tough me being back," He says his voice cracking in the middle. The pressure on his knee increases and with the smallest movements he slips his hand down his leg and grabs her hand, pulling it away, squeezing it tightly to soften the brush off. He looks at Bryan and gives him a wary smile. "Bryan how long have we been friends? I know why you are pissed and you have the right to be, but I promised you I would follow your rules,a and when have I ever broke a promise?" He says giving him a pleading look. He watches as a small war wages behind his eyes, wrestling with the fact that Han spoke the truth about never breaking a promise and his big brother protectiveness. Mia smiles a genuine smile at him and turns to her husband.
"Bryan enough of this, Han is being good, he knows the rules and come on This is Katie's birthday stop ruining it please." she says putting a hand on his arm. Bryan looks down at her then looks at Katie, a guilty smile spreading across his features, making her instantly forgive him.
"Sorry sis, I'll be good." He says sheepishly and sits back down finishing the rest of his cake. Melina suddenly sits up straight as she catches the lyrics to the song that was crooning away. She jumps out of her chair and rushes to the boom box, turning it up full volume, Thurston Harris's voice fills the afternoon Air as Melina starts swaying to the music singing the song.
"Little Bitty Pretty one Come On and talk-a to me, A lovey dovey dovey one come sit down on my knee." She sings in her upbeat voice making the rest of the group laugh, she just flashes them a devil may care smile "What this is my Jam! Katie come dance with me!" She yells over the music not giving Katie any room to respond before she was pulling her our of her chair and twirling her around the back yard. The two friends pretend to be an old married couple and start doing the Tango putting on a dramtic performance for the others, laughing the whole time. Without being Obvious Han studies Katie. The gold from her shirt was reflecting off the sun making it look like liquid Gold moving along her body, accentuating the curves in all the right places. Her blonde hair had been curled and the banana curls fell softly around her face framing it like a halo, the skirt fit snugly against her and the legging made her legs look longer. All in all Han once again was struck by how much she reminded him of an Angel. When the song had finished the girls flop onto the dirt ground in a heap of giggles, the others clapping their appreciation, all tension from moments before disappearing with every giggle that left Katie, her first real happy moment since everything had been destroyed. Katie gets up and after wiping away the dirt on her skirt she heaves Melina to her feet the the two give a low dramatic bow as the others clap and laugh. Han smiles and claps along with them as Katie blushes under his gaze.
"And on this note. PRESENTS!" Mia says in a sing song voice getting up to go over to the table loaded with gifts. Han gives Katie a secret smile and fingers the small box in his jacket pocket, waiting for the right moment to give it to her. She smiles back and nods her head seeming to know before turning back to the others as they push their gifts at her. The day instantly brightening as they all seem to finally be able to stand each others presences.
"Han Are you awake?" Her soft voice calls to him as she opens his door slightly. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, not able to hide his smile at finally being able to come home and sleep n his own bed. Katie pokes her head into his room and smiles when she sees he was awake and waiting for her. Han opens his arms and crushes her to him when she races into the room to be in his arms. After the party Bryan had watched Katie and Han like a hawk and the two were unable to be alone together for more then a few seconds, not enough time for him to give her her present. When Night time had fallen Bryan had become like a warden, checking Katie's room to make sure she was still there every ten minutes like clock work. Finally well after two in the morning Bryan fell fast asleep in Mia's arms and Katie was able to squirm her way out of her room and across the hall to Han. The longing in his chest finally dissipated as he held the girl he loved tightly in his arms, the feeling of her chest rising and falling comforting him in a way he had almost forgotten he could feel. He feels her breath warm on his bare chest as she sighed in pure bliss. "I missed this so badly," She whispers, her nose wrinkling as his chest hair tickles it. He laughs, the vibrations rumbling deep in his chest in her ear. She looks up at him and smiles a nervous smile, A question glittering in her eyes. He returns her smile and bends down close to her face.
A moan erupts from deep inside her as his lips connect with hers, fierce passion and urgency made him press his lips closer to hers, as if he was trying to kiss the distance and pain away. She tangles her fingers in his hair and relishes the feel of his lips on hers, his bare chest against her and his arms tight around her waist, not wanting this moment to end.
"I Love you Han." She whispers against him, a moan answering her as he tears his lips unwillingly away.
"I love you too Katie," He says looking at her, his dark eyes brimming with so much emotions she was surprised they didn't burst, a silly grin spreads on her face. "Now that we have that out of the way, what was it you wanted t give me?" she asks hitting the mark exactly. He grins and standing up he relinquishes her for a moment to go to his jacket that he had hanging from a peg on his closed door, slipping something out of its pocket. Turning back to her he finds her sitting on his bed looking at him patiently. He walks over to her and sitting next to her he hands her the small jewelry box, nerves shining in his eyes.
Katie takes the box from him, the black velvet casing soft under her fingertips. She looks up at Han to see him biting his lips with nerves, whatever was inside had him raked with nerves it was almost adorable and she had to resist the urge to bite his lip as well. Looking back down at the case she slowly lifts the cover, unable to help the small gasp as she focuses on the jewelry inside. Inside, nestled in white satin sat a calada ring, It's silver ginting off Han's bedroom lights. She plucks it gently out of the box and doesn't care that the box drops to the ground as she traces the ring with her thumb, The heart, the hands holding it, with a crown on top of the Heart. Katie smiles down at the ring, it was a true Irish ring, one that Katie had been dying to own ever since she had Seen Angel give Buffy one on the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Looking closer at the heart she realizes it was actually a gem in the shape of a hear but Katie could not determind the gem. It was a purplish-red Gem that sparkled in the low light.
"what Gem is that?" She asks out loud looking up at Han. He blushes and looks down. "this might sound conceded but its actually my birthstone," he says shyly, looking up at her through his lashes, "That way you always had a piece of me with you." . She stares at him in awe, the romantic gesture swelling side her heart. She reaches over and hugs him hard, snuggling up against him.
"Han I love it, But I thought Pearl was June's birthstone." She says letting go of him to look once again at the stone, clearly seeing it wasn't a pearl. Han just chuckles.
"Pearl is One of June's stones, what most people don't know is June has two birthstones, Pearl, and," he gestures to the ring, "Alexandrite, its a rare stone that changes color in different lighting, its normally Bluish-green in the daytime and a raspberry red or purplish-red in bright heated light, like in the sun. Its sometimes called An Emerald by day and ruby by night. Tomorrow morning it will be a bluish-green." He explains, "But that's not the important thing about this ring," He says taking it from her and flipping it over, showing a small engravement on the inside band. Katie gasps as she reads. it
I promise you forever, my angel
She looks up at Han tears shimmering in her eyes.
"Oh Han Its perfect," She whispers her voice choked on the emotions. Han pulls her close and gives her a deep passion love filled kiss, Disire pooling inside him, but he pushes it away.
"Its my way of telling you that I will Never give up on us and that I love you, Even when I can't show it this ring will be your reminder. I promise you Katie I wont give up on you, as long as you still want me I wont ever give up on you." He says to her pulling his lips from hers to look her in the eyes. Tears of Happiness splash down her cheeks as her love for him grows, all walls were down within him and he was showing his true honest feelings.
"I promise you Katie, Forever." © 2015 A Phoenyx in FlightReviews
1 Review Added on February 28, 2015 Last Updated on February 28, 2015 AuthorA Phoenyx in FlightThe Kingdom Of Amythest, RIAboutHi everyone This use to be my 7 year old Nieces account. But she doesnt want it anymore so I am taking over it! I have another account on here its my MAIN account where I put all my poems and books. T.. more..Writing