Life Was Yesterday

Life Was Yesterday

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

Never to come to me again...

Life was yesterday
Yesterday there was laughter,
There was joy,
There were smiles and friendship,
Yesterday there was love.
But yesterday is gone.
It has sifted away
With the breaking dawn.
The laughter has turned to tears,
The joy to anguished cries,
The smiles have escaped,
And the friends have become enemies.
The love that once bloomed
As full as the rose in spring,
Has wilted away with the winter's frost.
Death surrounds like a fog on the horizon,
Hiding it's horrors within the smog.
Everything is lost as the sun sets,
Never to rise again.
Say farewell to life
For life was yesterday
And yesterday is gone.

© 2010 Scarlet Letter

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Added on September 10, 2010
Last Updated on September 10, 2010


Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter


I love art of all forms. The types I practice are writing, charcoal/oil pastels, music, photography, and more. Every time I look at something I see if it would be best as a picture, drawing, poem, or .. more..
