![]() Winter Embrace: Heal the Broken HeartA Story by SongEunJaeAnother lonely winter, again. Every holiday season, Liam takes off to see his family in Ireland. However, I know for a fact that he does not go alone. Instead, Liam takes Tatiyana, Ivan's girlfriend with him to Ireland and will most likely do more than just visit of course. I knew about Liam and Tatiyana in the last two years through pictures, taken by neighbors and sex tapes I found in our apartment. I Just don't have the courage to break up with Liam at all. Anyway, I might as well help out at the Russian Orphanage since i have been meaning to stop by and see Mrs. Romanov, Ivan's mother for sometime now. I even brought some children's clothes fro the little ones to wear. "Ah. Kiara, I am so glad to see you. How have you been dearest?" Mrs. Romanov greeted me in a thick Russian accent, with a hint of excellent English grammar. "I am okay so far, Mrs. Romanov. I brought some clothes for the little ones to have that i collected along the way." pulling up a rather large wagon behind me so I can show to Mrs. Romanov. "Thank you so much Kiara. Ivan will be very happy as well." she graciously accepted the donation. " So am I, mama. I am very happy to have a friend like Kiara." Ivan stepped next to his mom with a small warm smile. I always did enjoy being around Ivan. His Russian accent was very smooth yet a bit broken, probably because he was living with his father in Russia most of his life. His silver like hair looked silky as ever, even his deep blue eyes pulled me in to him. "So nice to see you too Ivan." I said to Ivan. Rosy colors formed on my cheeks, so I covered them with a scar that hung around my neckline. For the next several hours, I helped around the orphanage with chores such as dishes, laundry, cooking and sweeping up all the floors. I even got to watch Ivan play with the little ones out in the snow. We left eventually around nine-thirty in the evening to head back to my apartment. Ivan graciously offered to walk home with me. On the way there, silence became our momentary partners. "Hey Kiara, I do not know if you knew what is going on between Liam and Tatiyana." he brung up the very subject i was going to start talking about. It seems he knew about their love affair after all. "Yes. I do." mumbling quietly. "I just never had the courage to break up with him in the first place." wiping what little tears were noticeable. Ivan stared at me for the longest time until i felt his hand in mine. It was that warm and passionate feeling i felt about Ivan, on the very day we first met several years ago. "You are not the only one Kiara." adding softly. "I too was too afraid to push her out of my life as they say it here in America." he continued on talking how after the moment he spotted pictures of Liam and Tatiyana through his sister, he was able to pack up her belongings and sent them to Liam's parents' house. I did the exact same thing. Yes, it was terrible of me to do something like that, but what about us. Should we just let this affair affect us for the rest of our lives? "Hey Kiara, instead of going to your place, lets go to my apartment." Ivan offered again. "Sure." answering him with a slight confusion in my voice tone. Thank goodness his apartment complex was three blocks away from mine. It was also very nice looking than mine too. Damn Liam for being so f*****g poor! woe is me. "you have a nice apartment Iv..." mere lips punishment mine to refrain from talking anymore. Mixed emotions ran through my very soul. Was this actually happening? Is Ivan really kissing me. "Kiara. there is something i been meaning to tell you for a long time.." my finger hushed him right then and there. "I know. I feel the same way." I hushed him, wrapping his arms around me in comfort. All I want in life is to be with him. He smiled gently at me, deep blue eyes smothered to my dark eyes. "Then i guess, I have to do this." he grabbed what it looked like to be a small jewelry box. Opening it up, displayed a brightly yet beautiful diamond ring. Staring in awed at Ivan, wondering what he was going to do. "Kiara. the day i met you, i fell in love. You among the stars was my Orion and i the Taurus . Even i wondered if god truly gave me something so precious as you." Ivan began his speech taking deep breaths. "I regretted the day i left you with Tatiyana, not knowing what lied beneath her soured soul. Now, here i am reclaiming your broken heart once more." taking another deep breath. "Kiara Vaughn, will you marry me ?" SAY WHAT?! HE DID JUST PROPOSED TO ME?! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT AFTER ALL THIS TIME! my mind was scattering to the four winds, shocked at his proposal. Giving it a moment, a smile curved. "Da." i spoke in Russian, my grin got bigger. His jaw literally dropped. "You speak Russian?!" flinching in terrible display of shock. I giggled at his funny reaction. Nodding my head in an agreement. "Da. My mum is Korean and My father is Russian." he fainted in front of me. "OH MY GOD YOU OKAY?!" Well, as you can see Ivan and I.. you get the picture. Liam and Tatiyana eventually found out about us (XD LOL) here is there reaction: Liam: Who the hell do you think you are lass? Me: myself. Liam *remains silent but shows sarcastic facial emotion* Tatiyana: Ivan, how could you do this?! Ivan: I am sorry i could hear you. Your mouth seems to be munching on entirely too much of Liam's Irish c**k meat. Ivan: Oh by the way Tatiyana, did you know someone invented a new color ? It's called W***e red. Its cheap and it spreads like wildflower. Me and Ivan is going to be happy from here on out. Don't You think? see you next time!
© 2012 SongEunJae |
Author![]() SongEunJaeAboutI am 22 years old single mother of one work as a part time sales associate anything else you want to know more about me, just ask ^_^ more.. |